Detailed Design - To Be Approved

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Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400 Page no.

kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka
VOLUME PWK01.1 Of 13


Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz

TASK rozbudowa stacji 400 kV Stanisławów i stacji
400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka

Voivodeship: Mazowieckie;
Poviat: Mińsk Mazowiecki, Wołomin, Wyszków,
Ostrów, Ostrołęka;

DESIGNER ul. Hutnicza 20A
81-061 Gdynia

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A.

INVESTOR ul. Warszawska 165
05-520 Konstancin - Jeziorna

Specyfikacja badań obciążeniowych konstrukcji

słupa DX46 Pn+10


047/ESA/18 PWK01.1 - 1

Gdynia, r.


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Designed by / Specialization, construction license number,

Scope of the study Full Name
verified by date and signature

Structural and building permit designDesigned by
Msc Eng.

Laskowska, Msc
Structural and building permit design Verified by
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kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka
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current as at:

Basic Design
Designation Name
VOLUME PP01 220 (400) kV line routing for stage I
VOLUME PP02 400 kV line routing for stage II
VOLUME PP03 Supporting structures and foundations for the 220 (400) kV line for stage I
Phase and lightning arrester conductors, including equipment (type examinations and guaranteed
data) for stage I
VOLUME PP05 Insulator chains (type examinations and guaranteed data) for stage I
VOLUME PP06 Supporting structures and foundations for the 400 kV line for stage II
VOLUME PP07 Phase conductors, including equipment (type examinations and guaranteed data) for stage II
Lightning arrester conductors, including equipment (type examinations and guaranteed data) for
stage II
VOLUME PP09 Insulator chains (type examinations and guaranteed data) for stage II

Building Permit Design

Designation Name
Construction of a 220 (400) kV line as a tie-in of the existing 220 kV Miłosna-Ostrołęka line with
the Wyszków PS
VOLUME PB02 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Stanisławów municipality area
Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Dobre and Strachówka municipality
VOLUME PB04 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Jadów municipality area
VOLUME PB05 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Zabrodzie municipality area
VOLUME PB06 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Wyszków municipality area
VOLUME PB07 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Brańszczyk municipality area
VOLUME PB08 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Długosiodło municipality area
VOLUME PB09 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Goworowo municipality area
VOLUME PB10 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Wąsewo municipality area
VOLUME PB11 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Czerwin municipality area
VOLUME PB12 Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Troszyn municipality area
Construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line in the Rzekuń and Ostrołęka municipality
VOLUME PB14 Demolition of the 220 kV Miłosna-Ostrołęka line

Detailed design - Line Design

Designation Name
PWL01 Tie-in of the existing 220 kV Miłosna-Ostrołęka line with the Wyszków PS
PWL02 General Characteristics
PWL03 Longitudinal profiles
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Designation Name
PWL04 Phase conductors, including equipment
PWL05 Lightning arrester conductors, including equipment
PWL06 Insulator chains
PWL07 Earth
PWL08 Basic marking
PWL09 Ornithological/air traffic obstacle marking
PWL10 Demolition of the 220 kV Miłosna-Ostrołęka line

Detailed design - Structural

Designation Name
PWK01.1 Specification of load testing of the DX46 Pn+10 pole structure
PWK01.2 DX46 Pn+10 pole structure testing program
PWK02.1 Specification of load testing of the DX46 M3+10 pole structure
PWK02.2 DX46 M3+10 pole structure testing program
VOLUME PWK03 DX46 P pole design drawings
VOLUME PWK04 DX46 Pn pole design drawings
VOLUME PWK05 DX46 M1 pole design drawings
VOLUME PWK06 DX46 M3 pole design drawings
VOLUME PWK07 DX46 M6 pole design drawings
VOLUME PWK08 DX46 K pole design drawings
VOLUME PWK09 M52 P pole design drawings
VOLUME PWK10 M52 ON150 pole design drawings
VOLUME PWK11 M52 ON100 pole design drawings

Detailed design - Foundations

Designation Name
PWF01 Foundations for the M52 poles - stage I
PWF02 Foundations for in-line and sturdy poles - stage I
PWF03 Foundations for in-line poles - stage II
PWF04 Foundations for sturdy poles - stage II
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Designation Name
PWF05 Pile foundations for the poles - stage II

