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Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy

2017, vol. 49, no 3, 227–234

ISSN 1642–5758

Thermoregulation disorders of central origin

— how to diagnose and treat
Marta Zawadzka, Marta Szmuda, Maria Mazurkiewicz-Bełdzińska

Department of Developmental Neurology, Chair of Neurology, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland

Fever is a common symptom in the Intensive Care Unit. At least half of febrile episodes are caused by infection. Exclud-
ing infectious etiology and other non-infectious causes of fever, especially in patients with central nervous system
(CNS) disorders, attention should be paid to disturbances of thermoregulatory centre. In particular, subarachnoid
haemorrhage, cerebral trauma, along with ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke are strongly associated with the devel-
opment of central fever. Proper, speedy diagnosis of the cause of fever makes it possible to implement preventive
measures against the harmful effects of hyperthermia on the CNS and to avoid the consequences of inappropriate
treatment. The aim of this review is to present the current treatment options for the management of central fever and
to analyze recent recommendations for the treatment of hyperthermia, including the use of hypothermia. The recom-
mendations of American and European associations are inconsistent, mainly due to the lack of randomized clinical
trials confirming the effectiveness of such treatment. The diagnosis of central fever is still made by the exclusion of
other causes. The authors of the review intended to present the characteristic features of central fever, differentiating
this state from infectious fever and also analyze the presence of central fever in particular neurological diseases. It
seems particularly important to establish diagnostic criteria for central fever or to find diagnostic markers. It is also
necessary to conduct further randomized clinical trials evaluating the indications for treatment of hyperthermia.

Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy 2017, vol. 49, no 3, 227–234

Key words: central fever, diagnosis, treatment

Fever is a  common symptom in patients treated in taining a relatively constant core temperature despite envi-
intensive care units (ICUs); according to some sources, oc- ronmental temperature fluctuations. Thermal homeostasis
curing even in 70% of ICU patients. In at least half of the is maintained thanks to an efficient system of thermoregu-
cases, fever is caused by infection. Having excluded the lation. The thermoregulatory mechanisms exist to adjust
infectious aetiology and other non-infectious causes of the amount of heat generated in the body (chemical ther-
fever, especially in patients with central nervous system moregulation) to the heat exchanged with the surroundings
(CNS) disorders, thermoregulatory disturbances of central (physical thermoregulation).
origin should be considered. Proper diagnosis of the causes The basic elements of thermoregulation include the
of fever enables healthcare professionals to implement the centre of thermoregulation, thermoreceptors, thermosen-
management protecting one against the harmful effects of sors and effectors of the thermoregulatory system. The
hyperthermia on the CNS and to avoid the consequences temperature fluctuations are received by the peripheral
of inappropriate treatment [1]. receptors and thermosensors. Peripheral thermoreceptors
are mainly located in the skin, but also in the muscles, upper
THE SYSTEM OF THERMOREGULATION airway or venous walls. Thermosensors are located in the
During the course of evolution, human beings became anterior hypothalamus and cervical spine. Thermoregu-
warm-blooded (endothermic) organisms capable of main- latory effectors are divided into the effectors of physical

Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 2017, vol. 49, no 3, 227–234

