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Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)

1. Company details:

Name of Company:
Business address:

Contact person:
email address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Web site:

Unit name if different:

Unit address /
Contact person:
Office telephone:
Mobile telephone:
e-mail address:

 I declare that this System Plan has been completed truthfully.

 I declare that the company is performing its operations in accordance with the relevant Textile Exchange standard(s).

 I declare that I will notify Control Union Certifications (CU) if any changes occur to this Plan in due time. Adjustments can be send digital to CU to the
respective certifier of CU

 I declare that when it is considered or suspected that a product has been produced, prepared, imported or delivered from another company, which is not
in compliance with this regulation, I shall initiate procedures either to withdraw from this product any reference to the relevant Recycled Claim Standard
(RCS) production method or to separate the product. I will only use it in processing or on the market after elimination of that doubt, unless it is placed on
the market without indication referring to the relevant RCS production method. In case of such doubt, I shall immediately inform Control Union.
Name: Position:
Control Union
RCS system plan

Signature: Date:

Only to be filled in by Control Union:

Date received: Project reference number.
Name of inspector:
Evaluation summary:
Evaluation sent to client:
Result: Sufficient or insufficient to allow inspection to proceed.

The RCS verifies the presence and amount of Recycled content(s) in a final product. It tracks the flow of a material from the source to the final product. It allows for
transparent, consistent and comprehensive independent evaluation and verification of material claims on products.

The Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) establishes that Recycled materials are accounted for and quantified for the purpose of making a percentage-based claim. The
standard can be applied to companies involved in the manufacturing of products that contain 5% to 100% of certified Recycled materials.

What do Recycled Claim Standard mean for our company?

 Purchase input certified Recycled materials and/or products from a supplier that is a certified RCS producer along with a transaction certificate For purchase from an
outside source there must be a document giving the name and address of the supplier, the quantity and description of the goods, reference to claims being made
about the material along with any corresponding verification or certification.

 Handle the RCS input in a manner that keeps its identity until it is blended into RCS Output.

 Handle and label the RCS input containing RCS material so that the purchase and use of certified RCS input can be demonstrated at each step of the manufacturing
process and

 Have an independent third party accredited by the regulatory bodies certify your compliance with the RCS standard and for every entity involved in producing the

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RCS system plan


1.0 Scope Company procedure.

(Reference individual units as applicable).
1.1 Products shall be within the scope of the
Recycled Content Standards (RCS)
containing 5-100% of the Certified
Recycled Material(s)

2.1 How is separation of products guaranteed? (for separation of RCS claimed material throughout the process)

Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

1. The organization shall establish,
implement and maintain procedures
and / or work instructions covering all
applicable requirements of the CCS.
( Kindly attach the above related
documents )
2. For Each production step, the records
shall demonstrate the balance between
the CCS inputs and the outputs
containing the declared final amount of
Claimed Material. These records shall
enable the CB to perform Volume
3. All records used in the implementation
and/or verification of the CCS shall be
retained by the Organization for a

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RCS system plan

Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

minimum of five years
4. The organization shall maintain and
communicate clearly defined roles and
responsibilities for all staff and
management that may have an impact on
the implementation of the standard.
( Kindly attach the required documents
for the above)
5. The organization shall appoint a
management representative to be
responsible for the overall compliance to
the CCS Standard.
(Kindly attach the appoint letter of the
Management representative responsible
for the CCS standard compliance)
6. The staff responsible for each procedure
impacted by CCS shall be given proper
and regular training with regards to the
implementation of the Standard.
(Kindly give the details of the trainings
given which shows that the employees
understand the purpose and requirement
of the CCS in order to successfully
maintain product content integrity)
7. The Organization has procedures in
place to maintain the integrity of the
Claimed Material throughout processing
8. Claimed material identity is preserved
from commingling or substitution.
9. Claimed Material identity is preserved
from accidental commingling or

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RCS system plan

Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

10. Products containing Claimed Materials
are prevented from accidental
commingling or substitution with other
products during transport
11. Products containing Claimed Material
are prevented from commingling or
accidental substitution with other
products during storage.
12. Diagram and description of all material
and product flows (Kindly attach the
unit layout/floor plan)
Name of Process Name of Allocated Number of M/c Production Name of Name of Loss Risk of Contamination
( Mention in order the for Claimed material Capacity Input Output %
from Input to Output)
Document production Material material
used to
track the
flow of High Medium Low