Detailed design - Station Design

Designation Name
PWS01 Routing of optical fiber line to the Wyszków PS area
PWS02 Routing of optical fiber line to the Stanisławów PS area
PWS03 Routing of optical fiber line to the Ostrołęka PS area
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Item Appendix name Appendix designation

1 DX46 Pn pole shape Appendix 1

2 DX46 Pn+10 pole - Load impact points Appendix 2
3 DX46 Pn+10 pole load tables Appendix 3
4 DX46 Pn+10 pole - Displacement measurement points Appendix 4
5 DX46 Pn+10 pole - Elements for sampling Appendix 5
6 Designer licenses Appendix 6
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Revision Author and date of

Basic and scope of revision
No. the revision
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VOLUME PWK01.1 Of 13

Pursuant to the provisions of article 20 sec. 4 of the Construction Law of 7 July 1994, I hereby declare that the study
Specification of load testing of the tower DX46 Pn + 10
was drawn up in accordance with the contract, effective regulations, Polish Standards and the principles of technical
knowledge and is complete from the point of view of the purpose it is to serve.

Designed by / Specialization, construction license number,

Scope of the study Full Name
verified by date and signature

Structural and building permit designDesigned by
Msc Eng.

Laskowska, Msc
Structural and building permit design Verified by
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VOLUME PWK01.1 Of 13

LIST OF DESIGNERS AND CONTROLLERS.................................................................................................2
LIST OF DOCUMENTATION VOLUMES.....................................................................................................3
LIST OF APPENDICES...............................................................................................................................6
REVISION SHEET.....................................................................................................................................7
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................10
1.1. Purpose of the study.....................................................................................................................10
1.2. Investor.........................................................................................................................................10
1.3. Basis of the study..........................................................................................................................10
2. Test procedure................................................................................................................................10
2.1. Test object....................................................................................................................................10
2.2. Test station...................................................................................................................................10
2.3. Pole anchoring in the testing station............................................................................................11
2.4. Assembly and acceptance of the structure...................................................................................11
2.5. Test procedure..............................................................................................................................12
2.6. Samples for steel testing...............................................................................................................12
2.7. Structural displacement................................................................................................................13
3. Test results, acceptance criteria......................................................................................................13
4. Test report.......................................................................................................................................13
5. Test Report......................................................................................................................................13
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1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to specify the tests to be carried out as part of the process of designing the DX46 Pn+10
in-line pole structure. The subject pole is part of a newly designed series of DX46 poles. The purpose of the study is
to confirm the correctness of the structural design and its compliance with the specifications and effective standards
(type examination). The studies will be carried out on the natural scale, in a certified testing station.

1.2. Investor

The Investor of the project is Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne Operator S.A. with its registered office in ul.
Warszawskiej 165, 05-520 Konstancin – Jeziorna.

1.3. Basis of the study

The basis of this study is:
 contract no. BP/1234/CJI/2018 concluded on 28 September 2018 by and between Polskie Sieci
Elektroenergetyczne S.A. and the Consortium of: Elfeko S.A. (leader), Eltel Networks Energetyka S.A. and Spie
Elbud Gdańsk S.A. for the completion of the subject task,
 a functional and utility program constituting part II of the ToR (Warsaw, February 2018),
 standard PSE S.A. technical specifications (effective as of the tender date), i.e.
 400 kV overhead line - PSE-SF. 400kV.0 PL/2017v1 line
 400 kV overhead line - Appendix 1 - PSE-SF. 400kV.1 PL/2017v1 line - Poles
 principles of technical knowledge, including Polish standards, and particularly:
 PN-EN 60652:2006 Loading tests on overhead line structures.
The detailed design of the DX46 Pn+10 pole was drawn up according to the following standards:
 PN-EN 50341-1:2013-03 “Overhead AC power lines above 1 kV. Part 1: General requirements.
Common specifications”.
 PN-EN 50341-2-22:2016-04 “Overhead AC power lines above 1 kV. Part 2-22: Domestic Normative
Conditions for Poland”.

1. Test procedure

1.1. Test object

Strength testing will be carried out on a DX46 Pn in-line pole in its +10 height version (this is the tallest Pn pole height
version). The structure of the pole subject to testing will be constructed according to the supplied documentation
Volume PWK04 “DX46 Pn pole design drawings”. After completing assembly, the structure should be formally
accepted and possible defects should be rectified before the test starts.

