Trabajo de Ingles Simple

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NAME: __________________________________________ GRADE:

__________ DATE: ________


A. Los siguientes verbos están en presente simple, cámbialos a pasado
simple teniendo en cuenta si son verbos regulares o irregulares.

0 She joins She joined

1 You fly You
2 We talk We
3 They buy They
4 You  like You 
5 She watches She
6 We go We
7 You finish You
8 He kisses He
9 They enjoy They
10 We teach We
11 He cries He

B. Completa las frases con el pasado simple de los verbos entre

1. I _____________ (live) in Edinburgh.
2. He _____________ (do) his homework.
3. She was a teacher. She _____________ (work) at primary school.
4. “Were you a singer?” “No, I was a pilot. I _____________ (fly) airplanes.”
5. Joan _____________ (wash) his hair.
6. The museum _____________ (close) at 7 in the evening.
7. Daniel _____________ (brush) his teeth yesterday morning.
8. She _____________ (study) Science at university.
9. Last Saturday, Paul _____________ (give) his dog a bath.
10. Last Tuesday, Betty _____________ (take) her sister to school.
11. We _____________ (g0) to the swimming pool last weekend.
12. John and Mary _____________ (have) a cup of tea yesterday afternoon.
B. Lee el texto subrayando palabras desconocidas y haciendo la lista de
éstas con su respectiva traducción al español.
B. Completa los espacios del texto con la forma del pasado simple de los
verbos entre paréntesis.
A Story of Change
La Paz School is a rural school in the mountains of Central
Colombia. A few years ago, teachers and students ____________
(decide) to do something about the environmental problems they

had. Deforestation and bad management of waste ____________ (be) -2

their main concerns. As a result, they ____________ (create) an -3

environmental group to look for solutions.

First, they ____________ (research) information about the people,

their businesses and the impact of their actions. Then, they

____________ (organize) a campaign to protect the rivers in their

town. They ____________ (talk) to the local authorities about


prohibiting the industries from dumping waste. They ____________

(start) teaching people about recycling methods and the whole town

____________ (sign) a petition to stop the destruction of their forests.


They ____________ (plant) more than 2,000 trees near the river.

Now people in our town are happy with the results. Liliana, a 15-
year-old student at La Paz School, said: ‘Now we have lots of trees
around our houses and parks; the rivers are clean; and we
understand that when people work together to support a cause, the
little things that everyone does can create big changes.”
E. En el texto hay una expresión de tiempo del pasado simple ¿puedes
identificarla? Escríbela en el espacio de abajo con su traducción al

_____________________________ =

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