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Your younger sister is studying overseas. You have decided to write a LETTER to
advise her on how to spend her money wisely.


No. 32, Jalan Mawar 2,

Taman Sri Mawar,

47810 Petaling Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan.

14 April 2013.

Dear Alisa,
   How are you? Our family and I are in the pink. I hope you are fine too. How`s
your exam? You must be getting all A`s, right? I`m writing this letter to give you
an advice about spending money wisely. I knew your current situation since I used
to study oversea. I hope these tips are useful for you.

   First and foremost, make a shopping list before spending your money. This is to
ensure you will buy only necessary items and avoid wasting money. If you ever
bought unnecessary item, such as excessive fruits, you will leave them rotting in
the fridge. If so, you are breeding bacterias in your fridge too.

   Next, before buying any items, compare their prices. There are some brand items
that are sold cheaper at different place. If there are any brand that are cheaper,
you should change to them. Being thrifty is part and parcel of life, remember?

   Moreover, when purchasing something, you should know how to budget. Use money
that you own to buy affordable needs first. Remember to always avoid what you can`t
afford and unneeded things. This is to ensure that you are having enough cash if
you are trapped in an emergency situation.

   Also, this is a simple trick that I want to share with you. You should always
take note when do shops are having sales. I always buy things during the sales as
their prices are cut after discounts. During that time, especially on Christmas
Day, you can afford plenty goods with cheaper price. Remember to try this out.

   Apart from that, you should try to avoid consuming food outside. You learnt how
to cook local delicacies from our grandmother, didn`t you? Apply that knowledge
there as cooking meals by yourself is much cheaper than eating at restaurants. If
you are having trouble in preparing meals, you can search for the recipes on the

   When you are having leisure time, don`t forget to use it with advantageous
activities. For instance, think and plan about cost you are spending there. Money
is very crucial especially for a student like you who are studying oversea.
Therefore, you should not spend it carelessly.

   I know, you are having a hard time there as you are staying away from your
beloved family. But at the same time, you will learn how to be an independent and
reliable person indirectly. Be strong and live well in Australia. I hope you will
make our family proud with your Bachelor degree soon. Don`t forget those tips and
never skip a meal! Thank you.
Yours sincerely,


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