Mar Sliding Hernia

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Sliding hernias

Article  in  Hernia · October 2002

DOI: 10.1007/s10029-002-0065-1 · Source: PubMed


26 7,218

1 author:

Robert Bendavid
University of Toronto & Shouldice Hospital


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Hernia (2002) 6: 137–140
DOI 10.1007/s10029-002-0065-1


R. Bendavid

Sliding hernias

Received: 1 April 2002 / Accepted: 25 April 2002 / Published online: 10 July 2002
 Springer-Verlag 2002

the condition in 1631; Spiegel reported cases in 1645 and

Introduction 1680, followed by Arnaud (1732), who managed an ‘‘old
scrotal hernia with great difficulty, removing, in the
Nothing so tests the surgeon’s knowledge of the anat-
process, the cecum and part of the colon and ileum in a
omy of the inguinal region as a chance encounter with
patient who eventually recovered!’’ [11]. Scarpa [20] in
a sliding hernia. If Condon’s [4] dictum ‘‘The anatomy
1814 reported a cecum forming part of the wall of a
of the inguinal region is misunderstood by some sur-
hernial sac. William Mitchell Banks [1] (1843–1904)
geons at all levels of seniority’’ is correct, it is safe to
coined the term ‘‘landslide of the cecum’’; he was also
say that sliding hernias are understood by few surgeons
the first proponent in England of complete removal of
at any level of seniority. Few surgical procedures have
the hernial sac, declaring that ‘‘the great object of the
had so many illustrations attempting to explain the
whole proceeding is to restore a uniform surface to the
mechanism of the ‘‘slide’’ and its surgical treatment; yet
peritoneal wall and hence the higher up the sac is tied,
they have served only to complicate and confuse the
the better the chance of this being permanent.’’ Ironi-
picture. What surgeon about to start a practice has not
cally, this thoroughness in excising the sac may well have
worried about a strangulated sliding hernia presenting
contributed to the dangerous reputation of sliding her-
in the middle of the night! ‘‘Sliders’’ are simple to treat
nias. Morris [16] (1895), Hotchkiss [10] (1909), Zim-
– we will see why.
merman and Laufman [23] (1942), and Maingot [14]
(1961) emphasized the need to free the sliding hernia
from the spermatic cord and to return the sac and viscus
Definition to the abdominal cavity.
The idea of reperitonealization of a viscus outlined by
A sliding hernia is a protrusion through an abdominal Bevan [2] (1930) and many others can now be safely and
wall opening of a retroperitoneal organ, with or without assuredly discarded. The Laroque [13] counterincision
its mesentery, with or without an adjacent peritoneal (1932) is now considered unnecessary, since the con-
sac. This organ may be the cecum, ascending colon, or vincing reports of Ryan [18, 19] and Glassow [6] and
appendix on the right side, the sigmoid colon on the left confirmation by Welsh [22].
side, or the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, ureters, and
bladder on either side.

The classification of sliding hernias in the past may have
Galen (130–200 AD) gave us the first description of a been partly responsible for some confusion. Since there
sliding hernia involving the cecum. Rousteus mentioned are three types of sliding hernias, it is probably simplest
to call them types I, II, and III in descending order of
R. Bendavid • Type I: any hernia in which part of the peritoneal sac
Department of Surgery, is made up by the wall of a viscus. This is the com-
Laniado General Hospital, Netania Israel
E-mail: monest type and accounts for nearly 95% of sliding
Tel.: +972-9-8604673 hernias. This type has also been referred to as intra-
Fax: +972-9-8609517 mural, parasaccular, and visceroparietal (Fig. 1).

