QRG 5 - TPS1200 Setup & Topo With FaceplateBasem Alkohlany

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Quick Reference Guide # 5 Global Survey Limited

Purpose: Level the instrument, complete orientation to known control,

observe topographic points, export data.
Instrument: TPS 1200 Series

The operator stands at the instrument in this guide.

Further information: Refer to your instrument reference manual for detailed


1. Prepare instrument and turn on

a. Place the instrument on tripod, clamp tribrach and level it using plate bubble
b. Check battery is present in the instrument
c. Check Compact Flash card is present in the instrument (refer to diagram
inside card door for correct placement of card. Do not remove the card when
the instrument is turned On.)
d. Press and hold ON button for 1 second. “Main menu” appears.
2. Level the instrument
a. From the main menu, press SHIFT, then F12
b. Fine tune level bubble using digital display
i. To adjust laser plummet intensity, press PAGE (F6) and use cursor
keys to change settings
c. When level, press CONT (F1). Main menu appears.
3. Create a new job and specify the correct Configuration Set and default Prism
a. Use cursor keys to highlight the Survey icon. Press CONT (F1)
b. Use Up/Down cursor keys to highlight Job name. Press Enter (Red button) to
open a list of available Jobs.
c. Press NEW (F2) to create a new job. “New Job” menu appears.
i. Give the job a name. Hint – Press CE to start typing Alpha characters
in a highlighted text field. Use F6 to toggle between Alpha and
Numeric characters in a text field. Press Enter to accept your entry.
ii. Repeat for Description and Creator if required.
iii. Press PAGE (F6) to select a Codelist.
iv. Press Enter to view the available Codelists. Hint – Connell Sys1200 is
suitable for 12D
v. Use the Up/Down cursor keys to highlight a suitable Codelist and
press Enter.
vi. Press STORE (F1) to Store the new job
d. Press CONT (F1) to select and use the new job. The Survey Begin menu re-
e. Press Enter to open the list of available Configuration sets
i. Choose the correct configuration set and press CONT (F1). Hint -
TCRP RAY is a good Configuration Set to use for topographic
surveying with or without a robotic controller
f. Press Enter to open the list of available Reflectors

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Quick Reference Guide # 5 Global Survey Limited

i. Select the correct Reflector and press CONT (F1). Hint – The Leica
360d Prism is commonly used for Autolock or Robotic work. The prism
type can easily be changed between a prism and reflectorless during
Survey operations.
4. Orientate the instrument
a. From the Survey Begin menu, press SETUP (F3). The Station Setup menu
i. Press Enter to view a list of Fixpoint jobs. Hint – Fixpoint jobs
generally hold control or known coordinates. Use the Up/Down cursor
keys to select the job you have created and Press CONT (F2)
ii. Press enter to view a list of possible Setup methods. Hint – Known
azimuth requires an instrument coordinate and an azimuth. Known BS
Point requires known instrument and backsight coordinates. Use the
cursor keys and press Enter to select the method you require. Press
CONT (F1). The Select Station menu appears.
1. Press Enter to open a list of available known points.
2. Use the Cursor keys to select an existing point and Press Enter
to select it, or press NEW (F2) to create a New point.
a. Give the point an ID, Northing, Easting and Height.
b. Press STORE (F1) to store the new point. Select it from
the point list and press CONT (F1)
3. Enter the instrument height. Press CONT (F1). The
4. Key in a known azimuth, or repeat the above steps to select a
known BS point depending on the method chosen.
5. Point the instrument at the Backsight prism or Reference Point
and press SET (F1) to set the orientation of the instrument.
6. Press OK (F4) to accept the advisory message. The Survey
Menu appears.
5. Survey and Code points.
Note – To switch between different views in the Survey program, use PAGE (F6). Most topographic
survey work will be carried out on the Survey page, but the Map page is also a very useful view of the
Note – To switch between IR (Prism) and RL(Reflectorless) EDM modes, press USER – EDM & ATR
modes. The icon on the status bar of the instrument, the default prism height and the prism constant
change accordingly.
Note – To change the behavior of the EDM, press USER – EDM & ATR modes. For Robotic
topographic surveys, the Automation setting should be set to LOCK.
a. Enter a Point ID
b. Enter the correct prism height
c. Choose a Point Code (Press Enter to view a list of available codes, or simply
start typing)
d. Point at the prism
e. Press ALL (F1) to take a distance and store the measurements and code. The
Point ID will increment automatically. Hint – Press DIST (F2) to take a
distance, but not store a point. Press REC (F3) to record a point with the
current displayed set of measurements
f. Repeat the above five steps
6. Exit the job

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Quick Reference Guide # 5 Global Survey Limited

a. From the Survey Job, press ESC to back out to the main menu
7. Export data to the CF card
a. From the Main Menu, use the cursor keys to select Convert. Press Enter.
i. From the Convert Data menu, select Export Data from Job. Press
1. From the Export Data from Job menu, make the following
2. Export to: CF Card
3. Directory: Data
4. Job: Choose the job you want to export. Hint – Press Enter to
view a list of available jobs.
5. Format File: Press Enter to view a list of available format files.
Select the format file that meets your needs. Hint –
12D_TPS.FRT is good for exporting to 12D Software.
6. File Name: Type a name for the exported file
ii. Press CONT (F1) to perform the Export
iii. Press ESC to Escape back to the Main Menu
8. Turn the instrument off
a. To turn the instrument off, press the PROG and USER keys simultaneously
for 1 second and release.
b. Remove the CF card from the instrument and insert it into your computer for
use by your office software.

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