WSWS Analysis Fbi The Left and Politics of Jouissance

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A few sequences to keep in mind: Nazis in U.K. (tied to MI5 just like the Afd is tied to their FBI. In
fact part of the wsws youth wing is in observation by said institution, but is this a new thing? Did
they not know that the institute to defend the constitution was operation gladio the Nazis, and
keeping an eye on them?) attack the “G” Owen Jones to validate them as the true threat to
mobilize people, exploit moral facultires, and rally in support of them. They were not attacking the
G while they were doing Nazi work against Assange. Now we get the FBI going after their Union
buddies to strengthen the righ-wing Gobbelians or CIA democrats, but they do so 10 days before a
meeting takes place to enhance the level of identification with that Nazi organization may have,
and disrupt rank-and-file work? At least they will try to cash in as positioning themselves as a
working class oriented organization since they are violating their privacy rights. Now we have
them going after people that oppose the kidnap their kids, and rape them at our concentration
camps. And they are an equal danger to the murderers gangsters at the Unions?

Leaked document reveals state spying

FBI targets groups opposing Trump’s concentration

camps as “Extremists”
By Eric London
9 September 2019

A leaked Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) intelligence report reveals that the US
government is using informants and trawling social media to spy on domestic left-wing
protest groups opposed to fascist border militias and the Trump administration’s attack on

The document, titled “Anarchist Extremists Very Likely Increasing Targeting of US

Government Entities in Arizona, Increasing Risk of Armed Conflict,” produced by the
FBI’s Phoenix office, was published on September 4 by Yahoo News. (infiltration has been
happening since the Russians Tsars opposed all leftists including Narodniks. Were these guys
briefed in different techniques of infiltration, and what to do about it not to freak out, and stop

The report exposes unconstitutional activity that parallels the crimes of the FBI under
former Director J. Edgar Hoover. It is a serious warning sign: the military-intelligence
apparatus is covertly creating the legal and physical framework for the criminalization of
free speech and the suppression of left-wing political activity. As the fascist in the White
House establishes concentration camps for immigrants and political opponents, a bipartisan
group of politicians and intelligence agents are working to crush dissent.(Yes, the
destruction of rights implies they want to deploy higher levels of incestual exploitative violence
towards you. You are to be less an end in itself, than a means to, or, for exploitable ends. The
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 2

crush of dissent = a clear message: we are not here to serve you. You are our slaves, and we are
God, because we aim to do worse things not to contribute to surplus creation)

The report explains that the FBI is targeting “anarchist extremists” (which it refers to as
“AEs”) because they “view US immigration policies and procedures for handling illegal
immigrants—including arrests, removal, and border barriers—as violations of human rights
and supporting government facilities and personnel as symbols of US tyranny.”

The FBI justifies labeling groups as “extremists” based on the fact that they are
“monitoring various US Border Patrol activities, right-wing militia groups, and other
groups favoring the border wall, mostly to expose human rights abuses and communicate
threats to humanitarian groups operating in the area.” (Another angle on what they are
declaring themselves to be: not answerable to the public, and do not look at us while we are
doing to you what we want to do to you. There are tapes and documents Gina Haskell types
need to look at, get off to, and then burn)

The use of terminology is legally significant: groups opposing fascists are “extremists”
while fascists are merely listed as “right-wing groups.” The FBI is effectively serving as the
fascist militias’ protectors.

The report explains that the FBI has gathered information from “human and open source
reporting with varying access and reliability, the majority having direct access.” Translated
into plain English, the FBI is trawling websites and personal social media pages for “open
source” gathering while working with “human” informants or infiltrating agents with
“direct access” to the targeted groups and individuals. (Again, for people with a tradition of
100yrs of experience with this across continents this attempt to exploit inner group paranoia
must mean shit. Yeah, you want to exploit inner group paranoia. And I am sure that those that
trained them had stolen, or, reappropriated docs on how these operations are carried out.)

The report exposes the antidemocratic nomenclature and legal categories employed by the
intelligence agencies in their investigations of left-wing opposition.

The FBI reviewed “extremist websites,” including one “AE website” which advocates
“disruptive actions” against Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE). The FBI referenced another “extremist website” on the
grounds that it advocates “a trajectory of rebellion.” One individual was targeted for social
media surveillance because he was “a self-identified antifascist” who had “expressed
support” for “AEs.” (So, out of a set of people they select one for isolation. They think that the
paranoia, and break-up group operation will be more successful if this particular individual is
murdered, isolated, or, the focused of intense asymmetrical exploitative violence)

The FBI admits that “the majority of AEs do not further their goals with firearms” and that
“AE groups have banned firearms or carrying loaded weapons.” In other words, the groups
are targeted despite having explicitly renounced violent behavior. (To what level of intensity
do they dedicate themselves to go after NRA right-wing gun clubs? No, the militias do not count.
And they might be, or, hold a similar relation to the one the Afd holds with the Office to protect
the constitution)
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 3

The FBI report is one small but dangerous part of a broader effort to criminalize left-wing
social opposition under the auspices of combatting “domestic terrorism.”

In August, President Trump tweeted that “Major consideration is being given to naming
ANTIFA an ‘organization of terror.’”

The intelligence agencies and a bipartisan network of politicians and officials have indeed
been giving “major consideration” to labeling domestic groups as “terrorists.” (All in with
Trump to pay him for the favor of strengthening the CIA democrats. So, Trump and the FBI are
guiding the inner conflict between right-wing Gobbelians, and left-wing Gobbelians)

In its 2018 National Strategy for Counterterrorism document, the Trump administration
added several sections addressing “domestic terrorism” for the first time.

The document pledged to “investigate and integrate threat information relating to domestic
terrorists,” noting “the US has long faced a persistent security threat from domestic
terrorists who are not motivated by a radical Islamist ideology.” Further, the administration
pledged to “raise awareness of radicalization and recruitment dynamics” and to “promote
grassroots efforts to identify and address radicalization to insulate civilian populations from
terrorist influence.” (Ok, 100yrs of experience of this must have prepare them for this tactic.
We will see if they move on it, or, let them isolate them. As to the propaganda effort that will be
the payment made by right-wing Gobbelians. Along with people that attack Antifa. I am
uncertain to what extext people like Hedges are serious about isolating them. He does it
publicly, but I do not know if this is, because they do not want the public to see the set of
political associations they have with them. The issue of isolating them, it would be so easy for
them to move in on this, and in fact predict it with 100% accuracy. It is to begin by uniting their
families, and all together move in on the FBI (public servants) and begin to ask docs on them
with CCR, and the American Civil Liberties Union, or, other outfits. This was totally predictable.
Ask for politicians to defund the FBI, or, the Offices in charge of doing this. Deny tax payments
unless they are defunded. Things like that I am guessing. They have people from to
PERI, to Galbraith, to Varoufakis and Lapavitsas, Gindin and Patnitch that could tell them (and
their students) how to mobilize resources for this. If they can do it for Syriza and Chavez they
can do it for them)

In a statement published in May 2019 supporting legislation making “domestic terrorism” a

federal crime, FBI Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division Michael McGarrity
wrote that “domestic terrorists” act “in furtherance of ideological goals stemming from
domestic influences, such as racial bias and anti-government sentiment.”
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 4

McGarrity added that the FBI is collaborating with foreign intelligence agencies to monitor
international political activity: “We are working with our foreign partners to investigate
subjects in their countries who may be radicalizing Americans…” (Violation of the right of
free speech, and free association. At least two constitutional crimes being committed. Why is it
their business for them to decide when radicalization is bad. Should they not be obeying, and
listening to the public they serve? Are you ok with us doing this to you?)

Earlier this summer, Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff introduced legislation that
would create a federal law barring support for individuals or groups labeled “domestic
terrorists.” Though Schiff and the Democrats claim the legislation would be aimed at right-
wing mass shooters, violent terrorist acts are already illegal in every jurisdiction, meaning
the chief purpose of such a federal law would be to criminalize free speech and association,
particularly on the left. (Ok, the question becomes why is it so crucial for them to inscribe this
into the law. Why not simply do it, and that is it? Why is this a point of fixed attention for them?
Why is it a necessity: this alteration of what is allowable, and what is not in a piece of paper
they do not respect anyways? Maybe to make their FBI, and CIA buddies better to
compartmentalize. They will protect them regardless. But for some strange reason they, it is
difficult to believe, cannot issue an order, or, pass onto the act w/o doing this. Is this for
memory-holing reasons. So, they can better memory-hole?. Maybe is is a point of tension. As a
cohesive group they have to mediate it in this way. They have to enable themselves through
these set of procedures of authorizing themselves w/o no one looking at them. It has to do with
a compartmentalized incestual-atomized-CIA-Rand-head failing at a particular point, and feeling
the gaze from which they are trying to escape. Hence “No, no, no. We will fucking make it legal.
That gaze is not gonna fuck us over. We will prove to ourselves we are God” etc. The “health” of
the psychology of the group carrying out psy-ops on the public. A suble point of weakness on
their side? Do, hey titter without this?)

Robert Chesney, the cofounder of Lawfare Blog and a former Obama administration
lawyer, explained on August 8 that a federal domestic terrorism statute would be “useful”
to criminalize noncriminal speech and activity.

Speaking in support of the measure, he wrote that a domestic terrorism law would facilitate
“anticipatory prosecutions of persons whom the government thinks are personally
dangerous but cannot yet be linked to particular conspiracies, attempts or completed acts of
violence.” Chesney notes that “what is missing in the domestic terrorism scenario” is “a list
of proscribed organizations to which it becomes a crime to provide, knowingly, any form of
support.” “Active membership” in such a group would make an individual a “domestic
terrorist.” (Yeah, sure Hitler is, or, has been in power for a while, in smaller quisi-non
perceivable dosages: Patriot Act, Nazi funding Obama and the Armed Forces Authorization Act,
and now things like this. It is a Nazi state. And they are announcing the type of relation with the
public they want: their extermination, and enslavement)

One key architect of the clandestine plans to create the legal framework for crackdowns on
free speech is former Obama administration Acting Assistant Attorney General for National
Security Mary McCord.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 5

On February 27, McCord authored a Lawfare article titled “A Road Map for Congress to
Address Domestic Terrorism” with Jason Blazakis, the former State Department Director of
the Counterterrorism Finance and Designations Office, the agency responsible for
determining which groups are listed as “foreign terrorist organizations” under the

The article advocates for passage of a domestic terrorism statute in order to mobilize the
FBI’s “Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs)” which function “in 104 cities across the
country, combining over 4,000 federal, state and local law enforcement and intelligence
specialists,” (a good question would be how many of them along with the cops do they need to
isolate certain actors, or, whether is is their priviledge move. The breakdown of forces into what
functions do they serve against the public, and how their team work delivers simultaneous
incestual violence for some “x” optimal effect: What do they need from their victims to be
succesfull. If Iraquis, and Afghanis could do it so could the population inside) to address
domestic terrorism. McCord and Blazakis say “domestic terrorism” involves acts that are
“motivated by political, economic and social extremist ideologies,” a definition that is
clearly aimed at encompassing socialist, antiwar and left-wing viewpoints. (not by the
political-economic decomposition of the order we protect. As a group to what extent do they
need to present themselves to themselves in this form. Obviously the cynicism will kick-in at
some point “We know very well that such is not the case” etc, but a myth of heroicizing
degenerate low-lifes (using domestic resources that could go to finance means of production for
the unemployed) is at first attempted)

The New York Times interviewed McCord, writing on August 9 that she “argued that
having domestic terrorism and related weapons-stockpiling charges on the books would
give the FBI a stronger basis to investigate people who arouse suspicion that they may pose
a risk of politically motivated violence, including by sending informants to see what such
suspects say privately.” (she wants to memory-hole the fact that they do this electronically,
and even though neuroral unconscious monitoring as in airports: see American Philosophical
Association journal on computers and technology. The informant then is an A.I. sent in or
activated at a higher level than before. But the added benefit is that paranoia, in group, might
be triggered as they search for a ghost that is not there. Or there may be one for real, but his
role is to instrumentalize social bonds (getting some girl pregnant: to rape her for life. Kill her in
a sense etc as it was done in the UK) to rupture them later not to gather info an A.I. can do

The state’s plans for repressing social opposition include threats of physical force. Also on
August 9, internet censorship advocate Clint Watts wrote an opinion article in the Wall
Street Journal titled, “How to Fight the New Domestic Terrorism” which calls for the
government to “use its hard-won experience against al Qaeda and Islamic State” to combat
“domestic terrorism.” (Someone needs to lose their allergies to weapons. They are declaring,
their own army, that the population is their enemy. Again the idea is, clearly, to see how they
carried out this in Iraq. The preferred mode seems to be to have a set of operationally ready
torture chambers. Already built, as they have pointed out, and active. These things must be
destroyed in whatever way)
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 6

“We must swiftly and carefully apply the best practices of the two decades since Sept. 11,
2001 to counter this decade’s domestic terrorist threat—by passing new laws, increasing
resources and enhancing investigative capabilities,” Watts writes. (Time to use all that econ
knowledge: from Henwood, to Gindin, to PERI, CEPR, State of working America People etc To
organize, and effective and all destructive tax revolt that may be sustained over time. It has to
be targeted to fascist programs, and re-routed. Again if they can do it for Chavez, and pals)

This is an admission that the ruling class—with bipartisan support—is preparing to employ
at home the brutal forces of death and repression used against workers and peasants in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Libya. The aim is to suppress the growth of social
opposition and defend skyrocketing levels of social inequality. (Yes, the objective is to wipe
out the population: Deep State, cops, militias, private contractors (active in Katrina, and the
Boston bombing). Those are the people with the hackable blueprints as to how violence is to be
proyected onto an exhausted population. But it failed in Iraq, and Afghanistan. The same civil
wars errors do not have to take place, and if they slip so they do take place then see how they

The targeting of pro-immigrant groups by the FBI in Arizona shows the intelligence
agencies are not primarily concerned with white supremacists. Trump, who has referred to
neo-Nazis as “good people,” is clearly not directing this strategy against his allies on the
extreme right. After all, one of the chief aides of the president—Stephen Miller—is himself
a fascist extremist, and he is effectively running DHS.

