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Determine the Noise Gain for the Inverting Amplifier circuit of the figure below.

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Kn = 1 + Rf / Ri = 1 + 4kohms/2 k ohms = 3
Ans: 3

The difference between the two op-amp input currents is called ______.

a. Input Offset Current

b. Input Bias Current
c. Op-Amp Input Current
d. Differential Mode Current

A circuit whose output voltage is proportional to the area under the curve of the input voltage.

a. Differentiator
b. Comparator
c. Integrator
d. Summing Amplifier

A circuit whose output voltage is proportional to the slope of the input voltage.

a. Differentiator
b. Comparator
c. Integrator
d. Summing Amplifier

A filter response that exhibits an equiripple amplitude response in the pass band.

a. Notch Filter response

b. Chebyshev Response
c. Bessel Response
d. Butterworth Response

A filter response that exhibits maximum flatness possible in the pass band.

a. Notch Filter response

b. Chebyshev Response
c. Bessel Response
d. Butterworth Response

The ____ gate is called the “all or nothing” gate.

a.) AND
b.) OR
c.) NOR
d.) XOR

Express the Boolean function F= xy + x’z in a product of maxterm form.

a. F = (x’+y)(x+y)(y+z)
b. F = (x’+y)(x+z)(x+y)
c. F = (x+y’)(x+z)(y+z)
d. F = (x’+y)(x+z)(y+z)
F = xy + x’z = (xy + x)(xy+z)
F = (x+x’)(y+x’)(x+z)(y+z)
F= (x’ + y)( x + z) ( y + z)

In switching transistors, what do you call the time between the changing state of the input and the beginning of a response in the output?

a. Delay time
b. Rise time
c. Fall time
d. Storage time

The current gain of a common-base BJT configuration is _____________.

a. just less than 1
b. negligibly small
c. very high
d. just greater than 1

It is desired to design a phase-shift oscillator using an FET having gm= 5000 , rd= 40 and a feedback circuit whose resistance value R= 10 . Select the value
of the capacitor appropriate for oscillator operation of 1 kHz.

a. 6.5nF
b. 1.62nF
c. 8.12nF
d. 1.3nF

The current gain of a Darlington pair is called ________.

a. superbeta
b. beta
c. alpha
d. superalpha

The total dB gain of a three stage system is 120dB. Determine the dB gain of the third stage if the second stage is twice the dB gain of the first stage and the third is 2.7 times the dB
gain of the first.

a. 57 dB
b. 30 dB
c. 21 dB
d. 62 dB


A ______ is a dc–dc converter with an unregulated input dc voltage and a regulated output voltage. The converter circuitry consists of arrangements of inductor, capacitors,diodes,
and transistors. The transistors are switched between the ON state (saturation) and the OFFstate (cutoff) at rates that typically range from 10 kHz to 40 kHz.

a. switched-mode power supply

b. regulated power supply
c. unregulated power supply
d. dc power supply

Logarithmic amplifiers, together with exponential amplifiers are used to perform analog multiplication. These can be constructed by using an operational amplifier and a diode.
Where and how should the diode be placed so that the circuit will work as a logarithmic amplifier?

a. Forward biased in the feedback path, replacing Rf of an inverting op-amp

b. Reversed biased in the feedback path, replacing Rf of an inverting op-amp
c. Forward biased in the input, replacing Ri of an inverting op-amp
d. Reversed biased in the input, replacing Ri of an inverting op-amp
The time sequence of inputs, outputs and flip-flop states can be enumerated in a _______. This consists of four sections labeled the present state, input, output and next state.

a. state table
b. truth table
c. state diagram
d. truth diagram

In digital design of combinational logic circuits, what do you call the term that refers to the connection of the output of one device to the input of a similar device allowing one device
to drive the other in order to expand the operational capability?

a. Cascading
b. Cascading
c. Fanning
d. Cross-connecting

In computers, what do you call a relatively small, high-speed memory that stores the most recently used instructions or data from the larger but slower main memory?

a. cache memory
b. register
c. random access memory
d. flash memory

What is the ratio of the input impedance with series feedback to that without feedback?

a. 1 + BA
b. BA
c. B
d. 1

Which of the following is required to start oscillation?

a. BA > 1
b. The phase shift around the feedback network must be 180 degrees.
c. Both BA > 1 and the phase shift around the feedback network must be 180 degrees.
d. None of the above

Only the condition BA = _____ must be satisfied for self-sustained oscillations to result.

a. 0
b. -1
c. 1
d. None of the above

In the IC phase-shift oscillator, what should the ratio of feedback resistor Rf to R1 be?

a. Zero
b. Greater than -29
c. Less than 29
d. Any value
Av = 1 + (Rf/Ri) = 1 + (1k/100) = 11

In the Wien bridge oscillator, which of the following is (are) frequency-determining components?

a. Both resistors
b. Both capacitors
c. Both resistors and capacitors
d. None of the above

What is the typical value of quality factor for crystal oscillators?

a. 20,000
b. 1,000
c. 100
d. 10

In which of the following applications is a pulsating dc voltage suitable?

