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0 1il000 2007
Trnavsk6 univer zita v Trnave Filo zoficki f akulta
Universitas Tyrnaviensis Facultas Philosophica

Studies of the Ancient World


TRNA v A 2008
Studies of the Ancient Woild

Redakini rada/Editorial board:

Prof. PhDr. M6ria Novotn6,DrSc., Prof. Dr. Werner Jobst, doc. PhDr. Marie Dufkov6, CSc.,
doc. PhDr. Kl5ra Kuzmovd, CSc.

Vlizkonni redaktori/Executive editors:

doc. PhDr. Kl6ra Kuzmov6, CSc., Mgr. Ivana Kvetiinovii, PhD.

Poditaiov6 vyhotovenie/Computer elaboration:


O Trnavsk6 univerzita v Trnave, Filozofickd fakulta

Kontaktni adresa (prispevky, dalSie inform6cie)/Contact address (contributions, further information):

tr Kg-tg{ry ]<^l4ql_+ej archeo_logie,-Irnavskd univerzita v Trnave, Hornopotoin; 23, SK-91E -13 Trnava

Publikovane s finandnou podporou Ministerstva Skolstva SR (Projekty: MVTS - Tur/SR/TVU/08; KEGA

L VEGA i. U3749106) a Pro Archaeologia C1assica.
Published with financial support of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (Projects: \1\'TS - Tur/SR/
TVU/08; KEGA No. 3/5105/07; VEGA No. U3749106) and the Pro Archaeologia Classica.

Za znenie a obsah prispevkov zodpovedajir autori.

The authors are responsible for their contributions.

Tlai/Printed by: GUPRESS, s.r.o., Bratislava

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ISBN 978-80- 8082-228-6

Motio ,,Zizrainiho dald'a" zo stiTtn Marka Aurilia o Rime. V okienktt: Zobrazenie Demeter a Persephone, skytsky hrob, Boliaja
Bliznicn, Ukrajinn
Motif of the ,,Mirncle rnin" from the coltnrut of Marctts Aurelius in Rome. In the Window: Depiction of Demef er and Persephone,
Scythinn gratte, Boliaja Bliznicn, Ukrnine
Grafick| spracoo aniel Graphic elaboration: Mgr. P nool iima-Jttr'iiek
Poi{taioztd spracoa anie/ Computer elaboration: PhDr. ktan Kuzma
Proceedings of the International Symposium


(From the Bronze Age to the Late Antiquity)

Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Department of Classical Archaeology

and to the 15th anniversary of Trnava University

eastd-Papiernidka, 16 - lg November 2007



Speech of DuSan iaplovii:

Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Slovak Republic 1.1


Department of Classical Archaeotogy of Trnava university (1997-2007) 13

ASLAN, Erdo$an:
Quellenkult: Das Beispiel von Lykaonia 25

A Study About Cults of Lykaonia Region 35

BAMME& Anton:
Two New Temples at Aigeira 47

BECKS, Ralf:
Ein Kultbau der Spdtbronzezeit in Troia 61

BERNAT, Michal - IOBST. Werner - PIRAS, Rita:

Die weihaltdre aus dem Tempelbezirk des Jupiter optimus Maximus
auf dem Pfaffenberg 73

BILGI, Coqkun - DOCANA! Osman:

The Cuit of Mother Goddess in Gerga 81

BOCHE& Susanne:
Reconstructing Votive Cult Practices in Earty Greek Sanctuaries The Example
of the Geometric Votive Bronzes From Olympia B5


Gotter und Gottinnen: Welche sind Unterschiede nach Geschlecht in den Opferungery
besonders in Mitteleuropa? 93

nRsNovO Kt6ra:
The Hebrew Goddess Asherah 103

BULBA, Mustafa:
Demeterkult in Kaunos 109

BULOW von, Gerda:

Deutsch-serbische Kooperation in Romuliana-Gam zigrad. Erste Ergebnisse
der geophysikalischen Prospektion 115
CEVIK, Nevzat:
The Gods and Temples in: From the 2"d Millenium to the 1't Millenium B.C.
A Comparative Study 723

DA$BACAI(, Cogkun:
Hecate Cult in Anatolia: Rituals and Dedications in Lagina 143

DOYRAN, Miinife:
Demeter Cult at Caunus: Kernoi 749

DYCZEK, Piotr:
Lar populi sancte Medaure...(CIL III,2581:ILS 4881) 155

ERAV$AR, Osman:
An Essay of the Cult of St. George in the Anatolia During the Medieval Ages 1.65

EROL, Ayge F.:

The Mother Goddess: Analyzing Her Feature as a City Protector 773

FURMANEI(, V6clav - MITAS, Vladimir:

Argonautery Iason und Kenotaphe aus der Urnenfelderzeit in der Slowakei 187

How Did Roman Emperors Become Gods? Various Concepts of Imperial Apotheosis 207

I$IKASLAN, Emet Egemen

The Bull and Horn Cult 209

Die Reflexe der kultischen Sphiire in den archdologischen Quellen der Bronzezeit
in Bohmen 213

]OBST Werner:
Kult und Heiligtiimer des romischen Iuppiter Optimus Maximus in Pannonien 2L9

KARAUdUZ, Gingor:
On Open Air Cult Areas in Devrek and Environment 227

KIZIL, Abuzer:
An Open Air Stepped Rock Altar at Kalem Koy in Milas, Karia 233


The Cult and the Mythological Scenes on Athenian Export Red Figure Vases During
the 4th Century B.C. 241