The real target is the working class, which must be mobilized against the threat of
fascism and dictatorship.

Countdown to contract fight: In final week before

contract expires, autoworkers gear up for struggle
against companies and UAW
By Tom Hall
9 September 2019

On September 12 at 6:00 pm EDT, the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter is hosting an online

meeting to discuss the strategy and perspective needed to organize this struggle. To
participate, visit

Less than one week remains before the contract expiration at GM, Ford and Fiat Chrysler at
11:59 p.m. on Saturday, September 14.

A near-unanimous nationwide strike authorization vote demonstrates that autoworkers are

determined to win back everything they have lost through decades of concessions and plant

But they also know that the UAW, which is exposed by an expanding bribery scandal as the
bought agents of the auto companies, are conspiring with lead bargainer GM to force
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 7

through even more concessions. Among many workers, the wall of silence surrounding the
official talks are the surest sign that the UAW is preparing yet another sellout. (Again this is
sort of an issue in financing unions. So, they are in an asymmetrical position ready to tell the
capitalist we want something from you since you want to further devalue the worth of our labor
power so you may accumulate more. A lot of work an effort may go into a frontal attack
struggle. The capitalists have contingency plans: financializing profits to have enough money to
move production overseas and take advantage of the lowering of wages, or, intensification of
exploitation available overseas. The rank-and-file people, if they organize themselves in this
way, do not seem to have strategic support from leftists economists (or their students who are
doing graduate work. Or the ones that they do not like, because they are better, but rejected,
because they are serious, and not corrupt etc) who should have been working on contingency
plans to take union dues away from the union bosses and invest in contingency plans. If they
want to represent, and you have a shit record, you do not need all that cash to ram through our
throats a deal. You just have to sit there and say “Yeah, sure. Why not. Let us save some jobs
etc”. So, a struggle is set to wear them out until they yield, or, wear them out, leave anyways,
and exhausted invest in the company that will hire them for even lower wages since they will
have gone through something similar to “war exhaustion”. Yes, they need to re-route those
dues to come up with back-stop contingency plans to mobilize the reserve army of labor,
purchase assets at deflated prices during a recession, use liquidity traps to their advantage.
Pumping money at zero percent. Banks charging something like 6% or so. Getting of the grid is
the idea, the negative idea of a revolution, you just have to have ready a leftist option for this
negative modality of denying them your labor power. The idea would be to work with as much
reserve army labor as possible and less with cash, but I would go so far as to target loan shark
operations owned by big banks inside poor neighborhoods, ask for loans, and then tell them to
go fuck themselves. The problem that will arise here is that the back will have to sue a
community, or, the “representatives” of the council, or, States to sell state assets, reduce
pensions, or, fire people to increase the reserve army and increase the rate of exploitation, but
if so then the contingency plan to use reserve army of the unemployed should work to the
advantage of labor if the contingency plan is operational. So, the suing of the State by banks
would, or, could work to the favor of labor even if they achive their objectives of firing people to
“pay them”.

“How can we trust anything the UAW is doing? They’re so corrupt,” a Chicago Ford
Assembly worker told the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter. “The investigation into UAW
International should have everyone questioning everything. Why haven’t they told us
anything about the contract? Because they’re hiding things!

“You’d think after all these indictments the UAW would try to shape up. But no, that’s not
going to happen.”

“There was a 98.5 per cent strike vote here,” a worker at nearby Chicago Ford Stamping
said. “[As far as conditions go], I heard that compared to the other plant [Ford Chicago
Assembly], it’s like a Holiday Inn here. It’s dirty and nasty and dusty, and it’s too hot in
here. They put new cameras here in the entrance [to spy on workers]. I don’t like cameras
much to begin with. Right now, they’re all outside that I know of, but if they were to put
the cameras inside, I would have a huge problem with that.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 8

“I don’t like the politics here. As much as the union tries to pretend like they’re my friend, I
don’t feel like that they are. I don’t trust anyone in this place from the union or the
company management. I just had an issue with a manager who forgot to put a personal day
in and after a month I finally got it resolved. Labor relations made the error. They’re the
worst part of this place. It’s a miserable experience every time I go in there.”

Last weekend, well-known Amazon whistleblower Shannon Allen led an Autoworker

Newsletter campaign team at GM’s Arlington Assembly plant near Dallas, Texas. Since
traveling to Detroit last December to address a conference convened by the WSWS against
GM’s plant closures, Allen has been heavily involved in forging links between Amazon
workers and autoworkers. She sits on the Steering Committee of the Coalition of Rank-and-
File Committees, which was founded at the December conference.

Allen’s campaign team was warmly received by GM workers, who were particularly
excited to see the support they have from Amazon workers. The Arlington plant contains a
large number of workers who transferred from plants closed by GM in other states. These
“GM gypsies” have been forced to uproot their families because of the UAW’s collusion in
plant closings and mass layoffs.

A ferment is beginning to take hold among autoworkers. Last week at Fiat Chrysler’s
Jefferson North Assembly Plant (JNAP), an anonymous letter was circulated raising
concerns that Fiat Chrysler’s planned expansion of operations in Detroit would be used to
undermine seniority rights and replace older workers with lower-paid temps and second-tier
workers. The letter points out in particular the fact that the planned Mack Avenue plant will
fall under the jurisdiction of a different UAW local, potentially affecting the transfer rights
of senior laid-off workers at Jefferson.

The author states: “They have told us that [the new Mack Avenue plant] will not be
completely taking over our product. Sorry I don’t believe them!”

“So why is this being allowed? Why is nobody talking about it?” the letter continues. “I
have personally been sold out and lied to by both Chrysler and IUAW over my last 20 years
… I personally feel that our good paying jobs and job security are being given away just
like at Marysville Axle Plant, Warren Truck, Indian Transmission Plants, countless other
plants that closed and now someone else is building the product! This deal is part of the
corruption or at least a direct by-product of it!”

Feeling pressure from autoworkers, local officials at JNAP held a meeting, which was
poorly advertised, according to an Autoworker Newsletter reader at the plant. Local
officials did not provide any updates on the contract negotiations but instead passed out an
informational booklet on the UAW Strike Assistance Program. The booklet was largely
aimed at discouraging workers from striking because they would receive little to no money
in the event of a walkout, even though the UAW has diverted hundreds of millions of
dollars for its own purposes from what is now a $780 million fund.

Workers should be on guard against the possibility that the UAW may call a “Hollywood
strike” at one or two facilities, as it did in 2007, in order to allow workers to blow off
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 9

steam. The 2007 strike was followed by a “transformational agreement” that introduced
two-tier wages for the first time.

Another possible outcome is that the UAW and GM agree to keep one or two plants open
currently slated for closure as a fig leaf in return for major concessions. A recent article in
Automotive News suggested that the most likely target for such a maneuver would be the
Detroit-Hamtramck Assembly Plant, which is currently slated to close next January.

“D-Ham is the one that makes the most sense,” industry analyst Jeff Schuster told the
publication. “Where it's located from a political standpoint is significant, and one vehicle
you could see get saved is the Cadillac CT6. It’s really been fluid in terms of what they’re
going to do with that.” Alternatively, GM could reallocate product from Mexico, pitting
Mexican and American autoworkers against each other.

Such a move would be tied to measures aimed at reducing GM’s hourly labor costs. In
particular, the company has repeatedly cited its relatively low usage of part-time
employees, and one former executive told Wall Street that he wanted 50 percent of the
company’s work performed by temps. In addition, the auto companies want to gut health
care and sharply increase co-pays and other out-of-pocket expenses.

The entire “negotiating” process is illegitimate. The officials on the UAW bargaining teams
for the last several contracts have either been indicated or implicated in the massive bribery
scandal. The only thing the UAW officials are negotiating right now is the length of their
jail terms.

That is why autoworkers must take the conduct of this battle into their own hands. In every
workplace, autoworkers should elect factory committees, democratically controlled by
rank-and-file workers and answerable only to them, not the corrupt UAW. If all workers are
united—GM, Ford and FCA, first and second-tier, temporary and contract employees—
then they will be more powerful than the corporations and the UAW.

Workers should meet now to formulate their own demands, including the abolition of the
two-tier system, equal pay for equal work, a 40 percent raise, roll over all temps and
contract workers to full-time positions, halt plant closings and rehire all-laid off and
victimized workers.

The WSWS Autoworker Newsletter is fighting to break through the union-enforced

information blockade, help autoworkers take the initiative and establish lines of
communication with workers throughout the country and internationally.

“I’ve actually thought of something like that,” a Chicago Stamping autoworker said
referring to the call for rank-and-file factory committees. “It sounds like something that
would cause a lot of drama [for the company].”

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News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 10

UAW threatens workers with starvation strike pay as

contract deadline at GM, Ford and Fiat Chrysler looms
By Tom Hall
12 September 2019

Today, September 12 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter is
hosting an online meeting to discuss the strategy and perspective needed to organize
autoworkers against the conspiracy of the corporations and the United Auto Workers. To
participate, visit

A battle is looming in the auto industry. Only two days remain until the expiration of the
current contract at General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler.

The auto companies are seeking to make their workforce bear the brunt of any downturn
through major cuts. GM, chosen by the United Auto Workers as the “target” company,
wants to reduce its labor costs and expand the percentage of temporary workers to bring it
in line with Ford and Fiat Chrysler. (That is what is of interest to me. These companies are
financialized up the wazoo apparently. Similar to Microsoft which was kind of a surprise that at
a monopoly stage they have to shift onto this sector for profit making, but not ouside the logic
that M is there to M´ itself above all. So, they are financialized meaning they invest in loan
sharking ex-auto workers when they get fired and have to go look for other jobs most likely in
the service sector: 80% of the economy. Now they can simply stall for time until they get what
they want from them, if not relocate (given worldwide levels of unemployment, and a recession
looming: an increase in the reserve army of labor) once they successfully do so they will invest in
the business hiring at lower wages (thanks to their outsourcing, and therefore increasing reserve
army move) getting what they wanted out of them at the auto-plant, but simply, now, in
another business into which they have invested. After that they will hang to strangle them even
harder with the loan-sharking operations they have ready to financialize the loans they offer.
Holding the financial knife at the end of the even more extreme wages of exploitation relation.

The above is their position. Now, they demand something from them. How serious are they? Is
the antagonism so intense that they really cannot rely on any of the things mentioned above, or,
is it simply that they do, but it is cheaper, time-wise, to simply have an effective threat of
relocation, test it against them, exploit their anxiety, and move closer to Chinese levels of
standards of living. Why do the bosses bother with it? They may gain, also, political obedience
for workers to speed up the lowering of standards of living as fast as possible to the Chinese
levels at a macro-level of the economy.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 11

So, yeah. A delay from workers, a struggle that may ensue, may not allow U.S. capital to de-link
from China as fast as they would like. But why is it the business of American workers to defend
U.S. capital?, and with it the relation of militarized nationalism thereby losing the set of
freedoms the media is constantly professing about. It is lose-lose for workers on that end.

What can they gain from “negociating” with the bosses per minute of struggle, organizing,
strategizing, etc? The boundary seems to be: nothing, just keep the jobs that you have, all the
way to raising their wages, and blocking them from hiring somebody else´s kids at wage levels
that would push them closer to the edge of material existence. Depending on how it is done
there is the issue of exhaustion, and how is a movement defined, how it grows, and what is it
growing towards: the best of possible benefits to be extracted from capitalists: but this has the
issue of developing long-term alliances which are not sustainable nor desirable. The whole issue
of nationalism etc. Or looking for a way to invsest in a set of commercial relations where the
corporation cannot offer to them, given how they are organized under capitalists lines, what
they have been able to accomplish. The type of ownership they might develop with their own
co-opts, or, the third issue towards which a struggle might be headed which is: just take the
corporation away from their hands.

Another issue of relevance is at what point in the set of all social relations are people, to the
oligarchy, not reservable armied.? At what point are they in true need of them: deadlocked
without some type of agreement from them?