13. Details of Procedures, handling

requirements, or other practical measures
for attaining and maintaining compliance to
the Standard
14. A full list of all products being certified to Name of the Material Expected Loss% Name of the
the CCS , Including material composition
product Composition during production unit

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RCS system plan

Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

(Name each
material with

15. The volume reconciliation equation used to

calculate content claims, as well as an
example of the equation being applied.
(Demonstrate one traceability for the
products shipped)
16. Any relevant verification documents and
/or test results deemed necessary to
ensure the identity of the Claimed Material
17. Do you have a valid scope certificate for the
18. Have you been inspected annually before
the expiry of the certificate.
19. Do you have subcontractor?
Have you indicated those subcontracted
units in the application form
20. Do you permit the certification body to
conduct a full physical inspection of the
records, production process and storage
units at each site?
21. Is there an external storage unit?

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RCS system plan

Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

22. Do you give certification body for inspection
purpose access to all parts of the unit and
all premises as well as to the accounts and
relevant supporting documents?
23. Do you ensure the same level of access to
24. Do you allow the inspectors to interview
staff and workers without restriction?
25. Do you provide full access both for
announced and unannounced audits?
26. Has the company established, implemented
and maintained procedure and / or work
instructions covering all applicable
requirements of the RCS.
27. Do the organization maintain complete and
up-to-date records to demonstrate
conformity with all the requirements of the
28. Does the company keep complete and up-
to-date records of description, quantities,
origins and or destinations of all RCS
products received and delivered?
29. Are the records used in the implementation
and or verification of the RCS retained by
the organization for a minimum of 5 years?
30. Has the company established, implemented
and maintained procedure and / or work
instructions covering all applicable
requirements of the RCS.
31. Do the organization maintain complete and
up-to-date records to demonstrate
conformity with all the requirements of the
32. Does the company keep complete and up-
to-date records of description, quantities,
origins and or destinations of all RCS
products received and delivered?
33. Are the records used in the implementation
and or verification of the RCS retained by

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Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

the organization for a minimum of 5 years?
34. Entities involved in Material Collection,
Material Concentration, and Material
Recycling of inputs to be used in RCS
certified products must submit
declarations / Transaction certificate for the
materials they are supplying. Entities may
handle one or multiple of these stages.
Certification to the RCS is required for
entities involved in Material Recycling.

35. Are transaction certificate obtained for

products already certified to RCS from the
supplier. Do you check the supplier invoice
and supporting documents to confirm he
date, quantity, blend percentage and
material description all conform to the TC?
36. Are documents available for goods flowing
from one production unit to another with
the same organization?
37. Do you inspect the documents
accompanying the goods to confirm the
description quantity and source described in
the document match the goods?
38. Is this inspection recorded?

39. In case of any doubts the processing of the

RCS product may not be started until
conformity is proven.
40. Do you provide transaction certificate for all
shipments stating the products have been
produced according to the RCS standard.
41. Does invoices and shipping document show
that the outgoing products have been sold
to a named entity?
42. Do you carry out mass balance test which
demonstrates the balance between the
inputs (e.g. certified RCS input) and the

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Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

outputs (e.g. Certified RCS output)
containing a declared blend level of certified
RCS Material (per CCS, C1.3)
43. Mention the formula used to carry out mass
balance and also demonstrate the same
with actual example.
44. Are written procedure available to ensure
the integrity and identity of RCS products
as they move through the production.
45. At each production step is there a
documentation that is linked to the
incoming goods.
46. Are claimed RCS raw material kept
separately from non- RCS material and Are
RCS products separated from other
products of same type?
47. Are extra precautionary steps taken where
claimed materials or RCS products are
being shipped stored or produced alongside
non-claimed materials or products of the
same type to ensure that no confusion or
substitution occurs.
48. Are Sufficient steps taken to ensure that no
significant amount of non claimed materials
is mixed in with the claimed materials
during production, handling, shipping or
49. Are claimed materials or RCS products
clearly identified and tracked as they move
through production.
50. Is there a cleaning procedure

51. Are all machines and production area kept

clean and cleaning records maintained?
52. Are the products containing claimed
material transported to other units,
including wholesalers and retails only in
appropriate packaging?

