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Biopac Student Laboratory V4.

0 Lessons 3 & 4: EEG I & 2 PSY2013


N.B. Please complete this pro-forma in your own words and upload via the TurnItIn link on Unihub.
Each question includes a guide for how long the answer is expected to be.

Student number: M00696920

File names used: _____________

Date/time of lab class: 31/10/2019

I. Data and Calculations

Participant’s details: Age: 19 Sex: F

Lesson 03 Data Report: EEG I

A.  EEG Amplitude Measurements

Table 3.2 Standard Deviation [Stddev]

Rhythm Channel Eyes closed Eyes open Eyes Re-closed

Alpha 2.08 2.87 2.64

Beta 2.45 2.83 2.86

Delta 5.72 12.99 11.73

Theta 2.38 4.45 3.42

B.  EEG Frequency Measurements from first 'Eyes closed' data.

Complete Table 3.3 with the frequencies for each rhythm and calculate the mean frequency. Freq
measurement applies to all channels since it is calculated from the horizontal time scale, but you
must select the correct area in each band.
Table 3.3 Frequency (Hz)

Rhythm Channel Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Mean

Alpha 11.11 9.09 10.52 10.24

Beta 20.00 16.66 15.38 17.34

Delta 4.16 2.53 2.94 3.21

Theta 6.89 4.25 7.69 6.27

II.  Questions – Lesson 03

1.  Define what is meant by the following terms in the context of EEG:

a. Frequency [1-2 sentences] b. Amplitude [1-2 sentences]

a. Frequency is the number of full cycles of repeating waves in one second, and it is measured in
Hertz (Hz) (Kane et al., 2017). It is essential to describe normal or abnormal EEG (alpha, beta, delta,
and theta) impulses.

b. Amplitude is a calculation of the shift in EEG impulses regarding the average value, generally
measured in microvolts (μV) and mostly interpreted as a variation in baseline to peak in modified EEG
(Kane et al., 2017).

2. Examine the alpha change between the “eyes closed” state and the “eyes open” state. Does
desynchronization of the alpha rhythm occur when the eyes are open? Explain your answer. [1-2

The alpha rhythm during “eyes closed” was measured as 2.08Hz and 2.87 during “eyes open,” as
seen in Table 3.2. This standard deviation (SD) which occurs due to the decline in the alpha impulses,
is because of the eyes opening making the participant alert to the surrounding. The beta rhythm falls
more than the alpha triggering the regulation resulting in desynchronization (Kramer, Mullins &
McMullen, 2010).

3. How does event-related change in alpha relate to attention? Support your answer with empirical
evidence. [100-200 words]

Any situation involving focus triggers an event-related aptitude which, in turn results in a shift in the
EEG. Studies have shown that alpha oscillations dominate other oscillations in the human brain and
play a major role in attention and processing of information (Malik & Amin, 2017). Event-related
change or event-related synchronization/desynchronization in the alpha activity is also affected by
the change in the EEG since ERS builds information processing, therefore, boosting focus while, ERD
diminishes information processing, hence, reducing concentration (Busch, 2014). Alpha ERS in EEG
has been witnessed in creative tasks by Benedek, Bergner, Könen, Fink and Neubauer (2011) and it is
postulated that it may be linked to an individual's strong internal processing, that incorporates
innovative thinking involving attention. Winsun, Sergeant and Geuze (1984) found alpha ERD to raise
through tasks that improve the cognition of an individual.

4.  Examine the delta and theta rhythm. Is there an increase in delta and theta activity when the eyes
are open? Explain your observation. [100-200 words]

The eyes closed SD is 5.72Hz for the delta rhythm in table 3.2Hz, and the eyes open is 12.99Hz, and
soon after the participant is instructed to close their eyes again, the SD drops to 11.73Hz. Therefore,
the SD for the theta rhythm is 2.38Hz during the eyes closed state, rising to 4.45Hz when their eyes
are open and reducing to 3.42Hz when the participant is asked to close their eyes one more time,
thereby displaying an increase in both rhythms while the eyes were open. Finelli, Baumann, Borbély
& Achermann (2000) proposed that while the individual wakes up and while the production of the
slow waves is active, there is a significant rise in both the waves. When the alpha waves decrease
while a person is sleeping, the theta and delta waves are evident; there is a surge in the delta
rhythm, which maybe because of the mental processes that need the individual’s concentration
(Harmony et al., 1996).

5. Examine table 3.3. Does the mean value of Delta agree with expected values? Yes/No? Explain
your answer. [1-2 sentences]

According to Nayak and Anilkumar (2019), the expected value of the frequency of delta rhythms is
between 0.5 to 4Hz, and the value from Table 3.3 is 3.21Hz, which falls between this range.