KUSTA& Roz6lia:
The Profane and/or the Sacred: the Interpretation of Seven Pits From Harta-Weierhivl,
Hungary 253

Elementary Types of Hellenistic Isis 265
The Architecfure of Roman Sanctuaries in Hungarian Pannonia 275

Zum Beginn des Christentums 289

NAGEL, Alexander:
Searching for the Gods at Ancient Akarnania: New Evidence From a Ritual Deposit
Near Stratos 293

Decorative and Structural Techniques of Mud-Brick in Sacral Architecture
of Northeastern Syria (the End of the 3rd Millenium - the 2nd Millenium BC) 303

Ein Tiitowierungssatz aus einem Grab in KapuSanv (Ostslorvakei) 313

6zsBt<, eifidem:
Cults on Imbros (Gokqeada) in the Classical Antiquitv 325

6zolLEK, Banu:
The Discoveries Made Concerning Cult Elements From Kelbessos 331

Defining Cult Site. Theoretical Observations on the Nature of Reiigion at the Sanctuary
of Kalaureia on Poros, Greece 343

PAMI& Hatice:
Isis and Sarapis Cult in Antioch-on-the-Orontes 355

PIRAS, Rita - RASSU, Massimo:

Le culte de l'eau en Sardaigne h partir de llAge du Bronze jusqu'au Ctristianisme Temples ir puits,
sources sacr6es et sanctuaire 369

Indigene Kulte in stddtischen Zentren Lusitaniens 381

ROUSIOTI, Dimitra:
Aspects of Religion in Late Bronze Age Greece: Urban Shrines in the Peloponnese 389

$AHIN, Derya:
The Cult of Nereids on Mosaics 397

$AHIN,Iqrk - GUQLU, Hrisniye:

Terracotta Figurines of Aphrodite From Turkish Thrace: The Cult of Aphrodite 403

SIMON, Erika:
Die romischen Lectisternien im 4. Jahrhundert y- Chr. 413

sOiUT, sitat:
Naiskoi From the Sacred Precinct of Lagina Hekate: Augustus and Sarapis 421
SEDO, Ondrej:
\ Ditch with Human and Animal skeletons in MuSov-Neurissen: Traces of Violence
r'ir of ? Rifual? 433

TTRPAN, Ahmet A.:

The Temenos of Lagina Hekate in Koranza 445

TITZ, Pavel:
The lntroduction of Greek Cults into the Early and Republican Rome:
:h.e \Ir'thical Horizon 453

TR\\TALIDOU, Katerina - KAVOURA, Ismini

\:tragali in Caves: The Contribution of the Archaeozoology in the Understanding
:i Some Ancient Greek Cult Practices 459

\ ALENTINI, Stefano:
Ctirnlnur-r&l Places of Worship in Jezirah During the EJ II-IIIa Period.
The 'Sacred Area' of Tell Barri 475

\ \GIZ, OYA:
Les images de culte sur les monnaies des Thraces 487

From Late Bronze to Early Iron Age - Thracian Sanctuaries in the Eastern
Rhodopi Mountain - Bulgaria 493

ZI\I\{ERMANN, Thomas:
Sr n-rbols of Salvation? - Function, Semantics and Social Context of Early Bronze
Age Ritual Equipment From Central Anatoiia 509
Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World 5-712006-2007, 493-507.

From Late Bronze to Early Iron Age - Thracian Sanctuaries

in the Eastern Rhodopi Mountain - Bulgaria

Yana Zdr avkova-Dimitrova

Keywords: Thracian Sanctuaries, Eastern Rhodopi Mountain, Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age,

Abstract: The pnper coaers an area with specific culture of the territory of modern Bulgaria. Despite
the specificity, the region is not isolated from the ancient world, The paper stresses on the Eastern part
of th.e Rodopi tvtouniain, which dffirs from the western part by geographic nnd cultural featutes, The
irea is chosen because of the good leoel of suraey and discouered continurtnce in the culture, without
hiatus, between the two ages - Late Bronze Age and Early lron Age. The pnper marks the discussion in
Bulgarian archaeology about the identification of the cult places in the modern territory of the country
ani especially of the mountain sanctuaries in both pnrts of Rodopi Mountain. Main published sites are
marked as the stress is on two sites from the Eastern Rodopi (Ada Tepe - Krumoagrad and Aul Kaia -
Dolno Cherkooishte). The sites are excarsated recently and girte n good example about the functioning of
the sanctuaries from the region from both ages. Sites are presented because they haae more or less clear
stratiJication - iomething rare with the Thracian sites with LBA-EIA in Bulgaria. This paper's aim is not
only-to present the cult practices, discouered in two sanctuaries in the region, but to show the continusnce
in the worshtp of the sacred Thracisn places during the both nges - LBA and ElA.

