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Building materials have an important role to play in this modern age of technology.

Although their most important use is in construction activities, no field of engineering is

conceivable without their use. Also, the building materials industry is an important contributor in
our national economy as its output governs both the rate and the quality of construction work.
There are certain general factors which affect the choice of materials for a particular scheme.

Perhaps the most important of these is the climatic background. Obviously, different
materials and forms of construction have developed in different parts of the world as a result of
climatic differences. Another factor is the economic aspect of the choice of materials. The rapid
advance of constructional methods, the increasing introduction of mechanical tools and plants, and
changes in the organization of the building industry may appreciably influence the choice of

To develop products of greater economic efficiency, it is important to compare the

performance of similar kinds of materials under specific service conditions. Expenditures for
running an installation can be minimized by improving the quality of building materials and
products. Building industry economists are thus required to have a good working knowledge, first,
of the building materials, second, of their optimum applications on the basis of their principal
properties, and, third, of their manufacturing techniques, in order that the buildings and
installations may have optimum engineering, economic performance and efficiency. Having
acquired adequate knowledge, an economist specializing in construction becomes an active
participant in the development of the building industry and the manufacture of building materials.
Principal Properties of Building Materials:

Physical Properties:

1. Density is the mass of a unit volume of homogeneous material denoted by

M = mass (grams)
V = volume (cm3)

2. Bulk Density is the mass of a unit volume of material in its natural state (with pores and
voids) calculated as
𝝆𝒃 =

M = mass of specimen (kg)
V = volume of specimen in its natural state (m3)
3. Density Index is the ratio of
𝒃𝒖𝒍𝒌 𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝝆𝒃
𝝆𝒐 = =
𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝝆

4. Specific Weight (also known as Unit Weight) is the weight per unit volume of material
𝜌 = specific weight (kN/m3)
𝛾 = density of the material (kg/m)
g = gravity (m/s2)

5. Specific Gravity (𝑮𝒔 ) of solid particles of a material is the ratio of weight/mass of a

given volume of solids to the weight/mass of an equal volume of water at 4°C.
𝜸𝒔 𝝆𝒔
𝑮𝒔 = =
𝜸𝒘 𝝆𝒘
kN g
at 4℃, γw = 9.81 3
or 1 3
m cm
6. True or Absolute Specific Gravity. If both the permeable and impermeable voids are
excluded to determine the true volume of solids, the specific gravity is called true or
absolute specific gravity.
(𝝆𝒔 )𝒂
𝑮𝒂 =

7. Apparent or Mass Specific Gravity. If both the permeable and impermeable voids are
included to determine the true volume of solids, the specific gravity is called apparent
specific gravity. It is the ratio of mass density of fine grained material to the mass density
of water.
𝑮𝒎 =

8. Porosity is the degree to which volume of the material of the material is interspersed
with pores. It is expressed as a ratio of the volume of pores to that of the specimen.


9. Void Ratio is defined as the ratio of volume of voids (Vv) to the volume of solids (Vs).

Relationship between Porosity and Void Ratio:

𝑽𝒗 𝑽𝒗 ( 𝒗⁄𝑽) 𝒏
𝒆= = = =
𝑽𝒔 𝑽 − 𝑽𝒗 𝟏 − (𝑽𝒗⁄ ) 𝟏 − 𝒏
𝐴𝑙𝑠𝑜, 𝒏 =

10. Hygroscopity is the property of a material to absorb water vapor from air. It is
influenced by air-temperature and relative humidity; pores—their types, number and size,
and by the nature of substance involved.
11. Water Absorption denotes the ability of the material to absorb and retain water. It is
expressed as percentage in weight or of the volume of dry material:
𝑀1 − 𝑀
𝑊𝑤 = × 100
𝑀1 − 𝑀
𝑊𝑣 = × 100
M1 = mass of saturated material (g)
M = mass of dry material (g)
V = volume of material including the pores (mm3 )

12. Weathering Resistance is the ability of a material to endure alternate wet and dry
conditions for a long period without considerable deformation and loss of mechanical

13. Water Permeability is the capacity of a material to allow water to penetrate under
pressure. Materials like glass, steel and bitumen are impervious.

Glass Steel

Raw Bitumen
14. Frost Resistance denotes the ability of a water-saturated material to endure repeated
freezing and thawing with considerable decrease of mechanical strength.

15. Heat Conductivity is the ability of a material to conduct heat.

Metals like Aluminum are good heat conductors

16. Thermal Capacity is the property of a material to absorb heat described by its specific

17. Fire Resistance is the ability of a material to resist the action of high temperature
without any appreciable deformation and substantial loss of strength.

