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Social VR

Opportunities and Challenges in the emerging


Jason Moore, April 2020

What is Social VR?

• Meeting new people, interacting with friends and family, sharing

information, creating economies, building societies: in Virtual Reality
• Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the internet from within an immersive
virtual reality environment.

“The Metaverse”
Neal Stephenson, “Snowcrash” (1992)
“The Oasis”
An entire alternate world, in
a shared virtual

Ernest Cline,
“Ready Player
One” (2011)
What is “The Metaverse”?

• Currently, the Metaverse exists as a set of un-connected social VR ‘worlds’

• Futurists imagine a day when they are connected OR there is a single

dominant ‘virtual world’ (like today’s Internet)
Early Adopters
Origins of virtual worlds

• World of Warcraft (2004) and other MMPORGs

• 100 million accounts in 2014
• $10 billion in revenue by 2017

• Second Life (2003) - Linden Labs & Philip Rosedale

• 1 million users
• Art, education, religion, science, relationships, music and performing arts,
• GDP $500 million in 2009
Current players in Social VR
Some popular “Metaverses”

Second Life
High Fidelity
Hubs by Mozilla
Facebook Horizons (beta)

No current Metaverse has solved the #1 problem: financial model

How does a Metaverse sustain itself?

Advertising? Data mining/selling? Transaction fees? Subscription?

#1 Problem: user base is still very small

Current Social Media vs Metaverse
User Base

Facebook: 2.5 billion monthly active users

Twitter: 330 million monthly users
Youtube: 2 billion monthly users

AltspaceVR: 35,000 monthly users

VRChat: 4 million created user accounts
High hopes…. but failure

Created by Linden Labs / Second Life creators

Seen as the natural “VR” extension to Second Life
Popular from 2018-2020
Hundreds of VR “experiences”: games, educational, art, movie
theaters, music, dancing

Recently sold: could not create an economy

High Fidelity
Major investors…. major disappointment

Philip Rosedale (founder, Second Life)

Novel approach: Open Source, decentralized, user owned
Blockchain and cryptocurrency
$35 million investments from industry
Biggest achievement: holds record for most users in a space at the
same time: 420 people
2020: ran out of money, folded entire company (open source though)
High Fidelity
Rec Room & VR Chat
Not technically a “metaverse” but definitely “social VR”

Rec Room: focused on gaming: paint ball, ping-pong, poker,

charades. Well received by critics: elgant, ‘just works’ ‘lots of fun’
User base: kids. $5 million investment, ‘building a user base’

VR Chat: $10 million in investment, 4 million user base. “grow user

base and figure out $$ later”
Rec Room - new developments

• Users are starting to use ‘game making’ tools for new purposes
• Quests and narrative stories are starting to pop up in Rec Room
• We will explore together
Rec Room
VR Chat
A blend of social, corporate

Startup in 2013, bought by Microsoft in 2017

Slow to start, massive uptick during Coronavirus
B2B: meetings, seminars, conferences

Freemium model: free to users, businesses pay for extra features

Altspace VR
Singular purpose: Education

Meetings, classes, lectures, events, training

Intuitive, easy, natural learning curve
Host up to 50 users in same shared space
Library of content: 3D models, animations, environments: easy to
create educational content
Desktop and VR modes: accessible to many more users (play video)
Hubs by Mozilla
disrupting social VR

Web based VR - experimental and emergent

The internet browser as the VR platform?!
Wildly simple and intuitive
ANYBODY can join: PCVR, wireless VR, mobile VR, desktop, phone
and tablet too!
Massive uptick during Coronavirus
Neos VR

• Most ‘cutting edge’ and progressive metaverse engine

• Developed by 1 person, Frooxius. Very small dev team
• Other metaverse engines require 3d Model makers to use other
applications (Blender, Maya) and import those ‘baked’ assets into a
platform, where they can be explored. Neos allows you to create inside
the platform. Real-time, multi-player world building: this is very new
• Neos also allows for more sophisticated types of model making and
What’s Next?

• HMD development: cheaper, lighter, more comfortable

• User base must grow, obviously
• Financial model: nobody has cracked this (Sansar, High Fidelity..)
• Will it follow traditional SM business model? Data mining, advertising.
• Will it be Open Source, a basic right, a free utility?

Social VR for Storytelling
What is the connection between Social VR and Storytelling?

• Game engines - they can be used to make worlds and add interactivity
• Social: audiences are already there, just waiting for content
• Collaborators: social VR includes many creative types: 3d modelers,
programmers, actors, avatar designers, musicians, etc.

• Social VR allows storytellers to use these resources to create stories of all

Interactive Storytelling

• Any story in VR can be interactive - the world itself is interactive, it’s a

natural union.
• HOW interactive can the story be? It’s up to us, the storytellers
• Audiences inside VR stories want one thing: agency. They want to feel a
part of the story, not just an observer.
• Interactive storytelling in VR combines elements of film, live theater, video
games, and more.
Next Research Assignment
Media Review: what stories exist and what are their
strengths and weaknesses?
Look for Stories

• Browse your Quest library and try to find stories, either free or paid (if you
• View/experience the story more than once. First time, enjoy. Second time,
• 360 video is OK, but “6DOF” is preferred
• Documentary, fiction, experimental is fine: but it should be a ‘story’ not a
Short Presentation
• Make notes and be prepared to present 5-8 minutes
• Create a simple powerpoint slideshow, 5-8 slides
• Use powerpoint, keynote or
• Import your slides into
• Click “Present” and look for “Present Live”
• copy that URL and send it to me in an email
• I will add your presentation to our classroom
Short Presentations

• These are for NEXT WEEK (and the week after)

• Send me your URLs by next Tuesday, Sept 29th
What to Critique?

• Begin with your overall impressions of the experience/story

• Consider how engaged you were and what helped/hurt that
• Think about your own agency: did you have any? What type?
• How could the experience ADD more agency?
• Would more agency help or hurt the experience?
• If you were to create your own version of the experience, what would you
do differently?
Social VR
Opportunities and Challenges in the emerging

Jason Moore, April 2020

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