Evaluation of TCP and UDP Traffic Over Software-Defined Networking

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Evaluation of TCP and UDP Traffic over Software-Defined Networking

May Thae Naing, Thiri Thitsar Khaing, Aung Htein Maw

University of Information Technology, Yangon, Myanmar
maythae@uit.edu.mm, thirithitsarkhaing@uit.edu.mm, ahmaw@uit.edu.mm

Abstract virtual switches on the hypervisor (OpenVSwitch), as

In Software-Defined Networking (SDN), the decoupling of well as, overlay protocols connecting the virtual switches
control and data planes brings advantages in terms of (VXLAN, VMware NSX, …) also supporting physical
logically centralized control and application switches (OpenFlow protocol). And then, the virtual
programming. This paper presents an analysis of the SDN machine’s connected to the data Plane and managed via
traffic flow based on the transmission control protocol Network Controller providing high-level services like
(TCP) and the user datagram protocol (UDP) generated firewall, load balancing, VPN, intrusion detection.
from source host to the destination host over SDN SDN controller is the centralized repository of policy
infrastructure. For system evaluation, the Mininet and control directions for the application or network
Emulator is used to build the SDN infrastructure, the infrastructure. The controller performs a programmatic
Network Performance Measurement Tool (iPerf) to interface (also called a northbound interface) for
generate the traffic according to the specified command- introducing policies and provisioning services over the
line options, and the Wireshark packet analyzer analyzes network. To overcome the burden of managing the
the protocol especially TCP and UDP. The analysis network, the controller interprets business policy directly
shows throughput and packet loss in three network into network device-level policy. There is also an open
topologies: single, linear, and custom tree topology. communication protocol between the controller and the
According to the evaluation results, the throughput of infrastructure nodes (sometimes called a southbound
TCP falls off dramatically during the retransmission interface or protocol).
sequence. In the evaluation of UDP traffic, the single Both TCP and UDP give for logical communication
topology can handle the packet loss, the linear topology among application processes running on different hosts.
can take place 10 ~ 30 % packet loss and the custom tree These protocols are used for sending bits of data also
topology can only occur a negligible amount of packet known as packets over the network. Because transmission
loss in two testing environments. control protocol (TCP) is a connection-oriented
communications protocol using the three-way handshake
to establish a connection, and a four-way handshake for
Key Words- Software Defined Networking (SDN), connection termination., it ensures a connection is
SDN Components, SDN Controller, TCP, UDP established and keep until the exchange between sending
1. Introduction and receiving message is complete. UDP is considered a
connectionless protocol because it doesn’t require a three-
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is used to way handshake to be established before any data transfer
enhance network orchestration and management through occurs.
the separation of the control plane and data plane. SDN The rest of the paper is as follows: the related work is
serves a smart way of looking at how networks are described in section 2. The experimental setup is
configured, controlled, and operated, and is also be presented in section 3. The evaluation results of TCP and
promised to simplify network management, decrease UDP traffic is discussed in section 4. Finally, this paper is
network resource utilization, reduce operational costs, and concluded in section 5.
stimulate innovation of network evolution and new
network services [1]. 2. Related Work
For the basic concept, SDN separate control plane and
data plane entities. SDN promised to get network Many species of investigation have been presented to
intelligence and state are logically centralized. The manipulate and optimize TCP and UDP Traffic with
underlying network infrastructure is abstracted from the SDN. In paper [2], two analytical models are produced for
applications. deciding the performance of TCP and UDP flows over
Software-defined networking provides many SDN. The simulation issues prove that TCP significantly
components, such as network controller providing high- outperforms UDP in SDN networks. The work of [3]
level management API (ONOS, POX, RYU) providing