One of the basic questions in Bulgarian archaeology is about the transition from one period
of human history to another. The one about the transition from Late Bronze Age (LBA) to Early
Iron Age (IAE) is of great importance for Thracian archaeology. It's been taken uP as a part of
themes, connected wlth one of both ages. Because of the geographical and historical specificity
of the Bulgarian land, the approach to the problem is connected with the treatment of detached
regions, ,i diff"r"nt sites or types of finds from LBA and EIA are used. The problems of the
Trinsition period are the subject of some general studies about different parts of the territory
of Bulgarid. It's acceptable to be supposed a transition with determination of a level of new
phenoirena in every element of the ..rltrrr", which don't have local origin for some regions2, but
according to Eastern Rhodopi Mountairy the transition has another nature.3
PresLnted area in this paper is a specific part of the territory of Bulgaria, with its specific
culture, as at the same time it is not isolated from the other parts of the ancient world. Because
of some differences in the geography and culture, Rhodopi mountain is divided in two parts:
Eastern and Western. Presentationof the whole area would be impossible within the framework
of this paper. The separate study of both parts of the mountain is determined by the different
features of th"i, culture. In the eastern region there is a combination between the good level
of the survey and determined in the excavated sites continuous development of the two ages
- LBA and EIA, without any proofs for hiatus.
The numbers of these sites present another interesting problem in Bulgarian archaeology:
the identification of a group of sites as sanctuaries. In Eastern Rhodopi the places with detected
stratigraphy from the two ig"r ur" interpreted as sanctuaries, that's why the two problems are

I Borislavov 1999; Nikov 2001,69-81.; Shalganova 1995,291.-308.

2 Gergova 7986,1L-26; Gotzev 1990; Shalganova and Gotzev 1995,327-43'
3 Borislavov 1999, 240-60.
Yana Z dr aa koa a-D imitr ott a

Fig. 1. Map of Bulgaria

0 25km

Eig.2. Map of Eastern Rhodopi, with sites, interpreted as sanctuaries'

From Late Bronze to Early lron Age - Thracian Sanctuaries in the Enstern Rhodopi Mountain - Bulgoria

closely connected. Research of the Thracian cult monuments has its history. Although the study
has different stagesa, the first elaborate paper about these problems is from the middle of the 90-s
and represenb tle work of M. Domaraart i ln the field of cult archaeology of ancient Thracians.5
Many archaeological sites are registered and published, based on the systematic research of
Wesiern Rhodopl in the end of 70-s; a part of them are interpreted as sanctuaries.6 Cult places
are connected with concrete g"o*orphologic forms, the connections between different sites
within the boundaries of onelegion ire tried to be found, different structures are examined
and an attempt to determine their chronology is made. In the study, except the analysis of the
achieved ,"rrlt, during the 90-s, a characterization of the cult sites is made and their basic
elements are pointed out.7
The sites on mountain tops, around single rocks, on the places with an excellent view,
are interpreted as mountain sinctuaries according to the classification of the sacred places,
located outside the settlements and necropolises. Such sites couid be cultural centers of big
territories. Analysis of some excavated mountain sanctuaries shows the existence of a scheme
and organi zationof the sacred space (a mountain top with steep slopes, rocks, just one possible
access ihrough a saddle, a stone wall or walls), and some permanent elements of
it (altar, a
space for pticing gifts, remains of the rituals, pits, rock hewn, ditches, ruins of buildings).8
Slmilar obiervations by other archaeologists are made,e who draw general conclusions from
the field research of Western Rhodopi in the end of 90-s.10Specific indications of the cult places
are determined (location on high mountain tops, rocks, dominant geomorphoiogic forms;
characteristic rituals - breaking and spreading of clay vessels, even parts of whole sets; offering
of gifts; elements like portabl-e altars, clay platforms, pits, enclosing of the sacred space with
Mu1ry publications are devoted to cult places of Western Rhodopi, based on the field work
during the last years. Many sites are interpreted as cult places, according to their elements;
they a"re classified in groups, the communiiations between them are pointed. The criteria for
recognition of a sanctiary are determined: localizatiory three-stage otgantzation of the sacred
,pu.I (generally accessible area - an area for rituals - a central area), presence of specific
structures and traces of ritual practices. Some of the elements and criteria are complemented
with the analysis of more recent excavations of sanctuaries in Western Rhodopi.ll
During the last years the study of Thracian sanctuaries is topical, different programs for
both regioris are developed. However, it is necessary to emphacize that the basic problem of the
field work is the fact, that a small part of the sites is studied with many years of excavations and
almost none of them are totally excavated; the information about the sanctuaries is mostly from
surveys and soundings. That's why it is possible, the further research in the future to change
interpretation of some of the sanctuaries.
Th"r" is a good level of survey in Eastern Rhodopi. Over 300 Thracian sites are registered,
grouped in regions (Central, Norihern, and South-eastern). 80 of them are interpreted as cult
(Fig. 2)'12 Recently a summary
[tu."r; 10 are sludied through excavations, 4 - through soundings
is made of the elements of tlie Thracian sanctuaries in the region, as the model of studies followed
is created by M. Domaradski about the analysis of the data from the Western Rhodopi. Their
location, the inner organizatiory and chronology are considered. As in the western part, here

a Gotzev 2003a,8-16.
5 Domaradzki 1994, 69-108.
6 Domaradski et al. 1999,9-40.
7 Domaradzki 1994, 76-84.
8 Domaradzki 1994, 79-84.
e Kisiov 1.990,54-74.
Kisiov 1.998,31.-8.
1r Gotzev 2003-b, 16-41; 2005, 759-6L.
Nekhrizov 2005a, 153-8; Nekhrizov 2005b,343-91"
Ynn a Zdr aztkozt n- D imi t r oa n