A particular aim of the auto companies is to further reduce health care costs. The Detroit
News wrote on Wednesday, “Because it affects workers’ families and comes into play at
times of crisis, health insurance is a ‘go-to-war’ point of contention between auto workers
and their employers, said Kristin Dziczek, vice president of industry, labor and economics
at Ann Arbor’s Center for Automotive Research.” On the other hand, autoworkers, whose
real wages have declined 16 percent since 2010, are determined to claw back everything
that they have lost. Workers voted last month nearly unanimously to authorize strike action
when the contracts expire. (health-care issue: that is clearly the bosses wanting to re-define
them more like a tool than a living creature: why are you in need of reconstituting your life-
span, or, biological organism after we are done vampirizing you.? Attempts to redefine, and live
more like a machine: dead-labor, than a person. This finds its parallels in the snuff surveillance
biometrical industry. These are really shitty dead-end pre-human history type relations
whenever they raise issues like that. Having, as a worker, to burn your skin, and muscles
through the violent friction of the drudgery of having to interact with, and “negociate” with
capital. The type of pre-exposure to violence you have to endure before “you get to talking” that
is a cost people have to endure. The health care issue is simply put as: what virus do you want
me, and my family to be eaten up from within by? And why is this a choice you get to make?
And why is this a poseable question whatsoever? Who approaches you and asks for this? Again
things that capital cannot offer.)

While workers are discussing and preparing for strike action, the UAW, which forced
through concessions for years in exchange for company bribes, is doing everything it can to
sabotage a struggle (unions dues for work hrs to benefit the workers, and bribes for a multiplier
effect may rocket the thing into full motion) . If they are forced to call a strike, they will seek
to wrap it up as quickly as possible before it has any significant impact on corporate profits.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 12

This was made clear by a brochure the union is distributing in the auto plants on the UAW
Strike Assistance Program. The document contains a veiled threat: if you strike, we will
starve you into submission. (Yeah, well, the obvious those funds need to be re-routed)

The brochure includes the following details:

* Weekly benefits are $250.00 per week

This paltry sum, which was actually increased from $200 in March, is totally inadequate for
workers to survive on the picket line. It increases to $275 per week only after January 1,
2020, three and a half months after Saturday’s contract expiration date.

But even this comes with a laundry list of eligibility requirements. As one Fiat Chrysler
worker told the WSWS, “There are 22 reasons why the union won’t pay us strike benefits.”

* Workers will not even be eligible for strike pay until the 8th day of any strike (Yeah,
this tells you something as to where they are. You could not write things like this if you were
serious at all in a sense)

This gives the UAW a direct financial incentive to wrap up the strike as soon as possible to
avoid paying out any strike benefits at all.

The strike fund is the workers’ own money, financed through dues payments, which were
increased before 2015 supposedly to bolster the fund for a strike. (Are these funds
invested in portfolios that purchase securitazable shark-loans, student loans, medical

The economic desperation the UAW is seeking to take advantage of is the result of the
policies of the UAW itself. A large portion of the UAW membership, nearly half at Ford
alone, are second-tier or temporary part-time (TPT) workers living just above the poverty
line. Many of them have little to no savings to supplement their strike pay.

If, faced with destitution, they obtain additional work during the strike to pay their bills,
they will lose their strike pay if their wages are greater than their strike pay.

* Dental, vision, hearing and sick and accident insurance are not covered by strike

While medical and prescription drugs are covered, these benefits will only be paid out
“upon approval by the International President and Secretary-Treasurer,” and even then,
only after “all contractual language and other obligations have been exhausted.”

* Workers who are unemployed or receiving sick and accident benefits are ineligible
for strike pay
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 13

According to the brochure, only workers “on the active payroll at the start of the strike” are
eligible for strike pay. In other words, workers who are forced to survive on workers’
compensation or unemployment benefits will receive nothing.

In addition, workers who are eligible for government assistance, such as food stamps or (in
certain states) unemployment benefits during the strike, are required to apply in order to
remain eligible for strike benefits. Strikers who obtain unemployment benefits in excess of
$250 per month lose their eligibility for strike pay.

One particularly odious passage states that “members who are denied unemployment
compensation because of the strike shall be paid benefits in the form of a loan, which must
be repaid to the strike fund immediately upon receipt of unemployment compensation.
Failure to do so may result in legal action being taken.”

In other words, the union is prepared to take workers to court if they are too poor to pay
back their own strike benefits. Anyone who owes strike fund loans “shall not be considered
in good standing” and therefore ineligible for strike pay.

* Only “members in good standing” are eligible for strike pay

In other words, the many autoworkers in right-to-work states such as Michigan who,
disgusted by the endemic corruption of the UAW, have legitimately decided not to pay
dues, will receive no strike pay at all. Probationary and new hires are not automatically
eligible for strike pay.

However, they “may become eligible” for strike assistance “only if they join the union by
paying the initiation fee and current month’s dues prior to the strike taking place.”

For the UAW officialdom, limiting payouts from the strike fund is also an act of financial
self-preservation. To compensate for its dwindling dues base, as a result of decades of plant
closures and layoffs with which the UAW itself has collaborated, the union uses the strike
fund as a slush fund to pay the bloated six-figure salaries of top bureaucrats.

Restrictions on diverting cash from the strike fund were progressively dismantled, before
being removed entirely in 2006.

Because of this and other “administrative” expenses, the value of the strike fund fell from
$1 billion in 2001 to $600 million in 2015. While it has partially recovered to $760 million,
the fact remains that the UAW has a direct financial incentive to prevent strikes.

In order to mount an effective struggle, workers must take the conduct of the fight out of
the hands of the UAW through the establishment of rank-and-file factory committees in
every plant. The massive corruption scandal that has engulfed the UAW on the eve of the
contract struggle has only demonstrated what workers already know—that the UAW is a
bribed tool of corporate management.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 14

Factory committees must demand that the massive strike fund be placed at the disposal of
the striking workers.

Strike benefits must be tripled, from $250 to at least $750 per week, with benefits
guaranteed to the entire workforce, regardless of official “standing.” All of workers’
healthcare benefits must be continued through the strike fund.

Such an action would prove to the companies that autoworkers are prepare for a protracted

These measures can be paid for through the resources funneled into the pockets of the
union bureaucracy. Their six-figure salaries, as well as all other “administrative” expenses
diverted from the strike fund, should be eliminated, and their wages reduced to the level of
strike pay for workers.

The joint company-UAW training centers, notorious as conduits of corporate bribery and
corruption, should be immediately closed down and sold off, with the proceeds going to
strike benefits.

US study shows: Poverty and social inequality are killers

12 September 2019

Poor Americans are nearly twice as likely to die before they reach old age as rich
Americans. That is the grim conclusion of a study released this week by the Government
Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress, on the impact of widening
income and wealth disparities in the United States.

The study is based on extensive health and retirement surveys conducted by the Social
Security Administration in 1992 and 2014. It examines a subset of the population, those
between 51 and 61 years old in 1992, breaking this age group into five quintiles.

As the accompanying chart shows, the GAO found that nearly half of those (48 percent) in
the poorest quintile died before 2014, when they would have been between 73 and 83 years
old. Of the wealthiest quintile, only a quarter (26 percent) died.

The connection between income and death rates was stark and irrefutable: from quintile to
quintile, as income declines, death rates rise. The second-poorest fifth of the age group
under study had the second-worst death rate, with 42 percent dead by 2014. The figures for
the middle fifth and the second-highest fifth were 37 percent dead and 31 percent dead,

And while the poor have always gone to the grave earlier than the rich, the relative
disparity is now worsening. According to several recent studies, the poorest 40 percent of
women have lower life expectancies than their mothers, despite all the gains made by
medical science over the past generation.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 15

These figures provide insight into the staggering long-term human cost of poverty and
inequality. The report says, in dispassionate, bureaucratic language, “GAO’s analysis …
shows that differences in income, wealth, and demographic characteristics were associated
with disparities in longevity.” Translated into plain language: poverty and inequality kill.

Other statistics reported this week give further indications of the deepening social crisis in
America. The GAO report itself found that from 1989 to 2018, the labor force participation
rate for those aged 55 or older rose from 30 percent to 40 percent, an increase of one-third.
This shows the impact of stagnant incomes and the virtual disappearance of traditional
pension plans (this with, with the above issue of health care, practically redefining people, even
further as things, some-what fluid ways of going about it, but consistent. Too much violence
done to the life of people with too little to defend themselves) . Older workers were forced to
work longer and postpone retirement because they did not have enough money to live on.

A Census Bureau report issued Tuesday found a small drop in the poverty rate in 2018, but
other social indicators were not so favorable. The total number of people in the US living in
poverty remained appallingly high, at 38 million. (Total surplus lost to lifes devoted to more
relevant modes of work that lead to construct better mental, erotic and work relations)

Median household income was $63,200, essentially unchanged from 2018. On a longer
historical timeline, the Census report found that there has been virtually no increase in real
wages for the past 20 years, since 1999, as wage gains have been wiped out by the rising
cost of living. (the wage goods from higher rates of exploitation in China cannot make up for
the higher rates of exploitation in the States since the 80´s. But that is the point to not let them
grow into a healthy society, but weaker, unhealthier, and atomized tools as it were. The
opportunity cost of not increasing the rate of exploitation in the United States is what is taken
into account.)

The number of Americans without health insurance rose substantially in 2018, for the first
time since the passage of Obamacare in 2010, from 25.6 million to 27.9 million, mainly
because of the reduction in the number of people covered by Medicaid and the Children’s
Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Two policy changes by the Trump administration
contributed to this decline: promoting new state regulations that restrict Medicaid
eligibility, and threatening immigrants who apply for Medicaid or CHIP with being denied
green cards in the future on the grounds that they have become “public charges.” (all of
which could change if they enable the financing of their own firms of production co-ops plus
whatever else since corporation cannot offer anything to them. That is if you were to mobilize
that labor force into producing what they need plus a surplus those people mentioned above
could retire comfortably, and retire to whatever they pleased. That very concrete opportunity is
thrown down the toilet, because it is better for Oligopologies to kill than not to murder.)

The Census report also confirmed the devastating dimensions of economic inequality in
America. While the bottom fifth of households, those with annual incomes up to $25,600,
accounted for only 3.1 percent of all household income, the top fifth, with annual incomes
over $130,000, accounted for 52 percent, more than half. The top 5 percent, with incomes
above $248,700, took in 23.1 percent of the total.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 16

Rising inequality, persistent poverty, declining life expectancy for the mass of working
people, the vanishing dream of a comfortable retirement: this is the reality that Trump hails
as an America made “great” again. Nor do the Democrats—who controlled the White
House for more than half the period in question—have any alternative. The two parties in
Washington are rival factions within the same ruling elite, and they both defend American
capitalism, the underlying cause of all these social evils.

The GAO report was not actually commissioned by Congress to expose the connection
between poverty and premature death. On the contrary, its purpose was to examine the
impact of changes in life expectancy on Social Security and Medicare so as to assist
congressional efforts, supported by both parties, to cut spending on these “entitlement”
programs long-term. (They saw it more like the domestic version of a bombing raid on Falluyah
than anything else)

The authors of the report are quite conscious that their findings could be embarrassing to
their congressional masters. They hasten to declare that they have found only a “statistical
association” between poverty and higher death rates, adding that “we cannot determine
from our analysis the extent to which income or wealth causes differences in longevity”
[Emphasis added].

The report goes on to warn that despite lower life expectancy for the poor, “Taken all
together, individuals may live a long time, even individuals with factors associated with
lower longevity, such as low income or education. Those with fewer resources in retirement
who live a long time may have to rely primarily on Social Security or safety net programs.”
Translated into plain English: plans to eliminate these programs could run into widespread
opposition, as they are increasingly the lifeline on which millions depend.

These fundamental social contradictions are the backdrop against which the working class
is moving into historic struggles. Any major industrial action—such as a strike by the
155,000 workers at General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler—can be the signal for the
eruption of class conflict on a scale not seen in America since the 1930s.

American capitalism has been heaping up the raw material for such a political explosion for
decades. Living standards for the working class have stagnated for more than four decades,
with tens of millions in poverty in the richest country in the world, and more than a million
homeless. The youth toiling in low-wage jobs are the first generation of American workers
to live worse than their parents and grandparents. And these older generations, as the GAO
report demonstrates, are finding it harder and harder to survive.

The decisive question is for working people to free themselves from the old organizations
that have been used by the ruling elite to block any struggle against the profit system. This
means breaking with the trade unions, run by corrupt stooges of the corporate bosses, and
building rank-and-file committees democratically controlled by the workers themselves.
And it means breaking from the nationalist perspective peddled by the trade unions, which
seek to pit American workers against their class brothers and sisters around the world.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 17

Capitalism is a global system, and it is impossible to fight the capitalists effectively in any
country without the united efforts of the international working class. To carry out this
struggle, the working class needs its own party, organized on an international basis and
fighting for socialism in every country.

Patrick Martin

Again: There is a weird Issue in Germany with the YSSE being the object of, now publicly
stated for everyone to see (validating), invasive surveillance, but if they were tracking the
underground Nazis in Germany for decades and keeping an eye on their relation to the Office for
the protection of the Constitution they must have known they were the object of surveillance. The
only difference is that it is happening now in a public manner. Then you have Owen Jones Attacked
by Fascists, but not when G was doing their work on Assange. Fascists were fine then no issue
arose between both. It is the Nazis who get to tell the public who is a real threat to them. It is
them who establishes who is a “real leftist threat” and who is not.Then you have Chomsky selling
Zizek buying: Chomsky´surplus: off the public arena. And Now this: “Fascistic elements in
Republican Party threaten Democrats O’Rourke and Ocasio-Cortez”

By Matthew Taylor
14 September 2019

Two developments on Thursday reflect the growth of fascistic elements within the
Republican Party, encouraged by President Donald Trump’s racist war on immigrants, his
attacks on socialism and his attempts to brand the Democratic Party as “radical socialist.”