suggests reliable transmission framework schemes topologies are available today, such as single topology,
provide applications and this scheme analyzed packet linear topology, bus topology, tree topology, and star
format transformations, packet buffering, and topology.
retransmission mechanisms on switches. Analyzing TCP and UDP traffic are used the three
Diyar et al [4] observed the traffic and measured the different topologies to determine the performance of the
network traffic statistics from network devices in the SDN infrastructure. Testing and evaluation of topologies
SDN. To obtain traffic statistics offered a mechanism by are as follows:
using OpenFlow characteristics and investigated the effect Firstly, the single topology described in figure 1,
of the querying frequency on the information accurate and consists of 12 hosts (h1, h2, h3, …, h12), 1 OpenFlow
network load. In paper [5], the authors presented that switch (s1), and an OpenFlow SDN controller (c0)
maximum throughput and minimum delay to achieve for controlling the switch. To create a single topology, we use
the non-saturated case. the command “mn --topo single,12 --mac --switch ovsk --
Al-Somaidai et al [6] reviewed five different versions controller remote,ip=” as in figure 1.
of OpenFlow switch standard including 1.0 to 1.4, four
different platforms for simulation and emulation of SDN
containing Mininet, EstiNet, NS-3 and Trema, seven
brands of controllers including NOX, POX, Beacon, Ryu,
Mul, Floodlight, OpenDaylight, and also various switch
software and tools. They discussed floodlight and
OpenDaylight as the controllers with good documentation
and adaptability.
Orebaugh et al [7] introduced the network analysis and
provided an understanding of Wireshark and its features
and also supported troubleshooting over network
architecture. Wang et al [8] introduced the characteristics
and functions of Wireshark, and explained the analysis of
Wireshark and described the various applications in the
TCP/IP protocol by some specific examples.

3. Experimental Setup
Figure 1. Single Topology
The experimental setup for the evaluation of traffic
analysis is using the specifications shown in Table 1. Secondly, the linear topology illustrated in figure 2,
consists of 12 hosts (h1, h2, h3, …, h12), 12 OpenFlow
Table 1. Experiment Specifications switches (s1, s2, s3, …, s12), and an OpenFlow SDN
controller (c0) controlling every switch. The command
“mn --topo linear,12 --mac --switch ovsk --controller
Type Description
remote,ip=” in figure 2 create the linear
Laptop (Physical Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-5200U CPU topology.
Machine) @ 2.20GHz 2.19GHz with
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64bits
OS, HP Laptop PC and 12 GB
VirtualBox (Virtual Oracle VirtualBox 6.0 hypervisor
Machine on Laptop) software (Ubuntu 16.04, 8 GB
RAM, 64bits OS).
Mininet [9] To emulate virtual SDN networks.
ONOS Controller [10] Java-based controller running on
controller port 6633.
OpenFlow Protocol Communication interface:
[11] between the control and data
plane of an SDN architecture.

This environment analyzes the traffic pattern

especially TCP and UDP traffic for the different network
topologies by using the emulated testbed (Mininet
emulator with ONOS controller). Many standard Figure 2. Linear Topology

Finally, the custom tree topology exhibited in figure 3, over Mininet and save it into the PCAP file to evaluate
consists of 12 hosts (h1, h2, h3, … h12), five OpenFlow the difference between TCP and UDP traffic.
switches (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5), and an OpenFlow SDN
controller (c0) controlling every switch. The custom Table 2. Parameter Value
topology is provided with 5 switches and 12 hosts by
Parameter Test I Test II
running “topo-5sw-12hosts.py” script in the Mininet
terminal. Payload 100 M Bytes 100 M Bytes
Window Size (TCP) 85.3 Kbytes 85.3 Kbytes
Window Size (UDP) 208 Kbytes 208 Kbytes
Interval 1 second 1 second
Time 20 seconds 30 seconds

4. Evaluation Results of TCP and UDP

This section evaluates the simulation results by
analyzing the TCP vs UDP traffic from Wireshark
capturing traffic PCAP file and iPerf results. Figure 4
presents the logical connection between iPerf clients and
servers with defining the port number. To get better
outcomes of analyzing TCP and UDP traffic flow, this
experiment used the multiple iPerf scripts as presented in
figure 5. These scripts provided the simultaneous request
and reply connections for both iPerf servers and iPerf
Figure 3. Custom Tree Topology clients. Table 3 describes the shell script file for the iPerf
TCP server ( Table 4 presents the shell script
file for the iPerf TCP client ( Figure 6 shows the
3.1. Traffic Generation
results retrieved from the PCAP file for the single
topology (Test I) to analyze the TCP and UDP traffic.
Traffic is generated using an iPerf command line tool
Wireshark protocol analyzer captures the simultaneous
[12]. IPerf is a widely used tool for network performance
traffic generated from each topology using iPerf
measurement. It is utilized in TCP or UDP connections,
command-line tool and then it saves to the PCAP file for
through the modulation of various parameters. It must be
each testing.
configured on both clients and servers, then it must be
started as a server on one node, and as a client on the
other one. To analyze the traffic, iPerf TCP and UDP
clients are parallel requested to the iPerf TCP and UDP

