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E.Q: How did the Civil War change the United States?

-In the 1850s, the N+S had devel. differ. econs. +socs.
-The North
~industrialized, commerce-based econ
~diverse econ
~did not rely on enslaved labor
~usually opposed spread of slavery
-The South
~an agricultural, plantation-based economy
~depended on cotton and enslaved labor
~believed spread of slavery would protect its future
Kansas-Nebraska Act
-passage of this incr tensions further
~sponsered by Stephen Douglas
~repealed the Miss. Compr.
~allows use of popular sovreignty to deter. slavery
~resulted in form. of Republican party
Conflict Continues
-Bleeding Kansas
~proslavery + antislavery
~violence resulted
-John Brown's Raid
~captured after tying to start rebellion of enslaved ppl
~was hanged + becomes martyr for abol. cause
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857
-Dred Scott: enslaved man whose owner took him to live in free states +
-lawsuit for freedom was heard by Sup. Court
~court stated that fed. gov. could not limit slavery in terr.
~N. feared that slavery would soon be legal everywhere
The Election of 1860
-spread of slavery -> most important issue of election
-republican Abraham Lincoln defeated a divided Democratic field
-did not win any southern states
Abraham Lincoln
-became pres. in 1860
-began career as lawyer
-served in state legis. + Cong.
-believed Union would not survive "half slave + half free"
-pledged to leave slavery alone where it already existed
Southern States Secede
-South Carolina -> first state to secede in Dec. 1860
~by Feb. 1861, seven states had seceded + formed "Confederate States of
~Jefferson Davis -> first Confederate pres.
The War Begins
-Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter in April 1861
-Union forces forced to surrender
-Four more southern states seceded afterwards, believing Lincoln had provoked
-Civil War begun
~strong indust. econ
~larger population
~more factories
~more miles of railroad track
~mature gov.
~strong military leadership
~fighting for independence + way of life
~fighting on home territory
~widespread support amongst southerners
Southern Success
-early battles in favor of South + mil. leader Robert E. Lee
~won at Bull Run + Chancellorsville
-the Union did not get first win until Antietam in Sept. 1862
~bloodiest battle in US history, w/ 22,000 casualties
Antietam + Emancipation Proclamation
-the Battle of Antietam allowed Lincoln to issue this
~freed all enslaved people under Confederate
-Civil War became war to end slavery
July 1863: Gettysburg + Vicksburg
-Vicksburg: Union gained ctrl of Mississ. River
-Gettysburg: Union defeated Lee's army in Pennsylvania
~turning point of war
Grant Takes Charge
-Ulysses S. Grant becomes commander of Union forces
~Union waged total war in the South
~Sherman's "March to the Sea" destroyed southern morale
~Union forces captured the Confederate capital city of Richmond in
March 1865
Lee Surrenders
-Lee's forces -> weakened from attacks by Grant + Union forces
-Lee surrendered to Grant on April 9, 1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
-war officially ends soon after
Lincoln's Second Inaugural
-In Lincoln's second inaugural address, he discussed the end of war
~called for nation to unite
~offered kindness + mercy to the South, rather than punishment
-Lincoln was assassinated just a few weeks later
Goals of Reconstruction
-Reconstr. had two goals
~returning seceded states to the Union
~assisting freed African Americans
*Freedman's Bureau was created to help them find jobs + educate
Two Reconstructions
-Presidential Reconstruction
~based on Lincoln's ideas + supp. by Pres. Johnson
~admitted all states back into Union w/ few penalties
-resulted in
~black codes
~recreation of Southern gov before slavery
-Congressional Reconstr.
~supp. by Radical Republicans in Cong
~penalized the South for starting the war
-resulted in
~martial law
~Afr-Amer participation in gov
President Johnson Impeached
-Radical Repub. impeached pres. for trying to block Reconstr.
-argued that he had broken the law by firing proradical cabinet member
-kept office by ONE vote
Reconstr. Successes
-ratified 3 important amendments during Reconstr.
~13th Amendment: prohibits slavery
~14th Amendment: granted citizenship to all + guarenteed equal
protection under the law
~15th Amendment: granted all males the right to vote
-in addition, for the first time, Afr-Amers participated in gov
Reconstr. Failures
-ended after 1876 election
~Southern gov passed Jim Crow laws (segregation)
~Afr-Amers were disenfranchised (lost right to vote bc of JCL)
~most Afr-Amers had limited econ opportnities bc of JCL

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