During Thursday night’s Democratic Party debate, a commercial sponsored by the political
action committee New Faces GOP showed a picture of Democratic Congresswoman
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s face going up in flames, while the narration linked her to the
mass killings carried out by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia during the 1970s. The Maoist
Khmer Rouge, covertly backed by the US, was a rabidly anti-working-class,
nationalist movement.

The ad opens with a picture of Cortez bursting into flames while the narrator declares,
“This is the face of socialism and ignorance. Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know the
horrors of socialism?” The photo then burns completely away to reveal piles of human
skulls, fleeing refugees and other scenes from the Cambodian killing fields.

The narrator, Elizabeth Heng, is the daughter of Cambodian immigrants and a candidate for
a California congressional seat in 2018, a contest she lost by 15 points to her Democratic
opponent. She is the executive director of New Faces GOP, which seeks to recruit youth
and minorities into the Republican Party. (Powell, John Yoo, Rice, Gonzalez, nothing
new, but yes active on it)

The commercial aired on multiple ABC TV affiliates, including in Washington DC, New
York City and Houston.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 18

The website for New Faces GOP identifies four central issues: the struggle against
socialism, which the group pledges to stop “from plaguing America once and for all”; the
promotion of “federalism”—coded language for the gutting of social welfare programs and
labor protections; immigration, i.e., support for Trump’s mass incarceration and deportation
of immigrants; and opposition to the alleged censorship of “conservative” views on the

In July, Trump attacked Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America,

itself a reformist faction of the Democratic Party, and three other supposedly “progressive”
Democratic congresswomen known collectively as the “squad,” telling them to “go back
where you came from.” (right “go back where you came from” yet look at the list above
including Elizabeth. Pretty out in the open as to what the shtick is) This was in line with his
strategy of whipping up far-right and fascistic forces on the basis of extreme nationalism
and racism in advance of the 2020 elections and beyond.

Also on Thursday, a Texas Republican state representative, Briscoe Cain, responded to

statements made during the Democratic presidential candidates’ debate by former Texas
Congressman Beto (Robert Francis) O’Rourke calling for outlawing the possession of
military-grade automatic weapons by tweeting, “My AR is ready for you Robert Francis.”

Interviewed later on CNN, Cain essentially defended his tweet and accused O’Rourke of
creating a provocation in order to deprive gun owners of their weapons.

In the Democratic debate, none of the candidates identified the fascistic character of
Trump’s demagogy, which is directed above all against the working class. Nor did Ocasio-
Cortez or O’Rourke warn of the growing threat of far-right political violence.

Ohio jury acquits young woman on murder charges in

baby’s death
By Casey Gold
14 September 2019

On Thursday, a jury in Warren County, Ohio acquitted 20-year-old Brooke “Skylar”

Richardson on charges of aggravated murder, involuntary manslaughter, and child
endangerment related to the death of her baby in May 2017. The crimes with which
Richardson was charged carried a life sentence. Richardson still faces up to a year in prison
for one count of “gross abuse of a corpse,” although she may be given probation because
this is her first offense.

The jury’s verdict, delivered after less than five hours of deliberation, comes as a rejection
of barbaric laws and the common practice of prosecutors excessively charging individuals
for what amounts to non-criminal behavior.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 19

Richardson’s defense counsel presented evidence that the 18-year-old found out she was
pregnant more than 30 weeks into her pregnancy, delivered her baby, Annabelle, stillborn
in her parents’ house, and buried the baby’s remains because she was sad, scared, and did
not know what to do. Richardson’s stillborn delivery and burial of her baby’s remains
occurred just days after her senior prom.

The defense also presented evidence that the police coerced a false confession from
Richardson, who told police during interrogations that she may have heard the baby make
noises after delivery, tried to cremate the remains with a lighter, and that she did not return
doctors’ calls because she “didn’t really want to have [her] baby.”

The prosecution viciously painted the high school cheerleader as a self-centered teen who
callously burned and then threw away her baby’s corpse because the child would get in the
way of Richardson’s “perfect life.”

To substantiate this, the prosecution pointed to the fact that the baby’s father was not
Richardson’s boyfriend and that Richardson planned to attend college after graduating. The
prosecution’s evidence consisted mostly of Richardson’s text messages, social media posts,
and her “confession” to interrogating police officers.

In 2018, Richardson’s case caused controversy when the Twelfth District Court of Appeals
of Ohio found that an exception existed in physician-patient confidentiality when the life of
a “child” was in danger. The appeals court ignored Richardson’s insistence that her fetus
and then stillborn baby did not meet the legal definition of a “child,” finding in favor of the

Richardson’s case garnered a significant amount of media attention, with the Warren
County Prosecutor’s Office deeming Richardson’s actions as the “perfect crime.” This
resulted in Richardson facing brutal harassment in her community.

Although the media and legal system in Ohio wanted to see Richardson in prison for the
rest of her life for giving birth to a stillborn baby, the jury, made up of regular citizens of
Warren County, could not treat the young woman so harshly for her hardships. These jurors
saw through the reactionary rhetoric of the media and prosecutors and saw the reality of a
young woman who has already been through enough suffering. (Notice the level of
mobilization of resources, man and women hrs, at both ends of production and consumption of
propaganda in capital as media. A similar level of violence as in Assange. Not total, but an
equally murderous attempt. In both cases just as groundless. A gang up to bust out of existence
of a girl without acess to all those cheap and safe abortion clinics they always aim to finance.
They money they get from those very same eyes exposed to them used to finance politicians,
and investments in these sorts of psy-ops: against the very same eyes clearly.So, all that to test
to see if they can produce a lie that will legitimize murder for no reason, or, whomever we tell
you to. The most baseless the (bigger) lie the better since they get so see how much groundless
violence they can command with a simple grunt, or, burp: just as basless a reason, but it helps in
that it does not muddle the madness. It does not turn it into “so complex as it is”.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 20

Teenage and unplanned pregnancies persist because of a lack of sexual health education in
schools across the US and the barriers to accessing contraceptives. Additionally, teens and
young women who unexpectantly become pregnant and cannot care for a child increasingly
come up against the law in trying to terminate their pregnancies.

In April, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed a “heartbeat bill” into law, banning
abortions in the state after six weeks. A court partially blocked the bill in July. The Warren
County Prosecutor’s Office’s decision to charge Richardson with crimes that carried a life
sentence shows that the state will stop at nothing to impose cruel treatment on young
women with unplanned pregnancies. (again: will stop at nothing yet they stop at nothing when
it comes to finance the kidnap and rape centers in Texas, and South of the U.S. claiming that it is
from those orifices where the violence will arise to not only steal, but also deposit the stolen
MAGA in)

The rights to physical autonomy and to make reproductive health decisions must be
strongly defended in a democratic society. Richardson should not face any criminal
charges, much less prosecution, for the traumatic experience she suffered. Nor should any
woman face the possibility of criminal prosecution for giving birth to a stillborn baby or
trying to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

While the jury’s verdict in Richardson’s case is a welcome, humane development, the
soundness of jury decisions cannot be relied upon in every case. The state apparatus,
including zealous prosecutors, will continue to whip up reactionary public sentiment in an
attempt to criminalize what amount to non-criminal offenses, particularly among the most
vulnerable. (the total mobilization of resources for murder, or, turning you into a more
explioitable/murderable object)

US autoworkers shut down General Motors

16 September 2019

Forty-six thousand General Motors workers walked out at midnight Sunday evening. The
shutdown of 35 manufacturing facilities in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri,
Tennessee and New York will cost GM as much as $400 million in lost production each

Despite its frantic efforts to avoid a strike, the leaders of the United Auto Workers (UAW)
—who have been exposed as criminally corrupt agents of the auto companies—concluded
that they were not in a position to prevent a mass walkout.

The announcement of the strike was delivered at a press conference by UAW Vice
President Terry Dittes. Demoralized and frightened, Dittes spoke as if he were attending a
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 21

Just the day before, the UAW had instructed its members to cross the picket lines of
janitorial workers belonging to the same union. The UAW has refused to call out workers
employed at Ford and Fiat Chrysler, seeking as best as they can to avoid mobilizing the full
strength of autoworkers.

The shutdown of General Motors is a major escalation of the class struggle in the United
States and internationally. The powerful social movement that began last year with teachers
is expanding into the industrial working class. The decades-long suppression of the class
struggle—ruthlessly enforced by an alliance of trade unions, corporations and the
government—is breaking down.

As workers begin this fight, they must survey the battlefield and develop a strategy based
on an understanding of who are their allies and who are their enemies.

Workers are confronting General Motors, the symbol of the power of American capitalism,
with a market capitalization of $55 billion. But GM is itself part of a globally-integrated
auto industry, involving the labor of millions of workers all over the world.

Every struggle by workers has a political dimension, but in this case the politics are
especially clear. The auto industry has, for 40 years, been the target of efforts by
Democratic and Republican administrations to expand corporate profits at the expense of
the working class.

Forty years ago, in 1979, the Democratic administration of Jimmy Carter and a Democratic
Party-controlled Congress insisted that the bailout of Chrysler required massive
concessions by workers and the closure of factories. This was followed soon after by the
Republican Reagan administration’s firing of PATCO air traffic controllers, which
launched a wholesale assault on the entire working class.

In 2008, the Obama administration insisted on halving the wages of all new hires as part of
its restructuring of the auto industry. The mass layoffs, plant closures and pay cuts imposed
under Obama led to record profits for the automakers.

In the four decades of social counterrevolution, GM, Ford and Chrysler have slashed
600,000 auto jobs, with only 158,000 jobs left. The pay of a newly hired auto worker has
fallen by half. The expansion of corporate profits through the impoverishment of workers is
the basic law of the capitalist system. Profit does not fall like manna from heaven: it is
extracted at the point of production from the working class. The value created by workers
through the labor process is distributed to the capitalists who exploit them.

The unjust and exploitative character of this system is demonstrated by the salaries of the
auto executives and the billions of dollars disbursed to investors in the form of profit.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 22

GM CEO Mary Barra, with her annual salary of $21.87 million, makes in a day twice what
a new autoworker earns in a year. GM posted a profit of $11.8 billion last year. It has spent
more than $10 billion on stock buybacks since 2015.( ($400 million a day, UAW guys try to
block other workers so that this may not jump industry wise to 12 million a day. Capitalized
55billion (different meaning in Wall Street words book: The way you have load up on loans:
varieties, maturity dates, apr type stuff in order to invest. The first move in financialization is to
go for stock buy backs. Later to purchase securitized loans from workers that work directly – the
new hires - or the the service sector industry into which they will invest )

The claim that GM does not have the money to meet workers’ demands for a restoration of
their pay and benefits should be dismissed with contempt.

Even as workers are fighting the corporations, the government and the capitalist system as a
whole, their most determined enemy is the organization that claims to represent them—the
bribed and corrupted United Auto Workers.

The UAW’s endless betrayals of workers’ interests have culminated in the cesspool of
corruption that has engulfed the entire leadership, bribed to the tune of millions of dollars
from management.

Everything workers are now fighting against, from plant closures to starvation wages and
the multi-tier wage and benefit system, is the product of the concessions enforced by the
UAW. To believe that this will now change is to indulge in the most dangerous illusions.

While the UAW officials were shown to have spent millions of dollars in workers’ money
on golf outings, cigars, whiskey and prostitutes, the UAW has announced that workers will
get a miserable $250 per week in strike pay—and this only after the first full week of a
strike. (another way to try to end it quickly)

GM workers face many enemies, but they also have powerful allies.

Autoworkers enjoy overwhelming support and sympathy from the working population in
America. The exploitative conditions that autoworkers are fighting against are those felt by
millions of workers throughout the country, who have had their pay cut and benefits
destroyed, and who are treated worse than the machines they operate.

Workers at GM must call on their brothers and sisters at Ford and Fiat Chrysler to join their
strike in order to shut down the entire US auto industry and bring maximum economic and
political pressure to bear on the auto bosses.

Just as importantly, workers must appeal for support from workers and youth throughout
the country and around the world—support that they will readily receive.

The GM walkout is the latest stage in a global strike wave. The strike by US autoworkers is
unfolding in the context of an international movement of the working class. Just last week,
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 23

8,000 GM workers went on strike in Korea, and French transit workers shut down the
subways of Paris. Over the past year, auto workers in India and Mexico have waged
powerful strikes. In France, Puerto Rico and Hong Kong, workers and youth have been
involved in mass demonstrations in defense of their social and democratic rights.

The struggle can succeed only if it is taken out of the control of the UAW traitors. Workers
must elect rank-and-file committees to organize and expand the strike.

These committees must demand:

● A 40 percent increase in pay to begin recovering decades of wages lost due to

illegitimate concessions by the corrupt UAW and the corporations that bribed them.

● End the tier system! Equality in the workplace! All workers, including part-time and
contract workers, must immediately be brought up to top pay and benefits.

● Restore jobs! Reopen Lordstown and other closed plants and rehire all laid-off and
victimized workers. Stop all plant closings and layoffs!

● Honor the retirees! Reverse all cuts in retiree health care and pensions.

● Democracy in the factory! For workers’ control over production, line speed and safety.