6.  Briefly define the following terms and list one cognitive process associated with each frequency
band (provide references to support your answers)

i. Beta rhythm [1-2 sentences]

ii. Theta rhythm [1-2 sentences]

iii. Gamma rhythm [1-2 sentences]

i. Beta rhythms: They are electrical impulses occurring in the brain when an individual is
awake and attentive. They are formed by oscillations which have a frequency calculated
between 13-30 Hz. They deal with cognitive processes such as recalling STM (short-term
memory) or LTM (long-term memory) (Mailk & Amin, 2017; Kramer, Mullins & McMullen,

ii. Theta rhythms: They are electrical impulses occurring in the brain when an individual is
aroused or asleep. They have a frequency of about 4-7 Hz which is connected to linguistic
processes of a human. According to Toates (2011) they are also present while a person
experiences REM (random eye movement) sleep.

iii. Gamma rhythms: They are the fastest oscillations present in the brain with a significantly
high frequency which measures between 30-80 Hz. It is found that gamma waves play a
crucial role in memory related activities, long term memory and concentration (Jia &
Kohn, 2011). They also influence psychological disorders like schizophrenia, epilepsy, and
Alzheimer's (Herrmann & Demiralp, 2005; Malik & Amin, 2017).
Lesson 04 Data Report: EEG II


A. Complete Table 4.1 with the amplitudes of the recorded data in the control and experimental
conditions. Calculate the difference for the Alpha-RMS Mean between the Experimental Conditions
and the Control.

Table 4.1 Amplitudes

Condition Raw EEG Alpha Alpha RMS Alpha RMS

Expt. minus
Control value
Eyes closed (control) 14.99 2.69 0.37

Mental arithmetic 9.38 2.18 0.38 0.01

Recovery from 52.72 4.29 0.48 0.11


Eyes open 14.27 2.03 0.32 -0.05


B. What is the frequency of an alpha rhythm from “Eyes closed” data?  = 8.69 Hz

III. Questions – Lesson 04

1. Refer to Table 4.1: When was the general amplitude of the EEG highest? Why is this? [1-2

From the data produced in the table above (4.1), it can be noted that when the participant
recovered from hyperventilation, the electroencephalograph produced the highest amplitude
as the standard deviation measured for the condition was 52.72. This is due to an increase or
change in brain activity caused by hyperventilation, which results in the rise of the delta and
theta waves of high amplitude (Fisch & So, 2003).
2. Refer to Table 4.1: How do your results compare with the information presented in the Biopac
Introduction? Explain any discrepancies. [100-200 words]

The introduction of lesson 4 of Biopac (Kramer, Mullins & McMullen, 2010) matches our findings. We
observed that the most noticeable EEG rhythm when eyes were closed in the resting state was alpha
whose amplitude noted to have a standard deviation of 2.69 Hz and frequency of 8.69 Hz making it
the second highest in terms of its relation to the other conditions in the table. Also, the EEG raw
score of alpha waves was 14.99 Hz which implied that the alpha activity dominated other activities.
The alpha rhythm was found to be the most significant when the participant recovered from
hyperventilation task, i.e., 4.29 Hz. The Biopac suggests that while recovering from hyperventilation,
amplitude of alpha and EEG of the brain rises; our RMS difference calculation of the participant
recovering from hyperventilation and after closing his eyes was 0.11 Hz which is the highest value,
therefore, supporting the lesson.

Nonetheless, we noticed a few discrepancies in our data. Our results of the RMS difference between
shut eyes and open eyes was -0.05 Hz indicating that there is not much reduction in the alpha
frequency as the alpha rhythms are supposed to decrease when eyes are shut due to ERD.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using EEG/ERP compared to other neuroscientific
techniques such as fMRI, PET and TMS? [100-200 words]

The detected brain response is the result of a mental, motor, or sensory event of EEG and ERP (Luck,
2005). There are numerous advantages to using EEG. It supports nerve impulses like synchronized or
oscillatory movement, which happen rapidly. It is also less expensive and readily available compared
to fMRI (Kable, 2011).

Non-neural changes in the body caused by the oxygen levels present in the bloodstream are likely to
have an impact on fMRI (Kable, 2011). On the other, the readings produced by the EEG are
comparatively more accurate. According to LaBar, Gatenby, Gore, LeDoux & Phelps (1998), the use of
PET in neuroimaging for the subjects that deal with shaping the fears in an individual’s mind is limited
and expensive to perform compared to EEG scans. Another medical technique, TMS is a safe
procedure that uses electric fields to activate neurons in the brain to treat depression symptoms,
however, the scan is not able to explicitly trigger the deep structures of the human brain
(Wassermann, 1998).

One of ERP or EEG’s biggest drawbacks is that we are not able to comprehend from where the
processes in the brain originate. Whereas, new techniques such as PET and fMRI help us to find the
definite cause of the activities (Malik & Amin, 2017).

4. Define “neurofeedback” and provide a brief review of the literature using neurofeedback in a
clinical setting for one of the following disorders: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder);
PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder); ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). Make sure that you cite
and reference all sources. [500 words]

Neurofeedback is a curative method that is defined as a type of biofeedback wherein participants

react to a screen of their own brain patterns or other neural activities of the nervous system. It uses
auditory or visual signals to regulate and reorganize the patient's mental impulses (Villines, 2018).
While, they go through the exercise, they learn how to monitor and develop the functions of their
brain. It is also used to relieve symptoms of several mental and personality disorders including
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is one of the most common childhood
disabilities with a reported occurrence of up to 7.5 percent in teenagers. The main signs of ADHD
contain impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness, which for a large portion of kids identified
with this condition continues towards adolescence. Abnormalities are found in the development of
culture, learning and neuropsychology. In the adults having ADHD, psychological predisposing factors
include anxiety, substance abuse and mood disorders (Sobanski, 2006). According to previous
reports, underlying habits have been shown to be substantially reduced and beneficial in minimizing
a few of the symptoms as per the families who prefer treatment without medicines (Fuchs,
Birbaumer, Lutzenberger, Gruzelier & Kaiser, 2003).