thermoregulation (the cardiovascular system and sweat liferation of lymphocytes, markedly intensify (by about 10%
glands) and the effectors of chemical regulation ( the skeletal per each degree) [3, 4].
muscles, liver and adipose tissue). The centre of thermoregu- The thermoregulatory capacities of the body can be
lation is situated in the hypothalamus and consists of two exceeded, i.e. the abilities to lose heat are insufficient com-
parts: the centre of heat elimination regulating its loss and pared to the amount of heat obtained by the body in a given
the centre of heat maintenance in the body [1, 2]. time unit, in various situations, including extreme atmos-
The centre of thermoregulation determines the ther- pheric conditions. A  special case of hyperthermia is ma-
moregulatory set point, i.e. the value of an adjustable vari- lignant hyperthermia syndrome occurring during general
able (temperature) while the thermoregulatory system is to anaesthesia in some genetically predisposed individuals.
maintain “the set temperature “ (temperature determined When the system of thermoregulation is compromised
by the centre of thermoregulation). Any deviation from the at each level, thermoregulatory disorders develop [5]. Hy-
core temperature is detected by specific receptors and the perthermia associated with impaired central mechanisms of
information is sent to the hypothalamus and further ap- thermoregulation is colloquially called “brain fever”.
propriate impulses are transmitted to the effectors.
An elevation in core temperature above “the set one” HYPERTHERMIA OF CENTRAL ORIGIN
may be caused by the change in the thermoregulatory Fever of central origin was first described by Ericson in
set point, exceeding the thermoregulatory abilities of the “Brain” in 1939 [6]. The author defined this condition as a rap-
body in cases of uncontrollable production of heat (e.g. in id increase in core body temperature at a low temperature
malignant hyperthermia) or impairment of the thermoregu- of the integuments, occurring as a result of brain surgery [5].
latory centre. However, the term of central hyperthermia remains con-
Changes in the set point, i.e. re-setting of a new elevated troversial, especially that there are no diagnostic methods
body temperature at proper thermoregulation, occur in fe- enabling the diagnosis at an early stage of the disease.
ver. The increased “set temperature” is caused by the effects Disorders of central thermoregulation predominantly
of endogenous pyrogens on the hypothalamus. Exogenous affect patients with severe CNS injuries associated with
pyrogens, which are the constituent elements of pathogenic subarachnoid haemorrhage, brain trauma, ischaemic stroke,
bacteria and viruses (e.g. endotoxin of Gram-negative bacte- haemorrhagic stroke or CNS proliferative processes.
