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Adding a Closet

Adding a Closet in the Corner of a Room

Closet pole

Bifold doors

Existing wall

Shim against ceiling

(Wall is underheight
so it can be raised)

901/2" 32"

16" 16" 16" 16" 16" 101/2" 16" 16"

RO width
RO height

Organizing Closets
A well-organized closet will hold twice the clothing ing your closets for either dual- or single-occupancy,
of an unorganized one. Reorganizing an existing closet using standard bathroom drawer units, closet poles,
can be a one-day project using standard materials. and shelving.
Home centers usually offer several lines of Note that vanity drawer units come in a variety
modular, wire-frame systems, as well as whole books of widths, from 12 to 27 inches. Mix and match the
on the subject. Below are several ideas for reorganiz- widths to fit your existing space.

Organizing Closets for One and Two Persons


12", 15", 12", 15",





18", 21", 18", 21",
24", 27" 24", 27"



12", 15", 12", 15", 12", 15", 12", 15",






18", 21", 18", 21", 18", 21", 18", 21",

24", 27" 24", 27" 24", 27" 24", 27"


Organizing Closets 453

0 1 2 3 4 5

Heating 16
Americans have learned that energy supplies can no longer be taken for Building Heat Loads   456
granted. No longer is the heating system a neglected, mysterious object in Heating Climate Data   460
the nether regions of our homes that we try not to think about. Winter Heat Sources   462
comfort requires that we have the right type of heating system, properly
Distribution Systems   468
sized to the building heat load.
This chapter begins with a simple form for calculating heat loads, Fuels and Efficiencies   472

both for the coldest day of winter and for the entire winter. We supply Standard Fireplaces   474
the heating climate data specific to your location. Rumford Fireplaces   476
Next, you'll learn how the various heat sources and distribution systems Wood Stove Installation   478
work and the pros and cons of each.
Stovepipe Installation   480
Most of us have considered switching fuels at some time. Some of
us supplement our main heating systems with wood stoves. Fuels and Metal Prefabricated
Chimneys   481
Efficiencies gives you a simple method for comparing the cost per deliv-
ered Btu of all fuels and a chart that shows the fuel savings you can expect Meet the Code   484
if you install a more efficient system.
If you are going to have a fireplace anyway, why not make it as fuel-
efficient as possible? We show detailed, energy-efficient plans for both
standard fireplaces and the more efficient Rumford fireplaces.
For others, a wood stove is a more practical alternative to the fire-
place. Wood Stove Installation and Stovepipe Installation show the fire-
code requirements for stove and stovepipe clearances. It also shows how
to vent a wood stove into an existing fireplace.
If you don't already have a sound and safe masonry flue, the section
on metal prefabricated chimneys will be helpful, showing every detail of six
typical installations.
Finally, we provide you with a checklist to make sure you meet the
IRC code.

Building Heat Loads
In designing a building and its equipment, we are Line 7. Use this line if your home sits on a
interested in two types of heat load (rate of heat loss): concrete slab. Use an R-value of 20 if the slab is
Design Heat Load  This is the rate at which uninsulated. Add the insulation R-value as shown
heat is lost from the building in British thermal on p. 381 if it is insulated.
units (Btu) per hour on that coldest night when Line 8. Use this line if your home has a basement.
the outside temperature is at the design minimum Use an R-value of 5.0 if the foundation is uninsu-
temperature (DMT) for the location. The number lated. Add the insulation R-value (from Chapter 13)
is used to size the heating system. if the walls are insulated.
Annual Heat Load  This is the annual heat Line 9. For air changes per hour, use 1.5 for an
load, the total heat loss in Btu over the entire heat- older drafty house, 0.75 for a typical 10- to 30-year-
ing season. The quantity can be used to estimate the old house, 0.50 for an average new house, and 0.25
annual heating bill in dollars. for a new “green” or "energy-efficient" house. Heated
Use the work sheet on the facing page to esti- volume is 8× the heated floor area.
mate both of these loads for your home. A com- Line 10. Add up all of the numbers appearing in
pleted example work sheet follows on pp. 458-459. the right-hand column above this line.
Line 11. First enter the sum from line 10. Next
Work Sheet Instructions enter 65 minus the design minimum temperature
Line 1. Use line 1 if you have an unheated attic. (DMT 97.5%) from the table on p. 460. Multiply
Find the R-value in Chapter 13, or use a value of 3.0 the entries and enter the result in the right column.
if the attic is totally uninsulated. Your heating contractor can use this result to prop-
Line 2. Use line 2 if the ceiling is also the under- erly size your heating system.
side of the roof. Get the R-value from Chapter 13, Line 12. Enter the sum from line 10. Next find
or use 3.0 if the roof is uninsulated. heating degree-days, base 65°F (HDD 65), from
Line 3. Get the wall R-values from Chapter 13, or either the table of climate data on p. 460 or the map
use 4.0 if the wall is uninsulated. If there are differ- on page 461. Multiply the entries. The result is the
ent wall constructions, use a different line for each total annual heat loss.
type. Subtract window and door areas from each To estimate the amount of fuel used, divide this
wall section. number by 100,000 for gallons of oil; 70,000 per
Line 4. The area of most exterior doors is hundred cubic feet of gas; 3,410 for kilowatt-hours
20 square feet. Use an R-value of 2.0 for solid wood (kwhr) of electric-resistance heat; and 6,830 for an
doors, 3.0 for a wood door plus storm door, and 6.0 electric heat pump. (You will see how to adjust for
for an insulated door. other heating system efficiencies on p. 472.)
Line 5. Window area is the area of the sash, not HDD 65 is used with the assumption that the
just the glazing. A window’s R-value is simply house requires heat when the daily average outdoor
1/U, where U is the window’s U-value. Find your temperature drops below 65°F. If your house gener-
windows’ U-values from the very complete table of ates a lot of internal heat, or retains internal heat
tested U-values on p. 285. gains well, the heat may not come on until the
Line 6. Use this line if your home, or a portion outdoor temperature drops to 55°F, for example. In
of it, sits on piers or over a ventilated crawl space. that case, use HDD 55 from the table.
Get the floor R-values from Chapter 13, or use 5.0
if the floor is uninsulated.