Eig, 3, Aul kaya - tncheometricnl sLLraeV

sanctuaries are located on ridges, mountain tops, hills, around separate or

additionally processed
rocks, in caves, near springs."the sacred plaie is with or without enclosing of the sacred space
with stake imprints'
with stones, the entrance tI the place is biazedwith a passage; fired plaste_r
connected r^'rth
clay platforms, plaster coatings (altars, fireplaces?) are found. The rituals are
offlrlr-rg gifts, wirich, unlike the Western Rhbdopi, where the gifts are put in depots'
are spread
of such kind of sites is ptaced in the Late Bronze Age, and they become
h""re. Appearance
most numerous in the second half of Early Iron Age and Late Iron Age.13
and the analr-sis
A good example of the presentation oi the cult practices in Eastern Rhodopi
excavated, and interpreted b,'
of the transition between iSR and EIA are two sltes, recently
and Aul kaya nea:
their excavator as sanctuaries - Ada tepe near the little town of Krumovgrad
village of Dolno Cherkovishte, Stambolovo municipality'14
The sanctuary on the top Ada tepels is totally excavated with salvage excavations.
work) of the site th'
of the location (the site is in the territory of the licensed area for mine
This gir e=
whole area with maximum concentration of archaeological materials is excavated.
nature oi ii'
a good opportunity to trace the entire development of the sanctuary and the
archaeological seasons.--'
pilce before it hadbeen chosen for sacred one. During the several
very good methods of field work are chosen, including many interdisciplinary,stutl'e
- g"o*orpi-ro'iogl. survey of the regiory geological determination of the stone finds,
analysis of the metal finds, setting olur.h""o*a[netic dates, chemical analysis of pottery samp-+'
analysis of ::-=
and their comparison to the cloiest clay depo"sits in the region, paleobotanical
plant remains etc. The modern statistiial methods of pottery treatment are closely ::''t"t:t
o: :--
with the treatment of the information of the field work, which includes the description :
of a good stratigraF-
parameters and finds of the excavated layers.l6 This allowed the creation
and follon'ing lh;':
scheme for the site, and made possible the analysis of the pottery forms
work layers and periods' Alter --:'=
development in the determined during the archaeoiogical

Nekhrizov 2003a, 153-8' a:--:
the unpublished information
ra Excavations by phD G. Nekhrizov with the participation of the author -
I express my thanks to him.
two sites *u, ti.rdly conceded to me by its excavator;
15 and Mikov 2002, 42-4; Nekhrizov 2003, 67-8;2005, 1.40-2;2005b, 159-228'
Nekhrizov 2005b, 21-31.

Erom Late Bronze to Early lron Age - Thracian Sanctuaies in the Eastern Rhodopi Mountain - Btilgaria

treatment and analysis of the discovered materials during the excavations of Ada tepe, it became
a good example of the stratigraphy of the LBA-EIA and gave a good opPortunity to elucidate
the problem ibout the transition between them and to determine the continuity in the honoring
of one sacred place, without interruption, during more than a millennium.
The sanciuary is located on a top of an elevation with size of the area 1.,2 dc and in the
orographic system Stramni rid. From three sides the top is circled by a river curve (an affiuent
of i river Krumovitsa). On the top's slopes the archaeological and geomorphologic research
showed traces of ancient ore output activities.lT
During the early phases of its existence, the sanctuary has been located on the western part
of the top Jnd the slope under it. After the middle of the first millennium BC the highest part of
the top was surrounded by a round stone wall, enclosing an area of 161square meters, as it was
*orr"d eastwards in relation to the early site. Its most eastern part lays over the continent rock,
and the other parts lay over the earlier cultural layers. Under its destructions several levels of
assemblages of pottery fragments, fireplaces, many small finds, dated from the beginning of the
4-th till the first half of the l"tcentury B.C. are found. During this period the main activities are
concentrated in the oval stone structure.l8 Based on the observations of the control sections during
the excavations and on the analysis of the archaeological materials, main stratigraphic scheme is
created.le Because of the specific terrain and the layers not all the periods are registered on the
whole area of the site. Several contexts are discovered over the whole area, and in separate sectors
are discovered smaller contexts. At the western side of the site two levels of EIA are excavated;
earlier of them lies on the continent rock. In the big context of the EIA layer, under the level of the
oval wall, built during the LIA, different structures are excavated. Among them are two plaster
coatings with big size, with several levels of coating. In the context of the early layers LBA levels
are also discovered. They are not registered under whole the area of EIAlevels, but at some places
are identified as levels, and at other places are separated as contexts. Such contexts, dated in
LBA, are discovered the level of the two coatings from the EIA layer which are under the
LIA oval wall. They are represented by three levels, marked with bad preserved coatings, firing
and beetling of the soil. The rock in an area at about 1 square meter is leveled and formed as
a platform, on which traces of fire are visible. Between different levels from this age assemblages
^ grinding stones and a great number of small finds are found.
Traces of the earliest period of occupation of the sanctuary are discovered also in the
northern sector. There a layer from the LBA is excavated, which in depth reaches the basic rock'
In the sterile layer, in rock fissures from the time before the disposal of the cultural layers, two
very important metal finds are excavated - abronze axe (labris) and a bronze spearhead. It is
,rppor"t, that these valuable objects are the first gifts, offered to the sanctuary in its first phase
of These two finds, as a marble cap for Mycenaean bronze sword, found in 2002, are
certain indication for intensive contacts of this region with Aegean in the period around and
after the middie of the II-nd millennium BC'
In this Northern section part of a structure (buitding) with a fireplace is excavated - an
almost quadrangular area of 15 square meters, covered with fragments of fired wall plaster
with sta-ke lmprints. Among the plaster fragments and under them many pottery fragments
and several better pr"rer.r"d ,ressels are found. In the central and highest part a coating with
oval form is preseived in situ. Its diameter is 1,5 meters and has a pad of tightly arranged
fragments of kitchen pottery. Northern and western periphery of the plaster area fails under
u ,Lr1" structure (assemblage), as the stones had fallen directly over the plasters. The stone
assemblage is a part of excavated destruction of a low wall, which surrounds the site from West
and North, and is made of crushed stones during the first period of EIA.