● $750 per week in strike pay! The UAW, together with the AFL-CIO, controls billions
of dollars in assets, which they use to fund junkets and pay six-figure salaries to thousands
of executives. These resources, plundered from dues and retirement plans, must now be

In this struggle, the Socialist Equality Party, which produces the Autoworker Newsletter
and helps publish the World Socialist Web Site, pledges its full support to the workers.

The Socialist Equality Party will do everything it can to build a new militant socialist
leadership in the working class. It will provide workers with the information they need to
assist in the organization of their struggle and rally support throughout the country and

We call on workers to attend our upcoming online forum, which last week drew together
more than 300 workers, to discuss the strategic issues that autoworkers face as they conduct
this great and critical struggle.

The WSWS Editorial Board

The Brexit crisis and the struggle for the unity and
political independence of the working class
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 24

By Thomas Scripps
16 September 2019

Britain’s Supreme Court will begin its hearing Tuesday into whether Conservative Prime
Minister Boris Johnson’s proroguing of parliament is unlawful.

Opposition MPs have lined up to accuse Johnson of lying to the queen and demanded a
recall of parliament. Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow, who is supposed to
be impartial, has said that “the limitations of the existing rule book” will not stop him from
preventing Johnson breaking or avoiding a law prohibiting a no-deal Brexit on October 31.
The measure was passed by pro-European Union MPs last week.

There have even been threats to imprison Johnson, who has made clear that he will defy the
law, will not seek an extension of the Brexit deadline and will mount a legal challenge.

The authoritarian turn represented by Johnson’s prorogation is the most advanced

expression of the breakdown of the traditional mechanisms of parliamentary rule. Initially
this has been met with a turn to the courts and appeals to the queen, but under conditions of
fierce conflict within the ruling elite, things will inevitably go further.

Immense pressure is being placed on the working class to “choose a side” in this
internecine conflict. All political life has been framed in terms of “pro” or “anti” Brexit.
Each faction claims that theirs is the only route out of an impending economic catastrophe
—either through ever closer alignment with the Trump administration’s “America First”
global offensive or within the protective shelter of a European trade bloc.

But the social catastrophe facing the British working class did not begin with the 2016
referendum on membership of the EU. Rather, Brexit was the result of the deepening crisis
of British and world capitalism, which escalated sharply following the banking collapse of
2008. While trillions were transferred to the financial elite, social spending and wages were
slashed in a new “age of austerity.”

Wage growth has been driven to historic lows, accompanied by the rise of zero-hours and
temporary and part-time contracts. Social inequality has reached levels previously unseen
in the post-World War II period, with Britain the most unequal country in Europe. The
average FTSE100 CEO receives 145 times the pay of the average worker, up from 47 times
in 1998. The wealthiest 10 percent have 290 times more in total assets than those at the

This is the essential political context of the Brexit crisis. Millions of workers are struggling
to survive while the super-rich continue to gorge themselves. Democratic forms of rule
cannot be maintained under the immense pressure of social antagonisms created by this
situation. (In this instance the antagonism is more within capital itself. It is good to see people
worldwide beginning to organize not to be exploited out of existence so fast, but again, since
they are starting from scractch, and not a position of advantage the center of the antagonism is
within capital itself: its political, military into submission of the British working class the for itself
of the Beast of Prey they want around their neck. How to commodify their own unconscious,
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 25

and lack of autonomy so they may sell android-ginoid type creatures which is what they want
humans to turn into. Reduce people to a sort of nerve-ending you get to repeatedly squeeze
into object-a agony until it is exhausted by the friction of repeated rounds of asphyxiating
exploitation. As Johnson says below Singapore on the Thames)

Whatever their differences on EU membership, both factions within British imperialism are
united on a continued offensive against the working class in order to remain “globally
competitive.” Both are clear that this entails stepped-up militarism, either as an
unconditional ally of US imperialism or by balancing between the US and a rapidly
rearming Europe. (All this talk of the “new normal”, “globally competitive” all preceded by
intense waves of military violence, media and other modes of “soft(harder to detect perhaps)-
exploitative power”, the obstacle that abstract bougeoise rights have become all of that
concentrated on at least one objective: how to reduce to people to an exploitable nerve-ending)

Johnson’s plan for Brexit is to transform the UK into “Singapore on the Thames,” including
huge tax cuts for the wealthy and the corporations and the setting up of “free ports” to
enable the hyper-exploitation of large sections of the workforce. Former Conservative
government chancellor Nigel Lawson summed it up as the drive to “finish the Thatcher

The government knows that its agenda will meet with social opposition. Its post-Brexit
plan, Operation Yellowhammer, will mobilise 50,000 troops backed by 10,000 riot police,
ready to be deployed in 24 hours to deal with “public disorder.” Legislation to handle
national emergencies will, according to the Sunday Times, enable “curfews, bans on travel,
confiscation of property and, most drastic, the deployment of the armed forces to quell
rioting.” (So, a no-deal implies that, I am uncertain as to what extent this is true, but it is at play
nevertheless, a no-deal Brexit is the most damaging Yellowhammer blow they can deal the
working class in terms of lack of access to markets for the products they were exploiting out of
them etc. So, a “no deal” exploiting the politics of jouissance, rally them up to their side in the
name of the truth of the Lisboa treaty, and them with the very same delivered promise blast
them out of existence in a very real sense. Or is it the case that they are using a no-deal Brexit as
a violent pretext to militarize social relations even further (private contractors? If they are not
there now it will become a market for them. A thing to sell and make money out of genocide). In
the sense that people will not go crazy as they pretend, but the idea is for working class people
to accept the illegitimate presence of army and police on the streets)

But the Remain section of the ruling class is no less reactionary. On September 5, the
Financial Times, the leading voice of the pro-EU elite, made clear its view that there will
be no retreat from “the Thatcherite revolution of the 1980s,” which, “while often brutal, led
to a necessary shift in the balance of power between labour and capital…” The Labour,
Liberal Democrat, Scottish National and Tory MPs who make up the pro-Remain alliance
carried out austerity before the Brexit crisis and will continue to do so if it is resolved in
their favour, relying on the force of the state.

Their championing of “Parliamentary sovereignty” rests not on a popular mandate but on

court officials. Meanwhile, Remain MPs are using the proroguing of parliament to engage
in backroom discussions on the formation of an unelected government of national unity,
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 26

headed by arch Thatcherite Ken Clark who began the privatisation of the National Health

Both of these strategies rely on preventing any political intervention by the working class in
defence of its independent interests. The key role is played by Labour leader Jeremy
Corbyn, who has spent four years suppressing the class struggle in collaboration with the
trade union bureaucracy.

He is now at the centre of efforts to exclude the working class from the biggest crisis of the
British ruling class since the 1930s, refusing to demand a general election and instead
offering himself as the head of a “caretaker” government that would need the support of all
the pro-Remain parties and Tory rebels.

The Daily Mirror has revealed that shadow ministers have drawn up plans for this
government to sit for six months in order to hold a second referendum on EU membership,
prior to any general election. Even this would be agreed only if Corbyn promised to do
nothing that would impinge on the austerity agenda of big business. The impact would be to
exacerbate the dangerous pro- and anti-Brexit divisions rather than unite workers in a
struggle against their class enemy.

In its 2016 and 2018 Congress resolutions, the Socialist Equality Party insisted on the
historically determined bankruptcy of the Labour Party and the reactionary character of the
EU referendum and its two alternative pro-capitalist factions. The SEP explained that the
only way forward was through an independent struggle for socialism, which must be based
on a socialist and internationalist response to the global crisis of capitalism.

This appraisal has been confirmed. Escalating attacks on the working class and the turn to
dictatorial forms of rule are universal phenomena.

France spent two years under a state of emergency, whose draconian provisions have now
been integrated into the law of the French state and used for the past year to brutalize
Yellow Vest and migrant protesters.(Foundation pit Singapore on the Thames violence. A lot
of operation Gladio preceding it. Also in Belgium, and recently in Spain)

Fascist deputies sit in the German parliament, collaborating with the grand coalition
government to pursue militarist, xenophobic and anti-democratic policies while working
hand-in-glove with the state security services.

President Donald Trump is seeking to build an extra-constitutional fascist movement in the

US, while, with the support of the Democrats, constructing a vast network of camps, border
walls, armed guards and militia in an assault on migrants that will ultimately be turned
against the American-born working class as well.

Against this universal threat, a new political offensive of the working class must be
organised. The objective basis for this has begun to develop in an upsurge of the class
struggle around the world—from the US autoworkers and mass protests in Puerto Rico to
the Yellow Vests in France, the mass demonstrations in Hong Kong and mass protests in
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 27

Algeria, Sudan and other countries. If it is to succeed, this burgeoning movement must be
given a political perspective. In Britain, this is the perspective advanced by the Socialist
Equality Party for the United Socialist States of Europe against the EU and all of its
constituent governments.

Inspector general report details Trump’s abuse of

immigrant children (recall the constant harassment by the military and police
calling the apt at summerset terrace and shocking Bruce constantly plus the separation from his
parents as well we the remote posion snuff surveillance signal garbage etc)

By Patrick Martin
17 September 2019

A report issued earlier this month by the inspector general of the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) provides a harrowing picture of the deliberate abuse of terrified
children that is being carried out in detention facilities run by the Trump administration.

The report by Joanne Chiedi, the acting inspector general of HHS, examined the conditions
of thousands of children detained in facilities operated by the Office of Refugee
Resettlement (ORR), a division of HHS that is assigned the caretaker responsibility for
child refugees.

Under the Obama administration, the ORR was tasked with the responsibility of housing
unaccompanied minors from Central America who came across the US-Mexico border in
large numbers from 2014 on. This population multiplied in the summer of 2018 when the
Trump administration began its “zero tolerance” policy, under which all adult refugees
were treated as criminals and separated from their children, who were then sent to facilities
operated by the ORR.

In August-September 2018, the Office of Inspector General visited 45 of the 102 facilities
in the ORR’s network at the time, including many of the large ones. At the time, 12,400
children were held by the ORR.

The damning report was collected without interviewing any of the detained children:
Mental health clinicians, medical coordinators and facility supervisors were the sole
witnesses, and they provided ample evidence of the terrible conditions facing the children.

The report found that many of the children at ORR had experienced three separate kinds of
trauma: in their home countries, during their treks through Mexico to the US border, and
then within the United States, after their parents or guardians tried to file for refugee status.
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According to the report, many of the children and their parents were fleeing violence in
their native countries:

Staff in multiple facilities reported cases of children who had been kidnapped or raped,
some by members of gangs or drug cartels. In one case, a medical coordinator reported that
a girl had been held in captivity for months, during which time she was tortured, raped, and
became pregnant. Other children had witnessed the rape or murder of family members or
were fleeing threats against their own lives. In one case, a mental health clinician reported
that, after fleeing with his mother from an abusive father, the child witnessed the murder of
his mother, grandmother, and uncle.

There were similar dangers during the trip through Mexico:

According to mental health clinicians and program directors, some children experienced or
witnessed violence during the trip to the U.S. border. For example, a mental health clinician
in one facility shared the story of a child who, while attempting to cross from Guatemala to
Mexico, was abducted by a gang and held for ransom. The gang held the child in a
compound, where another individual was shot in the head. Later, a woman who helped the
child escape from the compound was shot by the gang.

Once in the United States, the children experienced trauma from different gangs: the Trump
administration thugs who infest the Border Patrol and ICE.

Some children also experienced the trauma of being unexpectedly separated from their
parents as a result of U.S. immigration policies. … Policy changes in 2018 exacerbated
these concerns, as they resulted in longer stays in ORR custody and a rapid increase in the
number of younger children—many of whom had been separated from their parents after
entering the United States.

According to the 1997 Flores agreement, a settlement imposed by the federal courts after
lawsuits filed by immigrant rights’ activists, each child in ORR custody must receive at
least one individual counseling session a week with a mental health clinician. It is evident
from the inspector general’s report that these clinicians take their jobs seriously and were
not afraid to speak out about the terrible conditions facing the children.

That is undoubtedly one reason why the Trump administration has decided to repudiate the
Flores agreement and now seeks to hold refugee children together with their parents in
federal immigration prison camps to be run by ICE or its contractors, rather than HHS. In
such camps, any mental health treatment will be under the watchful eyes of ICE officers.

According to the report, ORR mental health clinicians criticized what they called a “Band-
Aid” approach, under which they sought to intervene only to prevent immediate crises or
stabilize children during short-term stays: “the goal is not to treat children’s underlying
issues because children will not be in the facility long enough to make meaningful
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But children who stayed longer at ORR facilities were worse off rather than better, and they
noted that after about 70 days longer stays resulted in “higher levels of defiance,
hopelessness, and frustration among children, along with more instances of self-harm and
suicidal ideation.”

One program director told the inspector general that separated children did not understand
the difference between clinical staff and the immigration agents who had taken their parents
away: “Every single separated kid has been terrified. We’re the enemy.”

The policy directives of the Trump administration made conditions even worse. At one
point in 2018, the White House demanded that the ORR fingerprint all adults in a family
that offered to sponsor an unaccompanied child. This quickly drove up the average time in
custody for children from 61 days to 93 days. It fell back to 58 days after the requirement
was dropped.