ria) affect leukocytes, monocytes, macrophages and resident Hyperthermia of central origin is still diagnosed by ex-
lymphoid cells, thus stimulating the release of endogenous clusion of other causes. According to the retrospective study
pyrogens (interleukins 1 alpha, 1 and 6 beta, alpha and carried out by Hocker et al. [1] involving 526 neurological
gamma interferons) that together with blood reach the ICU patients with a fever exceeding 38.3°C, the incidences of
hypothalamus triggering its production of neuromediators systemic inflammatory response syndrome (a set of symp-
of inflammation, mainly prostaglandins. Once they get into toms induced by systemic inflammatory response caused by
the centre of thermoregulation in the brain, prostaglandins various factors) and of isolated leukocytosis were compara-
increase the set point, which leads to an increase in tem- ble in patients with brain fever and in those with infectious
perature. According to animal studies, the administration fever. The above two groups differed in the percentage of
of IL-1 or IL-6 to the hypothalamus reduces the frequency neutrophils in blood tests, which was higher among patients
of impulses from heat thermosensors and increases the fre- with infectious fever and may suggest that although leuko-
quency of impulses from cold thermosensors. Secondarily, cytosis is not a reliable criterion for implementing empiric
thermoregulatory reactions are stimulated that decrease antibiotic therapy or withdrawing it prematurely, the left
the loss of heat, such as constriction of skin blood vessels, shifting observed in blood tests can prove useful [1].
as well as the reactions increasing heat production, such as According to Hocker et al. [1], patients with negative mi-
by muscle shivering, and a new “set temperature” is deter- crobiological results and normal chest X-ray pictures, who
mined, which does not exceed 41oC. When the exogenous developed fever within three days of hospitalisation, consti-
pyrogens stop acting, the thermoregulatory mechanisms tute the group that should be particularly suspected of central
increasing the loss of heat are liberated and which last until thermoregulatory disorders. The authors have reported that
the normal temperature of the “set point “ is achieved. brain fever develops earlier and lasts longer than infection-
A change in the thermoregulatory set point during fe- related fever. Brain fever most commonly develops in patients
ver has its merits. It is the adaptive mechanism developed with subarachnoid haemorrhage and /or intra-ventricular
during evolution, which aims at fighting pathogenic mi- haemorrhage or brain tumour. In their study, patients with
croorganisms [3]. At higher temperature, the protective infectious fever were older and exposed to longer mechanical
mechanisms, such as the production of antibodies or pro- ventilation, as compared to patients with central fever (CF).

