Bagian Kebidanan: Formulir Pengumpulan Data Penilaian Retrospektif

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Bagian Kebidanan: Formulir Pengumpulan Data Penilaian Retrospektif

Propinsi: Tanggal:
Rumah Sakit Kabupaten/Kota: Triwulan pemantauan:
SEKSIO SESAREA Dilakukan: (√) Tidak dilakukan: (X) Tdk Berlaku: (TS)

Case definition: Delivery of viable fetus through abdominal and uterine incision
Case and File Nos. %
Date of Admission Compliance

7.1 History (at least 2)

Number, mode and outcome of
previous deliveries, medical and
surgical history, LMP and EDD
7.2 Examination
a. Vital signs
b. FHS
7.3 Lab Investigations
a. ABO-Rh grouping
b. Hemoglobin level
7.4 Monitoring
a. Vital signs
b. Urine output
7.5 First Aid Management
a. IV fluid therapy
b. Blood crossmatching
7.6 Active Management
a. No blood transfusion required
b. Apgar score > 8
% Compliance


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