Concrete fire wall helps slow the spread of fire

18. Refractoriness denotes the ability of a material to withstand prolonged action of high
temperature without melting or losing shape. Materials resisting prolonged temperatures
of 1580°C or more are known as refractory.

19. Chemical Resistance is the ability of a material to withstand the action of acids, alkalis,
seawater and gases.

PVC’s status as a chemical resistant plastic makes it an ideal material for window and door
frames, insulation on electric cables, outdoor signs, sporting equipment, medical tubing,
flooring, green houses, and outdoor playgrounds.

20. Durability is the ability of a material to resist the combined effects of atmospheric and
other factors.

Copper roofs is an extremely durable material that can last longer than 400 year
lifespan. Copper roofs require no maintenance and does not even need cleaning.
Mechanical Properties:

1. Strength is the ability of the material to resist failure under the action of stresses
caused by loads, the most common being compression, tension, bending and impact.

2. Hardiness is the ability of a material to resist penetration by a harder body. Mohs scale
is used to find the hardness of materials. It is a list of ten minerals arranged in the order of
increasing hardness. Hardness of metals and plastics is found by indentation of a steel

Minerals Graphics Characteristics Hardiness

easily scratched with the

Talc 1

Gypsum scratched by the thumb-nail 2

not scratched by thumb-nail

Calcite 3
but easily cut by knife

can be cut by knife with

Fluorite greater difficulty than 4

can be cut only with

Apatite 5
difficulty by knife
can be cut with knife with
Orthoclase great difficulty on thin 6

not scratched by steel,

Quartz 7
scratches glass

Topaz ability to resist breakage 8

extraordinarily scratch-
Sapphire 9

can only be scratched by

Diamond 10
other diamonds

Blast walls helps reduce impact from internal or external forces.

3. Elasticity is the ability of a material to restore its initial form and dimensions after the
load is removed. Within the limits of elasticity of solid bodies, the deformation is
proportional to the stress. Ratio of unit stress to unit deformation is termed as modulus of
elasticity. A large value of it represents a material with very small deformation.

Rubber is a material that has a high elastic ability.

4. Plasticity is the ability of a material to change its shape under load without cracking
and to retain this shape after the load is removed. Some of the examples of plastic
materials are steel, copper and hot bitumen.

Characteristic Behavior under Stress:

1. Ductility. The ductile materials can be drawn out without necking down, the examples
being copper and wrought iron.
2. Brittleness. Brittle materials have little or no plasticity. They fail suddenly without
warning. Cast iron, stone, brick and concrete are comparatively brittle materials having a
considerable amount of plasticity.

Copper Wrought Iron

Concrete Bricks

3. Stiffness. Stiff materials have a high modulus of elasticity permitting small deformation
for a given load.

4. Flexibility. Flexible materials on the other hand have low modulus of elasticity and bend
considerably without breakdown.

5. Toughness. Tough materials withstand heavy shocks. Toughness depends upon strength
and flexibility.

6. Malleability. Malleable materials can be hammered into sheets without rupture. It

depends upon ductility and softness of material. Copper is the most malleable material.


7. Hardness. Hard materials resist scratching and denting, for example cast iron and
chrome steel. Materials resistant to abrasion such as manganese are also known as hard
ASTM Designation: A955/A955 – 09a

Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Stainless-Steel Bars for Concrete
ASTM Designation: C33 – 03
Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates
ASTM Designation: C150 – 07
Standard Specification for Portland Cement
ASTM Designation: C 494/C 494M – 05a
Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
501.2 Referenced Specifications, Codes, and Standards
Property of Materials According to ASSHTO
I. Portland cement- Portland cements are commonly characterized by their physical properties for quality
control purposes. Their physical properties can be used to classify and compare portland cements. The
challenge in physical property characterization is to develop physical tests that can satisfactorily
characterize key parameters.

Physical Properties

1. Fineness- Fineness, or particle size of portland cement affects hydration rate and thus the rate of strength
gain. The smaller the particle size, the greater the surface area-to-volume ratio, and thus, the more area
available for water-cement interaction per unit volume. The effects of greater fineness on strength are
generally seen during the first seven days (PCA, 1988).

