White Estate. Falsedades de Lucinda Burdick Contra EGW

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Subject: Lucinda Burdick Jul.

23rd, 2002

! Answer
Dear Brother _______,

Thank you for contacting the Ellen G. White Estate. I'll be glad to try to answer your question.

? Question

The following is someting that I came accross. I was wondering if there was more information regarding Lucinda Burdick

Thanks ahead of time....


If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does NOT take place, or come true, that is a message the Lord has
NOT spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, Do not be afraid of him." So, did any of her prophesies fail??

Pastor's wife Lucinda Burdick testifies, "During the year 1845 I met Miss Ellen G. Harmon several times at my uncle's
house in South Windham, Me. The first of these meetings was in the month of May, when I heard her declare that God had
revealed to her that Jesus Christ would return to this earth in June 1845, the next month." (L. Burdick letter)

Lucinda Burdick testifies, "During the haying season I again met her in company with James White at the same place, and
heard my uncle ask her about the failure of the Lord to appear in June according to her visions. She replied that she had
been told in the language of Canaan which she did not understand; but that she had since come to understand that Christ
would return in September, at the second growth of grass instead of the first." (L. Burdick letter)

Of course there are many more FAILED prophesies.... but these 2 were important..

! Answer
Mrs. White mentions Mrs. Burdick several times in the published writings we have. I have not found anywhere that she
refers to this specific charge (she discusses several other specific ones), but her general denial in the following statements
may be meant to cover more than the specifics she subsequently discussed:

I hereby testify in the fear of God that the charges of Miles Grant, of Mrs. Burdick, and others published in the Crisis are
not true. The statements in reference to my course in forty-four are false. {Selected Messages, book 1, p. 74}

Now the very ones who were deepest in fanaticism cruelly charge upon me that delusion which I had not the slightest
sympathy with, but from which my soul recoiled. And I bore a straightforward testimony to condemn these fanatical
movements from first to last. Mrs. Burdick has made statements which are glaring falsehoods. There is not a shade of truth
in her statements. Can it be that she has repeated these false statements till she sincerely believes them to be truth?
{Manuscript Releases, vol. 8, p. 238}

The statements Mrs. Burdick attributed to Ellen White do not sound like her; they are contrary to other material we have
from her. Coupled with her outright denials that Mrs. Burdick was telling the truth, this leads me to doubt Mrs. Burdick's
testimony--it does not ring true. At least this is how it appears to me.

I hope this may be helpful to you. Thank you for writing, and God bless!

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Subject: Lucinda Burdick Jul. 23rd, 2002

William Fagal, Director
Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office
Andrews University
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1400 USA
Phone: 269 471-3209
FAX: 269 471-2646
Website: www.WhiteEstate.org or www.egwestate.andrews.edu
E-mail: egw@aubranch.egwestate.andrews.edu

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