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Concepts/ Skills/ Teaching Learning Evaluation/

Subtopics Objectives
Attitudes Strategies/Activities Assessment
Cycle #7 Content/Concept After discussing the impact Demonstration Extended Activity
Nothin’ is a peom that of Kriol in Belize , Students Model Illustrate a scene
(October 20,2017) raises a number of will be able to : Introduction: from the poem in
serious social and 1. Display on Teacher comes in their Journal .
Lesson 1 cultural practices .In this appreciation for the and greets the class
poem the poet uses Kriol Language. speaking in Kriol.
Topic: Pre-reading Bileez Kriol to belong 2. Identify two She then uses Evaluation :
Activities across his message. advantages of questioning to Elicit
 Background  The poet Erwin X speaking in Kriol. from students the
information on writes poems that 3. Translate a quote language spoken and
Poem Language deal mainly with from the poem in when and where it is
 Belizean Kriol current issues, English spoken. Students
political ones in share some Kriol
Materials: Textbook, T- particular. phrases used daily .
chart, Journal  Dr. Sylvana Udz
is a passionate Development :
References: advocate Kriol
 Satchwell, D(2014). language. She is a 1. Lecture:
Nothin’. In the founding member Teacher
alchemy of words of the Belize explains that
(8th ed.,pp 92-94 ). Creole project . Kriol is an
Benque Viejo del  She published the official
Carmen , Belize : Creole English language in
Cubola Productions. dictionary in Belize. She
2007. also explains
 Note worthy that Dr.
Belizean Authors Silvaana Udz
and poets is a
introduce short passionate
advocate and
 Di Silvaana Udzz, stories and poems Co-founder
Lekcha in Kriol that of the Kriol
(2014).Retrieved promote cultural Project. She
from and social issues has also as well as critical published the
dex.php? thinking. Kriol /
option=com content  Identify English
and view =article advantages/disadv Dictionary.
id=8354:di- antages of 2. Teacher
silvaana-udz spelling Kriol. shares some
 Lecha series  Translating Kriol names of
launched-in- quotation into Belizean
belmopanaa English . author/poet
&catid=40 such as
Attitude: Young ,
 Appreciation of Leroy Young
Creole Language and Eran X.
values in our Students are
Belizean Culture. invited to
share names
of other
they know.
3. Teacher
leaves a
whole class
discussion on
how Kriol
on in Belize .
4. In pairs,
and discuss
s of using
Kriol in
Belize. They
use a T-
chart to
record your

Closure: Students
briefly outline the
impact of the Kriol
Language in Belize.

students write one
power statement
about the impact of
Kriol in our school
environment in their

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