Fig. 3. Type III sliding inguinal hernia: the sac is somewhat

Fig. 1. Type I sliding inguinal hernia. The posterolateral aspect of miniscule and may easily be overlooked. This is the most dangerous
the sac is made up of the cecum and ascending colon type, but fortunately the rarest (1/8–10,000)

• Type II: any hernia containing a retroperitoneal viscus place, however, there must be a widening of the internal
and its mesentery, in which the mesentery forms part inguinal ring; this is the precondition of an indirect in-
of the wall of the peritoneal sac. About 5% of sliding guinal hernia.
hernias are of this type, which has also been named Sir Arthur Keith (1866–1955) proposed that, devel-
intrasaccular, extrasaccular (a misnomer), and vis- opmentally, the cecum and ascending colon do not
ceromesenteric (Fig. 2). complete their rotation to the right side, and thus the
• Type III: a protrusion of the viscus itself; the perito- cecum slides inferiorly toward not only the right but also
neal sac may be very small or even absent. This is the the left internal inguinal ring [11]. Moschowitz [17] in
rarest type and is found in only one of 8,000–10,000 1925 presented his ‘‘pulling-pushing’’ mechanism
hernia. This type is the most treacherous and its di- whereby an inguinal sac enlarging through a widening
agnosis requires a high index of suspicion. It has been internal ring exerts a pull on the cecum or ascending
described as extraperitoneal, sacless, and extrasaccu- colon, whereas anterior structures such as the urinary
lar sliding hernia (Fig. 3). bladder would be pushed through the posterior inguinal
wall by intra-abdominal pressure. Graham [8] of To-
An additional type, although not truly a sliding hernia, is ronto suggested another possible mechanism: over long
the so-called ‘‘incipient slider.’’ When the sac is opened, periods the layers of the mesentery (especially of the
one can see the viscus, but it has not yet entered the sigmoid) separate, allowing the bare posterior aspect of
internal inguinal ring. the viscus to slide and protrude through an enlarged
internal ring. The common initial factor is always the
widened internal inguinal ring.

The mechanism whereby the viscus or viscera ‘‘slide’’ Clinical characteristics

has not been fully explained. Before the slide can take
As observed by Ryan [18, 19], Glassow [6], and Welsh
[22], sliding inguinal hernias account for 8% of groin
hernias, with a left to right ratio of 4.5 to 1. Maingot
[14], however, found a 1.5 to 1 preponderance of right-
sided sliders. In the series of Ryan et al. [18, 19] 8%
were bilateral, and women made up only 1% of the
3,000 patients analyzed; the average age of patients
was 59.3 years, compared to 51 years for nonsliding
hernias. After the age of 50 years the incidence of
sliding hernias is 3.5 times more frequent. In 9% of
patients there is a history of previous inguinal surgery,
and 94% of sliders are easily reducible preoperatively.
The size of these sliders is categorized as small (16%),
medium (44%), and large (40%). Delay before coming
to surgery is 11.8 years on average. The incidence of
sliding inguinal hernias increases with the age of the
Fig. 2. Type II sliding inguinal hernia. In this case the mesentery
forms a part of the posterior wall of the sac. Note that part of the patient, being nearly zero before the age of 30 years
anterior wall of the cecum is also forming part of the posterior wall and increasing to as much as 20% after the age of
of the sac 70 years.