2. Soundness- When referring to portland cement, "soundness" refers to the ability of a hardened cement
paste to retain its volume after setting without delayed destructive expansion (PCA,1988). This
destructive expansion is caused by excessive amounts of free lime (CaO) or magnesia (MgO). Most
portland cement specifications limit magnesia content and expansion. The typical expansion test places
a small sample of cement paste into an autoclave (a high pressure steam vessel). The autoclave is slowly
brought to 2.03 MPa (295psi) then kept at that pressure for 3 hours. The autoclave is then slowly brought
back to room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The change in specimen length due to its time in
the autoclave is measured and reported as a percentage. ASTM C 150, Standard Specification for
Portland Cement specifies a maximum autoclave expansion of 0.80 percent for all portland cement types.

3. Setting Time- Cement paste setting time is affected by a number of items including: cement fineness,
water-cement ratio, chemical content (especially gypsum content) and admixtures. Setting tests are used
to characterize how a particular cement paste sets. For construction purposes, the initial set must not be
to soon and the final set must not be too late. Additionally, setting times can give some indication of
whether or not a cement is undergoing normal hydration (PCA, 1988). Normally, two setting times are
defined (Mindess and Young, 1981):
 Initial set- Occurs when the paste begins to stiffen considerably.
 Final set- Occurs when the cement has hardened to the point at which it can sustain some

These particular times are just arbitrary points used to characterize cement, they do not have any
fundamental chemical significance. Both common setting time tests, the Vicat needle and the
Gillmore needle, define initial set and final set based on the time at which a needle of particular size
and weight either penetrates a cement paste sample to a given depth or fails to penetrate a cement
paste sample. The Vicat needle test is more common and tends to give shorter times than the
Gillmore needle test.

4. Strength- Cement paste strength is typically defined in three ways, compressive, tensile and flexural.
These strengths can be affected by a number of items including: water-cement ratio, cement-fine
aggregate ratio, type and grading of fine aggregate, manner of mixing and molding specimens, curing
conditions, size and shape of specimen, moisture content at time of test, loading conditions and age
(Mindess and Young,1981). Since cement gains strength over time, the time at which a strength test is
to be conducted must be specified. Typically times are 1 day (for high early strength cement), 3days, 7
days, 28 days and 90 days (for low heat of hydration cement). When considering cement paste strength
tests, there are two items to consider:

 Cement mortar strength is not directly related to concrete strength. Cement paste strength is
typically used as a quality control measure.
 Strength tests are done on cement mortars (cement + water + sand) and not on cement pastes.

a. Compressive Strength

The most common strength test, compressive strength, is carried out on a 50 mm (2-inch) cement
mortar test specimen. The test specimen is subjected to a compressive load (usually from a hydraulic
machine) until failure. This loading sequence must take no less than 20 seconds and no more than 80
b. Tensile Strength

`Although still specified by ASTM, the direct tension test does not provide any useful insight into the
concrete-making properties of cements. It persists as a specified test because in the early years of cement
manufacture, it used to be the most common test since it was difficult to find machines that could compress
a cement sample to failure.
c. Flexural Strength

Flexural strength (actually a measure of tensile strength in bending) is carried out on a 40 x40 x 160 mm
(1.57-inch x 1.57-inch x 6.30-inch) cement mortar beam. The beam is then loaded at its center point
until failure.

5. Specific Gravity Test- Specific gravity is normally used in mixture proportioning calculations. The
specific gravity of portland cement is generally around 3.15 while the specific gravity of portland-blast-
furnace-slag and portland-pozzolan cements may have specific gravities near 2.90(PCA, 1988).The
standard specific gravity test is:
 AASHTO T 133 and ASTM C 188: Density of Hydraulic Cement

6. Heat of Hydration- The heat of hydration is the heat generated when water and portland cement react.
Heat of hydration is most influenced by the proportion of C3A and C3A in the cement, but is also
influenced by water-cement ratio, fineness and curing temperature. As each one of these factors is
increased, heat of hydration increases. In large mass concrete structures such as gravity dams, hydration
heat is produced significantly faster than it can be dissipated(especially in the center of large concrete
masses), which can create high temperatures in the center of these large concrete masses that, in turn,
may cause undesirable stresses as the concrete cools to ambient temperature. Conversely, the heat of
hydration can help maintain favorable curing temperatures during winter (PCA, 1988).

7. Loss on Ignition- Loss on ignition is calculated by heating up a cement sample to 900 - 1000°C (1650 -
1830°F) until a constant weight is obtained. The weight loss of the sample due to heating is then
determined. A high loss on ignition can indicate prehydration and carbonation, which may be caused by
improper and prolonged storage or adulteration during transport or transfer (PCA, 1988).The standard
loss on ignition test is contained in:
 AASHTO T 105 and ASTM C 114: Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement

8. Consistency Test- Consistency of a cement paste refers to its ability to flow. Normal consistency pastes
are required to be prepared for testing cement specimens. A paste is said to have a normal consistency
when the plunger of the Vicat Apparatus penetrates it by 10±1 mm. the corresponding water-cement
ratio is reported.

