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General Questions

1. What is g in Oracle 10g or Oracle 11g?

2. What is the significance of g in Oracle 10g or Oracle 11g?

3. What is the main difference between Oracle 10g & Oracle 11g?

4. What are the new features of Oracle 11g?


1. What is Instance?

Memory + Background processes

2. What is SGA?

SGA is a chunk of memory allocated by oracle instance and is shared among oracle processes. It contains
all sorts of information about the instance and the database that is needed to operate.

3. What is Granule with respect to SGA?

A granule is a unit of contiguous virtual memory allocated to a process. Oracle server allocated SGA in
granule units at the time of instance startup. During the startup, each component acquires as many
granules as it requires. The SGA can be said to consist of linked granules. The granule size depends on
the database version and sometimes on the operating system. In Oracle 9i and earlier, it is 4 MB if the
SGA size is less than 128 MB, and 16 MB otherwise. For later releases, it is typically 4 MB if the SGA
size is less than 1 GB, and 16 MB otherwise. [1] There must be at least 3 granules in the SGA: one for the
Database Buffer Cache, one for the Shared Pool Area and one for the Redo LogBuffer.

4. What are the Mandatory components of SGA?

Database Buffer Cache, Redo log buffer, and Shared Pool.

5. What are the Optional components of SGA?

Java Pool, Large Pool, and Streams Pool

6. What is Database Buffer Cache?

The buffer cache is part of the SGA. It holds copies of data blocks so as they can be accessed quicker
by oracle than by reading them off disk.

The purpose of the buffer cache is to minimize physical io. When a block is read by Oracle, it
places this block into thebuffer cache, because there is a chance that this block is needed
again. Reading a block from the buffer cache is less costly (in terms of time) than reading it
from the disk.

7. What is Free Buffer or Unused Buffer?

8. What is Pinned Buffer?

9. What is Dirty Buffer?

10. What is Clean Buffer?

11. How the Database Buffer Cache does impacts the performance?

12. What is hit?

13. What is Miss?

14. What is Redo Log Buffer?

15. What are Redo Log Entries?

16. What is the Importance of Redo Log Entries?

17. How Redo Log Buffer impacts the performance?

18. What is Shared Pool?

19. What are the components of Shared Pool?

20. What is Library Cache?

21. What is Data Dictionary Cache?

22. What is Parsing?

23. What is Hard Parsing?

24. What is Soft Parsing?

25. How shared pool impacts the performance?

26. What is Large Pool?

27. What is Java Pool?

28. What is Streams Pool?

29. What is PGA?

30. What are the different types of operations performed in PGA?

31. What is UGA?

32. What are Background Processes?

33. What are Mandatory Background Processes?

34. What are Optional Background Processes?

35. What is User Process?

36. Where does the User Process Resides?

37. When the User Process does starts?

38. Who starts the User Process?


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39. What is the importance of User Process?

40. What is Server Process?

41. Where does the Server Process Resides?

42. When the Server Process starts?

43. Who starts the Server Process?

44. What is the importance of Server Process?

45. What is SMON?

46. What are the tasks of SMON?

47. What is Roll Forward?

48. What is Roll Backward?

49. What Is PMON?

50. What are the tasks of PMON?

51. What is DBWn?

52. What are the tasks of DBWn?

53. What is LGWR?

54. What are the tasks of LGWR?

55. What is ARCn?

56. What are the tasks of ARCn?

57. What is CKPT?

58. What are the types of Checkpoint?

59. What are the tasks of CKPT?

60. What is Partial Checkpoint?

61. What is Incremental Checkpoint?

62. What is Full Checkpoint?

63. When the DBWn does write?

64. When the LGWR does write?

65. When the Checkpoint Occurs?

66. What are the advantages of Checkpoint?

67. What are the drawbacks of Checkpoint?

68. When the Arc hiver does Writes?

69. What is Automatic Memory Management?

70. What is the component which is not handled by SGA Automatically?


1. What is Database?

2. What are database files?

3. What are non database files?

4. What is Data File?

5. What information is stored in Data Files?

6. What is Redo Log File?

7. What information is stored in Redo Log Files?

8. Every Oracle database should have minimum how many Redo Log Files?

9. Why every Oracle database should have minimum two Redo Log Files?

10. What is ACTIVE, INACTIVE & CURRENT in Redo Log Files?

11. Why Redo Log Files are multiplexed?

12. What is Control File?


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13. What information is stored in Control File?

14. Why Control Files are multiplexed?

15. What are archived log files?

16. What is Parameter File?

17. What is Alert Log File?

18. What is the location of the Alert Log File?

19. What information is stored in Alert Log File?

20. Is it possible to delete or rename an alert log file?

21. What are trace files?

22. What is User Dump Trace File?

23. What is Core Dump Trace File?

24. What is Background Dump Trace File?

25. What is Password file?

26. What are backup files?

27. What are OMF files?

28. What are the advantages of OMF?


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