a. Battery charger
b. Radio
c. Stereo system
d. Computer

Across which of the following components of a power supply does the average (dc) voltage exist?

a. Diodes
b. Secondary of transformer
c. Capacitor filter
d. None of the above

What is the purpose of an additional RC filter section in a power supply circuit?

a. Increase the dc voltage component

b. Increase the ac voltage component
c. Decrease the ac voltage component
d. None of the above

In a simple series regulator circuit, which of the following components is the controlling element?

a. Load resistor
b. Zener diode
c. Transistor
d. None of the above
What is the bandgap energy for diamonds?

a. 2.5eV
d. 0.1eV

_______________ allows simplifying a one-port circuit to a current source in parallel with an impedance.

a. Norton’s Theorem
b. Thevenin’s Therorem
c. Kirchoff’s Current Law
d. Faraday’s Law of Magnetic Induction

Charge carriers move in semiconductors via two mechanisms: _____ and _______.

a. drift and diffusion

b. drift and avalanche
c. avalanche and diffusion
d. none of the above

The diffusion current density is proportional to the _________ of the carrier concentration

a. gradient
b. curl
c. divergence
d. laplacian

The ___________ is the minimum energy required to dislodge an electron from its covalent bond.

a.barrier potential
b. bandgap energy
c. potential energy
d. diffusion energy
Under a high reverse bias voltage, pn pn junctions break down, conducting a very high current. Depending on the structure and doping levels of the device, ____________
breakdown may occur.

a. Zener
b. Avalanche
c. Drift
d. answers a or b

The statement” A voltage-dependent current source can form an amplifier along with a load resistor” is

a. True
b. False
c. Cannot be determined
d. Sometimes True
For proper operation, the____________________ is forward-biased and the _____________________ is reverse-biased.

a. base-emitter junction, collector-emitter junction

b. base-emitter junction, base-collector junction
c. collector-base junction, base-emitter junction
d. collector-emitter junction, collector-base junction

The ________________ of the bipolar transistor consists of an exponential voltage-dependent current source tied between the collector and emitter, and a diode (accounting for the
base current) tied between the base and emitter.

a. r-paramter model
b. h-parameter model
c. small signal-model
d. large-signal model

The ______ stage provides a moderate voltage gain, a moderate input impedance, and a moderate output impedance.

a. common-drain
b. common-collector
c. common-base
d. common-emmiter

The ___________ provides a voltage gain less than unity, a high input impedance, and a low output impedance, serving as a good voltage buffer

a. emitter follower
b. common base
c. common emitter
d. common source

MOSFETs operate in the ________ region if the drain voltage is more than one threshold below the gate voltage

a. triode
b. diode
c. negative resistance
d. constant current

A measure of the small-signal performance of voltage-dependent current sources is the _____________ defined as the change in the output current divided by the change in the
input voltage.

a. impedance
b. conductance
c. transconductance
d. reluctance

The impedance seen looking into the gate of a MOSFET is equal to ________
a. infinity
b. r0
c. 1 / gm
d. zero

The _______________ topology exhibits a nominal gain equal to one plus the ratio of two resistors. The circuit also suffers from a gain error that is inversely proportional to the gain
of the op amp.

a. noninverting amplifier
b. inverting amplifier
c. summing amplifier
d. voltage follower

Placing a bipolar device around an op amp provides a _____________function

a. linear
b. parabolic
c. exponential
d. logarithmic

Op amps suffer from various imperfections, including dc offsets and input bias currents. These effects impact the performance of various circuits, most notably,____________.

a. zero-level detector
b. summing amplifier
c. differentiators
d. integrators

Stacking a transistor atop another forms a _______ structure, resulting in a high output impedance.

a. darlington
b. stack
c. cascade
d. cascade

Bipolar differential pairs exhibit a _______ input/output characteristic. The tail current can be mostly steered to one side with a differential input of about 4Vt.

a. parabolic
b. logarithmic
c. hyperbolic tangent
d. exponential

As the frequency of operation increases, capacitances exhibit a ______________, reducing the gain. The gain thus rolls off at high signal frequencies.

a. same impedance
b. slightly higher impedance
c. lower impedance
d. significantly higher

To obtain the frequency response, we must derive the ___________ of the circuit.

a. logarithmic behavior
b. roll-off rate
c. gain
d. transfer function

A capacitance tied between the input and output of an inverting amplifier appears at the inputwith a factor equal to one minus the gain of the amplifier. This is called

a. Capacitance-gain effect
b. Miller effect
c. Thevenin effect
d. Faraday effect

The ________of a feedback system can, in principle, be obtained by breaking the loop, injecting a test signal, and calculating the gain as the signal goes around the loop. It
determines many properties of feedback systems, e.g., gain, frequency response, and I/O impedances.

a. loop gain
b. transfer function
c. negative feedback
d. signal flow

To avoid oscillation, the gain crossover frequency must __________the phase crossover frequency.

