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(SOLVED) Boris budgets 9 wk for his morning coffee with

milk He
Boris budgets 9 wk for his morning coffee with milk He Boris budgets $9/wk for his morning
coffee with milk. He likes it only if it is prepared with 4 parts coffee, 1 part milk. Coffee costs
$1/oz, milk $0.50/oz. How much coffee and how much milk will Boris buy […]

For each of the following sketch a A typical person s For each of the following, sketch:a. A
typical person’s indifference curves between garbage and the composite good. b. Indifference
curves for the same two commodities for Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street, who loves
garbage and has no use […]

Paula a former actress spends all her income attending plays Paula, a former actress, spends
all her income attending plays and movies and likes plays exactly three times as much as she
likes movies.a. Draw her indifference map.b. Paula earns $120/wk. If play tickets cost $12 each
and movie tickets […]

Koop likes food but dislikes cigarette smoke The more food Koop likes food but dislikes
cigarette smoke. The more food he has, the more he would be willing to give up to achieve a
given reduction in cigarette smoke. If food and cigarette smoke are the only two goods, draw […]


For Alexi coffee and tea are perfect substitutes One cup For Alexi, coffee and tea are perfect
substitutes: One cup of coffee is equivalent to one cup of tea. Suppose Alexi has $90/mo to
spend on these beverages, and coffee costs $0.90/cup while tea costs $1.20/cup. Find Alexi’s
best affordable […]

Suppose Picabo in Problem 8 has 3 600 to spend on Suppose Picabo in Problem 8 has $3,600
to spend on skis and bindings each year. Find her best affordable bundle of skis and bindings
under both of the preferences described in the previous problem. Skis are $480/pr and bindings

Picabo an aggressive skier spends her entire income on skis Picabo, an aggressive skier,
spends her entire income on skis and bindings. She wears out one pair of skis for every pair of
bindings she wears out.a. Graph Picabo’s indifference curves for skis and bindings. b. Now
draw her indifference […]


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