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Quick Reference Guide # 16 Global Survey Limited

Purpose: Create a TPS1100 job from an Excel Spreadsheet (XLS)

Product: TPS1100 and Coordinate Editor

Notes: We recommend that data is requested in one of the following formats

1. Microsoft Office Excel Spreadsheet containing columns headed Point ID,
Northing, Easting, Elevation, Point code. Three-dimensional (3D) design
data should be provided whenever possible.
2. Comma Delimited (CSV) file containing values separated by commas in the
following order; Point ID, Northing, Easting, Elevation, Point code. Three-
dimensional (3D) design data should be provided whenever possible, but null
values should be included as a field in the file (Eg; 1,700000,300000,,SS).

1. Save data in CSV format

a. Open the XLS file in Microsoft Excel
b. Briefly check the contents
c. From the File menu, select Save As
i. Navigate to the folder where you will save the file
ii. Enter a descriptive filename
Note – the TPS1100 only accepts 8 character job file names, so consider providing
an 8 character name at this point
iii. Click Save
Note – This saves the original data file from the client
2. Edit the data to remove unwanted lines or values
a. Locate the folder where the XLS file has been saved
b. Double click on the .XLS file to open it in Excel
c. Delete unwanted lines
i. Left click and hold the cursor on the first unwanted line number
ii. Drag the cursor to include all unwanted lines. Release the left mouse
iii. Right click in the highlighted area and select Delete
d. Delete unwanted cells
i. Click in the first unwanted cell. Release the mouse button.
ii. Use Shift & Page Down to select a page of cells in a column
iii. Use Shift & a cursor key to select individual cells
iv. Press the Delete key
e. From the File menu, select Save As
i. Navigate to the folder where you will save the file
ii. Enter a descriptive filename
Note – the TPS1100 only accepts 8 character job file names, so consider providing
an 8 character name at this point
iii. From the ‘Save As Type’ drop down list, choose “CSV (Comma
iv. Click Save
Note – This saves the edited data as a CSV file
Note – a warning message tells you that saving an XLS as a CSV may result in loss
of information in the file. Select Yes to Save anyway.

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Quick Reference Guide # 16 Global Survey Limited

f. Close Excel
3. Bring the data into Coordinate Editor
a. From the Leica Survey Office menu, select Coordinate Editor
b. From the File menu, select Open
c. Navigate to the folder where the CSV file is stored
d. Change ‘Files of Type’ to “All files”
e. Select the file you want to import
f. Set ‘Template’ to “None” if this is the first time you have brought a CSV file
of this type into Coordinate Editor (Go to step 4)
g. Set ‘Template’ to a previously defined import template if one has been
defined (Go to Step 5)
4. Step through the Import Wizard
a. Click Open
b. Make sure the Selection button is set to Free (for CSV files). Click Next.
c. Select the column separator (Comma for CSV).
i. Check that all the data in the file looks OK and it has been aligned
correctly in columns. Click Next
d. Choose the column headers
i. Right click on each header and select the header name
Note – each name can only be selected once, so if you make a mistake, right-click on
the column header and select Remove.
ii. Click Next once all headers have been assigned
e. Give the template a descriptive name, for example “pt,n,e,e,code” for a CSV
file of Point, Northings, Eastings, Elevation, Code. Click Finish
5. Edit the data in Coordinate Editor
a. Make any edits to the data in Coordinate Editor
b. Print the data if required
c. From the File menu, select Save As
i. Navigate to the correct folder
ii. Enter an 8 character descriptive filename
iii. Set the File Type to “GSI-16 files”
iv. Select Save
6. Transfer the file to the TPS1100
a. From Leica Survey Office, Select Data Exchange Manager
b. Connect the instrument to the computer and turn it on
c. On the Left Hand Side, navigate to the Data Card area on the appropriate
COM port
d. On the Right Hand Side, navigate to the folder where the GSI file is stored
e. Drag the GSI file to the Data Card
f. Wait for the transfer to complete
g. Close Data Exchange Manager

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