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Depending on water depths, environmental forces like sea wind, wave,
current and the sea floor conditions types of development rigs have been developed
for drilling wells in offshore fields.
Offshore mobile drilling rigs and platforms support exploratory and
development drilling or production operations while enduring the physical forces of
the ocean environment. Each type of rig or platform is designed to operate most
efficiently in specific marine environments. Such environmental conditions in the
world ocean vary considerably, many different type of the rigs are required. Generally
choosing a rig is based on
(a) Environmental at site of interest (including water depth and
extreme and operational wave height and currents).
(b) The development or production plan
(c) Rig availability.
Most of the mobile drilling rigs for exploration and development also can be
equipped with for production operations, using sub-sea templates and well
completions. However for convenience mobile drilling rigs- submersibles, jack ups,
semi-submersibles, and drill ships are considered for exploration activities.
In rig selection several types of environmental an dgeotechnical data shpuld
be evaluated:
Wave and Current Reports:
This study should provide information concerning extreme storm waves as
well as operational or normal waves and currents expected during drilling.
Forecasting daily wave and wind conditions is a definite safety requirement during
jack down operations because the rig is vulnerable when the legs are lowered and
set. The barge hull also is subjected to wave action prior to being jacked out of th e
wave zone.
A Hazardous Survey:
This study should locate uneven sea floor topography (including obstructions)
and shallow gas pockets, which may cause a complete loss of foundation support if
encountered during drilling.
A Sediment Boring:
This test indicates the type and strength of the sediments and predicts the
mat or spud-can penetration or settlement.
The decision to use a platform rig should be madder prior to the design of the
platform. This decision would be influenced by size of field, depth of production,
radius of drainage of platform, volume of production, availability of rigs and water
The platform rig consists of the basic rig components with the living
accommodations being part of the platform. This would require additional space and
strength to handle the loads imposed. The day cost of this type rig would be less than
others, but could be offset by additional expenses of platform. The rig would be a
land rig loaded on a barge and towed to a platform. It would then be hoisted on to the
platform and positioned over the well template for drilling.
Jack-up rigs currently operate in water depth 20 – 125 meter. The maximum
depth depends on the expected extreme waves and winds at the site during drilling.
Generally with moderate (18 – 21 meter) to severe (27 – 35 meter) wave height jack-
up rigs are limited to approximately 75 – 90 meter. The two major types of jack ups
are the mat supported rigs and the spud-can supported rigs. The mat supported
rig is used in soft sea floor sediments. The spud-can jack up is best suitable for
relatively stiff sediments and can accommodate uneven sea floor topography. Once
elevated, the jack-up is the most stable of all drilling units, and drilling from a jack up
is like drilling on land. The jack up is the least expensive type of rig to build operate in
water depths of more than 50 feet. The water depth limit is about 350 feet.
The decision to use a jack up rig would be influenced by the same factors, but
generally number of wells and shallow water would be strongly in favour of the jack
up rig.
The platform design should allow sufficient room to position the jack up
around the platform without damaging it. This would require the operator to look at a
particular rig and sign a contract for this rig in order to assure the compatibility of the
The rig would be spotted near the platform with tugs and work boats. The rig
anchor system would be put out and the tugs would assist in spotting the rig over the
The rig anchor pattern should insure good holding power and not interfere
with the normal operations of the platform such that pipeline, crew and work boats
etc. Anchor piles are sometimes installed on the platform to reduce the anchor
handling problems.
Jack ups have poor mobility because of their hull shape which makes
them difficult to tow, and several tugs may be required to maintain a speed of 3 to 4
Jacking procedure are critical and the following requirements should be
observed. The platform is assumed to be float with the spud cans completely filled.
The jack up casualties fall into following categories-
Under tow - 36%
Moving on/off - 27%
Blow outs - 27%
Severe storms - 10%
The submersible rig is similar to the jack up rig in that they both rest on the
bottom. The submersible has hulls on which it floats while being lowed to the
location. Upon reaching the location, the hulls are flooded and sunk to rest on the
bottom. The drilling deck is supported by columns form the hull and is well above the
water level. Submersibles have a fixed operating (shallow ranging up to 25 meter)
water depth like the jack ups and both are limited to drilling in relatively shallow
waters. The submersible and jack up rigs provide a very stable platform for
Upon reaching its location, the submersible is submerged by flooding one end
of the hull to a reasonable tilt angle. The other end is then flooded, and the vessel is
more or less rocked to bottom. The drilling deck must be at such elevation that the
waves can pass safely underneath. On leaving the location, the submerging process
is reversed. (Some of the units submerge at a nearly level condition).
Upon reaching the sea floor, the unit is levelled and all tanks are flooded to
being the unit to the desired bearing load on the bottom.
In the fully ballasted position, the barge hull on the sea floor has foundation
support for drilling operations and resists environmental loads caused by wave, wind
and currents. Since a large area of the rig structure present in the high pressure
wave zone, submersibles may be moved off location by moderately severe storms.
Such wave action removes sediments from the submersible hull, causing the
foundation support to fail. Proper environmental and geo-technical data indicate the
type of submersible needed to overcome sea floor stability concerns.