Chemical Properties

Silica Fumes- is added to Portland cement concrete to improve its properties, in particular its
compressive strength, bond strength, and abrasion resistance. Addition of silica fume can yield exceptionally
high strengths, and cements containing 5–20 % silica fume are occasionally produced. However, its setting
time is prolonged.

Cement may sometimes contain free lime, which may cause expansion. Specifically, high alumina
cement is chemical resistant and can withstand frigid temperatures. Also, alumina quickens setting
but weakens the cement.
MgO (Magnesia) is one of the raw materials for making Portland cement in dry process plants. If
too much MgO is added, the cement may become expansive. Production of MgO-based cement using
serpentinite and waste CO2 (as opposed to conventional CaO- based cement using fossil fuels) may reduce
anthropogenic emissions of CO2. Also imparts strength to the cement when mixed in small quantity. Excess
magnesia makes the cement unsound.

Iron oxide/Ferric Oxide is mainly responsible to impart color to the cement. It also helps in adding
strength and hardness to the cement to a certain extent. Sulfur trioxide- Excess quantity of sulfur trioxide
also makes cement unsound.

Properties of PG Binder (Asphalt)


Binders (Asphalts) are characterized by their properties at different temperatures and stages of life
simulated by laboratory aging. Consistency is the term used to describe the degree of fluidity or plasticity
of binders at any particular temperature. The consistency of binder varies with temperature. Binders are
graded based on ranges of consistency at a standard temperature. When the Binder is exposed to air in thin
films and is subjected to prolonged heating, i.e. during mixing with aggregates, the binder tends to harden.
This means that the consistency (viscosity) of the binder has increased for any given temperature. A limited
increase is allowable. However, careless temperature and mixing control can cause more damage to the
binder, through hardening, than many years of service on the finished roadway.


Binder (Asphalt) is composed almost entirely of bitumen, which by definition is soluble in carbon
disulfide. Refined binders are almost pure bitumen and are usually more than 99.5 percent soluble in carbon
disulfide. Impurities, if they are present, are inert.

Normally, the binder is free of water or moisture as it leaves the refinery. However, tank transports
loading binder may have some moisture present in their tanks. If any water is inadvertently present in the
binder, it may cause the binder to foam when it is heated above 212°F (100°C).

Binder (Asphalt) foaming can be a safety hazard. Specifications usually require that asphalt not foam
at temperatures up to 350°F (177°C). Binders, if heated to a high enough temperature, will flash in the
presence of a spark or open flame. The temperature at which this occurs is well above the temperatures
normally used in paving operations. However, to be sure there is an adequate margin of safety, the flash
point of the binder should be known.
Durability is the measure of how well a binder retains its original characteristics when exposed to
normal weathering and aging processes. The performance grading of current binders include laboratory tests
that simulate the weathering and aging processes and establishes pass/fail limits on the test results. The
pavement performance is still greatly affected by mix design, aggregate characteristics, workmanship and
other variables.
Adhesion and Cohesion

Adhesion is the binder’s ability to stick to the aggregate in the paving mixture. Cohesion is the
binder’s ability to hold the aggregate particles in place in the finished pavement.

Temperature Susceptibility
All binders are thermoplastic; that is, they become harder (more viscous) as their temperature
decreases and softer (less viscous) as their temperature increases. This characteristic is known as
temperature susceptibility, and is one of a binder’s most valuable assets.

Knowing the temperature susceptibility of the binder being used in a paving mixture is important
because it indicates the proper temperature at which to mix the binder with aggregate, and the proper
temperature at which to compact the mixture on the roadbed. It should be understood that it is vitally
important for a binder to be temperature susceptible.

It must be fluid enough at elevated temperatures to permit it to coat the aggregate particles during
mixing and to allow these particles to move past each other during compaction.

It must then become viscous enough at normal air temperatures to hold the aggregate particles in
place in the pavement. Also remember that temperature susceptibility varies among binders from different
petroleum sources, even if the binders are of identical grade.

Aging and Hardening

Binders (Asphalts) harden in the paving mixture during construction and in the pavement itself. The
hardening is caused primarily by oxidation (binder combining with oxygen), a process that occurs most
readily at higher temperatures (such as construction temperature) and in thin binder films (such as the film
coating aggregate particles).

