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History of Europe One-Pager Major Grade Assignment Planning Sheet

Who: ______________________________________________________________________________
Where: ____________________________________________________________________________
Why (cause(s) & effect(s)) :____________________________________________________________
Other information or quotes:__________________________________________________________

Possible pictures or symbols to draw:____________________________________________________

History of Europe One-Pager Major Grade Assignment Checklist and Rubric

______5 W’s and other information (55 Points)

_____ who? People involved and affected; key individuals (10 of 55 points)

_____ when? Dates of event, date range (10 of 55 points)

_____ why? cause(s) and effect(s) of the event (10 of 55 points)

_____ where? Location/countries involved (10 of 55 points)

_____ what? Describe the event (10 of 55 points)

_____ other information (5 of 55 points)

_____ at least 5 pictures or symbols to help someone understand the event better (25 points)

_____ creativity and effort, blending images, color, and information (5 points)

_____ created on one blank sheet of paper with no lines (5 points)

_____ fills the entire page (little to no white space) (5 points)

_____ would help someone who did not know anything about my event understand and learn about my event (5 points)

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