RBI Script Template - SDOIN Edited NZ

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent


TOPIC: Lesson 1 – Analyzing Figures of Speech (Hyperbole and Irony)

SCRIPTWRITER: Enzy Yvonne B. Cuyo

OBJECTIVE/S: Define what are figures of speech. Identify the examples of figures of speech. Identify
what are the differences and uses of hyperbole and irony.

TIME: 30 minutes

1 PROGRAM ID You’re listening to E-B-S,

Educational – Broadcasting – Service 99.9.


3 INTRO/OPENING SPIEL : Good day, English learners! I am Enzy, your

VOICE (Host/ Teacher Presenter) lesson presenter for today’s class on the World
of Reality and Fantasy. I hope you’re excited to
experience a different way of learning your
lessons. This way is a kind radio-teaching. So,
listen carefully to my instructions so that you’ll
be guided on today’s topic. Are you ready?
Okay, let’s begin.

 Kindly prepare yourself learning activity

and an extra sheet of paper or notebook.
 I encourage your parents or guardian to
assist you in doing your activities.
 You may pause this recording and
resume it by pressing the play button
once you’re ready for the next
 Here are the objectives for the English 6:
Lesson 1: Quarter 1.
 Define what are figures of speech.
 Identify the examples of figures of

RBDejolde , EPS RBI SDO-Ilocos Norte

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
 Identify what are the differences and
uses of hyperbole and irony.

*Now, let us first know the definition of figures of

* Figurative language or figures of speech are
ways of expressing ideas by using symbols,
figures, or likenesses.
* It is the opposite of literal language because it
does not tell directly what a person has in mind.
* To name some examples are:
* Number one, Simile.
* Simile, is a comparison of two unlike objects
using like or as.
* Number two, Metaphor.
* Metaphor, is a direct comparison of two unlike
object without using like or as.
* Kids, always remember that if we say simile, it
is with the use of like or as, while if we say
metaphor, is without the use of like or as.
* Take note of those.
* Third example is personification.
* Personification is a figure of speech that gives
human qualities to places, objects, animals, or
* In addition to the given examples of figurative
language that we use, we also have hyperbole
and irony.
* Hyperbole is a figure speech that expresses
overstatement and exaggeration of a particular
* Statements expressing hyperbole are also
called hyperbolic statements.
* Here are some examples of hyperbole.
* My world turned upside down.
* Your voice is deafening.
* The heat of my body can produce fire.
* Those examples are exaggerated statements
that are almost impossible to believe since they

RBDejolde , EPS RBI SDO-Ilocos Norte

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
may never happen or exist.
* Irony, on the other hand, is a figure of speech
that expresses the contrary or opposite of what
should one really think especially in order to be
* It is also called an ironic statement.
* The words used in ironic statements express
praise or approval, however, the real purpose is
to criticize, mock, or ridicule.
* Here are some examples of Irony.
* The teacher fails the test.
* The shoemaker’s children have no shoes.
* The doctor died of pneumonia.
* Those examples express ideas or situations that
are opposite or in contrast of what is expected to
happen or what is said in mind.

*To test yourself if you understand the lesson,

answer the activity on page 6 in your modules.
CHECKING COMPREHENSION *Also, answer the activity titled “What I can Do”
Page 6 and page 7 of your English Quarter 1 on page 7 in your modules.

*For your assignment, answer the assessment

found on page 8 of your English Quarter 1
Page 8 of your English Quarter 1 Modules.

*So, I hope you understand today’s lesson about

the figures of speech specifically about the
EXTRO/CLOSING SPIEL:VOICE differences between hyperbole and irony.
(Host/Teacher Presenter) *Be sure the listen again here in the next lesson
about Inferring Meaning of Idiomatic Expressions

* Unconsciously, we also use figures of speech in

expressing our everyday ideas, may it be written
or expressed orally.
*So, be sure to use appropriate and humble ways
or kind of speeches in telling and expressing your
thoughts and ideas.
*Serving you teachings of great learnings.

RBDejolde , EPS RBI SDO-Ilocos Norte

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
* This has been Enzy, your lesson presenter for

Notes: 1. line numbers are used as references for sections in the script , they depend upon the length
of your script
2. Sound effects are to be cued in with the word SOUND and underlined.
3. Music should be cued in with the word MUSIC and underlined
4. Difficult-to- pronounce names and words should include a guide to pronunciation in order to
make pronunciation easier, e.g., vis-a-vis (VIZ–A–VI), and should appear after the word itself.
5. Numbers and symbols should be spelled out. Examples: three hundred pesos, five dollars,
1 kilo, 6 meters

Prepared by:


RBDejolde , EPS RBI SDO-Ilocos Norte

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