Weekly-Blogs-Becreative 1

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LO3 - Evaluation

Weekly blog updates are required, as with every unit. Please remember to
take photos/screenshots as you film/edit. You might find it easier if you note down a record
of what you did each day in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.
Week 1 This week was spent on idea generation

What have you been asked to do? This week we were asked to decide which productions we
plan to make for our target audience. The productions we
could choose from were a music video, a short film with no
dialogue or a stop motion animation aimed towards either
40-60 year olds or 5-12 year olds. I decided to create a
short film and music video with my target audience being
40-60 year olds. I have also decided to work with Molly for
this project as we came up with our ideas together and
think our skills complement each other. The first thing we
did with our ideas is put them into mind maps.
Why have you chosen this target I have chosen this target audience because I think it will
audience? enable me to create more appealing productions and also
allow me to use a larger variety of skills and techniques.
What two productions have you decided I have decided to create a music video and a short film. I
to make? How do they allow you to believe that creating these productions will enable me to
improve your skills? become more confident with the editing skills I know as
well as learn new ones that will make my productions more
appealing to watch.
How did the focus groups help you to
select your idea?

Are you on track for the week? yes

What work needs to be completed for none

you to catch up?

Week 2 This week was spent researching target audiences

What did you find out about your target Through my secondary research I have found
audience through your secondary that my target audience like the ideas that I
research? have come up with for both of my productions.
From my survey I also have gotten many ideas
from my target audience on how to improve my
ideas in order for them to be more appealing to 40-60 year olds.

How will this help you in adapting your The responses from my surveys will particularly help with the
idea to meet the chosen audience? pre production planning as I have gotten a variety of different
ways I could improve my ideas which I will try to incorporate
into the scripts.

How useful was interviewing people

from your chosen target audience?

Was it difficult to get a large response to It was not difficult for me to get a large response for my initial
your survey? How could you improve survey as my parents sent it out to their co-workers. However, as
the amount of respondents for your I needed to create multiple surveys the responses became less
FMP? and the people I asked to complete them didn’t want to do so
many as they take time to complete. For my FMP depending on
what age range my target audience is will determine the amount
of responses I am able to accumulate for my surveys as well as
the amount I will be needing to send out.

What have you found to be the key One of the key things that I have found that my target audience is
things that you should be targeting your most interested in seeing is something realistic and relatable.
audience with? What makes this Since the target audience I have chosen to make my productions
audience different to the one you never foris older I am able to make them more pragmatic. Had I
chose? decided to create productions for 5-12 year olds I would have had
to create something more joyous and happy inorder to appeal to
the younger audience.

Are you on track for the week? yes

What work needs to be completed in none

your own time?

Week 3 This week was spent researching codes and conventions

What genres have you chosen and why? For the short film Molly and I have decided to create a drama
because we believe it works best with our idea for our production
which follows a mother and her child struggling to reconnect
after the loss of a loved one. By doing this idea
we hope to be able to show the struggle the
mother has with trying to help her child through
their shared grief as well as their reconciliation
at the end.

For our music video Molly and I have decided

to tell a story by bringing some of my mum's
old photos to life and recreating them to the song Ho Hey. By
doing this we hope that our target audience will feel nostalgic
towards our production.

What have you learnt from your From my secondary research I have found each genre has a
secondary research this week? specific set of characteristics which makes the audience aware of
the type of production they are watching without being told.

How will this influence what you include My research has helped me get a better idea of what needs to be
in your productions? included in both of my productions in order to successfully
portray myideas to the audience. I believe that the music videos
and short films I have analysed will influence how I decide to
edit certain moments in my short film as well as my music video.

What are the key conventions for your The key conventions of the drama genre are that they portray
chosen genres? What MUST you include realistic characters in conflict with themselves or others as well
for it to be that genre? as portraying current issues, concerns or injustices. Since my
short film is a drama it is necessary that the characters in it are
realistic characters as well as the journeys of the characters

Are you on track for the week? yes

What work needs to be completed in none

your own time?

Week 4 This week was spent researching codes and conventions

What have you learnt from your primary This week I was required to analyse productions tht are the same
research this week? genre as the productions I am planning on creating in order to get
an idea of what needs to be included in my productions.

What developments do you need to make In order for my productions to meet the codes and conventions
to your production for it to meet these requirements of the drama genre I will need to have realistic
codes and conventions requirements? characters, settings and story line.

How did processing the results of your Processing my research helped me to understand what aspects of
research help you to understand it genres are necessary in order for the audience to understand what
thoroughly? type of production they are watching without having to be
blatantly told.