Work Sheet for Heat Loads
Surface Area, sq ft ÷ R-value = Result

1. Ceiling under attic #1 ÷ =

Ceiling under attic #2 ÷ =
2. Cathedral ceiling or roof #1 ÷ =
Cathedral ceiling or roof #2 ÷ =
3. Exterior wall #1 ÷ =
Exterior wall #2 ÷ =
Exterior wall #3 ÷ =
Exterior wall #4 ÷ =
Exterior wall #5 ÷ =
Exterior wall #6 ÷ =
4. Exterior door #1 ÷ =
Exterior door #2 ÷ =
Exterior door #3 ÷ =
5. Window type #1 ÷ =
Window type #2 ÷ =
Window type #3 ÷ =
Window type #4 ÷ =
6. Floor over crawl space ÷ =
7. Slab on-grade ÷ =
8. Foundation wall ÷ =
9. Air changes per hour x 0.018 x heated volume in cu ft =
10. Sum of results of all lines above =
11. Design heat load: Line 10 × (65ºF−DMT) = Btu/hr

12. Annual heat load: Line 10 × 24 × HDD65 = Btu/yr

Building Heat Loads 457

The facing page contains an example work sheet Line 6. The house sits on a crawl space that is
showing the calculations for design heat load and ventilated in winter and is insulated with R-19 batts
annual heat load for a small house in Boston, between the joists. Chapter 13 gives this type of
Massachusetts, shown below. floor an R-value of 20.9.
The house is deliberately kept simple in order to Line 9. The house is a recently built tract home, so
clarify the calculations. Many homes will have more its air change rate is about 0.50 changes per hour.
than one type of exterior wall, foundation, or window, The heated volume is the floor area times the ceiling
and they will require multiple entries for these items. height, 8 feet.
Line 1. The ceiling measures 30 by 40 feet, so Line 10. The sum of all of the results in the right-
its area is 1,200 square feet. Chapter 13 gives an hand column is 287.5.
R-value of 35.5 for its two R-19 batts. Line 11. From the table following the example
Line 3. After the areas of windows and doors are work sheet, DMT 97.5% is 9°F for Boston. The
deducted, the remaining area of exterior wall is 996 result for this line is a design heat load at 9°F of
square feet. The 2×6 wall with R-19 batts has an 16,100 Btu per hour.
R-value of 17.2. Line 12. From the same table, for Boston the
Line 4. The first exterior door is solid wood with HDD 65 is 5,630. The result of multiplying the
storm and has a combined R-value of 3.0. The sec- three numbers on line 12 is the annual heat load:
ond has an insulated core and R-value of 6.0. 38,847,000 Btu.
Line 5. All of the windows are double glazed with- If the house were heated with oil, the approxi-
out storm windows (total R-value of 2.0). The total mate winter fuel consumption would be the annual
area of window sash is 84 square feet. heat load divided by 100,000, or 388 gallons of oil.

Example House for Heat Load Calculation

Window (8):
area = 10.5 sq ft Door 1:
R-value = 2.0 area = 40 sq ft
R-value = 3.0

Door 2:
area = 40 sq ft
R-value = 6.0



30' Volume of heated space = 9,600 cu ft

Air exchange rate = 0.5 changes per hour

Work Sheet for Heat Loads
Surface Area, sq ft ÷ R-value = Result

1. Ceiling under attic #1 1,200 ÷ 35.5 = 33.8

Ceiling under attic #2 ÷ =

2. Cathedral ceiling or roof #1 ÷ =
Cathedral ceiling or roof #2 ÷ =
3. Exterior wall #1 996 ÷ 17.2 = 57.9

Exterior wall #2 ÷ =
Exterior wall #3 ÷ =
Exterior wall #4 ÷ =
Exterior wall #5 ÷ =
Exterior wall #6 ÷ =
4. Exterior door #1 20 ÷ 3.0 = 6.7