In the pediatric population boys are not subject to posterior and lateral aspect of the internal inguinal ring.
sliding hernias, whereas in ‘‘female pediatric patients, Gentle dissection in this area frees all adhesions
inguinal hernias are usually sliding hernias’’ with the and allows sac and sliding viscus to return to the
mesosalpinx adherent to one side of the sac (type II) [12]. preperitoneal space. If it can be done safely, the sac may
Frequently the ovary and/or fallopian tube is involved. be opened for inspection and then closed; it need not be
The round ligament may be resected, but the sac itself resected. High ligation of the sac should never be at-
must not be ligated ‘‘high’’ lest the ovary/tube be dam- tempted, as it is not necessary. A counterincision has
aged. The incidence of sliders in girls was 21% in two never been needed. If in doubt as to the nature of a
series by Goldstein and Potts [7] and Gaus [5]. thick-walled sac, do not open it! It could be the wall of
bowel, as seen in the sacless variety or type III slider.
The remainder of the operation is devoted to the re-
Discussion and operative technique construction of the posterior inguinal wall by the chosen
technique of the operating surgeon.
As early as 1955 Ryan [18] stated that ‘‘too great an Follow-up revealed 16 recurrences out of 3,000 op-
emphasis had been placed on removal of the hernial erations, an incidence of 0.5%. Six were femoral hernias,
sac.’’ To the surgical section of the Toronto Academy of five direct inguinal hernias, and four appeared to be
Medicine the hallowed ground of Gallie and Graham, femoral hernias but were not operated on; only one was
this was heresy. Nevertheless, Ryan substantiated a true recurrent sliding indirect inguinal hernia.
his statement with a series of 313 cases: ‘‘In 47% of
the patients no sac was removed, in 43% only a part
of the sac was removed. In the remaining 10% of the Complications
cases, the sliding hernia was small and most of the sac
was removed’’ [18]. Two patients died following surgery; one from a coro-
Ryan also emphasized that the important step in the nary thrombosis on the third postoperative day, the
operation is to reconstruct the posterior inguinal wall in other from a cerebral hemorrhage 2 weeks after surgery.
order to confine the sliding elements of the hernia to the Not a single patient developed a bowel obstruction.
preperitoneal space. This was achieved with a recurrence Wound infection remained constantly below 1%.
of less than 1%, at a time when one report from Phila-
delphia admitted to a recurrence rate of 55% [18]! Welsh
[22], as if to consecrate his colleague, validated Ryan’s Special considerations
large series with a yet larger series of 3,000 cases. These
were culled from among 4,516 patients: incipient sliders In acute de novo strangulation, or strangulation of a
were excluded (25%) as well as direct sliding hernias chronic irreducible sliding inguinal hernia, the adhe-
(1.5%) and ‘‘unconfirmed’’ sliding hernias (3%; by sions, inflammation, and edema between the cord and
‘‘unconfirmed’’ was meant that the sac was not opened the viscus may blur the anatomical picture. The viscus
for confirmation of the sliding nature of the hernia). The may not be safely separated from the cord without the
method of repair used was the Shouldice technique, but risk of perforation, which carries an associated mortality
the Bassini repair and tension-free repairs (except for the between 6% and 60%, depending on the age of the
plug) would have been appropriate. The plug, which has patient, the delay in diagnosis, and the degree of vas-
a depth of 4 cm, would cause concern, as it would be in cular compromise [15, 21]. It would not be unreasonable
contact with either sliding bowel or an iliac vessel. The in these conditions to consider division of the cord, as
iliac artery on the supine patient is usually 1–2 cm deep close to the internal inguinal ring as feasible. The col-
to the internal ring. lateral circulation of the testicle is so abundant that loss
In brief, the cremaster muscle is divided longitudi- of the testicle occurs in 0–37% of the cases, at the very
nally for better access to the spermatic cord and internal worst [3, 9]. It would be, in any case, a small price to
ring. The cord is then separated from the sliding hernia pay, considering the far graver risk of perforation. The
sac, and the dissection stays close to the cord, its in- medicolegal aspects of this situation should be explained
vesting fascia and adipose tissue. The internal ring, al- to the patient prior to surgery so that the consent forms
ready wide, allows separation of the transversalis fascia are signed with full understanding of possible perioper-
about the neck of the sac. It is important to realize at ative decision-making.
this stage that the posterior lamina of the transversalis Sliding inguinal hernias are common, particularly in
fascia may in itself form a constricting ring around the the aging population. They need not any longer engen-
hernia, separate from the anterior lamina of the trans- der the apprehension they once did, thanks to the con-
versalis fascia. Constricting tissue, if scarred, can be tributions of Ryan. The brevity and simplicity of this
safely incised at the anterior or medial aspect of the review mirrors the present status of this once fearsome
constricting ring. The viscus is invariably found on the hernia.

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