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PIONEER beginners - American edition

Test: Module 9

A. Cross out the odd word.

1. sneakers – jacket – sweater – suit

2. camel – deer – mile – leopard
3. surfing – exciting – sailing – skydiving
score 4
4. pound – euro – size – cent

B. Complete with the words in the box.

species instructor local telescope dangerous temperature picture donate

1. I don’t like extreme sports. I think they’re .

2. It was really hot yesterday. The reached 104ºF.
3. Ted took a(n) of the mountain with his new camera.
4. The panda is an endangered .
5. They money to different organizations every year.
6. I want to see the night sky through a .
7. He is a swimming . He teaches young children.
score 8
8. The people told us about the restaurant.

Choose a or b.

1. A: How much is this? 3. A: I want to try rock climbing.

B: B: My cousin’s a rock climbing instructor.
a. Extra small. a. Guess what!
b. $20. b. I have a better idea.
2. A: What do you think of these? 4. A: The T-shirt is $15.
B: B:
a. I like them. a. I agree.
b. I don’t agree. b. I’ll take it. score 4

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER beginners - American edition
A. Complete with the correct form of the adjectives.

the most colorful
the worst score 12

B. Complete with the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives in parentheses.

1. Which is the (large) country in the world?

2. My sister is (tall) than my brother.
3. Uranus is (far) from the Sun than Saturn.
4. This is the (beautiful) dress in the store.
5. History is (interesting) than Geography.
6. That is the (high) mountain in the area.
7. Larry is (good) at Math than Paula but Peter is the
(good) student in the class. score 8

Listen to two friends talking at the zoo and circle the correct answer.

1. The pandas / tigers were boring.

2. The T-shirts are more expensive / cheaper than the baseball caps.
3. The poster is $20 / $15. score 6

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER beginners - American edition

Read and write T for True or F for False.

The Triathlon 1. There are three different sports in

The triathlon is a race for men or women with swimming, the triathlon.
cycling and running. It is one of the most difficult races in 2. The longest part of a triathlon is the
the world and there are different race lengths. The first running.
triathlon in the Olympics was in Sydney 2000. Triathletes 3. A triathlon in the Olympics is shorter
in the Olympics swim for 0.93 miles, cycle for 24.8 miles than the Ironman triathlon.
and run for 6.2 miles. The race usually takes place 4. The first Ironman triathlon was in
around the city of the Olympics, and athletes cycle and the year 2000 in Sydney.
run past famous places. The longest triathlon race is
also called the “Ironman” triathlon. It is longer than the
Olympic race. Athletes swim for 2.4  miles, cycle for 112 
miles and run for 26.2  miles. The first Ironman triathlon
was in Hawaii, U.S.A. in 1978, and there is a race there
every year. There are other Ironman triathlons in the
world, but the Hawaii race is the most famous. score 8

Imagine that you tried scuba diving. Write an e-mail to a friend telling him/her about it. Use the
ideas below.

• when and where you tried it

• who you were with
• what you saw
• if you liked it or not and why

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score 10
PIONEER beginners - American edition

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