Marta Zawadzka et al., Thermoregulation disorders of central origin

Table 1. Major characteristics of central fever tion of aldosterone or shivering — the factors which may
Resulting from an injury to the centre of thermoregulation deteriorate a post-head injury prognosis [7]. Moreover, there
Diagnosis established by exclusion of other causes is evidence that the passing of blood to the cerebrospinal
Most common in severe brain damage cases fluid, especially its intraventricular presence, may stimulate
Is responsible for fever in 5–50% of patients with severe brain the centre of thermoregulation in the hypothalamus and
damage lead to CF [11].
Starts within the first three days following CNS injuries
Body temperature higher than that associated with infection
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Resistance to antipyretic treatment
Prolonged, drug-resistant fever occurring during the
Lasts for several days or weeks
first 10 days after a  subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is
associated with poorer prognosis and increased mortality
To facilitate the diagnosis of CF, it is necessary to deter- [12]. Fever develops in about 70% of SAH patients, while its
mine the diagnostic criteria or find the diagnostic markers. early occurrence supports its central origin [13]. Even half
Table 1 presents the major characteristics of CF. of patients with SAH can have central fever [14]. Rabinstein
et al. [15], who studied 93 neurological ICU patients, have
CENTRAL FEVER IN VARIOUS CLINICAL observed a higher percentage of non-infectious fever in SAH
CONDITIONS patients, as compared to those with head injury, i.e. in 48%
of cases; moreover, it was particularly common in the group
Head injury with concomitant vasoconstriction. Non-infectious fever
Central fever developing shortly after the disease on- developed most frequently during the first three post-SAH
set is a common symptom in patients with head injuries. days. Beside the severity of the patient`s condition and the
According to the sparse reports available in literature, its amount of blood in the subarachnoid space, a significant
incidence ranges from 4–7% to 37%. Patients with CF have risk factor of non-infectious fever in patients with SAH was
been found to have bradycardia, hypoidrosis, a lack of 24- intraventricular haemorrhage [11, 12].
hour temperature fluctuations for many days or even several According to some researchers, increases in body tem-
weeks, and resistance to antipyretics; moreover, their body perature may also be caused by the products of heme decom-
temperature is very high [7]. CF is more common in severely position, including carbon monoxide [13]. The experimental
ill patients with diffuse white matter damage, brain oedema, administration of carbon monoxide into the ventricles in rats
hyperglycaemia, leukocytosis and hypotension [8]. induced an elevation in temperature by more than 1°C [16].
CF in patients with head injuries can be caused by direct
damage to the hypothalamus [7, 9]. According to Crompton Stroke
[9], who performed autopsy studies on 106 patients who In stroke, fever is common and usually results from in-
died due to severe brain injury, the features of damage to fectious complications. When the cause of fever cannot be
the hypothalamus were present in up to 42% of patients. found and antibiotic therapy is ineffective, it is assumed
Unfortunately, there are no other studies assessing the in- that fever is likely to be associated with CNS damage [17].
cidences of hypothalamus damage after head injury. An In a retrospective study carried out by Morales-Irtiz [18] on
experimental study by Rudy et al. [7] has demonstrated 103 patients with stroke, fever developed in 23% of indi-
that damage to the hypothalamus increases animal body viduals while in 33% of patients the infection could not be
temperature. The maximum temperature was observed documented (probably central fever). In this group, fever
about 1–1.5 h after injury with an elevated temperature occurred earlier, reached the highest values and did not
maintained throughout the measurement period, i.e. 24 respond to antipyretics; the patients were severely ill and the
post-trauma hours. In another experimental study by Thom- mortality rate amongst them was higher. In another study
son et al. [10], brain damage resulted in CF in 27% of animals by Georgillis et al. [17], patients with CF differed from those
while acute hypothermia was observed in 69% of subjects. with infectious fever only in its earlier onset.
The development of CF was associated with the inflamma- A  vast majority of strokes are acute ischemic strokes
tory changes within the hypothalamus. The role of acute (AIS). Hyperthermia is a common complication of AIS oc-
phase response and interleukins has also been stressed by curring in up to 50% of patients and is associated with
other authors [7]. The factors released due to injury activate a poorer prognosis [19]. The processes determining the brain
thermosensitive neurones of the anterior hypothalamus temperature in AIS have not been fully elucidated [20, 21].
leading to the development of fever. The clinical impor- Animal studies have demonstrated that under normal health
tance of cytokine-dependent fever involves the effects of conditions, the balance between the generation of heat in
increased production of glucocorticoids, increased secre- various metabolic processes and cooling of the brain by

Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 2017, vol. 49, no 3, 227–234

cerebral circulation is maintained [22]. In AIS this balance is An interesting, albeit rare symptom in patients with CNS
impaired. Increases in temperature seem to be caused by lo- damage is poikilothermia, i.e. the dependence of core body
cal inflammatory response, including intracerebral synthesis temperature on thermal conditions of the environment.
of Il-6 and other proinflammatory cytokines and their effects Patients with poikilothermia can also develop symptoms of
on the hypothalamus [21]. Moreover, the temperature of hyperthermia. The symptoms of poikilothermia have been
an ischaemic area has been found to be higher than that in described in a female patient with Devic`s syndrome and
the remaining part of the brain [21, 23]. Whitley et al. [21] documented extensive damage to the diencephalon and
assessed the brain temperature using magnetic resonance periventricular region [29], in a 68-year-old female patient
spectroscopy in 44 patients with acute ischemic stroke. with ataxia suspected of vascular-derived damage to the
Their measurements were performed on the first and fifth hypothalamus [28], as well as in another female patient
day after stroke. The mean temperature in the ischaemic with left-sided germinoma of the basal and hypothalamic
area was 38.4oC and 37.7oC in the remaining part, while the ganglia [30]. The mechanism of this phenomenon is most
body temperature oscillated around 36.6oC. An increased likely associated with damage to the hypothalamus.
concentration of interleukin 6 correlated with higher tem-
perature of normal brain areas both on admission and after CONSEQUENCES OF CENTRAL FEVER
5 days post-admission. No similar correlation was found Elevated temperature affects cerebral metabolism
with respect to the temperature in the ischaemic area [21]. causing:
Hemorrhagic stroke (HS) constitutes about 10–17% of 1) increased amounts of the end products of the energy
all strokes and is associated with high mortality, which in metabolism, including CO2,
the first 30 days is 35–52% [25]. According to a prospective 2) increased consumption of oxygen,
study by Honig et al. [5] involving 95 patients with sponta- 3) acidosis,
neous intracerebral haemorrhage, central fever developed 4) elevated levels of glutamic acid, which is likely to result
in 32% whereas infectious fever occurred in 9%. Analysis of in higher concentrations of stimulating amino acids,
the results revealed higher mortality and worse functional exceeding toxic levels,
scores in the CF group assessed after 90 days using the 5) enhanced release of nitrogen oxide — a  mediator of
modified Rankin scale. The development of CF increased oxidative damage,
with the extend of haemorrhagic stroke and in individuals 6) increased cerebral flow, which can secondarily lead to
with intraventricular haemorrhage. It should be noted that increases in intracranial pressure,
the peak fever was substantially higher in CF patients, as 7) impaired performance of ion channels (some calcium
compared to patients with infectious fever. Additionally, and voltage-gated potassium channels are regulated
the quicker the onset of fever, the higher its value was. The by temperature),
above results are consistent with the earlier findings demon- 8) damage to the endothelial cells and secondarily per-
strating that earlier-onset fever is most commonly of central meation of serum proteins across the blood-brain barrier
origin and reaches high values (40–42oC) [5]. and cerebral oedema [6].
Harmful effects of hyperthermia on the damaged brain,
CNS proliferative processes including increased activity of cytokines, enhanced vas-
The relationship between CNS proliferative processes cular permeability or secondary damage to axons, have
and central fever has not been studied in detail. The litera- been demonstrated in numerous animal models [7, 31–33].
ture contains descriptions of cerebral fever in cases of sellar, Moreover, a correlation has been found between increases
diencephalic and intraventricular tumours [25]. in temperature and higher values of intracranial pressure
in patients after SAH and head trauma [13]. A  collective
Other CNS injuries meta-analysis involving 14,431 patients with brain injuries
Central fever in other CNS injuries is rare [26–28]. Only has revealed that fever correlates with poorer prognosis and
single cases have been reported, among them a  patient higher mortality [34].
with tuberculous meningitis whose fever persisted despite
the effective treatment of tuberculosis. The patient was THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT
diagnosed with damage to the anterior hypothalamus [27]. In view of the harmful effects of hyperthermia on the
Another example of central fever has been described in brain observed in many experimental models, it would seem
a patient with Angelman syndrome during myoclonic status obvious that the treatment aimed at reducing fever should
epilepticus [26] and in a patient with gelastic epilepsy [28]. be initiated in all patients with central hyperthermia, as well
The above publications are case reports and do not allow as hyperthermia induced by other causes. Unfortunately,
one to draw definite conclusions. there are no large randomised clinical trials confirming the

