Philhealth Payroll System Includes The Following

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1. Payroll Manager
o 201 File Entry
o Department Entry
o Payroll Period Entry
o Employee Schedules Entry
o Position Entry
o Company Entry / Single or Multi-Company Setup
o Users/Password Entry
o Users Access Rights Entry
o SSS Table
o PhilHealth Table
o WithHolding Tax Table
2. Data Entry
o Daily Time Record (DTR)
o Daily Minimum Wages Entry by Region
o Holiday Entry
o Company Information Entry
o Deduction Entry
o Payroll History Manual Entry
o Other Income Entry
3. Report Generation
o Payroll Register
o Payslip
o Payroll History
o Monthly Contribution/Loans/Taxes/Cash Advances/Deductions/Income
o Government Reports Automation
1. BIR 1601-C Form
2. BIR W2-2316 Form
3. SSS R3 Form
4. PhilHealth RF-1 Form
5. HDMF M1-1 Form
6. SSS R5 Form
7. Generate 13th Month Pay
8. Generate Alphalist for BIR
9. Generate Separation Pay
4. Process Payroll. Synchronized all information to generate payroll register, payslip.


1. Support Biometrics Fingerprint Scanner. (Digital Persona Biometric Scanner). Any biometrics available will
be customize to met your needs.

2. Can process payroll such as.

    a. Daily Payroll

    b. Weekly Payroll
    c. 1st Period (15th Day of the Month)
    d. 2nd Period (30th Day of the Month)
    e. Monthly Payroll

3. If you have an existing payroll register information, we can encode manually in the system then process all data
for government report such as:

1. BIR 1601-C Form

2. BIR W2-2316 Form
3. SSS R3 Form
4. PhilHealth RF-1 Form
5. HDMF M1-1 Form
6. SSS R5 Form
7. Alphalist for BIR
8. Print/Preview Monthly Contributions such as SSS,  HDMF, PhilHealth, WithHolding Tax,  SSS Loan, HDMF
Loan, Cash Advances etc for each employee.

4. Can handle multi-company setup then ,  

1. Create 201 Files 

2. Process Payroll Register
3. Process Payslip
4. Generate Government Reports
5. Print/Preview Monthly Contributions such as SSS,  HDMF, PhilHealth, WithHolding Tax,  SSS Loan, HDMF
Loan, Cash Advances etc for each employee.

5. Can handle manual daily time record monitoring or using biometric scanner then process it for payroll register
and payslip.

6. Can re-print payroll history for verification and evaluation.

7. Monthly Contribution Summary

2. WithHolding Tax
4. Cash Advance
5. Others

8. Timekeeping

 Attendance Summary
 Late/Undertime/Absences Summary
 Overtime Summary

9. Can handle broken schedule of the employee per day.

10. Export Payroll Register to EXCEL

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The software to help you manage the payroll needs of your business
Reports generated
 Payroll Register
 Payslips
 ATM Credit Notice
 SSS Monthly Report
 Philhealth Monthly Report
 Withholding Tax Monthly Report
 Loans Deduction Monthly Report
 HDMF Contribution Monthly Report
 SSS Quarterly Collection (Form R-3)
 PhilHealth Quarterly Remittance (Form No. 3)
 HDMF Monthly Remittance (Form M1-1)
 PERAA Contribution Monthly Report (for Schools)
 PERA Monthly Remittance (Form A-1)
 Monthly Government Remittances – PhilHealth, Withholding Tax, SSS,
 Alpha List of Employees – Year End Report
 Loan Ledgers
 Employees Salary & Wages
 Employees By Department


 Multiple Payroll Type i.e. Semi-Monthly, Weekly, Daily

 User Defined Overtime Factors
 User-level password access
 All reports are on-demand
 Multiple Employee Groups, Department
 Editable Philhealth, SSS, and Withholding Tax Reference Tables
 Deductions can be included or excluded in any payroll
 Allows Payroll and Loan Adjustments
 Multiple loans and other deductions
 Calls MS Excel for more flexible reports

Read more:

In these hard times, Integra Payroll Master will increase your efficiency and reduce payrolling


The best software for all types of Business, with unlimited number of employee feature, super
flexible time keeping and payroll processing, surely payrolling time can be reduced by 90%
compared to manual payrolling.
Payroll Features
› Unlimited number of employees
› Monthly, weekly, daily and piece rate payroll
› Employee master file with levels of confidentiality
› Process 13th month pay, and tax adjustment upon resignation or during year end
› › Voucher preparation for Cash and Bank payroll User definable schedule of government
mandated deductions

Timekeeping Features
› Built-in Bundy clock with photo validation
› Flexi-time employees
› User maintainable schedule/shift table
› Holiday, tardiness/under time and overtime conversion
› › Incomplete In/Out monitoring
› Timesheet, daily absences/tardiness reports

User Customizable
› Employee General Info Sheet
› Employment Contract
› Certificate of Employment
› Certificate of SSS Contribution and Loan Payments

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Services Offered:

1. Payroll Preparation = payroll processing of numerous employees either automated or manual.  


a. Gross Up Computation = either using withholding tax table or fringe benefit tax table

b. Head Count and Base Pay Calculation

c. Payroll Reconciliation

2. Annuazalition = computation of annual tax of active employees

3. Alphalist Preparation = preparation of Alphalist for submission to BIR


a. Alphalist of Resigned

b. Alphalist of Employees with no Previous Employer as of Dec 31

c. Alphalist of Employees with Previous Employer as of Dec 31 

d. Withholding Tax Recon (Alphalist versus 1601-C)

e. Encoding on the BIR Alphalist Data entry (to generate .DAT file for submission to BIR)

f.  2316 Preparation

4. Final Pay Calculation

5. Preparation of ITR

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