1.2. Test station

Pole tests will be carried out in a certified testing station having adequate load capacity and size to carry out a test of
the DX46 Pn+10 series pole structure.
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1.3. Pole anchoring in the testing station

The tested supporting structure should be installed on a foundation reflecting the assumptions adopted in the design
Reactions for 100% load [kN]
Case RVmax RVmin RT RL
269.3 - ±24.1 14.4
- 63.3 ±5.5 3.5
1028.8 - ±99.3 54.8
- -800.5 ±78.7 42.4
1130.5 - ±112.1 73.0
- -949.4 ±96.3 64.4
RVmax - maximum vertical force
RVmin - minimum vertical force
RT - horizontal force parallel to the line
RL - horizontal force perpendicular to the line

1.4. Assembly and acceptance of the structure

The material intended for constructing the tested structure should fulfill the requirements of the
design documentation. The execution and assembly of the structure should comply with the design documentation
and should adhere to the requirements of PN-EN 1090-2. Before starting any tests, check the conformity of the
structure with the design and the accuracy of its finishing. Check the height of the structure, its deviation from the
vertical, the span of the curbs at the base, along the sides and along the diagonals. Pay attention to the completeness
of the structure, including the screws, the straightness of elements, no element damage, randomly check the size of
the profiles, check the features of the screws, check the screw torques. Check the correctness of pole anchoring in
the test station, the fastening of the anchoring against slippage. The elements of the tested structure should be
galvanized. The structure needs not be painted.
Assembly tolerances (according to Investor’s guidelines set forth in pt. 6.4 “Control assembly
and assembly tolerances at the site” in standard technical specifications no. PSE-SF.Linia 400kV.1 PL/2017v1- SŁUPY):
 The straightness of individual elements and the complete structure:
The deflection should not exceed the permissible value: f=L/500
 The span of the curbs at the base of the structure:
Deviation must not exceed: Δ=a/200=47mm and Δ<20mm
Δ=b/200=29mm and Δ<20mm
 The span of the curbs along the diagonal at the base of the structure:
Deviation must not exceed: Δ=c/200=56mm and Δ<30mm
 The deviation from the top of the structure (the topmost point of the structure, without the lighting
arrester crossbeams) standing without any load
Deviation must not exceed: f = H/300 = 0.211 m
 Screw torque correctness according to PN-EN 1090-2 pt. 8.3 Screw torque in non-tensioned

The pole may be secured during the test with rope stays fastened to the core at the level of lower crossbeam strips.
The stays should be slack-mounted. The deflection must be sufficient to allow the pole to deform during the test.
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1.4. Test procedure

The DX46 Pn+10 pole test should be carried out according to PN-EN 60652:2006 Loading tests on overhead line
structures. Three non-destructive tests (up to 100% of the test load) and one destructive test will be carried out as
part of the overall test performed as a follow-up of the last test no. 3. The destructive test will be carried out to a
maximum level of 125% of the design load, due to the requirements of the testing station.
The following load cases as per table 4.12.2/PL.2 PN-EN 50341-2-22 were selected for the test:
Case 1: 2a - Impact of extreme and even icing on all conductors and insulators on all spans, at a 178° line twist. This is
the case of extreme vertical load of the crossbeams.
Case 2: 3b - A combination of wind and icing: nominal icing load with unlikely wind load at 0° in the direction of the
line, at a 178° line twist. This case dimensions the curbs of the upper part of the core (segments II-VI), the main P and
R truss and segment III, truss mainly on the R wall segment I and II.
Case 3: 1 - Extreme wind load at 45° in the direction of the line, at a 178° line twist. This case dimensions the curbs of
the lower part of the core (segments VII-IX), truss mainly on the R wall segment V and VI. This is the case of the
largest limiting stress of the pole curbs.

The loads should be gradually applied, starting with 50%, through 75%, 90%, 95%, to the last level of 100% of the
design load. At each level, the loads should be maintained for a minimum of 1 min. For the last level of 100%, the
load should be maintained for a minimum of 1 min., and then for 5 min. Case 3 above the 100% threshold should be
gradually loaded in 5% increments, until a 125% load is reached. For each load level, the load applied should be
considered acceptable if it is within the above specified limits.

