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The words of the Cantata— “Rejoice in the Lamb” —are taken from a long poem of the same name. The writer was Christopher Smart, an eighteenth century poet, deeply religious, but of a strange and unbalanced mind. “Rejoice in the Lamb” was written while Smart was in an asylum, and is chaotic in form but contains many flashes of genius. It is a few of the finest passages that Benjamin Britten has chosen to set to music. The main theme of the poem, and that of the Cantata, is the worship of God, by all created beings and things, each in its own way. The Cantata is made up of ten short sections. The first sets the theme. ‘The second gives a few examples of one person after another being summoned from the pages of the Old Testament to join with some creature in praising and rejoicing in God. The third is a quiet and ecstatic Hallelujah. In the fourth section Smart takes his beloved cat as an example of nature praising God by being simply what the Creator intended it to be. The same thought is carried on in the fifth section with the illustration of the mouse. The sixth section speaks of the flowers —“‘the poetry of Christ”. In the seventh section Smart refers to his troubles and suffering, but even these are an occasion for praising God, for it is through Christ that he will find his deliverance. The eighth section gives four letters from an alphabet, leading to a full chorus in section nine which speaks of musical instruments and music’s praise of God. The final section repeats the Hallelujah. Walter Hussey Duration: 16 minutes H.15567 ‘Text from JUBILATE AGNO by Christopher Smart cHoRus Rejoice in God, O ye Tongues; give the glory to the Lord, and the Lamb. Nations, and languages, and every Creature, in which is the breath of Life. Let man and beast appear before him, and magnify his name together. Let Nimrod, the mighty hunter, bind a Leopard to the altar, and consecrate his spear to the Lord. Let Ishmael dedicate a Tyger, and give praise for the liberty in which the Lord ‘has let him at large. Let Balaam appear with an Ass, and bless the Lord his people and his creatures for a reward eternal. Let Daniel come forth with a Lion, and praise God with all his might through faith in Christ Jesus. Let Ithamar minister with a Chamois, and bless the name of Him, that cloatheth the naked. Let Jakim with the Satyr bless God in the dance. Let David bless with the Bear—The beginning of victory to the Lord—to the Lord the perfection of excellence—Hallelujah from the heart of God, and from the hand of the artist inimitable, and from the echo of the heavenly harp in sweetness magnifical and mighty. ‘TREBLE SOLO For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry. For he is the servant of the Living God, duly and daily serving him. For at the first glance of the glory of God in the East he worships in his way. For this is done by wreathing his body seven times round with elegant quickness. For he knows that God is his Saviour. For God has blessed him in the variety of his movements. For there is nothing sweeter than his peace when at rest. For I am possessed of a cat, surpassing in beauty, from whom I take occasion to bless ‘Almighty God. ALTO SOLO For the Mouse is a creature of great personal valour. For—this a true case—Cat takes female mouse—male mouse will not depart, but stands threat’ning and daring, «+++. If you will let her go, I will engage you, as prodigious a creature as you are. For the Mouse is a creature of great personal valour. For the Mouse is of an hospitable disposition. 