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SIAPO Date: JANUARY 30, 2021

Section: BSE English I

Gulayan sa Bakuran
Tree Planting

I. Background

(In this part, you may answer this question in paragraph form for your
1. What is your chosen plant?
I planted vegetables such as tomato, chilli, pechay, eggplant,
and mustard greens (mustasa). I also planted mango trees.

2. Why did you choose it?

I chose vegetable plants to remind myself of backyard
gardening, which gives me interest in the origin of the foods that I eat,
and give me ample choices to put on a plate. I also believe that it
allows us to eat more fresh vegetables, decide which fertilizers and
pesticides are coming in contact with our food, and allows us to
control when to harvest our food.
For its long-term benefits, I also planted mango trees. Trees
help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide
habitat for several terrestrial biodiversity. Besides, when the mango
tree matures, it will provide us with fruits that are fresh and nutritious.

3. What will be the benefit of the community from this plant?

The community benefits from what I have planted. It will
provide fresh and nutritious foods from the vegetables I planted, and
provide clean air and water and fresh fruits from the mango trees I
also planted. As a citizen who really cares about our health, we often
think of food safety and what the market brings to our tables.
However, when we do have our own backyard garden, we are
contented with the safety of our health because we have the freedom
to control what we bring in our tables. Therefore, from the vegetables
and trees I planted, they give the community a sustainable

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