Marta Zawadzka et al., Thermoregulation disorders of central origin

beneficial impact of combating hyperthermia on prognosis. cold fluids into the peripheral or central veins, endovascular
Furthermore, the decision to treat fever is mostly based on cooling) [36].
measurements of superficial or intravascular temperature. External cooling of the patient`s body is not superior to
It has been shown that the brain temperature after severe antipyretics and is additionally associated with high tem-
brain injury is higher than the core body temperature and perature fluctuations and rebound hypothermia [38]. Inva-
both values can change independently [13, 20, 35]. Rumana sive methods are considered more effective than external
et al. [35], in a prospective study in 30 neurological ICU pa- cooling [36].
tients, evaluated temperatures of the brain, blood (measure- The disadvantage of non-pharmacological methods
ments in the jugular vein) and body (rectal measurements). (physical) is the fact that they induce shivering. In the study
They found that the intracerebral temperature exceeded the by Mayer [39], shivering was present in 40% of patients
body and jugular vein temperature by 1.1oC. Their findings undergoing physical cooling. The metabolic consequenc-
have been confirmed by Rossi et al. [13], who measured es of uncontrollable shivering may be severe and include
simultaneously intraventricular and intra-pulmonary artery increased resting energy expenditure, as well as oxygen
temperature in 20 patients with severe brain damage, dem- consumption and the production of carbon dioxide. Moni-
onstrating that the difference between them was even 2oC. toring of therapeutic cooling using computerised systems
of thermoregulation can prevent shivering and optimise
The administration of antipyretics the treatment. Determinations of the intensity of shivering
The administration of antipyretics (acetaminophen, non- (e.g. using the bedside shivering assessment scale (BSAS)
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is the traditional treat- allow one to use appropriate management prior to the oc-
ment of choice for fever. These drugs block the synthesis currence of adverse effects in the form of shivering (warming
of prostaglandin E, reducing “the set temperature “ of the air, pharmacological treatment - buspirone, magnesium,
hypothalamus and subsequently activating the two major meperidine) [36].
mechanisms dissipating heat, i.e. vasodilation and perspira- The above management algorithm does not prove effec-
tion. The efficacy of antipyretics depends on the efficiency tive in all patients with central hyperthermia. There are single
of the thermoregulatory system and is therefore lower in literature reports demonstrating the efficacy of propranolol,
patients with CNS damage and impaired thermoregulatory growth hormone, baclofen and morphine [2, 40–44].
mechanisms [36]. Moreover, possible side effects of such
drugs should be born in mind, such as bleeding from the INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR HYPERTHERMIA
gastrointestinal tract, increased coronary symptoms or liver MANAGEMENT
and kidney injuries. In the study carried out by Dippel [37] In the guidelines regarding the treatment of individ-
encompassing 65 patients with acute ischemic stroke from ual neurological diseases, the subject of hyperthermia is
anterior vascularisation, the patients were randomly allocat- brought up to a variable extent and the recommendations
ed to groups receiving 1000 mg of acetaminophen, 400 mg for the treatment of hyperthermia are inconsistent. The
of ibuprofen or a placebo. The treatment was initiated within recommended options of therapy do not depend on the
the first 24 hours after stroke onset and drugs were admin- cause of hyperthermia.
istered 6 times a day for 5 days. The body temperature was The guidelines of the Group of Experts from the Vascular
measured in 2-hour intervals during the first 24 hours and, Diseases Section of the Polish Neurological Society of 2012
subsequently, in 6-hour intervals. Although after 24 hours stress that the body temperature of patients with acute
no significant inter-group differences in body temperature ischemic stroke (AIS) may be elevated in the first hours after
were observed, the administration of high doses of aceta- stroke onset, which increases the infarct focus and worsens
minophen resulted in a decrease in body temperature by prognosis. It is recommended to diagnose a possible source
0.3°C , as compared to baseline values. Acetaminophen did of infection. The experts stress that prophylactic antibiotic,
not substantially affect the body temperature during the antifungal or antiviral therapies are not indicated. Moreover,
next four days compared to the placebo while ibuprofen antipyretic treatment should be initiated at temperatures
had no statistically significant effects throughout the study. ≥ 37.5oC [24].
In view of the literature reports evidencing negative
The non-pharmacological methods effects of hyperthermia on the brain, the guidelines of the
The non-pharmacological methods include non-inva- European Stroke Organisation (ESO) of 2015 for the manage-
sive measures (air or ice cooling, e.g. ice bags, caps, water- ment of hyperthermia in patients with AIS might seem sur-
or air-circulating cooling blankets, cooling blankets filled prising. The researchers posed a question whether the treat-
with hydrogel) and invasive procedures (rinsing the body ment of hyperthermia, as compared to its abandonment,
cavities, urinary bladder or rectum, intravenous infusions of affected the functional status of patients and their survival.

Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 2017, vol. 49, no 3, 227–234