Popov and Iliev 2006, 1'54-6.
t8 Nekhrizov 2003,67-8;2005b,769-70; Nekhrizov and Mikov 2002,42-4
e Nekhrizov -2; 2005, 17 0 -3.
2002, 67 -B ; 2003, 7 40

Yana Zdr aakoa a-D imitr oa a

westerr sector

I et".,, .*,."


-:) I
*r\_,.. '2i
v^'; l

" : .i ! ,.: I
l. .t L-

.:l j:::|::]::j:l:]:]:]]l:1]:]l

Fig. 4. Aul kaya - western sector (sq. A5, A6, C4, C5, C6, C15, C76).

kr the northem section of the site are also discovered a stone assemblage, beetled claver- :orl -', -

pithoi, dug into the ground, dated from the time after the conshrrction of the oval stone LIA n aJJ
The analysis of the strucfures and finds shows that four periods of occupation of the sdlu-rr =r-,
can be distinguished.2o Initially the first phase of the first period (AT Ia) was determined ,-. -:*-
transition between LBA and EIA, but after the excavations from 2005 the existence of a LB-{ ftr:i,,1
in some structures is confirmed - as offering of gifts (bronze labris, bronze spearhead) in *,+ :.,:i
fissures, levels of beetled soil leveled platforms with traces of fire in the sections under the cc : -*-,i=
which are under the oval wall, the building with the fireplace in the northern part of the site
The AT Ib phase is referred to the beginning of EIA21 and is registered ir-r the -.",.s::r:-
sectors; it is connected with a sizable layer with brown color, which lies directly on the ..'::::€1*r:
rock. Several structures under the western part of the oval wall (several levels of coa:-::: :.- j

Nekhrizov 2005b, 172-3.
2' Nekhrizov 2003, 67 -B; 2005b, 172-3


rock plaiform
&n-"'-r -"re

t.l }:a

o.*--]'' 1

(sq'C11' D1' D11" D2)'

Fig.5. Aulknya - rockplatt'orm

soil and
(they are situated on top of the levels of beetled
contexts) are also referred to the phase the ridge is also
in the wesiern peliphery of
platforms with traces of fire). The stone ass6mblage which
referred to the early periods - this i, u ,tor,"
wali made during the fiist peliod of EIA'
surrounds the site from West and North'
ThesecondPeriod(ATII),,ispartlydestroyedbylateractivities,butisregisteledinmore different
soil in the western part of the site' as also
sectors - the contexts of black an&brown basically
phase of qI;A' Next two periods23 are
structures. This is the time of the d"";i";; by coins of Maroneia
AT III is dated
concentratea in tfre inside of the oval stJt'" 'i"ttt're' period belong some of the pottery
BC. To this
and Abdera in the firri nuu of the +* cer"rirry AT IV
the latest fireplaces and.some structures in the northern part of the site'
assemblages, and is
of finds from the inside of the ovar enclosure
is characterized with great concentration
the middle of the 1'tcentury BC.
dated in the u"gir1.;f or in" 2"d - till
the presewation oi the tradition in cult
Archaeological riaterials bear lecord of of the site and its area'
for more than a millennium. Accordinji;
rh. ggJT?rpnologic research
with mining''
before the place was chosen for sanctu'ary,
fl"'J1i1 beet't, dJing work' connected
Rituals from LBA *"r" .or'rr"rected witliiirr"g
.f the roC-k fissures' forming of platforms
grJund) and firing them' Between the separate
(by leveling of the rock and beetiing o7 tf'tE whorls' parts of stone
levels hade been or ir;;"tt"l"t, gtiniing, stoneslspindle
moulds, miniature vessels, a clay *oilf
Jo"""]pie'cJ stone tips' and stone and flint tools'

22 Nekhrizov 2005b, 172'

23 Nekhrizov 2005b, 172-3'
Ynna Z dr aakoo a-D i m i troo n


Fig.6. Ada tepe - PLnn.