Are you on track for the week? yes

What work needs to be completed in none

your own time?

Week 5 This week was spent planning your productions

What did you learn from your planning? From my planning I have learnt in order to produce the music
video the way Molly and I initially planned we will need to take
time to plan out our travel routes to the locations we need as well
as contingency plans for if we are unable to get to them for
whatever reason. I have also learnt that spending time making
sure that the planning for our productions is immensely important
as it will enable us to get straight into filming once we are ready.

How will this be useful as your Having contingency plans in place for both of the productions we
production process continues? are making will be helpful as we will be prepared for any
situation we may face when preparing to film or while we are
filming. Also, the pre-production planning will allow us to just
get straight into filming and not worrying about forgetting
something we need.

What issues did you encounter whilst The main issues I encountered were in relation to writing my
planning and how did you overcome scripts as I really struggled to put my ideas into tangible
them? sentences. Once I was initially able to do this it was relatively
easy for the rest to be written out. Also another part of script
writing I struggled with when writing my short film was making
sure the pacing of my story worked. As we had a time limit of 5-
10 minutes it was important to me that the story wasn’t rushed
and made sense to the audience. I also struggled to write my
shooting script as Molly and I hadn’t decided which song we
were going to create our music video for. After a discussion
about it we decided that we would be creating our music video to
‘Ho Hey’. Since the song is just over 2 minutes that didn’t really
give us much time so we had to be creative with our idea and not
make it inadvertently complicated.

How much work did you complete Outside of lessons I mainly completed the work that I didn’t need
outside of the lessons? to have an in depth conversation with Molly about which was
mainly the crew lists, location recces and props list. I also spent
time rewriting some of the scripts so that it was easier to
understand as well as adding more to the proposals.

Are you ready to film next week and if none

not, what do you need to complete to be

Are your storyboards up to standard? yes

Week 6 This week was spent filming

How did you find the filming process? I found the filming process quite stressful because of the
lockdown. Since the lockdown was
implemented quite suddenly Molly and I did
not have time to plan what we would be doing.
Because I was unprepared for this, I had to
change our ideas and improvise what I would
be filming and how I would be filming it.

Did you encounter any problems during In my opinion the main problems I faced were fixing and
filming? How did you overcome them? changing my ideas in order to be able to film because of the
lockdown. Ultimately, I only had to change my short film
slightly as I had planned to film in my house.

After reviewing footage, what do you none

feel you need to reshoot?

What new techniques from your previous I didn’t really use any new filming techniques but I did use a lot
units have you tried to use? of shot-reverse-shots to show the characters reactions to each

Are the locations you filmed at suitable yes

to your production?

Are you keeping up with your production yes


What footage still needs capturing? none

Week 7 This week was spent filming

How did you find the filming process? I also found filming my music video since I had to completely
change my idea in order to make filming it possible with the
restrictions that have been put in place.

Did you encounter any problems during The main problem I had while filming was coming up with an
filming? How did you overcome them? idea and making it work with what I was able to do. It also rained
a lot this week so going out and filming where I wanted to
initially didn’t work out either. Ultimately, I ended up filming
my family and I during lockdown which mainly consisted of
game nights and sporadic mini road trips.

After reviewing footage, are you happy yes

with what you have captured?

Have the techniques you planned on yes

using turned out well?

Week 8 This week was spent editing

How are you finding the editing process This week since I was unable to edit at home, I worked towards
this week? finishing my written work. This week I mainly focussed on
analysing my survey results, video examples and secondary

Have you encountered any problems None.

whilst editing? How did you overcome

Are there any new techniques you are None.

trying to use during this editing process?

Are you on track with all of your work? Yes.

What work needs to be completed None.

outside of lessons?

Week 9 This week was spent editing

How did you finding the editing process? This week instead of editing I spent the week finishing my
preproduction planning and any of the analysis I wasn’t able to
finish last week.

Have you encountered any problems None.

whilst editing? How did you overcome

Are you happy with the outcome of your

productions? Why?

How did your productions meet your

target audience?

What aspects of your productions could

have been better targeted to your

How effectively have you matched the

codes and conventions you researched
earlier in the unit?

How do you feel your work compares to

existing professional productions?

Are there any areas where your

production falls short? How would you
improve it next time?

What have you learnt about yourself to

take into the Final Major Project? What
do you personally need to improve on?

Are you on track with all of your work? Yes.

What work needs to be completed None.

outside of lessons?
Week 10 This week you pitched

How did you choose to pitch your idea?

What made your pitch stand out and be

different? Why would it convince
someone to invest?

How did the pitch go?

Is there anything you would do

differently in your next pitch?

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