Load tolerances
Load level [%] Acceptable scope [%]
50 49-51
75 74-76
90 89-91
95 94-96
100 100-102
It is recommended that the difference between the required and measured load in each load application point and at
every moment during the test should not exceed 5%. Load cells should be placed on the stay ropes as closest to the
load point to the structure. The accuracy of the dynamometers should be so that any measurement errors do not
exceed 1% of the measurement range. Load should be so applied that any dynamic effects are avoided.

1.5. Samples for steel testing

After completing the test, steel samples should be collected to carry out a test of the basic mechanical properties of
the material. 3 samples should be collected for each of the selected structural elements which were destroyed first.
These elements will be indicated after the test, depending on its course. If the structure is not destroyed, a sample
should be taken from the curb in segment IX and 1 main truss from segment no. II on wall P - these elements were
indicated in appendix no. 5 (designation E1 and E2). Samples should be collected according to PN-EN ISO 377. The
steel tests should be carried out in accordance with PN-EN ISO 6892-1. Set the upper and lower yield point, an
arbitrary yield point, the tensile strength and percentage elongation after breakage.

1.6. Structural displacement

Measurements of displacements of the pole structure should be conducted for each load level, after the
displacements have stabilized. Measurements should be performed independently, in both directions
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(perpendicularly and parallel to the pole symmetry plane). The accuracy of measurements should be 25 mm. The
measurement points are displayed in fig. 3.

2. Test results, acceptance criteria

The results of the post structure test should be deemed acceptable if:
 The pole structure should withstand the design load (at the level of 100%) for 1 min. without any of
the structural elements or element units being damaged. Permanent local deformations, such as
flexure or twist of secondary elements and bars may be accepted, similarly to the ovalization of holes
and permanent deformation of the screws.
 If structural destruction occurs at the level of 100-115% of the design load at the 3nd test, a detailed
analysis of the cause of destruction should be prepared and, if necessary, an adequate correction
should be made in the structural design. Pole damage above 115% of the load should be accepted as
 Any displacements measured during the test, corresponding to the characteristic load, do not exceed
the permissible displacements of H/25 = 63.38/25 = 2.54 m. According to pt. 7.3.7 PN-EN 50341-2-22
Flexure should be verified for load cases no. 1-4 as per table 4.12.2/Pl.2.

3. Test report
After the test, the testing station should draw up a test report, the contents of which should comply with
PN-EN 60652.

4. Test Report
Based on the tests and the test report, the Designer should draw up a comprehensive test report containing a
detailed description and Designer’s assessment according to the Investor, as set forth in pt. 7.12 of the test reports in
standard technical specifications no. PSE-SF.Linia 400kV.1 PL/2017v1-SŁUPY.
Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES

Appendix 1: DX46 Pn pole shape

Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES

Appendix 2: DX46 Pn+10 pole - Load impact points

Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES

Appendix 3: DX46 Pn+10 pole load tables

Case 1: Force values [kN]

  50% 75% 90% 95% 100%
V01, V02 7.00 10.50 12.60 13.30 14.00
T01, T02 0.61 0.91 1.09 1.15 1.21
L01, L02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
V11, V12 38.55 57.82 69.38 73.24 77.09
T11, T12 2.89 4.33 5.19 5.48 5.77
L11, L12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
V21, V22 38.55 57.82 69.38 73.24 77.09
T21, T22 2.89 4.33 5.19 5.48 5.77
L21, L22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
V31, V32 38.55 57.82 69.38 73.24 77.09
T31, T32 2.89 4.33 5.19 5.48 5.77
L31, L32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
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kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES

Case 2: Force values [kN]

  50% 75% 90% 95% 100%
V01, V02 3.36 5.04 6.05 6.38 6.72
T01, T02 5.47 8.20 9.84 10.38 10.93
L01, L02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
V11, V12 22.38 33.56 40.28 42.51 44.75
T11, T12 22.49 33.73 40.47 42.72 44.97
L11, L12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
V21, V22 22.38 33.56 40.28 42.51 44.75
T21, T22 22.49 33.73 40.47 42.72 44.97
L21, L22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
V31, V32 22.38 33.56 40.28 42.51 44.75
T31, T32 22.49 33.73 40.47 42.72 44.97
L31, L32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WT1 2.91 4.37 5.24 5.53 5.82
WL1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WT2 4.25 6.38 7.66 8.08 8.51
WL2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WT3 4.10 6.15 7.37 7.78 8.19
WL3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WT4 3.66 5.49 6.59 6.96 7.32
WL4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WT5 4.05 6.08 7.29 7.70 8.10
WL5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WT6 4.93 7.39 8.87 9.36 9.86
WL6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WT7 5.41 8.12 9.74 10.29 10.83
WL7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
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kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES

Case 3: Force values [kN]

  50% 75% 90% 95% 100%
V01, V02 1.83 2.75 3.29 3.48 3.66
T01, T02 2.02 3.03 3.64 3.84 4.04
L01, L02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
V11, V12 15.73 23.59 28.31 29.88 31.45
T11, T12 11.39 17.08 20.49 21.63 22.77
L11, L12 1.15 1.72 2.06 2.18 2.29
V21, V22 15.73 23.59 28.31 29.88 31.45
T21, T22 11.39 17.08 20.49 21.63 22.77
L21, L22 1.15 1.72 2.06 2.18 2.29
V31, V32 15.73 23.59 28.31 29.88 31.45
T31, T32 11.39 17.08 20.49 21.63 22.77
L31, L32 1.15 1.72 2.06 2.18 2.29
WT1 3.13 4.69 5.63 5.94 6.25
WL1 8.06 12.10 14.52 15.32 16.13
WT2 4.57 6.86 8.23 8.69 9.14
WL2 8.78 13.17 15.80 16.68 17.56
WT3 4.40 6.61 7.93 8.37 8.81
WL3 8.95 13.43 16.11 17.01 17.90
WT4 3.94 5.90 7.08 7.48 7.87
WL4 5.51 8.27 9.93 10.48 11.03
WT5 4.35 6.53 7.83 8.27 8.70
WL5 6.05 9.08 10.90 11.50 12.11
WT6 5.29 7.94 9.53 10.05 10.58
WL6 6.96 10.44 12.53 13.22 13.92
WT7 5.82 8.73 10.48 11.06 11.64
WL7 7.84 11.75 14.10 14.89 15.67
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kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES

Case 3: Force values [kN]

  105% 110% 115% 120% 125%
V01, V02 3.84 4.03 4.21 4.39 4.58
T01, T02 4.24 4.44 4.65 4.85 5.05
L01, L02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
V11, V12 33.02 34.60 36.17 37.74 39.31
T11, T12 23.91 25.05 26.19 27.32 28.46
L11, L12 2.40 2.52 2.63 2.75 2.86
V21, V22 33.02 34.60 36.17 37.74 39.31
T21, T22 23.91 25.05 26.19 27.32 28.46
L21, L22 2.40 2.52 2.63 2.75 2.86
V31, V32 33.02 34.60 36.17 37.74 39.31
T31, T32 23.91 25.05 26.19 27.32 28.46
L31, L32 2.40 2.52 2.63 2.75 2.86
WT1 6.56 6.88 7.19 7.50 7.82
WL1 16.93 17.74 18.55 19.35 20.16
WT2 9.60 10.06 10.52 10.97 11.43
WL2 18.43 19.31 20.19 21.07 21.95
WT3 9.25 9.69 10.13 10.57 11.01
WL3 18.80 19.69 20.59 21.48 22.38
WT4 8.27 8.66 9.05 9.45 9.84
WL4 11.58 12.13 12.68 13.23 13.79
WT5 9.14 9.57 10.01 10.44 10.88
WL5 12.71 13.32 13.92 14.53 15.14
WT6 11.11 11.64 12.17 12.70 13.23
WL6 14.62 15.31 16.01 16.70 17.40
WT7 12.22 12.80 13.39 13.97 14.55
WL7 16.46 17.24 18.02 18.81 19.59
Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES

Appendix 4: DX46 Pn+10 pole - Displacement measurement points

Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES

Appendix 5: DX46 Pn+10 pole - Elements for sampling

Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES
Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES
Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES
Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES
Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES
Budowa linii 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów oraz rozbudowa stacji 400
kV Stanisławów i stacji 400/220/110 kV Ostrołęka APPENDICES
Specyfikacja badań obciążeniowych konstrukcji słupa DX46 Pn+10

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