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"Good evening everyone. It's great to see everyone here tonight.

of you know Dean and I don’t’ do birthday parties for each other.
Generally, we both say, what's the big deal?

Our theory is by the time you've over thirty, there should be a cease

and desist order against them.

They're not unusual. Everybody has them and at the same rate as
everybody else - one a year. They happen whether you want them to
or not unfortunately.

Believe me, I know. I've had quite a few and looking around this room
I can see it's the same for others as well. But see unlike Dean, I’m still
riding the 40’s bandwagon for a few more years.

So why are we here?

It's not to celebrate the inevitable passage of time but something

much more. Everyone has birthdays but not everyone can call this
man here tonight what I have been blessed to call him, my husband.
And today I'm gladly putting aside my grumbles about
birthday speeches, balloons, presents and silly hats, to honor you.

March 4th, You officially reached the 50th milestone—that’s 50

birthdays, which is 5 decades, 600 months, 2,609 weeks, 18,263
days, 438,312 hours, 26,298,720 minutes, 1,577,923,200 seconds
that's a whole lot of living. Enough to establish the character of a man,
to know who you are. I know Al and Doris and Tammy is looking down
proud of the man you are. And you don’t know how happy you made
Cassie, Stephen, Laila and Alaina and I that you have chosen us to
share these past 18 years with you and I’m praying for another 50
more years to come.

I have had the honor knowing your brothers, sister, cousins, and
friends, all unique, loving and very talented. Over the 50 years all of
these people encouraged you, blessed you, loved you, and more
importantly been there for you through the entire 50 years to help form
you into the character of the man you are today.
But to get you started on the right foot of turning the big 50, I got you a
special present. It’s your SURVIVAL KIT to start in your next decade
of your life.

 First A Balloon to start your birthday off with a BANG!

 Confetti—Because It’s time to celebrate

 Here’s your beer to go along with it!

 Now A Starburst Burst—You’re going to need this one for an

extra burst of energy you’re going to need as the years catch up
with you

 Marbles—To help replace the one’s you have lost and the ones
going to loose

 Paper oh lord this is a must—To start writing down all those

things you’re starting to forget

 Matches—To help keep your eyes open after 8 pm when you

think you can handle staying up later.

 Googly Eyes—Because your eyesight is just going to get worse

 Now here come the most important part of the care package—
(Cassie Present this) This has all the

 And the next part of the package that is a must because we

know those hips might not give out but we know the legs will,
Stephen has got you covered

 And Finally a Gold Leaf—Because you’re worth your weight in

gold to every one of us

 And Hearts—To remind you how much each one of us love you
It's not to celebrate the inevitable passage of time but something
much more. Everyone has birthdays but not everyone can call him
what I have been blessed to call him, my husband.
Dean, you are unique. And today I'm gladly putting aside my grumbles
about birthday speeches, balloons, presents and silly hats, to honor

Dean, you are humbling, generous with your time and heart, unique.

But seriously folks, aside from Dean’s lamentable quirks of character

Dean is a friend - a real one. He's there when you need him - offering
practical advice on just about everything, from how to unblock the
drains to how to meet personal tragedy with courage.

He walks his talk and walks it tall.

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