a. fall below
b. rise above
c. be equal
d. a factor of

The crossover distortion resulting from the dead zone can be reduced by biasing the push-pull transistors for a small quiescent current

a. True
b. False

In low-distortion applications, the output stage may be embedded in a _________ to suppress the nonlinearity.

a. open loop
b. positive feedback loop
c.negative feedback loop
d. none of the above
A push-pull stage operating at high temperatures may suffer from _____________, whereby the elevated temperatures allow the output transistors to draw higher currents, which in
turn makes them dissipate even more.

a. avalanche effect
b. diffusion effect
c. thermal runaway
d. thermal breakover

The ___________ response provides a sharper transition than Butterworth at the cost of some ripple in the passband and stopbands. It contains n complex poles on an ellipse

a. Thomas
b. Buttord
c. Elliptic
d. Chebyshev

What is the range of gm for JFETs?

a. 1 uS to 10 uS
b. 100 uS to 1000 uS
c. 1000 uS to 5000 uS
d. 10000 uS to 100000 uS

For what value of ID is gm equal to 0.5 gm0?

a. 0 mA
b. 0.25 IDSS
c. 0.5 IDSS

Which of the following transistor has depletion and enhancement types?

a. BJT
d. Diode

What is the level of IG in an FET?

a. Zero
b. Equal to ID
c. Depends on VDS
d. Undefined

The region to the left of the pinch-off locus is referred to as the _____ region.

a. saturation
b. cut-off
c. ohmic
d. None of the above

The drain current will always be one-fourth of IDSS as long as the gate-to-source voltage is _____ the pinch-off value.

a. one-fourth
b. one-half
c. three-fourths
d. None of the above

How many terminals can a MOSFET have?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 3 or 4

It is the insulating layer of _____ in the MOSFET construction that accounts for the very desirable high input impedance of the device.

a. SiO
b. GaAs
c. SiO2
d. HCl

The transfer curve is not defined by Shockley's equation for the _____.

d. None of the above

Which of the following FETs has the lowest input impedance?

d. None of the above

How many orbiting electrons does the germanium atom have?

a. 4
b. 14
c. 32
d. 11

One eV is equal to _____ J.

a. 6.02 E23
b. 1.6 E–19
c. 6.25 E18
d. 1.66 E–24

What unit is used to represent the level of a diode forward current?

a. pA
b. nA
c. A
d. mA

Calculate the power dissipation of a diode having ID = 40 mA.

a. 28 mW
b. 28 W
c. 280 mW
d. undefined

PD = VD x ID = 0.7V x 40 mA = 28 mW

Which capacitance dominates in the reverse-bias region?

a. Depletion
b. Conversion
c. Diffusion
d. None of the above

Which capacitance dominates in the forward-bias region?

a. Depletion
b. Conversion
c. Diffusion
d. None of the above

What does a high resistance reading in both forward- and reverse-bias directions indicate?

a. A good diode
b. An open diode
c. A shorted diode
d. A defective ohmmeter

Determine the nominal voltage for the Zener diode at a temperature of 120° C if the nominal voltage is 5.1 volts at 25° C and the temperature coefficient is 0.05%/° C.

a. 4.6 V
b. 4.86 V
c. 5.1 V
d. 5.34 V

V120C = V25C + V25C (120C – 25C) ( .0005/C) = 5.34 V
What is the maximum power rating for LEDs?

a. 150 mW
b. 500 mW
c. 1 W
d. 10 W

The _____ diode model is employed most frequently in the analysis of electronic systems.

a. ideal
b. practical
c. piecewise-linear
d. None of the above

At what region of operation is the base-emitter junction forward biased and the base-collector junction reverse biased?

a. Saturation
b. Linear or Active
c. Cut-off
d. None of the above

For the BJT to operate in the saturation region, the base-emitter junction must be _____-biased and the base-collector junction must be _____-biased.

a. forward, forward
b. forward, reverse
c. reverse, reverse
d. reverse, forward

Which of the following voltages must have a negative level (value) in any NPN bias circuit?

a. VBE
b. VCE
c. VBC
d. None of the above

Which of the following is referred to as the reverse transfer voltage ratio?

a. hi
b. hr
c. hf
d. ho

Which of the following techniques can be used in the sinusoidal ac analysis of transistor networks?

a. Small-signal
b. Large-signal
c. Small- or Large-signal
d. None of the above

The _____ model suffers from being limited to a particular set of operating conditions if it is to be considered accurate.

a. hybrid
b. re
c. Thevenin
d. None of the above

What is the unit of the parameter ho of a BJT?

a. Volt
b. Siemen
c. Ohm
d. Unitless
What is the typical value of the current gain of a common-base configuration?

a. Less than 1
b. Between 1 and 50
c. Between `100 and 200
d. Undefined

What does the negative sign in the voltage gain of the common-emitter fixed-bias configuration indicate?

a. The output and input voltages are 180º out of phase.

b. Gain is smaller than 1.
c. Gain is larger than 1.
d. None of the above

The _____ configuration is frequently used for impedance matching.

a. fixed bias
b. voltage-divider bias
c. emitter-follower
d. collector feedback

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