During mixing, binder is both at a high temperature and in thin films as it coats the aggregate
particles. This makes mixing the stage at which the most severe oxidation and hardening usually occurs.
Figure 1-3 shows the increase in viscosity caused by heating a thin film of a binder. The viscosity range of
the original material before the Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) test is significantly lower than after the
Not all binders harden at the same rate when heated in thin films. Therefore, each binder used should
be tested to determine its aging characteristics so that construction techniques can be adjusted to minimize
hardening. Such adjustments usually involve mixing the binder with the aggregate at the lowest possible
temperature for the shortest practical time.

The hardening of a binder continues in the pavement after construction. Again, oxidation and
polymerization are the main causes. These processes can be retarded by keeping the number of connected
voids (air spaces) in the final pavement low, and the binder coating on the aggregate particles thick.

Properties of Steel

High Performance Steel Designers' Guide

2.0 Material Properties

The AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures, and the AASHTO T-14 Technical
Committee for Structural Steel Design continues to review and adopt new specifications as the research and
development of HPS progresses. They have modified the AASHTO LRFD Section 6.4.1 to include ASTM
A709 Grade HPS 70W as a replacement of AASHTO M270 Grade 70W.

2.1 Chemical Requirements (ASTM A709-0)

The chemistry for HPS 70W (HPS 485W) and HPS 50W (HPS 345W) is shown in the following table:

Table 2.1.1 - Chemistry for Conventional and High Performance Steels

C Mn P S Si Cu Ni Cr Mo V Al N
Old 70W * Min. - 0.8 - - 0.25 0.2 - 0.4 - 0.02 -
Max. 0.19 1.35 0.035 0.04 0.65 0.4 0.5 0.7 - 0.1 -

HPS 70W & HPS 50W Min. - 1.1 - - 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.45 0.02
0.04 0.01
Max. 0.11 1.35 0.02 0.006 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.015
* The conventional ASTM and AASHTO 70W grade steel has been replaced by HPS 70W grade steel.
HPS 70W is produced by quenching and tempering (Q&T) or Thermal-Mechanical Controlled
Processing (TMCP). Because the Q&T processing limits plate lengths to 50 ft. (15.2 m) in the U.S., TMCP
practices have been developed to produce HPS 70W up to 2 inches (50 mm) thick and to 125 feet (38 m)
long, depending on the weight.

The chemistry for HPS 50W grade steel is the same as HPS 70W shown in the table above. ASTM
A709 Grade HPS 50W is contained in A709-01 and is produced using conventional hot-rolling or controlled
rolling up to 4" thick in lengths similar to Grade 50W steel.

2.2 Mechanical Property Requirements (ASTM A709-01)

Table 2.2.1 - Mechanical Properties for High Performance Steel Plates
HPS 50W Up to 4" As-Rolled HPS 70W Up 4" (Q&T). 2" (TMCP)
Yield Strength, Fy, ksi (MPa) min. 50 (345) 70 (485)
Ultimate Tensile Strength, Fu, ksi (MPa) 70 (485) 85-110 (585-760)
CVN, minimum*Longitudinal orientation 25 ft.-lbs. (41 J) @ 10°F (-12°C) 30 ft.-lbs. (48 J)@ -10°F

One of the goals of the research program is to develop HPS with CVN toughness meeting the
requirements of Zone 3. CVN tests show that HPS have CVN toughness far exceeding these minimum
levels. Specification minimum requirements for fracture critical designs are 5 ft-lbs higher than the values
shown in Table 2.2.1.

2.3 Fatigue and Fracture Properties

The fatigue resistance of high performance steels is controlled by the welded details of the
connections and the stress range, as is the case for conventional steels. The fatigue resistance is not affected
by the type and strength of steels. Tests on high performance steel conclude that the fatigue categories given
in the AASHTO LRFD, Section 6.6.1 Fatigue also apply to high performance steel welded details.