Furthermore, Duric, Assmus, Gundersen, and Elgen in 2012 conducted a study in Norway on the
population of ADHD using neurofeedback as a treatment for kids. It included 30 rigorous sessions of
the neurofeedback task, in which ninety-one of the 275 children and teenagers aged 6 to 18 years
(10.5 years) signed up for it. The parents indicated considerable treatment results, but no major
differences were found among the therapy groups. Based on the reports of the parents, NF was
shown to be as useful as the drug (methylphenidate) for treating the symptoms of ADHD such as
impulsivity. Additionally, the efficacy of neurofeedback treatment for ADD/ADHD disorder was tested
on 23 young participants aged 8 to 19 years who took part in a strenuous NF training course for 2 to
3 months during summer. Based on the clinical report, it is visible that EEG neurofeedback training is
an additive technique that is part of a process of multi-component treatment. Hence it has
significant potential when performed along with other treatment methods (Lubar, Swartwood,
Swartwood, & O'Donnell, 1995). Likewise, a research was conducted on sample of 102 individuals
with ADHD between the age of 8 to 12 years, who attended computerized attention training or 36
sessions of the neurofeedback course. They found that mixed NF training was prevalent which
showed the medical effectiveness of neurofeedback in ADHD participants. Future experiments must
also explore the severity of symptoms and how to maximize neurofeedback's value as a tool for
ADHD care (Gevensleben et al., 2009).

In conclusion, the technique of Neurofeedback is shown to effect ADHD in kids, positively. While it
minimizes the effects of inattention and impulsivity, it is limited to a certain degree since several
researches have stated that drugs are also effective and are needed to reduce the symptoms of
ADHD and ADD in individuals.

Villines, Z. (2018, October 9). Neurofeedback for ADHD: Does it work? What to expect. Retrieved
January 4, 2020, from
Kane, N., Acharya, J., Benickzy, S., Caboclo, L., Finnigan, S., Kaplan, P. W., … van Putten, M. (2017). A
revised glossary of terms most commonly used by clinical electroencephalographers and updated
proposal for the report format of the EEG findings. Revision 2017. Clinical neurophysiology practice,
2, 170–185. doi:10.1016/j.cnp.2017.07.002

Kramer, J.M., Mullins, M., & McMullen, W. (2010). Biopac Student Lab Manual. Biopac Systems Inc. Goleta, CA.

Nayak, C. S., & Anilkumar, A. C. (2019). EEG Normal Waveforms. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls
Publishing. Retrieved from:

Malik, A. S., & Amin, H. U. (2017). Designing EEG Experiments for Studying the Brain: Design Code and
Example Datasets. Academic Press (pp. 1-30).

Fisch B, So E. Activation methods. In: Ebersole J, Pedley T, editors. Current practice of clinical
electroencephalography. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2003. pp. 247–253.

Duric, N.S., Assmus, J., Gundersen, D. et al. Neurofeedback for the treatment of children and
adolescents with ADHD: a randomized and controlled clinical trial using parental reports. BMC
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Jia, X., & Kohn, A. (2011). Gamma rhythms in the brain. PLoS biology, 9(4), e1001045.
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Herrmann, C. S., & Demiralp, T. (2005). Human EEG gamma oscillations in neuropsychiatric disorders. Clinical
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Toates, F. (2011). Biological psychology (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall/Pearson Education. Retrieved from:

Sobanski E. Psychiatric comorbidity in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2006;256:26–31. Retrieved from:

Mayer, K., Wyckoff, S. N., Fallgatter, A. J., Ehlis, A. C., & Strehl, U. (2015). Neurofeedback as a
nonpharmacological treatment for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): study protocol for
a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 16(1), 174. Retrieved from:

Lubar, J. F., Swartwood, M. O., Swartwood, J. N., & O'Donnell, P. H. (1995). Evaluation of the effectiveness of
EEG neurofeedback training for ADHD in a clinical setting as measured by changes in TOVA scores, behavioral
ratings, and WISC-R performance. Biofeedback and Self-regulation, 20(1), 83-99. Retrieved from:
DOI: 10.1007/BF01712768
Luck, S. J. (2014). An introduction to the event-related potential technique. MIT press.
Kable, J. W. (2011). The cognitive neuroscience toolkit for the neuroeconomist: A functional overview. Journal
of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 4(2), 63.

LaBar, K. S., Gatenby, J. C., Gore, J. C., LeDoux, J. E., & Phelps, E. A. (1998). Human amygdala activation
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Wassermann, E. M. (1998). Risk and safety of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: report and
suggested guidelines from the International Workshop on the Safety of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic
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