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Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

53. Are containers or vehicles that are closed in
such a manner that substitution of the
content cannot be achieved without
manipulation or damage of the seal.
54. Do all shipments have a label stating
i) Name and address (city and country) of
the producer or where different of the
owner or seller of the product.
ii) The name and address (city and country
of the consignee.
iii) the name of the product, including a
reference to the claimed material content
(expressed as a percentage) of the product
being shipped
iv) the name of the transporter
v) reference to the content claim standard,
the name of the certification body and the
identification number (project number) of
the certification body
vi) the lot identification number
vii) quantity of products
vii) date of shipment

Is this information presented on an
accompanying document that can
undeniably link with the packaging,
container or vehicle of the product?
55. Is the storage of products managed in order
to segregate Claimed materials and RCS
products and ensure easy identification of
56. Are procedures in place to prevent
commingling or substitution of the Claimed
materials and RCS products with other
materials or products?
57. Is there a cleaning procedure?

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Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

58. Are all warehouses kept clean and cleaning
records maintained?
59. Products certified to the RCS may use the
terms Made with/Contains 100% Recycled
Material” or “Made with/Contains X%
Recycled Material”, and make reference to
the RCS.
 ‘Made with/Contains 100% Recycled
Material” only for products composed of
100% Recycled Material. The RCS 100
logo may be used.

• “Made with/Contains X% Recycled

Material” for products composed of 5-95%
Recycled Material. There are no restrictions
on the remaining content. The RCS Blended
logo may be used. It is also permitted to
state “Made with/Contains a minimum of X
% Recycled Material”.

In all cases, ‘X%’ represents the minimum

final percentage of Recycled Material by
appropriate unit of measure in the finished

Pre- and post-consumer content amounts

may be called out separately.
60. We follow the RCS requirements for logo
61. Please specify the recycle content of the
claimed products
62. Specify the product(s) which are claimed
under RCS standard?
63. How do you ensure that company supplying
reclaimed material has a legal
64. Do you have an agreement as prescribed in
Appendix B of RCS Standard?

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Sr. no. Requirement Y/N Description

65. Do you collect the Reclaimed Material
Declaration forms at least annually or if the
Reclaimed Material source changes?
66. Does all incoming shipments of Reclaimed
Material are inspected to confirm that they
are not virgin material; confirm the correct
identification as Pre- or Post – Consumer
Recycled Material?
67. Does all the records are retained by the
Material Recyclers who collect Reclaimed
Material from their own processing?
68. Check if they have done the production
and/or trade during the valid period of the
RCS Certificate.

 I declare that this System Plan has been completed truthfully.

 I declare that the company is performing its operations in accordance with the Content Claim Standard (CCS).

 I declare that I will notify Control Union if any changes occur to this Plan in due time. Adjustments can be send digital to CU to the respective certifier of CU

I declare that when it is considered or suspected that a product has been produced, prepared, imported or delivered from another company, which is not in
compliance with this regulation, I shall initiate procedures either to withdraw from this product any reference to the relevant Recycle Claim Standard (RCS)
production method or to separate the product. I will only use it in processing or on the market after elimination of that doubt, unless it is placed on the market
without indication referring to the relevant RCS production method. In case of such doubt, I shall immediately inform Control Union.

Name: Position:



Written Procedures/Work Instructions/ Policies required Clause No. CCS OCS RCS GRS

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The Organization shall maintain and communicate clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all CCS B1.3a    
staff and management that may have an impact on the implementation of the Standard

Risk Assessment CCS B1.1b    

Managing CCS Inputs Input Inspection CCS B2.1    

Products Suspected of not satisfying the requirements of the CCS CCS B2.2    
Managing CCS Product Production Controls CCS B3.1    
during production
Identification CCS B3.2    

Segregation CCS B3.3    

Managing CCS Product Packaging and Transporting CCS product CCS B4.1    
during Post – Production
Storing CCS Products CCS B4.2    

Social Policy Forced, Bonded, Indentured and Prison Labour GRS B2.1 X X X 

Child Labour GRS B2.2 X X X 

Freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to

collective bargaining GRS B2.3 X X X 

Discrimination , Harassment and abuse GRS B2.4 X X X 

Health and Safety GRS B2.5 X X X 

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Wages , Benefits and terms of employment GRS B2.6 X X X 

Working Hours GRS B 2.7 X X X 

Environmental Management System GRS C1 X X X 

Inventory, Management, Storage and Transportation procedures for all waste streams, including GRS C2.5e X X X 
minimizing safety concerns to the environment and health
Procedures and records for training of relevant staff in chemical management and where necessary, GRS D1.1 X X X 
training to properly manage the Chemical Management System

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