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Jazmine Ibarra

Sarah Thaller

Fire Cohort

5 February 2021

Sleepy Time Routine

My current bedtime routine is getting ready for bed between 7 pm or later. The first thing I do is

get my clothes ready for the next day, set my pajamas on my bed, and go to the restroom to clean myself.

I shower first then brush my teeth, wash my face, and go to my room to get dressed. After that, I’ll spend

a couple minutes drying my hair, but I leave it down so it can air dry to avoid split ends. I’ll say

goodnight to my mom and my siblings if I’m in a good mood, otherwise, I’ll just set two pillows on either

side of me, one for my head, and go to sleep. The latest I’ll sleep during the school week is around 10:30

pm. I wake up at 7 am every morning. If I am still too tired, I’ll set a stopwatch timer for another hour or

30 minutes, so I am still able to wake up in time for school and a light breakfast. After reading the article,

“Sleep and mental health: Sorting out your sleep routine”, by SickKids staff, some things that I can do to

improve my nighttime routine include: Following a regular schedule. In specifics, this means going to bed

at the same time ​every night​, and waking up at the same time every day. I can also try to do some

exercise, or physical activity, as the article phrased it. I have been trying to put exercise into my schedule

during the weekdays because I spend all day with my family on the weekends. I would like to try doing

some physical activity every day, but I usually feel more tired on the weekends because I do still wake up

at 7 am, I try to sleep in for an hour or two more if I can, and don’t get home on Sundays until 8 pm or

later. Sunday is the big family day, so I don’t think I can dedicate as much time to exercise on the

weekend as I would like. However, I think I can try for at least 10 to 15 minutes on the weekends in the

morning or before I go to bed. Maybe it doesn’t have to be a super intense workout, but something less

intense and slow-paced like yoga or meditation. One of the videos I watched from the article page was

called, “Sleep: A bedtime story”, and I kind of like it! I like how simple but helpful the things in the video

were and how soothing the narrator’s voice was. I also like the visuals in the video. I think I enjoy the
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getting ready for bed portion of the video as well as the reflection on things that are bothering you and

things you can do to solve them.

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