In the same age, or probably in the transition period between the LBA and EIA, at the northent
part of the sanctuary, nua been constructed a buildingwith a fireplace. In itsdestructions man\'
pottery fragments and smal1 finds are discovered. Tradition of honoring of the place continueit
dr.i"[ botf, phases of EIA and from that time dates most numerous archaeological materials
as also *ur1y structures from whole the area of the sanctuary. The tradition of offering gilts
continued; by that time a stone wall on the western periphery of the ridge, which surrountls
the site from West and North was constructed. It seems that the tradition of honoring the place
had been very strong, because it had been continuing during the Late Iron Age, when the stone
oval structr." on thJ highest part of the top was built and the basic activities was concentratecl
inside it. According to the diJcovererl coins, a supposition is made about possible interruplror.
From Late Bronze to Early lron Age - Thracian Sanctuaries in the Eustern Rhodopi Mountain -

(or first half) of the 4'h century BC and

of the functioning of the sanctuary between the middle
80-s of the 2"d centurY 8C.24
help and complement conclusions
Analysis of ,o#" of the forms of fine pottery25 co.uld
the decoration of the vessels is the
about the transition between LBA and EIA (conversely,
ale pottery categories' which exist in LBA'
feature by which both ages are distinguished). There
upp"ut in the group of the fine pottery in
but are not developed llter, as there ,r" o."r, which
theiorms however' exist in both periods'
EIA, without analogies in the earlier age;26 some of
of amfora-like' kantharos-like
A developm".ri of the forms can be traced in the categories
(Fig' 7-9).'-
vessels and ttre vessels wit oblique mouth - i"gs
the Late Bronze Age
Amfora-like vessels (Frg.7) ur" .o*pura"tivelf small percentage.of are difficult to be
so the pieces
pottery because the vessels-are big and very fragmentei,
LBA amphorae are with 20-21 cm
recognized. In later periods- their percentug" ir-t.,Eu"s'27
of closed vessels with funnel-shaped moutkU
mouth rim diamet"r. Thi, defines their form L or-r.
verticai handies are placed on the maximum
narrow high, conic neck, oval body, flat bottom. Two
of the maximum diameter of these
diameter of the brdy a;;*pt mouth fragments, Tu.y qt".:t
.,1uiii-, p."r"rr"d ," handles *1th t'iu'-tgular cross section)' Fragments'
vessels are found,
belonging to LBAby.several specific signs:
which don't have ,r-ry a"iorution, are determined as
transition (where it is preserved) between
marked transition b"t*""r-, mouth and neck, marked
cro-ss section' This marking of the transition
neck and body, vertical handles with triangular
the separate parts of the vessel'
is formed by incised line or by forming u"bo,d"' between
sometimes shaped by thickening of th"'prrts of
the.walls' On ott" of the vessels this marked
made by pressnq a 913ilc band to the vessel
transitions U"t*"". irrts of the"body nJa U"",'t
It is possible for them to be searched
and necks) are with similar description of the silhouette.
later one there are no marked transitions
for prototypes in in" pr",rior? !LB1{) perr-o{. In.the
between the separate parts of the foiy. O,i'r",
forms.of,the amphora category appeal in the
of the local triditions in pottery' Despite the
later age and are not connected with thl mfl.r".rce
influences from outside' in the bibliography
fact, that for amphorae are generally determined
in addition to Eastern Rhodope Mountain it is accepted also the connection of some forms with
the previous age.28
(Fig' B) exrst in both perio-ds and the
Kantharos-like vesseis, discovered on Ada tepe
category has its ancient traditions. For each
of the-periof,s they have their specificity' as for
each age this is one of the most numelous
category' During LBA the vessels.ale comparatively
straight or jnverted to the outside mouth
smalI, with conic, cylindrical or funnel-shaped"neck,
flat bottom or hollow pedestal
rim, semi-spherical body with easy oI shutp profile, ptoiuUty Probably the vessels are with
is very t*uit;'
(the number of fragments with preserved bbttom
rim, going upwards an ending at or.under the
two vertical handles, rising from the mouth
two handles are preserved, but during
maximum diameter of the body. veryfew fragmentrwit
to kantharoi are found' LBA characteristics are
the excavatio.rr rnr.,y reparate handlls, belon[mg of
Uy ,o*9 of the elements of the body: marking
determined by the il.oiutio.r (Furchenstich) or of the
neck-body) by incised ljne or thickening
the transitions betweenbody parts (mouth-neck,
handles' The rnain part of the materials from both
vessel walls, triangular cross section of the -So'
are very small' for the EIA it is impossible
periods is frugm"ited and some of fragments
every fragment to be identified as a kintharos
or a cup' so a conventional group is created'

2a Nekhrizov 2005b, 172.

2s Nekhrizov 2005b, 177 -204'
26 Nekhrizov 2005b, 144.
27 Nekhrizov 2005b, 128.
28 Nekhrizov 2005b,79-80, with quotations

Ygn a Z dr ot:k ott a- D imi t t oa a


0 scm


0 scm

Fig. 7. AmPhor a-like ttessels.

which unites fragments with similar silhouette and size3e During EIA vessels are with funnel-
shaped mouth, c-onic neck, spherical body with slender or more shallow, s-shaped silhouette'
In both ages the vessels witih biconic body are rare. The marking of the transition between
different 6ody parts of the vessels disappeals in EIA (although in this period thickened mouths
can be found);^handles change their fbim and cross section, the decoration (where found)
completely new.
It i, i*porsible to be made such conclusions about the cups, because there are very few
fragments oi thi, category, discovered atAda tepe, according to the already described difficulties
in the identification oJ th"r" vessels. Here will not be marked the discussion if the kantharos-
like vesseis must be added to the cups category. Some of cantharoslike vessels from EIA are
with really big size and mouth rim diameter, so there is a discussion about their function.

2e Nekhrizov 2005b, 183-90.