Casualties on submersible rigs are caused by the following-
Storm - 33%
Blowouts - 33%
Undertow - 17%
Moving on/off - 17%
The increased depth of operational waters has been met with the semi
submersibles. The development of sub sea equipment has been such that the
continued use of semis is insured.
The semi (or floater, as it is sometimes referred to) is towed to the location
buoy and spotted. The tugs will run the anchor pattern that has been previously
selected for minimum interference with operations and weather. The semi-
submersible will then be positioned over the proper location and maintain its position
automatically within present limits.
Some are self propelled or have thrusters to assist in towing. The self
propelled speed is generally low, and some government regulations require tugs.
The semi submersibles have very good motion characteristics that permit
operations to continue in waves of 35 to 45 feet height. Wind and current forces tend
to push the units off location. This calls foe a heavy mooring system that used chains
(instead of wire rope) and 45,000 lb anchors. This system requires good handling.
The casualties on semi-submersible are-
Severe storms - 66%
Blow outs - 22%
Under tow - 12%
Drill ship is a ship with the centre part hollowed out for drilling activity. This
moon pool area is positioned by the ships power system and maintained within
predetermined limits. Drill ships are generally used for remote wildcat type operations
or in very deep water, or for scientific exploration. The water depth is limited only by
its mooring system.
Wind, wave and current action tends to force the units off its location. A
mooring system of up to 10 anchor and mooring lines could be used to offset forces
in any direction. The deployment and recovery is safe in waves of more then 8 to 10
An alternative approach is dynamic positioning which requires a computer
controlled system. This system will sense the vessel’s position relative to the well and
direct the thrust of the propulsion units to maintain proper position. The power
necessary to hold position by dynamic means quickly increase under high
environmental loads, so that dynamically positioned vessels are not particularly
suited for operations in areas of rougher water.
The optimum operational water depth for the conventional (mooring lines and
anchors) and dynamic systems overlap in the 1500 feet water depth range.
Drill ships are the least expensive floating units to build by conventional
mooring. The addition of dynamic positioning increases construction cost
substantially, but no other alternative is presently available for the ultra deep water.
The disadvantage to the drill ship is its susceptibility to wave action. In 20 to
25 feet waves, the vessel may heave 8 to 10 feet. Drilling operations are usually
suspended when heave reaches 5 to 7 feet so in rough water areas much of the time
is spent waiting on the weather.
The shape and configuration of the hulls of the semi-submersible and the drill
ship are very different. However, the method with which the two types of rigs support
vertical loads and resist the environment impacts during drilling operations are
basically same. The hulls of the vessels supply sufficient excess buoyancy to support
drilling. Anchor moorings or dynamic positioned thrusters hold the rigs on location
while operation and during storm conditions. Water depth ranges for these vessels
are generally 75 – 1000 meter. They can stay on location in storms with maximum
waves of 25 to 35 meter height depending on the rig design. Generally drill ships and
semi submersible rigs are immune to the effect of earthquake because they do not
contact the sea floor or the crust of the earth.
In 1969, due to Hurricane Camille at Luisiana Gulf Coast area, three template
platforms suffered extensive damage. This was due to under water mud slides being
more powerful force than wind and wave. In order to withstand the mud slide threat
Cheveron, USA developed a type of platform called as drill- Through-the Leg
platform (DTL).
This design has two vertical steel legs and two sloped legs of lesser diameter.
By means of deep plate girders the deck is transmitted to the piles. The wells are
drilled through two large vertical legs. Several wells can be accommodated in these
legs which also act as a single large conductor. The sloped legs are used for
additional stability and in some cases fresh water storage. These platforms have
already been installed in Gulf of Maxico in water depth ranging from 145 to 264 feet.
One major limitation on the size and effectiveness of DTL platform is the size
of the components required e.g. connectors and controls. The conventional DTL
platform has proven to be an efficient and cost effective drilling and production
structure although it has some limitation of future developments and high cost for
mud slide type DTL. In certain unique offshore situations it is a more attractive to
template platform due to its effectiveness in providing better well protection.
BOP is generally attached to the surface casing. Before that surface casing was to
hang by casing hanger and slips, the subsequent casing are hanged and connected
to the BOP. Generally we go for sub-sea completion i.e well head, BOP, X-mass tree
are located to sub-sea bed so that they are special type and are not operated
manually. The basic operation are done from platform itself. From control and
material point of view, these are different from onshore completion.
i. Temporary Guide Base: It is steel structure which has got fins at bottom.
Any material to be lowered is lowered with reference to guide wires.
ii. Permanent Guide Base: Along with casing there is reference guide base
in casing so that guide wire reference is taken. At last point of casing
permanent guide base is attached so that it just set on temporary base
(landing base). After one casing is lowered taking guide wires as
reference, set well head lowered on pipe which quickly sets hydraulically,
then attach bop, then riser is attached and then drill. Again after this
remove riser, lower BOP and then attach riser and drill. Except for first
casing rest of drilling is done alone through riser. We always use
retrievable tools, which works on the tool mechanism. By rotating the pipe
in particular direction the pipe can be released. All control lines from well-
head are connected to BOP. Also at top, guide-line camera is attached to
take photographs and see the guide wires are in particular direction and
tool going is in right direction.

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