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Soal bahasa inggris kelas ners.

Petunjuk pengerjaan: kerjakan 2 pilihan ganda dan 3 soal essay di bawah.

Pilihan Ganda..

1. The goal of nurse educating complication prevention

a. To reduce the severity of the disease
b. To reduce nurse’s busy work
c. To make patient responsible for their own health
d. To please the patients and their family
2. Methods to educate patients in preventing complication:
a. Give patient and his family complete material
b. Teaching patients and families among other activities
c. Give information at a glance because they already know about the material
d. educate patient in easily understood language


3. Describe in short paragraph, what is the meaning of “Stimulate the patient’s interest” in
preventing complication?(minimum 100 words)
4. Describe your opinion. Why nurse should include family members when educate the topic of
preventing complication? (minimum 100 words).
5. Tell me about your idea, what are strategies to educate a patient with high risk of
complication after surgery and this patient is illiterate (buta huruf) (minimum 80 words).

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