Having analysed the available literature, they concluded that the use of hypothermia as a form of management in patients
the treatment of hyperthermia cannot be recommended with severe brain damage. The first reports about treatment
as a factor affecting the above-mentioned variables (rec- with hypothermia can be traced in ancient 5000-year-old
ommendation grade: quality of evidence — low, strength Egyptian descriptions with Hippocrates also recommending
of recommendation — poor). Nevertheless, it should be the use of packages with snow and ice in order to treat the
added that the authors found only 2 randomised clinical cases in which intracerebral haemorrhage was suspected.
trials involving in total 42 patients. There was no statisti- Although therapeutic hypothermia has had beneficial ef-
cally significant difference in mortality and functional sta- fects in animal model, its use in clinical practice has been
tus assessed using the Rankin scale between patients with disputed. The early pre-clinical studies have demonstrated
hyperthermia treated with acetaminophen and controls. that a mild reduction in brain temperature after moderate
Another issue concerned the prevention of hyperthermia or severe traumatic brain injury diminishes the extent of
using antipyretics in patients with AIS and normothermia. histopathological lesions and positively affects the sever-
As far as the functional status and mortality were concerned, ity of neurological deficits. Hypothermia suppresses the
the literature data were not sufficient to recommend the mechanisms of numerous secondary injuries, including
treatment of hyperthermia (recommendation grade: quality excitotoxicity, the formation of free radicals, apoptotic cell
of evidence — moderate, strength of recommendation — death and inflammatory conditions. Although hypothermia
poor. Therefore, further studies are needed [18]. has been successfully studied in many single clinical trials in
The guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA) patients after head injuries, larger, randomised multi-centre
and the American Stroke Association (ASA) of 2013 regard- trials have not demonstrated any benefits associated with
ing the management of hyperthermia after ischaemic stroke this form of treatment [50]. Moreover, the fourth edition of
did not change compared to their previous recommenda- guidelines of the Brain Trauma Foundation on severe post-
tions and are very general. In cases of hyperthermia (> 38°C), traumatic brain injury of 2017 does not recommend prophy-
it is recommended to initiate antipyretic therapy (class I, lactic hypothermia in patients with diffuse brain injury [51].
grade C recommendation) [44]. The European and Ameri- The AHA/ASA guidelines about AIS report the results
can guidelines seem different, yet they concern slightly of two small trials and one review paper, none of which
different issues, i.e. the European ones focus on the effects demonstrated explicitly the efficacy of hypothermia in AIS.
of hyperthermia on one’s functional status and survival The positive effect of mild hypothermia for the management
while the American ones deal with general indications for of AIS cannot be excluded yet further research is needed.
temperature reduction [18]. Moderate hypothermia (32–33oC), as opposed to mild hy-
The AHA/ASA guidelines of 2015 regarding intracer- pothermia (34–35oC), seems to lead to complications more
ebral haemorrhage (ICH) are more cautious and state that commonly (hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, pneumonia
the treatment of fever seems justifiable (class IIb, grade C or thrombocytopenia) [45]. Likewise, the European Stroke
recommendation) [46]. On the other hand, the European Organisation does not recommend induced hypothermia
researchers admit that there is no sufficient evidence to as a measure either to improve the functional status or to
definitely conclude whether, when and in which groups lengthen the survival of AIS patients [19]. Moreover, there
of patients with ICH, the prophylactic or early treatment of is no explicit answer to the question regarding temperature
fever should be used [47]. reductions in stroke patients; some issues are still unclear, i.e.
The European guidelines for the management of suba- the optimal moment of treatment institution, its duration,
rachnoid haemorrhage advocate monitoring of temperature the rate of warming and the target temperature of cooling
and the management of hyperthermia using both pharma- [52]. The AHA/ASA guidelines regarding ICH state only that
cological and physical measures (conclusions based on the hypothermia should be considered in ICH [46].
Principles of Evidence-Based Practice) [48]. Moreover, the The statement of AHA is explicit. According to the
guidelines of AHA/ASA concerning the management of current guidelines based on the review conducted by
non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage are explicit. In the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (IL-
the acute stage of subarachnoid haemorrhage, they recom- COR) of 2015, all adult comatose patients after sudden
mend aggressive control of fever in pursuit of normothermia cardiac arrest (SCA) should be subjected to hypothermia
using standard or advanced forms of treatment (class IIa, of 32–36°C maintained for at least 24 hours [53]. In 2012,
grade B recommendation) [49]. the European Society of Cardiology ranked therapeutic
hypothermia in patients after SCA the highest grade of
APPLICATION OF HYPOTHERMIA recommendation, namely I/B. The same kind of manage-
In the last two decades, beside the classic reduction of ment has been recommended by the European and Polish
temperature to normal values, much attention was paid to Resuscitation Council [54].

Marta Zawadzka et al., Thermoregulation disorders of central origin

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