1.15567 TENOR SOLO For the flowers are great blessings. For the flowers have their angels even the words of God’s Creation. For the flower glorifies God and the root parries the adversary. For there is a language of flowers. For flowers are peculiarly the poetry of Christ. Horus For I am under the same accusation with my Saviour— For they said, he is besides himself, For the officers of the peace are at variance with me, and the watchman smites me with his staff, For Silly fellow! Silly fellow! is against me and belongeth neither to me nor to my family. For I am in twelve HARDSHIPS, but he that was born of a virgin shall deliver me out of all. RECITATIVE (BASS SOLO) AND CHORUS For H is a spirit and therefore he is God. For K is king and therefore he is God. For L is love and therefore he is God. For M is musick and therefore he is God. For the instruments are by their rhimes. For the Shawm rhimes are lawn fawn moon boon and the like. For the harp rhimes are sing ring string and the like. For the cymbal rhimes are bell well toll soul and the like. For the flute rhimes are tooth youth suit mute and the like. For the Bassoon rhimes are pass class and the like. For the dulcimer rhimes are grace place beat heat and the like. For the Clarinet rhimes are clean seen and the like. For the trumpet rhimes are sound bound soar more and the like. For the TRUMPET of God is a blessed intelligence and so are all the instruments in HEAVEN. For GOD the father Almighty plays upon the HARP of stupendous magnitude and melody. For at that time malignity ceases and the devils themselves are at peace. For this time is perceptible to man by a remarkable stillness and serenity of soul. cuorus Hallelujah from the heart of God, and from the hand of the artist inimitable, and from the echo of the heavenly harp in sweetness magnifical and mighty. HL15S67 For the Rev. Walter Hussey and the choir of St.Matthem’s Church, Northampton, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the consecration of their church, September 2fst 1943 Rejoice in the Lamb Festival Cantata CHRISTOPHER SMART Measured and mysterious (J=63) (Andante misterioso) IMPORTANT NOTICE The unauthorised copying ot the wiole or any part of thi publication’ Mega BENJAMIN BRITTEN Op.80 PPP ust. TREBLES == Re- joice PRP sust. ALTOS TENORS Re-joice ppp sust. BASSES — Re-joice in God, 0 ye Tongues; Measured and mysterious (J=63) A (Andante misterioso) ORGAN ‘Ppp (Bts only) - [Pea] Fé: 5 = £ oe Fs Se ee glo- ry to and é — —r SS as = 4 glo- ry to the Lord, and the Lamb, Na- tions, and _ PRP _crese. —— = {= | ¢ ¥ ¥ = = SSS 43 glo- ry to the Lord, and the Lamb, Na- tions, and PE crese. et fie - 9 6 2 Ba t+ ——- SS glo- ry to the Lord, and "Na-tions, and ~- crest. "2 = = 4 Copyright 1943 in U.S.A. by Boosey & Co.Ltd. Copyright for all countries. Printed in England Sole Selting Agents: BOOSEY & HAWKES MUSIC PUBLISHERS Lid. All rights resorved Tonsittaing frbjudes #H, 15567 — —— po lan- gua - ges, 2 2 which is the SSS == a a a - aS lan- gua ges and Se very Cron ture in which is the ——— —— Leer eel so el =< a ee ee fe ee © oy SS =P lan gua- ges, and Crea - ture in which is the breath of Life. man and See =—— H.15567 AL AN ni-fy his ai- ty his ai fy his = ee ae geth- er- ——— —— geth- er, attacca H, 15567 4 — With vigour (= 200) (Con brio) (dededy pr aith force Let Nim - pr rith force the might - ¥ Let Nim = rod, the might- y ith force nit ing = Let Nim - rod, the might - with force tt With vigour (200) (Con brio (deded) 2] >_> th : s. == Sspe SS = 2 ee cae meme cava etree cal occa ci asa oar ce af pear OS tr . - B22 Gece eee ae —— pS SS Sa f 7555 aE bind 4 Leo-pard to the al - tar and con-se-erate his spear to the ppshort . _ 4 ss —— i fa as. aes $5 fos Se bind a Leo-pard to the al - tar and con-se-crate his spear to the ppshort . eet == oe t= Se BEE | eS bind a Leo-pard to the al - tar and con-se-crate his spear. to the (hed <> Eat a H. 15587 which the Lord has ber -ty in ber-ty in which the Lord bas the Lord has ber-ty in which praise for the in which the Lord has let let him 1H, 15567 > ent — += = = SSE : 3 23S ribs ES Sie Ass, Ba - laam appear with an and bless the Lord his ye Sie ee Ba -laam appear with an Ass, and bless the Lord his ee Ba - laam appear with an peo = pl. and his crea-tares fora -e-ward @ - ter-aal. Let wp _ Lt ipa === SE fetdfcieree tnrer|terg og eeent ll of tte ett Let PP s = Fn — SS and his creactares for a ro-ward © = ter al. Let PP Sf ae — ES a a ee and kis erea-tores for a re-ward © - ter-nal. Let 1H. 15567 Bl (deded ed. -) > (daded) (deed) _— Da- ni-el forth with a Lion, and praise God