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(SOLVED) As already mentioned the line between public

good and private

As already mentioned the line between public good and private As already mentioned, the line
between “public good” and “private good” is genuinely blurry. Electronic tolls on roadways are
making excludability a little bit easier every year. In your view, should we continue to think of
roads as public goods? […]

A Has the rise of the Internet and file sharing a. Has the rise of the Internet and file sharing
turned media such as movies and music into public goods? Why? b. Taking your answer in part
a into account, would government taxation and funding of music improve social welfare? […]

A A public good is just a good that provides a. “A public good is just a good that provides large
positive externalities.” Discuss. b. “A tragedy of the commons occurs when using a good
causes massive negative externalities.” Discuss. In parts a and b, compare the definitions from
Chapter […]

A Why did the fish catch increase in New Zealand a. Why did the fish catch increase in New
Zealand after the amount that each fisherman could catch was limited by a quota? b. Given
your answer to part a, would an individual fisherman in New Zealand want to catch […]


A The nation of Alphaville has been hunting their deer a. The nation of Alphaville has been
hunting their deer population to extinction. The government decrees strict limits on the number
of hunters, and on the number of rounds of ammunition that each hunter can take into the hunt.
Hunters, […]

The Patagonian toothfish is a large ugly fish that can The Patagonian toothfish is a large, ugly
fish that can weigh 200 pounds. In the 1990s, it became very popular under its new name, the
Chilean sea bass. Soon, it almost became extinct. a. Why was the Chilean sea bass […]

Emeril says In my economics class I learned that the Emeril says, “In my economics class, I
learned that the only way to fund public goods was to have the government tax citizens to pay
for those goods. Is that what you learned?” Rachel responds, “Actually, in my class, we […]


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