3.2. Traffic Parameter Settings

The experiment testbed is based on the different

parameters for three different topologies (see in Figures 1,
2, and 3). Table 2 describes the parameter settings for two Figure 4. Logical connections between clients
testing. In this test, this parameter used to generate the and servers
TCP and UDP traffic while analyzing throughput and
packet loss.

3.3. Traffic Analyzing

Traffic is analyzed using Wireshark to capture packets

in real-time and is the world’s foremost and widespread
use network protocol analyzer [13]. Wireshark is captured
TCP and UDP traffic generated from single topology,
linear topology, and custom tree topology by using iPerf
Figure 5. Shell script files for the iPerf parallel
command-line tool. Wireshark is monitoring all traffic

Table 3. Shell script file for the iperf-server1 Table 4. Shell script file for the iperf-client1
( (

#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash

… …

base_port=6000 base_port=6000

… …

# Run iperf # Run iperf

iperf -s -p $server_port $iperf_options &> $report_file & iperf -c $server_ip -p $server_port -t $test_duration
$iperf_options &> $report_file &

Figure 6. Wireshark Capturing Results for Single Topology (Test I)

4.1. Throughput client nodes. It is usually measured in bits per second

(bit/s), and sometimes in data packets per second (p/s) or
Throughput is described as the number of bytes data packets per time slot. Furthermore, the following
transferred per second from server nodes to all concurrent equation is used to calculate the throughput.

𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑝𝑢𝑡 = 𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 ∗ 𝑅𝑇𝑇 (1) 4.2. Packet Loss

where, the window size is the packet size of TCP and The packet cannot arrive at the destination due to
UDP traffic, and round-trip time (RTT) is the amount of including timeout errors and traffic congestions. In this
time for a packet to travel from source to destination and section, packet loss of both TCP and UDP traffic is
then back to the source. discussed for three different network topologies, which
After the two testings, the default TCP buffer length is evaluation results as shown in figure 8. Also, the
85.3 Kbytes and the UDP buffer length is 208 Kbytes. following formula is used to determine the packet loss.
According to the packet size, the throughput of both TCP 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠 = 𝛴 𝑃𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 - 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒 (2)
and UDP traffic is described for three different network
topologies which simulation results as shown in figure 7. Notably, 𝑃𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 stands for the total number of the
The throughput fell off dramatically during the retransmit transmitted packets and 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒 stands for the total
sequence. By analyzing the simulation results, throughput number of received packets.
is changing depending on different payload sizes with a TCP must surely for no packet loss because TCP is a
time interval for both traffic flow. connection-oriented and reliable data transfer protocol.
According to the evaluation results, as shown in Table 5,
some UDP traffic has the datagram out of order.
However, the single topology didn't occur the datagram
out of order, the linear topology is increased in datagram
out of analyzes, and also the custom tree topology has
some packet loss.


(a) (b)


(c) (d)


(e) (f)
Figure 7. Comparison of Throughput (a) Test I single topology, (b) Test II single topology, (c) Test I
linear topology, (d) Test II linear topology, and, (e) Test I custom tree topology, (f) Test II custom tree

Table 5. Comparison of UDP Packet Loss (Clients is sending parallel UDP Packets for 20 seconds and
30 seconds testing with every interval 1 second)

Custom Custom
Single Linear Single Linear
Tree Tree
Topology Topology Topology Topology
Packet Loss Topology Topology
(20 sec) (20 sec) (30 sec) (30 sec)
(clients connect to (20 sec) (30 sec)

Lost/Total Lost/Total Lost/Total Lost/Total Lost/Total Lost/Total

Server 4 <==> Client 4 0/178 13/ 178 1/178 0/267 57/267 0/267

Server 5 <==> Client 5 0/178 9/ 178 0/178 0/267 68/267 0/267

Server 6 <==> Client 6 0/178 1/ 178 1/178 0/267 108/267 0/267

5. Conclusion
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