Caseloads doubled, from a legal mandate of 1 mental health worker for every 12 children to
as much as 1 to 25. There were few adequately trained mental health specialists, even fewer
who were bilingual, and waiting times to see a specialist grew to many months.

Another program director at an ORR facility described a 7- or 8-year-old boy who was
separated from his father: “The child was under the delusion that his father had been killed
and believed that he would also be killed. This child ultimately required emergency
psychiatric care to address his mental health distress.”

The report was largely ignored when it was first issued, with only one reference in a major
newspaper, a column in the Washington Post by Catherine Rampell headlined, “Welcome
to Trump’s War on Children,” and written in a tone unusual for the corporate-controlled

Rampell denounced the Trump policy of family separation as “evil,” and described the
inspector general report as providing “accounts of children who cried inconsolably; who
were drugged; who were promised family reunifications that never came; whose severe
emotional distress manifested in phantom chest pains, with complaints that ‘every heartbeat
hurts’; who thought their parents had abandoned them or had been murdered.”

Not one Democratic presidential candidate has cited the report as documenting the
deliberate cruelty of the Trump administration’s policy towards asylum seekers and their
children. And the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives voted in July to provide
billions in funding to operate detention centers and other ICE, CBP and ORR facilities that
are little better than torture chambers.

One of President Barack Obama’s chief aides in the bipartisan war against immigrants,
former Attorney General Eric Holder, publicly defended Obama against critics who have
pointed out that Trump has invented nothing new, he has only intensified the already
existing network of repression established under his predecessor.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 30

Holder said Saturday, in an interview with CNN, “Democrats have to understand that…
borders mean something.” He denounced proposals by some Democratic presidential
candidates that crossing the US-Mexico border illegally should become a civil rather than a
criminal offense.

“No, I don’t think that’s right,” he said. “The law that is on the books has been there for
about 100 years or so.” Changing the law “might send the wrong signal. But it would
certainly take a tool away from the Justice Department that it might [want] to use,” he

During Obama’s first term, ICE deportations averaged nearly 400,000 a year. Under
Trump, deportations have averaged under 250,000 a year, partly because the number of
border crossers has declined.

The author also recommends:

The bipartisan assault on the right of asylum

[13 September 2019]

Copyright © 1998-2019 World Socialist Web Site

Operation Gladio with Islamists and Afd. “Islamists” (political islam: fascists of the Bretzinski
variety, and Saudi variety) and Afd, and the underground Nazis and The Federal Office for the
Protection of the Constitution: Chemtzit attacks, plus other modes of projecting incestual lethal
violence: murdered an immigrant from Iraqui descent. To that you add the Gladio case in Belgium
where the borders where close supposedly for the terrorists to believe they were trapped, add
pressure to them, but in fact they were not. In Paris the attack against “The Eagles of Death Metal”
a very leftists Joshy and friends got some blood on them under the State of Emergency on
Hollande to exploit the victims as they snuff us. Also protected by the very same agencies carrying
out these attacks. They wanted to rock so they took about 100 exploitable Parisians and their
families into “wanna go for a muder ride” of a◊$ after the money entered the accounts. Then he
appears in the “them crooked snuffers tribute” mocking hijab wearing women to pretend that he
is erotically attractive, unconstrained, all rocking desirable murderer, exploiter, child rapists.
Canada, around 2017, and attack on a mall, and their Congress was not able to be stopped even
though the person was also under surveiilance. Refer to Counter-Intelligence documentary.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 31

Scandal erupts over Público exposure of state complicity

in Barcelona attack
Part I: Podemos and the Catalan nationalists cover for Spanish intelligence

By Alejandro López
10 September 2019

In the month since the online daily Público revealed that Spanish and European intelligence
intensively monitored the perpetrators of the August 2017 Barcelona terror attack up until
the very day it took place, a bitter battle has unfolded within the Spanish media and
political establishment. The Público report provided detailed evidence, based on internal
documents, of official foreknowledge of the attack, which was led by a Spanish intelligence
asset. Yet the ruling establishment is uniting to denounce the report and pour scorn on the
idea that an official conspiracy took place.

In July, Público published a four-part report after a year-long investigation into relations
between Imam Abdelbaki Es-Satty, the leader of the terror cell, and the National
Intelligence Centre (CNI). Público based its report on CNI sources and confidential reports
on Es-Satty and his cell, excerpts of which it published on its site. Refuting the official
account that these attackers flew under the radar, surprising Europe’s intelligence agencies
as they prepared the deadliest terrorist attack in Spain since Al Qaeda’s 2004 Madrid
bombings, Público’s documentation shows that:

 The CNI recruited Es-Satty as an informer at least as far back as 2014, using a
Gmail account for communications between Es-Satty and his CNI handler.
 The intelligence services falsified his legal files to prevent his expulsion after he
was found guilty of drug-trafficking. He even received aid from the CNI to install
him as an Imam in the small Catalan town of Ripoll, although he was known to
have been radicalised for a long time, as far back as 2004, when he was linked to
the attacks in Casablanca on 16 May 2003.
 The CNI wiped Es-Satty’s record so that Ripoll’s Muslim community would not be
aware of his history; this also hindered Catalan regional police as they began to
investigate the attacks.
 The CNI knew the movements of some of the cell’s members in France, Germany,
Belgium and Switzerland, and monitored phone conversations between them. Es-
Satty had contacts with Islamist forces across Europe involved in the NATO-led
proxy war against Syria, including jihadist circles in Belgium. The CNI’s intense
monitoring of his cell required the collaboration of European intelligence agencies,
including French intelligence, which has acknowledged that it spied on members of
Es-Satty’s cell who travelled to Paris shortly before the Barcelona attack.
 The CNI devoted an extraordinary level of surveillance to members of the cell,
including those who had no criminal record until the day of the attacks. The CNI,
Público writes, was “listening to and transcribing all conversations between those
young Muslims, who were not supposedly yet related to any jihadist plot—
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 32

executing the most exhaustive possible intelligence controls, which require

considerable material and human resources.”
 After the attack, CNI officers involved in dealing with Es-Satty were posted to a
remote African country, and another was “moved to the capital of a Latin American
country with his family.” (from Podemos to Chaviztas?)
 (These are the same level of protection offered to Banholzer. Gordon, Hyatt, West and
upward. By the very same military garbage attacking Bruce etc)

The Público report is politically devastating. To date, there has been no attempt by any of
its detractors to examine or discredit the documents upon which it is based. It provides
powerful evidence that the Spanish government, which was publicly seeking a pretext to
impose martial law before the October 2017 declaration of Catalan independence, knew a
terror cell existed in Barcelona but decided not to act to dismantle it, at the cost of hundreds
of casualties. This has far-reaching political implications. (Yeah, like good nazi gangsters they
will insist on what the EC commissioner insists upon “our victims of campaign of extermination
are the enemy so you need to become more of an exploitable ojects so our incestual reach to
you as a person may be total. Therby modifying social relations: you are our property, and as
such you will be enjoyed, consumed, and will thank us for protecting you” (doing away with
your mind). These are “your concerns” after we murder the lot of you, you are looking for
guidance after we have water boarded your exitance into the hole of scarcity (yrs of austerity:
its privation violence) of means with which to exist materially, up against the razor or anxiety,
now we may position ourselves to demand even more from you until you cease to exist as a

The turn to police-state forms of rule and the official legitimization of fascism now
underway in Spain and across Europe are based on state criminality and political lies. After
the cell carried out its attack, the CNI attempted to hide the evidence of their complicity.
And as Spanish police brutally attacked peaceful voters in the Catalan referendum, the
Spanish ruling class shifted drastically to the right, promoting the pro-fascist and anti-
Catalan nationalist Vox party. Most strikingly, the Spanish Supreme Court stated that
Francisco Franco, the leader of the 1936 coup against the Spanish republic and founder of a
four-decade fascist dictatorship, was the country’s legitimate head of state starting
immediately after his coup, which provoked the Spanish Civil War. (They took the step
Macron attempted, or, was testing for with Petain and Vichy France. Doing a bit of a poll)

As news of the Público report spread on social media, it provoked outrage among broad
layers of the working class. Las Ramblas, the avenue in central Barcelona where the attacks
happened, was filled with stickers saying “17-A. Stop complicit silence.” But the ruling
elite has worked relentlessly to downplay, distort and discredit the report. The acting
Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) government baldly asserted that the former CNI director
had already given the necessary explanations in Parliament. Late last month, the PSOE,
Popular Party, Citizens and Vox blocked—for the second time—calls from the Catalan
nationalist parties for a parliamentary investigation into the 2017 attacks.

Of particular significance was the response of political and media forces affiliated with
Podemos. Having sought for months to form a coalition government with the PSOE, which
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 33

is covering up the background of the Barcelona attack, its factions united to insist this
report is of no significance.

A typical example was the online daily, a leading “left” liberal web site. After
days of not reporting the news, its director Ignacio Escolar had to reply to infuriated
subscribers who accused it of complicity in a conspiracy of silence. Without trying to
explain the longstanding state monitoring of the Barcelona cell revealed by Público, he
complacently wrote that it is “not unusual for some perpetrators of an attack to have been
investigated by security forces or secret services. This is how many other terrorist attacks
are prevented, even if this is not always achieved.” (Yeah, just admire his intellect, and the
forces that are defending you. They heroically could not do anything this time around)

Journalists Antonio Maestre and Elisa Beni, both prominent figures regularly appearing on
television to represent the views of Podemos, also attacked the report. In an exchange on
Twitter with Carlos Enrique Bayo, the author of the Público report, Maestre accused him of
posting hack work based on notes obtained from “fanatical” Catalan secessionists. Beni
defended Maestre, calling the Público report “nonsense” and a “political use of terrorism.”

Jaume Asens, spokesman for En Comú Podem, Podemos’s Catalan affiliate, insisted
readers should avoid making “conspiracy readings” of the Público report. (if you read it in a
certain way you are insane. Or unjustifiably paranoid. They go after your mental health not the
argument. The status of your relation to reason. Assert it not support it.)

Gaspar Llamazares, a former leader of the Stalinist United Left, denounced anyone raising
questions about the role of Spanish intelligence: “In the majority of the greatest [terrorist]
attacks in the world, an informer has appeared or they [the terrorists] were monitored by the
intelligence services. Nowhere, except in Spain, have they been accused of being

Similarly, the Catalan nationalists are aiding in a state cover-up. One month after sending a
pro-forma letter appealing to Madrid to set up a face-saving commission to investigate the
attacks, and thus “end the social alarm generated,” the Catalan government has remained
completely silent.

The Catalan petty bourgeoisie has also attacked Público. Natàlia Sànchez, of the Catalan-
nationalist Candidatures of Popular Unity (CUP), attacked Bayo in the Catalan Parliament’s
commission on the 2017 attacks. She accused Bayo, who had travelled from Madrid to
testify to the commission, of “helping to generate a sense of conspiracy-paranoia which is
not helpful for the victims or for the work of this commission.” (object-a anxiety
appropriately questioning the right target could not be exploited the healthy way she wanted
for their heads)

Far more is at stake than Bayo’s reporting. The Catalan nationalists and the sections of the
affluent middle class in which Podemos and its affiliates are rooted—oriented to the PSOE,
the Spanish capitalist state, and the European Union—fear the implications of the
discrediting of imperialist wars in the Middle East and of the Spanish state apparatus. They
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 34

are adapting to the rapid shift of the bourgeoisie towards authoritarian and fascistic forms
of rule.

Scandal erupts over Público exposure of state complicity

in Barcelona attack
Part II: The Barcelona daily La Vanguardia tries to discredit Público

By Alejandro López
11 September 2019

After Público’s report exposed intelligence foreknowledge of the Barcelona terror attacks,
the Barcelona-based daily La Vanguardia intervened to attack Público. Directly
contradicting documents revealed by Público, it argued that neither the National
Intelligence Center (CNI) nor the police were aware of the terrorists’ movements prior to
the August 2017 attacks, and that the phones had never been tapped.

The four articles bear all the hallmarks of a damage control operation targeting the Público
report by the Catalan bourgeoisie, working with the CNI and the state machine in Madrid.
Mainstream media and politicians have used them to attack Público and the author of the
Público reports, Carlos Enrique Bayo, and prop up the rapidly-disintegrating official story
that the attackers flew under the radar, catching European intelligence agencies totally by
surprise when they attacked.

All four La Vanguardia articles base themselves on a report leaked to La Vanguardia by

the Catalan Police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, and dated over a year after the attacks, on
October 11, 2018. According to La Vanguardia’s account, the Mossos later recovered 13
telephone numbers used by the terrorists on the day of the attack, allowing them to
reconstruct the events. It alleges that one of the phones contained information that allowed
investigators to map out the attackers’ prior actions.

