MW Lab File 2k17 - Ec - 127

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EC 405 - Microwave Engineering

Lab Report

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr. Sumit Kumar Khandelwal Prakhar Prakash
Assistant Professor 2K17/EC/127
ECE Department 7th Semester, Section E
Expe Experiment Type Experiment Name

1 Design and Simulation of Rectangular Waveguide

2 Simulation Based Design and Simulation of E-plane Tee

3 Design and Simulation of Magic Tee
4 Design and Simulation of Dipole Antenna
To design and simulate a rectangular waveguide (WR-42).

Software Used
Ansys HFSS 15.0

Parameters and Theory

Solution frequency = 25 GHz
x = 1 in
a = 0.42 in
b = 0.17 in
Lower cutoff frequency for particular mode:

1 𝑚𝜋 2 𝑛𝜋 2
𝑓𝑐 = ( ) +( )
2𝜋 𝜇𝜖 𝑎 𝑏

Simulation Steps
1. Set unit to 'in'.
2. Draw box with XSize = 1 in, YSize = 0.42 in, ZSize = 0.17 in.
3. Add excitations to both ends of waveguide.
4. Add solution setup with solution frequency = 25 GHz.
5. Add interpolating sweep with start frequency = 10 GHz, stop frequency = 35 GHz.
6. Plot graphs for β vs. frequency and losses.
7. Plot electric field overlays.

D Model

1. Graph between β and frequency

2. Loss graph in different modes

3. Electric field vector in waveguide

4. Electric field magnitude in waveguide

1. For the solution frequency applied, first two modes of signal will be seen (frequencies 14 GHz
and 28 GHz).
2. Waveguide was designed and simulated successfully.
To design and simulate an E-plane tee.

Software Used
Ansys HFSS 15.0

Solution frequency = 10 GHz
For an arm,
x = 60 mm
a = 22.86 mm
b = 10.16 mm

Simulation Steps
1. Set unit to 'mm'.
2. Draw first arm using 'box' tool with above specifications. Duplicate newly-constructed box
around axes on both sides. To complete structure, unite all three boxes.
3. Add 'perfect E' boundary to the structure.
4. Add excitations to all three ports.
5. Add solution setup with solution frequency = 10 GHz.
6. Add interpolating sweep with start frequency = 5 GHz, stop frequency = 15 GHz.
7. Plot graph for insertion losses.
8. Plot electric field overlays.

3D Model

1. Insertion loss graph (dB(s31))
2. Insertion loss graph (dB(s32))

3. Electric field vector in tee

4. Electric field magnitude in tee

1. Graphs and overlays suggest that E-plane tee is able to divide incoming electric field from
Port 3 in opposite phase.
2. E-plane tee was designed and simulated successfully.
To design and simulate a magic tee/hybrid tee.

Software Used
Ansys HFSS 15.0

Solution frequency = 10 GHz
For an arm,
x = 60 mm
a = 22.86 mm
b = 10.16 mm

Simulation Steps
1. Set unit to 'mm'.
2. Draw first arm using 'box' tool with above specifications. Duplicate newly-constructed box
around axes on both sides. To complete structure, unite all four boxes.
3. Add 'perfect E' boundary to the structure.
4. Add excitations to all four ports.
5. Add solution setup with solution frequency = 10 GHz.
6. Add interpolating sweep with start frequency = 5 GHz, stop frequency = 15 GHz.
7. Plot electric field overlays.

3D Model

1. Electric field magnitude in tee (input given at E-arm)
2. Electric field magnitude in tee (input given at H-arm)

1. When input is given at E-arm, the H-arm remains inactive while collinear ports receive out of
phase outputs.
2. When input is given at H-arm, the E-arm remains inactive while collinear ports receive in
phase outputs.
3. Magic tee was designed and simulated successfully.
To design and simulate a dipole antenna.

Software Used
Ansys HFSS 15.0

Solution frequency = 5 GHz
Port length = 0.1 cm
Arm radius = 0.1 cm
Arm length = 1.5 cm

Simulation Steps
1. Set unit to 'cm'.
2. Draw cylinders for arms of antenna using above specifications.
3. In space created, draw rectangle and excite as a lumped port.
4. Draw box around completed antenna and set radiation boundary.
5. Add solution setup with solution frequency = 5 GHz.
6. Add interpolating sweep with start frequency = 3 GHz, stop frequency = 7 GHz.
7. Set far-field setup.

3D Model

1. Return loss of antenna

2. Realized gain of antenna (in 3D)

1. Return loss graph indicates antenna resonates at 4.4 GHz (approx.).
2. 3D plot shows apple-like radiation pattern.
3. Dipole antenna was designed and simulated successfully.

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