Chapter 4

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Distribution of samples according to sex

Response Frequency Percentage

Males 06 60%

Females 04 40%

Total 10 100%

Source: Fieldwork January 2020


40% Females


From the table and figure above, 60% of the respondents are males as seen in the proportion of
employees to customers (5 employees and 1 customer) while 40% are female respondents
(2employee and 2customers) of Infogenie.
Distribution of questionnaires according to the age of employees and customers

Response Frequency Percentage

25-30 years 02 20%

30-40 years 04 40%

40-60 years 04 40%

Total 10 100%

Source: Fieldwork January 2020


40% 25-30 years

30-40 years
40-60 years


The table and figures above show that 20% of the population of Infogenie is made up of
university students who frequently visit the branch to use the cyber services, 40% is made up of
workers and other students who come for professional as well as academic internship both at
branch and the headquarters. The remaining 40 % is the population located at the headquarters
typically made up of the workers who use the diskless machines to run daily activities.
Distribution of samples according to level of education.
Response Frequency Percentage

Certifications 02 20%

Advance level 03 30%


First degree 05 50%

and above

Total 10 100%

Source: Fieldwork January 2020

Advance level
50% Baccalaureate
First degree and above

Field work January From the results in figure 3 and table 3, it can be seen that 20% have
Certifications which shows that some of the workers are Microsoft certified in domains like the
Excel spread sheet access for data entry, Some workers were Mikrotik certified that is network
administrators, the 30% includes workers at branch sites with advanced level, some with
baccalaureate and some with same certifications who run the cyber. The portion of 50% are those
who do not only have degree but equally masters and had working experience. These sorts of
people were mostly found at the headquarters handling matters which enabled critical thinking to
ensure that the technology which the integrated in the metropolitan area network works to
achieve its best output.
Distribution of samples according to Department.
Response Frequency Percentage
DAFC 04 40%


Total 10 100%
Source: Fieldwork January 2020

40% 40% DAFC



From the figure above, we are able to see that 40% of the users of the diskless station are the
DAFC and its subjects, 20% are the technical department made of the cyber point at the
enterprise headquarters and the 40 % that is the marketing and commercial department are the
branch sites which are made up of cyber cafes and other services the offer .

: Distribution of samples according to Longevity in service.

Response Frequency Percentage

Less than a year. 02 20%

2 to 5 years 02 20%
5 years and above 06 60%

Total 10 100%
Source field work 2020

Less than a year.

2 to 5 years
60% 20%
5 years and

Figure 1: Distribution of samples according to Longevity in service source: Fieldwork January

From the above analysis it demonstrations that the sample size is made up of 4 employees (2)
that have been working for less than a year mostly at branch site and the other (2) who have
worked with the DAFC and have a working experience for 2 or more years who have worked on
this diskless workstations and have seen its efficiency in communication especially when treating
task that has to do with client server communication. The 6 are some members of staff like the
human resource manager accountant and the engineers who have mastery in work milieu and
have stayed in service for more than 5 years and are responsible for accountability, management
monitoring and upkeep of the technology for best performance, this implies that more focus is on
the network and the functioning of the diskless at the level of the headquarters and also at branch
site (cybers) where users come for internet services.


Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless station has high speed of
delivery than the former
Response Frequency Percentage technology.
Yes 07 70%

No 00 0%

Same 01 10%

No idea 02 20%

Total 10 100%
10% Same
No idea

Figure 2: Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless station has high
speed of delivery than the former technology.
A critical look at the table shows that the diskless station offers high speed of delivery of than the
former one which is shown by the response from the respondent above that is70% of the users at
the headquarters are the ones that have frequently used the two technology over time and so
affirm to the speed of delivery. 10% are those who are passively frequent to it and mostly have
little idea of how the former was been used given the other factors that hindered it such as server
malfunctioning. The remaining 20% are those who have no idea so could not make the difference
mostly those at the cyber.
Distribution of samples according to the time for execution of task

Response Frequency Percentage

Less 08 80%

Average 00 20%

More 00 00%

Total 10 100%

Source: Fieldwork January 2020




Figure 3: Distribution of samples according to the time for execution of task

From the data collected above a greater percentage express their opinion on less time, the most
reasons been that there is fast installation of applications and updates across the station. While
the ones for 20% who are of the average opinion are those who sometimes have to wait while the
administrators are doing troubleshooting suspending their task.

Response Frequency Percentage

Less 08 80%

Average 00 20%
More 00 00%

Total 10 100%

Distribution of samples according to the time for execution of task

Source: Fieldwork January 2020




From the data collected above a greater percentage express their opinion on less time, the most
reasons been that there is fast installation of applications and updates across the station. While
the ones for 20% who are of the average opinion are those who sometimes have to wait while the
administrators are doing troubleshooting suspending their task.

Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless station is very profitable to the
Response Frequency Percentage

Very Profitable 10 100%

Less profitable 00 0%

Not at all 00 0%

Total 10 100%

Source: Fieldwork January 2020

Very Profitable
Less profitable
Not at all

Very Profitable

Distribution of samples according o the opinion that the diskless station is very profitable to the
From the above we can therefore conclude that the diskless station in itself is profitable to the
enterprise. With its deployment at the level of the branches of the enterprise the technology has
brought much returns through the cybers being used clients that is students, university students
and users in general who make use of it. The cost of implementing is low as compared to a disk
full technology so it profits the enterprise.

Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless stations are always available

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 09 90%

Not always 01 10%

On and off 00 0%

Total 10 100%

Not always

On and off

Figure 4:: Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless stations are always
From the results above the field work conducted shows that a greater proportion of the users
agree of its availability mostly for users in the enterprise who work with vpns from distance or
back at home continue working. The other percentage are those who cannot use the diskless
services at some particular hours due to some work at the level of the server.

Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless nodes due to the task the
execute slow down the system

Response Frequency Percentage

Not at all 06 60%

Sometimes 02 20%

No idea 02 20%

Total 10 100%
Source: Fieldwork January 2019

Not at all
20% 60% No idea

Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless nodes due to the task the
execute slow down the system.
From the information in the table above it shows that 60% of the users are positive towards the
system not running down, those for 20% are sometimes those who were new and never knew
how to handle multitask so the concluded that the system was slow. while the remaining 20% are
passive users who come and go mostly the cyber users or clients.

Table 11: Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless nodes are wearing
out as a result of much routine

Response Frequency Percentage

Not at all 08 80%

To an extend 02 20%

Really wearing 00 0%

Unnoticed 00 0%

Total 10 100%
Source: Fieldwork January 2019

Not at all
To an extend
Really wearing out

Figure 5 Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless nodes are wearing out
as a result of much routine.
From the test conducted above we see that 80% of the users are in support of the fact that the
devices are not wearing out because the system come on from the server through the network and
when powered off every information is lost preventing viruses as well as the conditions under
which the machines are kept, the remaining 20% are clients who are of the opinion that its
wearing out mostly because of keyboards that have been used for long and tabs are no longer

Table 12: Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless nodes are
experiencing difficulties

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 01 10%

Little 02 20%

Not at all 07 70%

Total 10 100%

Source field work 2020


20% Yes
Not at all

Figure 6: Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the diskless nodes are
experiencing Complications.
A look at the table above it shows that to a lesser extent the draw backs are not much through the
respondents’ responses we see that few went in for Yes and Little,10 and 20% making up the
percentage to 30% this mostly came from the fact that the servers needed update sometimes
because the software used was the trial version not bought so it halted them temporarily. While
the remaining 70% were those who were of the opinion that in spite of the update the time taken
for updates were merely few seconds so never really halted their work so systems efficiency was
less hindered by server updates

Distribution of samples according to the fact that since its deployment it had interferences.

Response Frequency Percentage

Communication 02 20%

Speed to access 02 20%


None of them 05 50%

A and B 01 10%

Total 10 100%

Speed to access
20% None of them
50% All of them
Figure 7: Distribution of samples according to the fact that since its deployment it had
From the table above, the information gathered we see that 10% are in accord that all the factors
hinder productivity, the other for 20% are of the opinion that the speed to access information and
another 20% talk of communication all these comes from the server if it is down and they are
trying to troubleshoot it then it would restrict access to some data depending on the type of work
they are doing. The rest of the 50% are those who have end to end connection and handle critical
task that runs the majority of the enterprise task.

Table 14: Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the speed to access data amongst
users in the enterprise is influenced by the network that is set with the diskless system.
Response Frequency Percentage

Definitely yes 03 30%

Interference 02 00%

Chopped up 07 70%

Total 10 100%

Source: Fieldwork January 2019

Definitely yes


Chopped up cables

Figure 8 : Distribution of samples according to the opinion that the speed to access data amongst
users in the enterprise is influenced by the network that is set with the diskless system.
From the findings above,30% are caused by the networks which mainly arises from the internet
service providers CAMTEL, 20% of the users talk of interference mostly during rainy seasons
especially with wireless transmissions and the remaining 50% are those who complain of
chopped up cables by rats.

Table 15: Distribution of samples according to the opinion that from some drawbacks mentioned,
there exist others to the diskless technology and the network.
Response Frequency Percentage

Not at all 00 00%

The ones 04 40%


None of them 00 0%

Yes 06 60%

Total 10 100%

Source: Fieldwork January 2019

Not at all
The ones mentioned
None of them

Figure 9 :Distribution of samples according to the opinion that from some drawbacks mentioned,
there exist others to the diskless technology and the network.
From the aforementioned in the table 40% are of the fact that the drawbacks mentioned in the
obsequent statistical representation are the cause while 60% attest that there are others.
Table 16: Distribution of samples according to the selection of other drawbacks other than the
ones mentioned.
Response Frequency Percentage
Source: Fieldwork January 2019
Power supply 06 60%

Server issues 04 40%

Cost of maintenance 00 0%

Total 10 100%

Power supply
Server issues
Cost of

Figure 10 : Distribution of samples according to the selection of other drawbacks other than the
ones mentioned.
From the above we can further conclude that the cost of maintenance is not the issue but
electricity drawbacks and server issues as shown by the percentages 60% and 40%
Table17: Distribution of samples according to the opinion of users of this diskless technology
since its deployment
Response Frequency Percentage

Satisfactory 10 100%
Dissatisfactory 00 00%

No idea 00 00%

Total 10 100%

Source: Fieldwork January 2019

Source: Fieldwork January 2019

No idea


Figure 11: Distribution of samples according to the opinion of users of this diskless technology
since its deployment.

From the expression of many users we see that 100% of the users are generally satisfied which
gives a positive outturn as compared to the former technology.

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