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“oh yes baby, it’s byulie unnie’s treat.

” Wheein told her girlfriend

“What’s the occasion byulie unnie, why are you treating us?” Hyejin asked byulie

“is it bad to spoil my two babies?” byulie smiled and open the door at the restaurant, she then
scanned the room and saw eric and yongsun eating. Yongsun looked at her and smiled.

“we can eat at the restaurant across the street unnie! I heard their pasta there is good to.”
Wheein told byul while patting her back.

“No it’s fine wheenie, it’s not like I’m hurt or anything.” Byulie told the two of them, they were
really unlucky that day because the only vacant seat were the one beside Eric and Yong

“oh hey! You’re byul right? Yongsun’s favorite student.” Eric greeted her, so they greeted them

“I’ll go order tell me what you two want.” Byulie told the kids

“I’m getting carbonara.” Wheein told byul “I want fillet mignon” hyejin told byul

“yah you both will drain the shit out of me” but byul stood up and order what the two wants


“will byulie unnie be fine wheeina?” hyejin asked her girlfriend while caressing her girlfriends

“I don’t know babe, let’s not worry about her I’m hungry.”

“what do you want to eat?” hyejin asked wheein she’s about to stand up so she can get her
phone and call for a Chinese food but wheein pulled her closed and whispered “you” in a low
seductively voice.

Wheein straddled hyejin’s now hyejin’s sitting on wheein’s lap, they started kissing
passionately, wheein bit her girlfriends bottom lip and insterted her tongue inside her
girlfriends mouth, hyejin on the other hand struggles as she was trying to take off wheein’s
clothes, wheein felt that her girlfriend is taking too long undressing her so she took her shirt of
herself, wheein keeps on sucking hyejin’s buds, flicking and licking as if she was milking her
girlfriend while hyejin grinds on wheein’s lap making a friction in between their thighs, while
hyejin is grinding wheein insterted two fingers on her girlfriends cunt without a warning
“ahhh wheeinah ahh” hyejin moans were filled in the room, wheein then lifted hyejin and laid
her on the sofa, wheein started kissing hyejin’s eyes, nose, lips, necks down to her collar bown
in between her boobs to her stomach and finally at the top of her pubic are

“let me show you who’s the top hyejin.” And without any warning wheein sucked hyejin’s clit
while two of her fingers were inside hers, after pumping her fingers in and out for god knows
how many times she then replaced her fingers with her tongue basically wheein’s tongue
fucking hyejin.

“ahhh ahh ahhh babe I’m fucking cumming.” Hyejin’s words made whein fucked her faster after
her tongue getting tired she then replaced her tongue with her fingers and fuck the shit out of
hyejin she felt her hyejin’s walls tighten so she curled up her fingers trying to hit that spot, after
thrusting wheein’s curled finger she felt the juices splashed on her face

“you’re still a squirter aren’t you.” Wheein closed her eyes as she laughed at her girlfriend, the
and the second she open her eyes her girlfriend was already on top of her.

“now wheein, I’ll show you why I’m the top in this relationship.” Wheein then held hyejins hand
and stopped, fully stopped, wheein stood up

“oh fucking no hyejin, you ain’t gonna fuck me with those fake nails. I’m out.” Wheein’s words
made her laugh, she then signed her girlfriend to snuggle with her so they can cuddle, wheein
forgot how hungry she was after eating her girlfriend out.

“I love you wheeina.”

“I love you too. Hyejinie.”

Byulyi then came out of her room and look at those two love birds watching money heist on the
TV. “you guys done? It’s 3 fucking am in the morning already you two should sleep or at least
LET me sleep.” Byul told the two of them as she get a bottle of water.

“I can hear everything you know.” Byul told them and the two of them became red because of
what byul said

“I hope your room was sound proof unnie?” wheein asked the girl

“Yes, it is but I wasn’t sleeping at my room, I was sleeping at the spare room since memories
from the past still lingers inside that room.” Byul rolled her eyes and went back to her room,
wheein and hyejin on the other hand just smiled at each other and continue their cuddle

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