La Vanguardia further claims that more information, including a trip to Paris by two of the
attackers, was also reconstructed after the events by taking into receipts, parking and toll
tickets, and bank statements, with help from Spanish and French intelligence. (Holland, and
PSOE, working with Holland´s ex-minister Macron coordinating with French intelligence as to when
they attack would be pareto-optimal for a fascist request to legalize their set of policies. When to
exploit jouissance at the right moment. Laurent complains that jouissance is raised above all else,
anger, raised above death-drive, but death-drive needs to be mobilized in a certain direction as far
as they are concerned. So Nel Caracas serves both wings of fascists militaries, and under the guise
of helping poor people commit crimes against humanity on that site then to brag about latter as in
umbrales 5. They also work to let the child rapist priests how to improve the ways in which they
can isolate victims for rape, and ways to deprive them of a witness: call them crazy, “looking for
attention etc” besides that they aid them in, very early on, isolating who among the student
population are like them: psychopaths, or, pervert structure to (under)develop into a psychopath
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structure. To precisely help them further attack, or, isolate the victim through the proxies they get
to fuck in certain ways. Or how to have orgies, unwillingly, as the parents of those kids pay them
twice (holy mass) like the whole deal with Jennifer, and the moron art history teacher episode etc.
Part of that (church) money may find its way to Nel through the usual donations by a third party
etc. After the mengeling under the guise of helping the needy they do, or, lend their services APA
style under bush to capital as media to run psy-ops with the American embassy above etc. Same
deal with IMF economists etc. So, not to worry plenty in-the-knows accompany them)

It also asserts that the El Satty file “never disappeared or was deleted from the databases of
the security forces”, apparently contradicting Público’s assertion that the CNI had tried to
delete it, presumably to hide the well-established fact that Es-Satty was a CNI informant.
La Vanguardia claims that source of these “speculations” were the Mossos, who
mistakenly reported on the same day of the attacks that Es-Satty “has no registered arrests
from any police force.”

The La Vanguardia articles are something of a red herring, insofar as the various
documents they cite from the Mossos do not affect the credibility of the CNI documents
upon which Bayo based the Público report. These clearly show that the CNI was
intensively monitoring the terror cell, whatever other work the Mossos may have done after
the attack to investigate the cell members’ movements. Bayo called La Vanguardia’s article
a “well-planned document leak,” and part of a “campaign to discredit” Público in general
and his own report specifically.

One of the key facts is that the CNI knew the numbers of the French SIM cards that the
terror cell members bought in Paris with false identities a few days before the Barcelona

Both La Vanguardia and Público, using different sources, quote the same telephone
numbers assigned to two of the young attackers. Bayo writes, “We must insist that without
prior surveillance it’s impossible to know two names of the false identities between the
thousands of prepaid SIMs that are acquired each day in Paris, nor to relate these two
numbers to the two terrorists afterwards only because of their geolocation (24/7 of everyone
including assets like the ones mentioned above. See Surveillance Capitalism Monthly Review, McCoy´s
one computer (a.i.) per 200,000 citizens etc. It was not like they turned it on the day after or something)
… or discover at what time and where they were activated.”

La Vanguardia never refutes another key piece of evidence that Público revealed. The CNI
report leaked by Público reports that one of the attackers “cuts his phrases short to not
reveal specific details of his activities.” Such a statement reveals that the attackers were
being monitored, and not that their trip details were reconstructed based on bank statements
and toll booth receipts.

La Vanguardia also asserts that the CNI never deleted Es-Satty’s file or that his file was
never hidden for the Catalan regional police. La Vanguardia provided a long explanation
claiming that the Mossos did not consult the National Database of criminals, where they
would have found Es-Satty’s background, because they only looked in their local Catalan
archives, which had no reference to the Ripoll Iman. This, La Vanguardia explains, is why
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 36

when Belgian police asked the Mossos about Es-Satty in early 2016, they said they had no
prior information about him.

Público, however, shows that the hiding of Es-Satty’s convictions happened two years
earlier, before the attack, when he tried to become the imam of Ripoll. The normal
procedure would have involved a background check. As Bayo says, quoting a police
source, “imams with these police records are a dozen in Spain, and we monitor each of
them.” Público’s source was referring to the fact that Es-Satty had two jail sentences, one
of them for drug trafficking, as well as a history of relations with jihadists before and
during his imprisonment. However, the Muslim community in Ripoll was given a clean
curriculum vitae for Es-Satty, doctored by the CNI.

Bayo also shows how La Vanguardia’s claim based on a report from the Civil Guards that
he was radicalized in prison (more like spotted, and psychologically profiled for Gladio
operations. The very same people that surveilled him later on. Was this a suicide attack? If, so
this could be the name of some “x” Gladio group of people who are kept safe to repeat the same
procedure, privatize said services, elsewhere. It does not matter. They said he did it, exploit
some object-a in the community “he served” paranoia, then send him elsewhere for services
rendered etc. The a◊$ paronia rendering more vulnerable to attacks if they do not toat the line,
or, some “x” can approach them as their “defender of this abuse” etc. Or if they need a target
for some pogromish groundless violence for the tonners later on. Which may follow an act of
self-defense, but in the form of a criminal act. A new recruit for the very same Gladio ops, but
with a different psychic background: wanting to hit no matter whom as long as they get to inject
the terror, and split them back. Which of course leads back to EC chief protecting the concerns
of our “citizens” about their safety etc.) raises the question as to why the police did not
inform local authorities. Both the Civil Guards and the National Police had the information,
and the National Police even went to visit the Ripoll Mosque twice when Es-Satty was

Moreover, if, as La Vanguardia asserts, the Civil Guards database always had “the
information and it was never erased,” this raises the question: if they knew his background
and went to visit him twice in Ripoll before the attacks, why didn’t they warn local
Muslims of their preacher’s history? As Bayo states, “To exonerate the CNI they [ La
Vanguardia ] are leaving the state security forces in a very bad place”.

Bayo concludes by quoting his CNI sources, who state that in order for Es-Satty to have
become a Imam in Ripoll, “there could be no trace of his long history of proven relations
with jihadist groups. Therefore, the police record was hidden in case the local Muslim
community requested a review of his past.” That does not mean that the criminal and police
records were completely eliminated, which, according to Bayo and his intelligence sources,
would be impossible, but that they hid it from the Catalan police at that time to protect Es-
Satty, the CNI’s informant.

La Vanguardia also fails to seriously deal with the factual material leaked and analysed by
Público, such as how the CNI worked to prevent the expulsion of Es-Satty and get him
appointed as an imam in Ripoll. Nor does the daily explain how he could move around
Europe to meet jihadist cells and indoctrinate his own cell, which ceaselessly moved from
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 37

one end to the other of Catalonia as it amassed a large store of explosives, while Es-Satty
preached jihadist sermons in Ripoll.

Readers are apparently supposed to believe that despite intense surveillance and the CNI’s
own admission that Es-Satty was their informant, he was able to prepare the attacks totally

La Vanguardia also omits other pre-existing evidence of state foreknowledge of the attack:
French intelligence admitted that they followed the terrorists before the attack, and a
security firm close to US intelligence agencies had sent a “red alert” notice about the cell to
Madrid prior to the attacks. (an investment: to sell their services, level of accuracy in their
assesments, to other governments. They knew they were not gonna move on it)

That is to say that, as opposed to analyzing and recreating the events that led to the attacks
in an objective way, dealing with all that is known from different forces involved in the
attacks, it made a one-sided presentation that covers up the foreknowledge and complicity
of the CNI in the attack.

Scandal erupts over Público exposure of state complicity

in Barcelona attack
Part III: The class issues posed by state foreknowledge of Islamist attacks

By Alejandro López
12 September 2019

The fact that the head of the Barcelona terror cell Abdelbaki Es-Satty (Another variation of
Gladio: Get german Prussian officers to register as islamists, and with his group carry out an

was a Spanish National Intelligence Center (CNI) informant and Público’s revelation that
the CNI monitored the cell until it carried out the attacks on 17 August 2017 come as a
shock to many. The storm of protest on social media reflects widespread anger against
politically criminal behavior on the part of the Spanish state. Predictably, broad sections of
the media dismissed or downplayed the report and denounced all attempts to politically
explain the revelations as “conspiracy theory.”

The issues posed to workers by official state foreknowledge of Islamist terror attacks in
Europe cannot be understood in a national, ahistorical framework, as a question of whether
or not there was a technical failure by the spy agencies. This is the framework of the author
of the Público report, Carlos Enrique Bayo, who points to “the clear inefficiency,
negligence and even recklessness of the CNI,” but fails to explore the significance of his
own exposures.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 38

The CNI’s reactionary intrigues with the Es-Satty cell and the turn of the ruling class far to
the right pose fundamental issues of historical and class perspective. They point to the
premeditated character of the violently counter-revolutionary policy pursed the financial
aristocracy against working people.

The Barcelona attacks were the product of the imperialist war drive that followed
revolutionary uprisings of the working class against NATO-backed dictators in Egypt and
Tunisia in 2011. The NATO powers, including Spain, armed Islamist proxy militias in wars
first in Libya and, after the fall of the Libyan regime in August 2011, Syria. Islamist
networks operated under official protection across Europe, recruiting thousands of people
to fight in the Middle East.

At the time of the Barcelona attacks there was already mounting anger among workers over
the war drive, and increasing concern in ruling circles over the potential for an eruption of
popular outrage. The Spanish government called a “national unity march” shortly after the
Barcelona attack. While 500,000 people turned out for the march, the event, contrary to
Madrid’s intentions, turned into a mass demonstration of public hostility to imperialist
proxy wars in the Middle East.

Spanish King Felipe VI, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and other top officials present at
the march were greeted with boos, honking car horns and shouts of “Your policies, our
dead.” Workers denounced Spanish arms sales to Middle East countries like Saudi Arabia,
shouting: “Felipe, if you want peace, you don’t do weapons trafficking.”

This eruption of working class anger after the Barcelona terror attack shows that more is
involved in the Público report than questions about the CNI’s detective work. The vicious
campaign against Público this year in the bourgeois media—like the mass outpouring of
popular anger just after the attack and the CNI’s belated admission a few months later that
Es-Satty was a CNI agent—reflects the explosive state of class relations (It would be good to
look at the groundlessness of their attacks to see them in their pure roles as censors of the truth
more clearly.) After a decade of European Union austerity and mounting social inequality,
class conflict has reached explosive levels.

The eruption of mass strikes in Portugal and Poland, mass movements calling for the
overthrow of military dictatorships in Algeria and Sudan, “yellow vest” protests in France
and a global wave of strikes and protests from Hong Kong to teachers in the US are initial
expressions of this. Events in Spain show how the financial aristocracy, isolated and deeply
unpopular, moves rapidly towards fascistic-authoritarian rule. It is within this framework
that the official response to the Barcelona attacks unfolded, and on the basis of which the
working class must formulate its response.

The blood was still drying on the streets of Barcelona in August 2017 when the ruling elite
began openly discussing deploying the army in Spain. Officials of the right-wing Rajoy
government stated that they were considering imposing martial law. This would have been
the first time the army was deployed in Spain since the country was ruled by Francisco
Franco’s fascist regime, which took power in the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 39

Shortly after, Madrid deployed thousands of paramilitary Guardia Civil, who assaulted
peaceful voters in the October 2017 Catalan independence referendum, sending over 800 to
hospital. While the referendum was itself a reactionary maneuver by pro-austerity Catalan
nationalist parties to divert growing social anger along ethnic lines, it became the focus of a
broader campaign by the bourgeoisie to set up a far-right regime targeting the entire
working class.

Hysterical anti-Catalan agitation by the political establishment and media went hand-in-
hand with the organizing of pro-Francoite demonstrations. The PP government suspended
the elected Catalan government and jailed a dozen Catalan nationalist politicians on
fraudulent charges. These politicians were then prosecuted by the new Socialist Party
(PSOE) government, which let the pro-Francoite Vox party help prosecute Catalan
nationalist politicians in a show trial that it oversaw.

The right-wing atmosphere stoked by the ruling class enabled an openly pro-fascist party,
Vox, to be elected to parliament for the first time since the fall of the Francoite regime in

A few months later, the Supreme Court ruled that the coup launched by Franco and his
henchmen in 1936 against the Spanish Republic was legal. It explicitly argued that Franco,
the founder of a four-decade fascist dictatorship, was the country’s legitimate head of state
beginning immediately after his coup, which provoked the Spanish Civil War. After its
victory in the Civil War, the Francoite army carried out the mass murder of hundreds of
thousands of left-wing workers and youth.

The ruling is part of a broader move by the capitalist class across Europe to legitimise
fascism. In Germany, the major bourgeois parties cover for far-right extremist professors
like Jörg Baberowski while they whitewash Hitler’s crimes in order to legitimize austerity
and the re-militarization of German foreign policy. In Italy, Interior Minister Matteo Salvini
defends fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. In France, President Macron hails as a great
soldier the leader of France’s Nazi-collaborationist Vichy regime, the mass murderer
Philippe Pétain, while cracking down on “yellow vest” protesters.

It is only within this framework of a violent attack on democratic rights and the
legitimization of fascism by the financial aristocracy that the CNI’s intrigues with Es-Satty
can be properly assessed.

There is no reason to accept claims from the spy agencies’ defenders in the media that CNI
operatives at most made a few mistakes in an otherwise sincere effort to protect the nation.
They established ties to Islamist terrorists for the purposes of NATO’s bloody foreign
policy. After these networks carried out bloody terror attacks in Europe, the Spanish
security apparatus backed the ruling elite by intensifying attacks on democratic rights.

This analysis is not based on speculation, or what the media call “conspiracy theories,”
concerning the state of mind or motivations of the CNI’s operatives. Indeed, the
motivations of the spies who worked with Es-Satty are unknown and have been covered up
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 40

by the Spanish state and media. It is based rather on an objective review of the events of
recent years.