with all his might through — pp Da-ni-el come forthwith a Lion, and praise God with all his might thFough Da- nivel come forth with a Lion, and praise God with all his might through ’ = . == pp Da- nie! come forth with a Lion, deded) 1 (eded” and praise God with all hismight through Bu. (deed) r poe (derdend.) pp WD drdededy : A “ > > faith in 1 tha-mar faith in I = tha-mar (esded) (dedededy 1H 15567 (dededededy Cha-mois, Cha-mois, Cha-mois, Cha-mois, an bless the name (dededededy ~< 1H, 15567 that, that cloath - eth cloath - eth Sa ‘sty! the the erese. molto —= dance, cvese. molly dance, erese. molto bi dance, erese, multo the dance, dance, —rese; molto bless with the bless with the bless with the H. 15587 10 (d-ed.ed) vie - to-ry Lord the per-fee-tion of = gio-ning of > = ginning of | vic- to-ry to the Lord — to the Lord the per-fec-tion of Lord the per-fec-tion -gin-ning of vie - to-ry > 4 > . «gin-ning of (edrdy to Lord — to the Lord the per-fec-tion of vie + to-ry cel- lence. cel- lence. eel- lence. 1H. 15567 it Gently moving (J=60) (Andante con moto) ‘*p rhythmic Hal - le - uw - jah, Hal - Je - ie * rhythmic jah, Hal * prkythmic Gently moving (d-60) (Andante con moto) pp sustained _ a erese. = + Ste J = = i 7 ae SSF ~ Ia = jah from the heart of God, and from the hand of the ar tist pint cod a oS cA = = jah from the heart of God, and from the hand ot the Pitt = ee from the heart of God, — - Hal - Te -tu- jah from the hand of the : gy I as Hal - le-Iu - jah from the heart of * ean 2.4 rhythmic to de sung approximately asd db Hi. 15567 the sweet -ness mag - ven-ly harp © - cho of the hea 4H. 15567 mag-ni - fi-cal and might - FE and = a= e a fi-eal and might - 1H. 15567 14 wl Quietly moving (4 [4]-58) (Andante tranquillo) TREBLE SOLO clearly So For I will con - si-der my Cat (soto) “3D Jeof - fry. —__— is_ the ser-vant of the So, a du-ly and dai- ly serv - ing him. sempre p 1H. 15567 glance of the glo-ry of God in the Bast he : For 2 mn > oP te Z z Zz Bp smooth this is done by wreath-ing his bo-dy __se- ven times round with e- le - gant na quick - ness. For he knows that God is his Sa - viour. = UN et a pif 1H. 15567 16 -ri-e-t7—— of his move- ments. For there is no + thing a than his peace For 1 am possessed of a cat, in bean-ty, from whom I take o¢ - oS -ea-sion to bless Al- migh (soto) wd attacca H. 15567 7 G3] Fast and light (d= 100) (Presto, leggiero) ALTO SOLO ture of great per = so-nal va + ee ae ee ee Freely 14] a tempo (ad Lib pp =v For-this is a true case_ Cat takes fe- male mouse male_mouse will CN ee de. part, but stands threat -’aing and ee a H. 15567 18 S dramatic L + gage you. aspro-di_, - gious a wo Abe ek be ye crea-ture as you ure. great per - so-nal ~~ te oe attacca H. 15587 19 16] sweetly TENOR SOLO For the flowers are great bles-sings. [pea Jase. oay)——_ 2 ae flowers have their ° God's Cre - flower glo-ri- fies H, 15567 20 root par-ries the ad - ver-sa+ ry. — flowers. attacca H. 15567 at G8] Slow and passionate (d= 54) (Grave ed appassionato) YP TREBLES _ eS = et FS SS SSS P Ft +4 Se For Tam un der the same ac = cu ta - tion with my Se PP ALTOS _ 7 ——S = = +: + $F = SSS SS oe SSS SSS SS For Tam un- der the same ac- cu sa tion with ay ——— Pp TENORS _ — = - === eo te SS st rer SSS p SS For Tam un - der the same =a + cu- sa - tion with my ee PP BASSES : eo — = se 2 SS a ee ee SSS For 1 am un- der the same ac = cu - sa ~ tion with my [48] Slow and passionate (J=54) (Grave ed appassionato) Sa-viour — For they said, she. is ‘be ~ sides him-self. P For they said, he is be ~ sides him-self. Sa-viour = For they said, she. is be - sides him-self. Sa-viour— For they said, is be - sides himself. (Sole) = — a ~ H. 15567 22 19) — ——_ = wo ee eee va-ri-ance with m= the peace are at == wT of-fi-cers of the peace are at va-ri-ance with me — — of-fi-cers of the peace are at va-ri-ance with me — watch- man smites me with his watch-man smites me with his watch-man smites me with his 1H. 15567 against me lamenting (aypentoso) [29] (Sole) & 1) —_ 23 Sil = ly fel- tow Sil - ly__fel- low!