From Late Bronze to Early lron Age - Thracian sanctuaries in the Eastern Rhodopi Mountain - Bulgaria

during LBA'
with an oblique mouth and one high handle- (jugs; Fig 9) are. ?o!u1ar
difficulties with their identification'
but there are only r"* r.uir.,"nts on Ada tepe be-cause of the
mouth rim to the bottom, most of the fragments
There are no entirely pre#rrr"d rr"rrels - from the
are from mouth to the neck, and some of them have a part
of the body' This absence is filled
vessels with oblique mouth' some
by the excavation, of aU kaya. From there are known mole
silhouette of parts of the profile of
of them are with entirely preserved profile. During EIA the
vessels from this category is similario the catego.y 9f
kantharoi and cups, which only makes
two categories' if the specific
difficult the identification of the fragments. ns i.itn the previous
of LBA jugs is marking of the
decoration is mlsslng, the characteistic feature for recognition
hnes, or by thickening parts of the
transitions between Tifferent parts of the body, by incisJd
gm forms had been derived from LBA ones
walls. Atthough it ts lmpossible to be affirmedinri
is the conclusion, that during both
only on the basis of fralments of Ada tepe, the_ important
had been used' Future treatment of the
periods vessels with oblique mouth and similar funciion
Aul kaya pottery may give clearer answer of this question'
of the kitchen
It is difficult to be traced the development ir tn" forms from the group from Ada tepe
sure LBA contexts
pottery (as pots). There are not enough pot fragments from
and that,s why it is impossible the diJcovered p"ot pieces
from the site to be put into one of the
the similarities between LBA and EIA
periods. One of the ex'planations of the problem cin.b.e
iots in forms and decirations, because
tf tn"it specific function' Analysis of the LBA pottery
found in LBA contexts' have
from other excavated sites however shows that pot fragments,
ing of some elements ant the placing
differences from the EIA pots in the morphology, trt" -ut
from Aul kaya to confirm
of the decoration..i-it i, possible the future w"ork with the pottery
fragments from sure LBA contexts'
this conciusion, because there ale some well preserved pot
Anyway, the similar function of the vesseli from categoty
gi""t some similarities in their
silhouette from both ages.
the data from
The information from sanctuary Ada tepe can be supplemented -with
Gorata and has similar location -
excavations of Aul kaya. The site is in the orogiaphic-system
currre of river Arda' As Ada tepe' Aul
on the top of the elevation and the whole phcJisin u big
and to the neighboring elevations'
kufu hus u. excellent view - to the river vailey and its affluent
natural phenomena and many
on the vertical rocks of the surrounding ut"u th"." are interesting
rich of archaeological monuments
artificial trup"ri.r*-rhup"d niches. ThI very close region is
- on almost every denuied rocks are hewn such niches
and several rock tombs'31
excavated in the archaeological
The sanctuury ln Aul kaya has a small size and is partly
good siratigraphic situation and of many
season 200732. It gives opportunity for representationof
analysis of the pottery to be included in
structures and traces of ritual activities. It is impossible
the presentation of the stratigraphy_and to be used for
comparison of the categories and forms
materials are still in process of
from both periods (LBA and EIA), because the archaeological
the resuits of excavations of Ada
treatment. froUrUfyinis analysis #i11co'tfir* and supplernent
around and on a single rock) and
tepe. Because of the location of tn" site (on a top of an-ellvatiory
investigated with soundings rn 1997 '
its relatively small size, when it had been registered and
confirmed this interpretation'
it was determined as a cult place (sanctuary)F Latest excavations
in its foot. According to stratigraphy,
Archaeological materials *Lre found on the sir-rgt" rock and
d.uring LBA the rock massif and the platform oi top of
it were occupied' Three layers and many
one consists of dark brown soil; in
contexts and structures have been identified. The earliest

(excavations of E. Bozhinova, with the participation of the author;
Dragoyna top, interpreted as Thracian settlement the
I thank to E. Bozhinova for kindly.o.""air-rg *" tire unpublished information);2 - preliminary observations of
pottery fro- of the sanctuary iiAut faya, v'llage of Dolno Cherkovishte
kolev 1965 ,205-9; Nekhrizov 1994,9-\0'
32 Excavations by PhD G. Nekhrizov, 2007'
33 Nekhrizov 2005b,363-4.
Yana Zdr nukoa s-D imitto'o a

l /,]tl.,,

m3 0 scm

i','''i )
]A &
gn ath
m! g ,'^


0 5cm
I^H l
lg I

--(12 ///' ' l

i ,/ J
[ ..:'r

a tt

( \)
E ig. 8. Kn nt nr os-l ike tt e ss els

ashy soil' Both levels are impregnated with

separate sectors second layer is dis-covered - SreYl
and dated to the first phase of
finds from r_BA. ThirJ luy", - of black, roose"soir, is identified
and represent the traces.of ditferent cult
EIA. Discovered structures are mostly from LBA layers
practices, known from the region of Eastern Rhodopi
Mountain: plaster assemblages' traces of
plaster coating on the rocks, ilaking of fireplaces,
oifering of whcile or parts of clay vessels and
a bionze Mycenaean sword)' spots with
small objects (among the offerings is a murble cap of
coals and many anitial bones. The materials are
found assembled in rock fissures' near rocks or
one of the excavated fireplaces from LBA
on leveled areas, covered with stone slabs, or spread'
an oval concavity. It is interpreted as
levels is with formed in the middle of its surface coating
a cult fireplace'
'lrr Trnn
During the Early Iron Age san
Aoe the sanctuary continuesto be occupied' on the platform of the
of black, loose soil, containing fragments
rock massif ure e*carrated sei-eral areas f.o- a level
the space directly to.the west of the rock
from both periods - LBA and EIA. In thisperio_d (EIA)
the saddle (direction South-
massif, under it, which is a narrow ruaif", is alsooccupied'-Across

