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The Great Gatsby

In class essay

Instructions: Answer the must use the format discussed in class.

"The cult of self dominates our cultural landscape. The cult has within it the classic traits of
psychopaths: superficial charm, grandiosity, and self-importance; a need for constant stimulation, a
perchance for lying, deception and manipulation, and the inability to feel remorse or guilt."

C. Hedges

"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us
then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther...And one fine

Discuss the symbolic importance of the green light in The Great Gatsby. Does Gatsby's quest for "the
green light" reveal that he exhibits characteristics associated with a "psychopath" OR does it reveal
something else about the man described by Nick as "Great"?

Who is Gatsby?
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Anthony Alfino

Mr. Freitas


29 January 2021

The Mask of Dreams

Psychopaths often have many different personalities within them based on who they are

around. These personalities are often seen as masks, many choose to put on a mask to often hide

the true reality of themselves. This is showcased in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great

Gatsby, as the main character Jay Gatsby shows these different personalities towards others to

hide his true identity. He understands that to retain his financial and social status he must pick

which mask to use to keep striving for the American dream. Throughout the novel, Gatsby tries

to be himself but due to his psychopathic self, he fails to show his true colors. This failure makes

him put on different masks at different times to impress others in his lies and forgets who Jay

Gatsby is.

We all have to put on a mask at one point in our lives, but a psychopath tends to do it

more often to keep with the standards of society. In the novel, Gatsby is described as a wealthy

man that kept to himself. However, Gatsby kept true to his different personality as he put on

grand parties each weekend at his house. Each of them saw many high-profile figures attend but

none of them knew Gatsby himself. This shows that Jay was not there to have a good time but

rather show off his new money wealth to others. This source of his wealth was unknown

however, he kept true to himself as he told people that money came from his parents which had

passed. Yet, rumors circle that Mr. Gatsby was involved with illegal activates with Wolfsheim.

Gatsby denies these remarks even though he is getting calls from most major cities which he has
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to put off around others. “Chicago is on the phone sir,” this call is just one of many in which

Gatsby declines as he holds on to the mask which is wearing that all of his wealth came from

truths. The mask that Gatsby holds on to is to hide where his wealth came from and is all based

on thoughts of lies. Most masks that we all put on are based around this thought but psychopaths

fail to understand that it is the thought that all masks are based on.

As the play comes to a close after the argument with Tom, Gatsby and Daisy drive back

home from New York. Tom tells Gatsby to take the yellow coupe back which is the one that

Tom drove to New York earlier in the day. As the coupe drove past Wilson’s garage, Myrtle

Wilson, ran out into the road getting hit by the yellow coupe, and then it sped away. According

to Gatsby, the driver at the time was Daisy and that he did not know what to do as the passenger

since it all happened so fast. Due to his psychopathic tendencies, it is hard to trust Gatsby’s word

as he may very well be lying. Gatsby never wanted to hurt anyone and just as he was described,

he kept to himself. No matter who was driving he knew that if that coupe stopped that his dream

of being with Daisy may very well be done and over with. However, he puts on a mask of being

someone that lacks empathy and leaves the scene. If the yellow coupe remained at the scene we

might of saw who Jay Gatsby is for the first time, but due to the masks he wears and lies he

wraps himself up in we never get to see who it is. Proving, that chasing a dream can turn you into

someone that you could not even imagine.

Gatsby loved Daisy before he left for the war but due to his financial status, he was unable

to get married to her. Furthermore, when he came home after the war he put on a mask of wealth

to try and win Daisy over once again. This began with Gatsby buying his house across the pier

from Daisy hence facing the green light. The green light in Gatsby’s eyes represented Daisy, and

as he reached out for it from his dock he hoped that he would obtain her love. Due to this strong
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love, Gatsby forgets who he is and tries to over impress Daisy with all of his wealth that he

currently has. He tells Nick that “She was the first nicest girl he ever known” but Gatsby did not

realize that Daisy's reality was stronger than his dreams. “Gatsby believed in the green light” he

hoped that by putting on his mask and hiding all of his lies that he would be able to win Daisy

over and live the dream which he had in mind. His actions show that even psychopaths have

dreams in life but some require more sacrifice than others. The mask in which Gatsby shows the

statement of, do the ends justify the means of one's dreams. Nevertheless, this mask took away

Gatsby’s true view of himself and the world around him, as he lost his dream of love and his


Throughout the novel we see Mr. Jay Gatsby showcasing different masks towards others

proving to the reader that he may very well be a psychopath. When it comes to money, love or

empathy Gatsby hides who he truly is to fit in with the standards of society around him. Just

before Gatsby’s life is taken he exclaims that he is holding on to the thought of time and that his

green light in Daisy will fall back in love with him. This dream of getting back with her and

impressing people was what Jay thought it took but he was wrong. This incorrect thought makes

him put on different masks to hide his lies and impress others, but he forgets who he is. After

everything, he was known as The Great Gatsby but does a choric psychopath deserve the title of,


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