_ > > Sil- ly fel- tow! Sil - ly fel - low! Sil - ly fel- low! Sil - ly__fel- low! Sil - ly fel- low! and be-long-eth nei-ther to St and be-long-eth nei-ther to Sf and be-long-eth nei-ther to _——— t (use! and be-long-eth nei-ther to H, 15567 broadh 2o— _ 21) (ergamente — = EE oe va fam WT — Pen He aS == $ z + fami = for BP ———— = = ees a == = famei = ty 4a ~ Pp sust. be» a = = fp = = SS fam-i «ly. broadly For I am ot ee ee = 4 == ¢ > SF _ aaa — SS 7 (p= -—F = 5 SS = oe a ae EE 1 am in twelve Hard - ships, but he that was born of a : ==> SS SSE pp suse res Se SSE o— — ra 2 = = — Se SS SS ee == EE H, 15567 - gin shall de ss born of a vir - gin shall de se eer Ser pF SS shall de ~ is Pete = _ H, 15567 26 Recit. 22] Slow (Lento) _ ‘pp BASS SOLO SS. ie a spi-rit [rea] (aan. only) Sn vis a — and there-fore he— is God. ‘TREBLES Lt. And there-fore And a there-fore TENORS And therefore he— is si CHOIR BASSES TF ——— God. And there-fore he— is mu-sick and there-fore he — is 4H. 15567 27 [aa] Very gay and fast (d)(d=96) (Vivace) God. a] very gay and fast (d)(d=96) ) Vivac St in- stra ments —_ rhimes a > > = For the in-stru- ments. are. =—sby_ their rhimes. > >_> iL — For the in-stru-ments____— are. by _ their rhimes, > > fA <— For the in-stru-ments__. are, = sby_—_ their rhimes.. H, 15567 For the Shawm rhimes are — For the Shawm rhimes are mf eee For the Shawm rhimes are lawn oon For the Shawm rhimes are lawn moon and the like, —— > —— ‘moon and the like. _ For the harp thimes are > For the harp rhimes are #15567 — 29 string > string and the like. For thecym-bal rhimesare bell PS, gg Rhy + 3 be For the cym-bal rhimes are_bell 25) 4H. 15567 and the like. pig — For the flute rhimes are pit b, For the fluterhimesare tooth > tooth pint — For the flute rhimesare *suit =—— andthe like, and the like. Lo For the Bassoon rhimes are 1 Pronounce: soote, moote. H. 15867 31 ft — For the dul-ci-mer rhimes are grace tf. For the dul-ci-mer thimes are — and the like. tf a For the Cla-ri-netrhimes are clean tf — Cla-ri-net rhimes are i — J H. 15567 32 St For the trumpet rhimesare For the trum-pet rhimes are Le , For the trum-pet rhimesare For the trum-pet rhimes are sound and the like. and the Like. Oe H, 15567 33 — Trum-pet stel- He geae— and so are all________ the in- stru- ments in — > stel = li- gemee— and so are all the in. stru- ments in — -tel = li- gence in- stru - ments stel - li gence and = Oo H, 15567 BE] poco a poco rall. - aaa — = the fa- ther Al~ might- y Heav'n. gjpocoapocorall.- - - - = me pe A Se) eG GSE ere ete eer pe % — | H, 15567 35 we ee ee ee ee Semmpre pil =e mag-ai-tude and [30] Very much slower (d.-48) rall.. =, Molto meno mosso (dad) ep For at that time ma-lig- ai - ty that time ma-lig- ni - ty that time ma-lig - ni - ty that time Very much slower (d..48) (Motto meno mosso)_ ral. 2 2 2 . . 8) ——— dd PP Ped. oniy] H, 15567 36 de - vils them. selves de - vile them- selves de - vils them- selves de - vile them- selves peace, For this time is per~ cep-ti-ble to 37 by a re - mark-a-ble still - ness ral. 2. 38 Gi] Gently moving (as before) (Andante con moto (come sopra)) 4 prhythmic Hal - le - Iu - jah, Hal rhythmic Hal - tp rhythmic Hal - le - *p rhythmic Hal - le+ tu [Bi] Gently moving (as before) (Andante con moto (come sopra’) BP sustained “Pes] pif cresc. the hand the ar - tist and from ptf orese. of the heart = tu + jah rom + jah from the heart of God, and from the hand of the PI Hal - te-lu - jah from the hand the er pif crs, ——— Hal - le-lu- jah from theheart of God, and from the hand * m= Dd rhythmic to be sung approximately as J dt H. 15567 iis smn 39 dim, = : ay ~ = : - = aaa = SSF ——— hea = ven-ly harp in sweetness mag-ai - ficeal and might - Sp th = = SS a = —— from thee the hea ven-ly harp, 2 —* = ; = aoes Sst ip = sy vy + ? e+ cho of ven-ly harp mag-ni - fi <—~» dim. 9 a eS — # pr = cho of = ven-ly harp, mag- dim. H. 15567 40 Bal - le- tu - jah, Hal- le - Iu mag-ai - fi-cal and Hal- le - lu - jah, Hal - le- jah, Hal - Ie jah,Hal - le - Tit... - Printed by [sety 17m 1043] Halstan & Co, Ltd., Amersham, Bucks., England 15507

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