From Late Bronze to Early lron Age - Thracian Sanctuaries in the Eastern Rhodopi Mountain - Bulgaria

west - to North-east) two paraliel rows of big stones, laid directly on the continent rock are
excavated. The North-eastern end of the rows is leaned against the rock massif . Between the rows
a greatquantity of smaller stones and soil (filling?), impregnated with archaeological materials.
is discovered. parts of such filling (?) are found at both sides of the rows, but interpretation of
the assemblage of small stones as a scatter is difficult, because is found on this side of the rows,
which is at a"higher level on the slope. In the layer from both sides of the rows and between
them are excavaied numerous pottery fragments and finds from EIA and singie fragments from
LBA, plasters and coals. After the excavation of the cultural layer, at the level of continenf a spot
of plaster is found, directly put on the rock; a big stone is fallen (positioned?) over it; near this
situation, by the same stone, brt ut a high level, a part of double vessel is discovered, disposed
in a niche between several small rock pieces. This is a practice, similar to those, identified on the
platform of the rock massif.
At this level of research the character of both stone rows is not clear, but it is supposed the
time of the construction - EIA. If the interpretation of the site as a sanctuary is accepted, it is
possible the stone enclosure also to has a cult character.
The situation discovered at Aul kaya shows, that during LBA the rock massif had been
preferred for occupation and cult practiies. Probably inJhg early stages of EIA rituals also had
teen practicing at this place - theipots of black soil, filled with EIA pottery lay over the LBA
laye, tf grey, a"shy soil.'More serioui presence during EIA is registered in the lower part of the
sanctuarj, on the saddle westwards ihe rock massif. Small area between the massif and the
u.."r.ible, eastern part of the saddle is enclosed with two rows of big stones. This space is
impregnated with archaeological materials and structures'
The two presented here ianctuaries and discovered archaeological materials and structures
show ,o*" ii*ilar practices, which are characteristic of whole area of Eastern Rhodope
Mountain:3a some elements of the Thracian sanctuaries, the inner organization and chronology
are represented. Both sites are located on an elevation top, surroun{ed !f a river, with an
excellent view towards the region. The sacred space had been enclosed (if the interpretation of
the two stone rows of Aul kayi and the early stone wall of Ada tepe as such kind of enclosure is
accepted); the traces of rituals and structures are pieces of fired plaster, clay piatforms - coatings
on the rock and fireplaces, gift offerings - spread or assembled in rock fissures. Both sites are
with discovered coniinuity between thi two periods - LBA and EIA. On Ada tepe layers partly
overlap because of the later destructions, bu[ they reveal similarities in the cult structures and
rituals. On Aul kaya layers are separated in both parts of the sanctuary because of moving of the
activities during both periods, but on the platform of the rock massif there is partly overlapping
of the levels. The conclusion about successive development of both ages is supplemented by
the analysis of the early Thracian pottery not only from both sanctuaries, but from the whole
Eastern ithodope region. It is established, that some of the pottery forms have their prototypes
in LBA.35
On the basis of the data can be supposed that the LBA tradition had existed in different
aspects - from producing vessels, to continuity in honoring of the sacred Thracian places and
participating ln differenl rituals. This situation probably would be repeated on most of the
sanctuaries in Eastern Rhodopi, but the stratigraphical observations are impeded by the specificity
of the terrain. It is a fact that on most of the Thracian cult places materials from both periods
are found - LBA and EIA. part of the probiem is in the character of the archaeological research.
More sites, investigated with reguiar, of many years'excavations, would give more complete
information about"str atigraplty,iime and succession of building of the different structures. In
this case the results of the statistic treatment of the pottery would be more complete - the proof
is the excavations of the two presented sites. It can be said, that the continuity between the

Nekhrizov 2005a, 153-8.
Nekhrizov 2005b, 70-L68.
Ynn n Z dr aakoo a -D i mi t r oo a

o' ,\4
0 6cm

0 5cm

Eig.9. Vessels with an oblique mouth (jugs).

two ages in sanctuaries is due to the evolutionary development of the culture; such continuit\-
probably can be found in many of its features, if the discussion about the nature of discovered
sites ("settlement or sanctuary") is taken into consideration.
Another aspect of the archaeological research is very important. Some of the small finds
(bronze labris, bronze spearhead, marble caps for Mycenaean swords) from Ada tepe and Ar-r1
kaya, as many single finds from the region speak about the existing contacts of Eastern Rhodopi
with the Aegean world and confirm the opiniory that the region didn't develop isolated from the
ancient world. This is a good perspective for the future research in the direction of clarifying the
contacts of this area with the neighboring territories and the big civilizations from the epoch.

Yana Zdravkova Dimitrorra

National Institute of Archaeology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
kv. Zapaden park, bl. 1115, r,h.B., et.1, ap.3
BL-1373 Sofia

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