Exterior door #2 20 ÷ 6.0 = 3.3

Exterior door #3 ÷ =
5. Window type #1 84 ÷ 2.0 = 42.0

Window type #2 ÷ =
Window type #3 ÷ =
Window type #4 ÷ =
6. Floor over crawl space 1,200 ÷ 20.9 = 57.4

7. Slab on-grade ÷ =
8. Foundation wall ÷ =
9. Air changes per hr 0.50 x 0.018 x heated volume in cu ft 9,600 = 86.4

10. Sum of results of all lines above = 287.5

11. Design heat load: Line 10 287.5 × 56 (65ºF−DMT) = 16,100 Btu/hr

12. Annual heat load: Line 10 287.5 × 24 × 5,630 HDD65 = 38,847,000 Btu/yr

Building Heat Loads 459

Heating Climate Data
Climate Data for North American Cities
City DMT97.5% HDD55 HDD65 City DMT97.5% HDD55 HDD65
Alabama, Birmingham 21 1,293 2,823 Nevada, Reno 11 3,086 5,600
Alaska, Fairbanks -47 10,836 13,980 New Hampshire, Concord -3 4,858 7,478
Alaska, Juneau 1 5,154 8,574 New Jersey, Newark 14 2,727 4,843
Arizona, Flagstaff 4 5,185 8,340 New Mexico, Albuquerque 16 2,277 4,281
Arizona, Phoenix 34 174 1,125 New Mexico, Santa Fe 10 3,593 6,073
Arkansas, Little Rock 20 1,512 3,084 New York, New York City 15 2,659 4,754
California, Los Angeles 43 88 1,274 New York, Syracuse 2 4,172 6,803
Colorado, Denver 1 3,701 6,128 North Carolina, Greensboro 18 1,972 3,848
Colorado, Fort Collins -4 3,734 6,238 North Dakota, Bismarck -19 6,157 8,802
Connecticut, Hartford 7 3,772 6,121 Ohio, Columbus 5 3,356 5,492
Delaware, Wilmington 14 2,774 4,888 Oklahoma, Tulsa 13 1,957 3,642
DC, Washington 17 2,869 5,010 Oregon, Bend 4 4,058 7,042
Florida, Miami 47 16 149 Oregon, Salem 23 2,175 4,784
Florida, Orlando 38 121 580 Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 14 2,687 4,759
Georgia, Atlanta 22 1,289 2,827 Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh 5 3,545 5,829
Idaho, Boise 10 3,370 5,727 Rhode Island, Providence 9 3,397 5,754
Illinois, Chicago 0 3,861 6,083 South Carolina, Columbia 24 1,127 2,594
Indiana, Indianapolis 2 3,389 5,521 South Dakota, Rapid City -7 4,679 7,211
Iowa, Des Moines -5 4,206 6,436 Tennessee, Nashville 14 1,914 3,677
Kansas, Topeka 4 3,175 5,225 Texas, Austin 28 614 1,648
Kentucky, Louisville 10 2,451 4,352 Texas, Brownsville 39 150 644
Louisiana, Baton Rouge 29 602 1,689 Texas, Dallas 22 943 2,290
Maine, Caribou -13 6,638 9,560 Texas, Houston 33 532 1,528
Maine, Portland -1 4,637 7,318 Utah, Salt Lake City 8 3,299 5,631
Maryland, Baltimore 13 2,007 3,807 Vermont, Burlington -7 5,091 7,665
Massachusetts, Boston 9 3,299 5,630 Virginia, Norfolk 22 1,608 3,368
Massachusetts, Springfield 0 3,754 6,104 Virginia, Richmond 17 2,021 3,919
Michigan, Detroit 6 3,657 5,898 Washington, Seattle 26 2,112 4,797
Michigan, Sault Ste. Marie -12 6,262 9,224 West Virginia, Charleston 11 2,584 4,644
Minnesota, Duluth -16 6,816 9,724 Wisconsin, Madison -7 4,993 7,493
Minnesota, Int’l Falls -25 7,422 10,269 Wyoming, Casper -5 4,898 7,571
Mississippi, Jackson 25 1,027 2,401 Alberta, Edmonton -25 7,563 10,650
Missouri, St. Louis 6 2,830 4,758 British Columbia, Vancouver 19' 2,781 5,588
Montana, Great Falls -15 4,932 7,828 Manitoba, Winnipeg -27 8,062 10,790
Montana, Missoula -6 4,795 7,622 Nova Scotia, Halifax 5 4,500 7,211
Nebraska, North Platte -4 4,361 6,766 Ontario, Ottawa -13 5,965 8,529
Nevada, Las Vegas 28 832 2,239 Quebec, Quebec City -14 8,308 11,376

Heating Degree Days, Base 65ºF

Heating Climate Data


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