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Roll No. : …………………………………….


1, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, U.P.
Continuous Assessment Examination- II : Odd Semester 2020-21

Course/Branch: B.Tech /CSE Semester: V

Subject Name: Data Analytics Max. Marks: 60
Subject Code: KCS 051 Time: 60 Minutes
Section – A
CO: 1 - Describe the life cycle phases of Data Analytics through discovery, planning and building
CO: 2 - Understand and apply Data Analysis Techniques
CO: 3 - Implement various Data streams
CO: 4 - Understand item sets, clustering, frame works & Visualizations
CO: 5 - Apply R tool for developing and evaluating real time applications
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks.
Q1: Attempt any two Questions (CO - 1) (2x6=12)

a) Elaborate the features of any 3 modern data analytics tool.

b) Write sort notes on sampling and their characteristics.
c) List the difference between reporting and analysis.

Q2: Attempt any two part (CO - 2) (2x6=12)

a) List the various techniques of multivariate analysis.

b) Define competitive learning. Summarize the basic competitive learning methods.
c) Discuss in detail
a. Fuzzy decision tree algorithm
b. Stochastic search methods

Q3: Attempt any two part (CO - 3) (2x6=12)

a) Draw and Explain the architecture of Data stream model

b) Illustrate the various Real Time Analysis Platform (RTAP)applications.
c) State and explain the Bloom Filtering with examples.

Q4: Attempt any two part (CO - 4) (2x6=12)

a) Explain the process of hierarchical clustering in Euclidian and Non- Euclidian space.
b) Explain the concepts of Apriori algorithm with an example.
c) Brief about the working of CLIQUE algorithm

Q5: Attempt any two part (CO - 5) (2x6=12)

a) State and explain the architecture of Map Reduce.

b) Explain the various core concepts of Hadoop Framework.
c) Explain about the 7 visualization R- programming.

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