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Comparative World Religions Project – Humanities 8


There are 4 “big questions” in section part A of your comparative world

religions projects. It is mandatory that each student complete one of the 4
“big questions” within this section. Each section of part A is worth a value of 5
points. Students must complete the following tasks for Part A of the project:

 Write a 750-1000 word response on their chosen question

 Make a computer generated pie chart or bar graph that communicates

relevant information about their selected topic

 Find and print off 4 relevant color images or photographs that are
relevant to their selected topic

A1. Origins

• Address all of the “W5 questions”

• Who? What? When? Where? Why did your religion start?
• How do the origins of your assigned religions origins compare to the origins of

A2. Central figures

• Who are the most important figures of your religion?

• Why are they important to the faith?
• What were their contributions and/or accomplishments to the religion?
• How do the central figures of your assigned faith compare to the central figures of

A3. Basic Beliefs

• What are the basic beliefs of the religion?

• What practices must one follow to considered to be a devout believer?
• Are there behaviors, beliefs and values are not approved of within the religion?
• What types of behaviors, beliefs and value are valued and seen as important?
• How do the basic beliefs of your assigned faith compare to the basic beliefs of

A4. History of the religion

• What are the most important events that have influenced your assigned religion
throughout history?
• How has your assigned religion shaped an influenced the world? Consider specific
countries and ethnicities.
• What impact has your assigned religion had on the world in comparison to

There are 4 sections in part B of your comparative world religions projects. It

is mandatory that each student complete one of the 4-part ‘B’ questions
within this section. Students must complete the following tasks for Part B of
the project:

 Write a 300-400 word response on their chosen question

 Find and print off 1 relevant color images or photographs that are
relevant to your selected topic

 Design (sketch, draw a diagram, make a poster on the computer) one

image that is relevant to your selected topic

B1. Did You Know?

• What are interesting facts or statistics that are relevant to your religion?
B2. Symbols & Icons

• What symbols or religious icons are associated with the religion?

• What is the meaning and significance behind them?
B3. Who is God?

• How is God described and defined within the religion and what is his nature like?
• Is the religion monotheistic or polytheistic?
B4. Sacred Texts & Places

• What texts and places are sacred or of religious importance to your religion?
• What is the significance (importance) behind them?

There are 4 sections in part C of your comparative world religions projects. It

is mandatory that each student complete one of the 4 parts in the ‘C’ options
within this section. Each section of part C is worth a value of 3 points.
Students must complete the following tasks for Part C of the project:

C1. Titles

• Using the computer, print off labels and a project title that can be glued to the
project poster board. The chosen font should be uniform (the same) in appearance
(i.e. font size, style color etc.)
C2. Display Supplies
• Acquire 4 poster boards, masking tape and devise a method to support the
attached poster boards in a standing position. Assemble the four posters boards so
that they are attached
C3. Hor d'oeuvre #1

• Research and find a recipe that is a key part of your religion. The day before the
group presentations, make the recipe and create individual samples for people to
try the following day
C4. Hor d'oeuvre #2

• Same as above

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