The fracture toughness of high performance steels is much higher than the conventional bridge
steels. This is evident from Figure 2.3.1, which shows the Charpy V-Notch (CVN) transition curves for HPS
70W(HPS 485W)and conventional AASHTO M270 Grade 50W steel. The brittle-ductile transition of HPS
occurs at a much lower temperature than conventional Grade 50W steel. This means that HPS 70W(HPS
485W) remains fully ductile at lower temperatures where conventional Grade 50W steel begins to show
brittle behavior.
TF °F = 1.8 (TC °C) + 32
1 ft.-lb. = 0.729 J
Fig. 2.3.1 CVN Transition Curve [2]

The current AASHTO CVN toughness requirements are specified to avoid brittle failure in steel
bridges above the lowest anticipated service temperature. The service temperatures are divided into three
zones as shown in Table 2.3.1 below.
Table 2.3.1 - Temperature Zones for CVN Requirements
Minimum Service Temperature Temperature Zone
0°F and above 1
Below 0° to -30°F 2
Below -30°F to -60°F 3

The AASHTO CVN requirements for these zones are shown in Table 6.6.2-2 Fracture Toughness
Requirements in the AASHTO LRFD. The HPS 70W(485W) steels tested so far show ductile behavior at
the extreme service temperature of -60°F for Zone 3. It is a major accomplishment of the HPS research and
an important advantage of HPS in controlling brittle fracture.
With higher fracture toughness, high performance steels have much higher crack tolerance than
conventional grade steels. Full-scale fatigue and fracture tests of I-girders fabricated of HPS 70W (485W)
in the laboratory showed that the girders were able to resist the full design overload with fracture even when
the crack was large enough to cause 50% of loss in net section of the tension flange [2]. Large crack tolerance
increases the time for detecting and repairing fatigue cracks before the bridge becomes unsafe.

2.4 Weldability

A main thrust of the HPS Research Program is to develop bridge steels with significantly improved
weldability. Improving weldability reduces the high cost of fabrication associated high preheat
temperatures, heat input control, post-weld treatment, and other stringent controls, and to eliminate
hydrogen induced cracking in the weldment.

Hydrogen induced cracking, also known as delayed cracking or cold cracking, has been one of the
most common and serious problems encountered in steel weldments in bridges. The common source of
hydrogen is from moisture. Grease, oxides and other contaminants are also potential sources of hydrogen.
Hydrogen from these sources can be introduced into the weld region through the welding electrode,
shielding materials, base metal surface and the atmosphere.

Hydrogen-induced cracking can occur in the weld heat affected zone (HAZ) and in the fusion zone
(FZ). While the reasons for cracking are the same, controlling the factors that cause cracking can be different
for the HAZ and FZ. For the HAZ, control of cracking comes from the modern steel-making processes,
which incorporate means to avoid susceptible microstructures and eliminate sources of hydrogen in the base
metal (steel) and using proper welding techniques, including preheat and heat input. For the FZ, control of
susceptibility to hydrogen-induced cracking is achieved by adding alloying elements in the consumables,
and using proper welding techniques, including preheat and heat input.

The most common and effective method of eliminating hydrogen-induced cracking is specifying
minimum preheat and interpass temperature for welding. In general, the higher the preheat the less chance
for formation of brittle microstructures and more time for the hydrogen to diffuse from the weld. However,
preheating is time consuming and costly. One of the goals in developing high performance steels is to reduce
or eliminate preheat. This goal has been successfully accomplished as shown in Table 2.4-1 below:

Table 2.4-1 Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature

Diffusible Hydrogen = H4*
To ¾" Over ¾" to 1 ½" Over 1 ½" to 2 ½" Over 2 ½"
Grade 70W 50°F (10°C) 125°F (52°C) 175°F (79°C) 225°F (107°C)
HPS 70W 50°F (10°C) 70°F (21°C) 70°F (21°C) 125°F (52°C)
* Denotes the level of hydrogen measured in the laboratory in terms of milliliter per 100 grams of deposited
weld metal, e.g. H4 means 4 ml/100g of diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal.

Minimum preheat for HPS 50W has not yet been established. It is the subject of ongoing research.
The conservative approach is to specify the same preheat requirements as for M270 Grade 50W. On the
other hand, the chemistry for HPS 50W is the same as for HPS 70W, it is reasonable to expect that the
welding procedures for HPS 50W will be somewhat less stringent. In general, the AWS D1.5 Bridge
Welding Code can be used for the fabrication of HPS 50W steel. However, until research results and
fabrication experiences on the weldability of HPS 50W are available, the designers should specify weld
procedures and qualification tests on a project-by-project basis.

CE 422 – Construction Materials and Testing

Laboratory Report on

Group No. 2

List of Members

GALON, John Rey M.

TUVALLES, Johnny Aristone B.
VIOLETA, Nolfe Boy L.

1st Semester

T-TH 8:00 am – 10:30 am

SY 2016-2017


Engr. Christopher B. Patrimonio

(MBA, MEng-CE)

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