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(SOLVED) Consider a project with net benefits NBt in

period t
Consider a project with net benefits NBt in period t Consider a project with net benefits NBt in
period t: NB0 = –30, NB1 = 15, NB2 = 25, NB3 = –3.a. Find the net present value if the discount
rate is r = 6%, 8% and 10%.b. Now assume […]

Consider the following income distributions A Plot the Lorenz Consider the following income
distributions: A) Plot the Lorenz Curves for 1990 and for 2000. Be sure to label your graph
clearly.B) Calculate the Gini coefficient for 1990 and for 2000 (the area between the Lorenz
curve and the outside of […]

Suppose there are n identical firms in a market Each Suppose there are n identical firms in a
market. Each firm has fixed cost equal to 392, and variable cost given by VC = 2q2, where q is
the amount that an individual firm produces. This means that an individual […]

There are several celebrated investors and stock pickers frequen There are several celebrated
investors and stock pickers frequently mentioned in the financial press who have recorded huge
returns on their investments over the past two decades. Is the success of these particular
investors and invalidation of the EMH? There are […]


Both Grant and Sherman pursued a new type of warfare Both Grant and Sherman pursued a
new type of warfare. Explain the change in strategy these men employed. Note a battle or
campaign in which each man used this new strategy. Finally, was this strategy effective? Why
or why not? […]

The estimated market demand for good X is Q The estimated market demand for good X is Q =
8,000 – 25P – 0.12M + 30PGwhere Q is the estimated number of units of good X demanded, P
is the price of the good, M is income, and PG is the […]

In the following payoff table two decision makers Gates and In the following payoff table, two
decision makers, Gates and Dell, must make simultaneous decisions to either cooperate or not
cooperate with each other. Please indicate the Nash equilibrium in the game. Does the result
represent a prisoner’s dilemmasituation? In […]


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