Media claims that the Spanish spy agencies are acting in good faith have no credibility. If
the Spanish state can juridically endorse Franco’s record of fascist mass murder, it is by no
means inconceivable that pro-Francoite elements in the state might allow an attack to
proceed, at the comparatively small cost of a few dozen lives, in order to terrorize and
disorient the public and help ram through unpopular, far-right policies.

The war crisis and the ruling elite’s move to fascistic-authoritarian rule present enormous
tasks and challenges to the working class. Events are exposing those pro-capitalist
propagandists who claimed that the Stalinist regime’s dissolution of the Soviet Union in
1991 spelled the “End of History” and the final triumph of liberal capitalist democracy. Not
only do the objective conditions that led to the Russian Revolution—war, capitalist crisis
and international class struggle—still exist, the financial aristocracy is responding to the
mounting crisis by turning back to the types of crimes it carried out in the 20th century.
From within the bureaucracies of supposedly democratic capitalist states, a rapid drive
towards dictatorship is developing.

The task posed to politically advanced workers in this situation is a return to the
revolutionary traditions of the 20th century represented by the October revolution and the
Trotskyist movement’s struggle against Stalinism. These traditions are continued today
only by the International Committee of the Fourth International.

The way forward for workers and youth opposed to the bloody intrigues of the intelligence
agencies is a fundamental political reorientation. It means building organizations of
struggle in the working class internationally against the imperialist war drive and the rapid
shift towards authoritarian forms of rule.

Above all, the working class needs its own revolutionary vanguard. Workers cannot simply,
without their own party, spontaneously improvise opposition to the political provocations
and propaganda of state agencies and official media. Relying on such improvisations
instead of building a new vanguard means ceding the field of organized opposition to the
Stalinist and Pabloite forces within Podemos and their petty-bourgeois periphery. However,
these forces mount no opposition at all.

The leaders of Podemos were either silent or defended the intelligence agencies’ role in the
Barcelona attacks. This is the outcome of the counterrevolutionary trajectory, over an entire
historic period, of the Stalinist and Pabloite tendencies that founded Podemos in 2014.

During the official Transition to bourgeois democracy after the death of Franco in 1975, the
Stalinist Communist Party of Spain (PCE), the Pabloite Revolutionary Communist League
(LCR) and the Catalan and Basque nationalists promoted illusions in the 1978 Constitution.
They hailed the compromise between the Socialist Party (PSOE) and PCE with the
Francoites, the Church and the Spanish army to “forgive and forget” the crimes of fascism.
They claimed to be ushering Spain into a new era of democratic prosperity under the aegis
of the EU. They then adapted to the Stalinist bureaucracy’s restoration of capitalism in the
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 41

Soviet Union and the ensuing shift of the European bourgeoisie towards policies of
austerity and social counterrevolution.

Amid a new upsurge of class struggle after a decade of deep austerity in Europe since the
2008 Wall Street crash, it is obvious that fascistic politics have returned within the
European bourgeoisie.

The layers of professors, media professionals and union bureaucrats represented by

Podemos are deeply integrated into the capitalist state. After decades during which the
PSOE served as the principal party of capitalist rule, establishing a record as a party of
austerity and imperialist war, the Stalinist and Pabloite tendencies that founded Podemos
abandoned any pretense of opposing the ruling elite.

The fundamental task posed by the Barcelona attacks is mobilizing the working class
internationally and arming it with a perspective against war, nationalism and fascistic-
authoritarian rule. This means first and foremost building sections of the ICFI in Spain and

The strike at General Motors: Class struggle vs. the

reactionary politics of racial division
18 September 2019

An enormous struggle is taking place in the United States, the heart of global capitalism.
More than 46,000 autoworkers are engaged in a strike against General Motors, one of the
most powerful industrial corporations in the world. After decades of suppression, the class
struggle is reemerging, and the consequences will be felt throughout the world.

The immense traditions of class struggle in America are rising to the surface, expressed in
the statements of auto workers—opposition to the corporations, the desire for unity,
hostility to the existing society. To this must be added the universal hatred of the United
Auto Workers, which has been exposed as a bribed tool of corporate management.

It is at such moments that workers begin to find their voice. On the picket lines, workers of
different races, genders and ethnicities are united by a common conception of their shared
exploitation and their determination to fight for a future for themselves and their children.
Workers have been heartened by messages of solidarity from Mexico, Brazil and Germany,
expressing the international unity of the working class.

Everything that is taking place contradicts the reactionary narrative that has proclaimed the
death of the working class and the end of the class struggle, supposedly replaced by
conflicts centered on race, gender and sexual orientation. Not only does the working class
exist, but the class struggle is, as Marx insisted, the driving force of world history.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 42

This fact terrifies the ruling class, which is responding by doing whatever it can to foment
racial and ethnic divisions.

Just one month ago, the New York Times published a special 100-page edition of its Sunday
magazine on “The 1619 project,” which presented a race-obsessed falsification of
American history. The conflict between “black people” and “white people” is at the center
of American society, wrote the Times columnist Nikole Hannah-Jones, and “anti-black
racism runs in the very DNA of this country.” This conception is being actively promoted
through an aggressive campaign in the media and on campuses throughout the country.
(Well, yeah how you mobilize the memory (similar to a memory of pogroms) in Europe, and in
identification with the victims, and the horrors they endured bring it back into the present to
forestall united action, and shift the antagonism to force the sons, and great grandsons of those
victims to begin to make demands on people who were not responsible for it. Whose agential
reach has a historical limit. Obviously they will experience a level of rather violent antagonism in
attempting to satisfy a demand that does not correlate with things they have done, and this
violence will be seen as emanating from other victims of capital now re-position as their
enemies given the level of unjustified shock delivered through a particular set of not well, or,
unjustified demands. If this is sustained over time, and in various forms it may lead to a pareto,
or, less than pareto, but nevertheless useful optimatlish result. If it is in the DNA and tons of ink
has been spilled into this the its institutional modes of existence: the transmission belts of this
particular mode of projecting incestual exploitative violence should be rather clear, or, very
clear. And so must be the entities towards which a particular fight, or, struggle must be directed.
If you only say DNA to say that it is too complex, and this complexcity leads to beffudlement,
and not a long drawn out specificties, and variations, richness and “creativity” that went into
keeping these modes of projecting violence alive then the “complex” comment only serves to
just deal the blow of antagonistic guilt with the truth w/o addressing the problem. A rather
nasty way to use “complex” to asphyxiate a bunch of people who might be on the edge of
material existence. And clearly, as stated above, the more you slash them (capital as media
master) they more you tell him that it was the tonner that made them do it, and is it not the
case we are both forced by the tonners to hurt each other as brothers? Etc. Very clever.)

As the WSWS wrote in its statement analyzing the 1619 project, entirely absent from the
Times narrative is any reference to the history and development of the American working
class. “There is no class struggle,” the WSWS wrote, “and, therefore, there is no real
history of the African-American population and the events which shaped a population of
freed slaves into a critical section of the working class.”

Entirely left out in the Times’ account is the way in which racial divisions were consciously
and deliberately promoted by the ruling class to undermine class consciousness in the
decades following the Civil War. Among the most prominent examples of this pernicious
form of ideological warfare was the racism and anti-Semitism promoted by Ford and the
other auto companies in the 1920s and 30s, which was overcome in the formation of the
industrial unions, led at the time by socialist-minded workers.

Over the past forty years, the promotion of racial divisions has become a central component
of pseudo-left politics, a reactionary attack on socialism rooted in the interests of privileged
sections of the upper middle class.
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 43

The racialist historical narrative serves contemporary political purposes—to divide the
workers against each other, to block and divert the development of class consciousness. In
an earlier essay published by Hannah-Jones, in July 2016, the Times columnist, in
responding to incidents of police violence, wrote of “the vast gulf between the collective
lived experiences of white Americans and that of black Americans,” which “can make true
empathy seem impossible.” (Her interpretation is telling them, or advicing them, as to how to
identify with what happened, and how they are to re-relate to others in society afterwards.
Advocating, or, displaying the antagonistic incestual violence, sympathy towards victims, and in
the shock that stems from the proceces of identifying with the victims, the very same
experience, as it were, of the asphyxiating agony of the victim, address them (the reader) either
as to where they could go, or, where they must remain: inside the unresolved deadlock, but in a
state of identification with the victims where they are still asphyxiated, and disoriented. The
issue if whether, or, not human rights law register, and set precedents for said facts. That is of
priority. After the shock of what happens manages to survive, enabled by identification
processes, then they will be less confused as to how to reconnect, where the point of disrutption
was, and what caused it. To identify all americans with the cops, or, psy-ops capital as media,

These sorts of mental operations are already at work in exchange as Marx explained how money
becomes the commodity for which all commodities (including humans forced into this role) are
exchanged. It is fully operational, and at work for many centuries. So they could be relying of
these very same mechanism of identification with the universal: the racists cop as the universal,
the rapist soldier, and torturer soldier as the universal (defend our freedoms, we could not walk
out in the streets without them, protect our property, they rescue us from possible threats etc).
Or their generals on, and on all the way up the chain of command. After they are elevated to
this position then the oppressed may redirect their anger, or, frustration towards all others, and
the anglo-saxon other, like the good exploited worker, is to receive this wave of anger to
socialize the loses for the sake of the genocidal capitalist exploiter: in equality, and white
brotherhood of course.

This is also sort of applied by Derrida in South Africa in his portrait by Zeitgesit films. How, in the
name of freedom, set of social relations, and actors within certain positions to induce, or, keep
them in asphyxiating shocks, socialize the guilt, and proceed to ask “how to forgive, and
reconciliate” how to keep on exploiting the victims. It is them the ones who have to deposit
trust and forgiveness etc. Or the progeny of the ancestors who were committed to said things
how to deadlock them into something that can only be experience as violence stemming from
the very same victims as they enunciate the deprave degree of excessive (caricaturish) violence
to which they were exposed, and destroyed any possible web of dense, an truly complex
infrastructure social relations that may be reconstituted. The best way to avoid this is to use the
meta-law, which is forbidden, to register the horrors as what they are: crimes against humanity.
Then, and only then, the issue of autonomy, and forgiveness, or renewal (a new generation that
does not have to traverse said path) may be allowed to unfold as they would like. If there was a
set of dense infrastructural relations worth rescuing then, perhaps, forgiveness (a cloudy, and
unspecified request made to victims) may play a concrete and active role in reconstituting social
relations. Where devastation took place it is better for the meta-law of anti-nazi human rights to
register this, and begin to organize relations among members. A better way to avoid exploiting
asphyxiating deadlocks the result of which are identificatory processes. Or to exploit the minds
of victims by forcing them to presuppose that the regime of extermination, of exploiting them
out of existence was one of cloudy complexity in which they failed to see all the wonderful set
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 44

of dense, and beneficial social relations that never existed: re-admire the exploiter, “they are so
complex as they are complex”, it is not possible that they reduced themselves to levels of
sociability outside of those obtained in relating to other mammals, and animals, it is not
possible they were so barren, because in fact they did reduced themselves to a forever motion
machine of exploitative barreness. And use their heads to do the memory-holing process as if
their unconscious are there to be exploited (also already at work with all that biometrical
information, and cell phone data for sale), and later treated as garbage cans.

Where does one see this “vast gulf” among the striking GM workers? Whether black or
white, they have the same experience of declining wages, attacks on jobs, the destruction of
health care. And this is true not just of auto workers in the United States, but of workers in
all sectors and throughout the world.

The past year has seen strikes of teachers from West Virginia and Kentucky to Oklahoma
and Arizona—states condemned as bastions of racism by the Democratic Party and the
pseudo-left. Last month, the largest strike in the American south in recent history involved
black and white workers at AT&T in a common struggle. Mass demonstrations have spread
from Puerto Rico and France to Algeria, Hong Kong and Sudan.

Neither, it must be pointed out, is there a racial divide among the indicted UAW officials—
which include among them black and white executives who have demonstrated their equal
ability to steal from workers and accept bribes from the companies. This is part of an
enormous growth of social inequality within minority populations, with a small minority
brought into positions of power and privilege in academia, the state, corporate board rooms
and the trade union apparatus.

Anyone who comes to the picket lines talking about “white privilege”—or, for that matter,
male privilege and patriarchy—should be viewed as a company provocateur hired to try to
divide workers against each other. While organizations that surround the Democratic Party
have largely ignored the struggle of autoworkers, to the extent that they intervene it will be
in the attempt to bolster the UAW while injecting racial and gender politics.

The fight to unify the working class in the United States across all racial, ethnic and gender
lines is a component part of the struggle to unite workers throughout the world on the basis
of their common class interests. The racialist and identity politics that is the specialty of the
Democratic Party is the counterpart to the anti-immigrant chauvinism promoted by the
Trump administration—and facilitated by the Democrats—which is aimed at pitting
workers in the United States against their class brothers and sisters in Latin America and

The strike at GM is a stage in a much broader tendency. The growth of the class struggle is
an objective process that profoundly undermines all efforts to divide the working class
along the lines of nation, race, ethnicity, language or gender. As the class struggle develops
and takes on an openly anti-capitalist and socialist character, the nature and role of racialist
identity politics, and the organizations that promote it, will be ever more clearly revealed.

Joseph Kishore
News Analysis of World Socialist Web Site 45

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