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Healing Your Gut with Homeopathy

Guest: Joette Calabrese

The purpose of this presentation is to convey

information. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or
cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice
from your physician or other healthcare professional.

Dr. Zielinski: Hello, everyone. Dr. Eric Zielinski here

from I’m excited to welcome you to this
special segment of the Heal Your Gut Summit. Together with Dr. Josh Axe and
Donna Gates, we are committed to helping you experience abundant life
health. And according to years of clinical practice and countless hours
researching the data, we have discovered it all starts in the gut.

And today I'm absolutely excited to be introducing a very dear friend of mine
and homeopathic expert, Joette Calabrese. Joette is a homeopathic
practitioner, blogger, mom, and teacher of homeopathy online. And she has
promised even more, what she calls practical homeopathic techniques for you
and your family, in this interview.

Because I bugged her for that. I actually asked her, “Joette, I want you to dig
deep into your well of wisdom and experience and knowledge. And let's give
people just a lot of great take-home tips on how to use homeopathy." Because
for a lot of folks, it's very obscure and elusive. And people are interested. But
they don't know where to start.

And, first of all, you could start on Joette’s website,,

which is a fantastic resource. For those of you who don't know my dear friend
Joette, she's a director on the honorary board of Weston A. Price Foundation,
an international nutritional foundation based in D.C., a published author with
an active international homeopathic practice, and a blogger for nearly 9 years
where she offers homeopathic advice for family.

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Joette has strong nutritional roots—and we're going to talk a lot about that
today and how it all combines with gut health—with over 20 years of
practicing homeopathy. She serves really a one-two punch related to food
intolerances and the seemingly “unrelated” illnesses of the mind and gut.

So, folks, stick with us in this interview. Get out some paper and a pencil.
Take notes. Listen to this interview over and over again because you’re not
going to be able to digest all of it. It's going to be a lot of information. But
that's the benefit of these kind of interview so you can go over it again and
again. Because Joette told me she's going to give you very specific protocols
that she promises you’ll learn today and you can actually use tonight on you
and your family for your gut issues.

So, first and foremost, welcome, Joette!

Joette: Oh, hi, Eric. Thanks! It's great to be here. When you told me that you
were doing it Gut Health Summit, I knew that I had to be in on this because I
have homeopathic protocols. And I've been using gut conditions as my method
of learning, even learning homeopathy, even before I started practicing close to
30 something years ago.

And my nutritional roots go deep, not only because of my own long-standing

GI conditions, but because of my involvement with national organizations, one
of which you mentioned.

Dr. Zielinski: And, Joette, that's one of the things I value about you. I realized
this early on. One of my favorite professors in chiropractic college, he was
pretty clear on this. He said the best doctors are those individuals who were
sick and they overcame their own illness.

And a lot of young folks coming out of school who relatively have only have a
sniffle or stubbed their toe, they don't know what it's like having a chronic
disease. And so it's hard for them to relate. And one thing I get from you, every

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interview I listen, your podcast, your programs, your awesome website, is

there is love. There's compassion. There's empathy. And you can't learn that
you have to literally experience that in the throes of suffering. You know what
I mean?

Joette: Yeah, so suffering then becomes a pearl. If you live a charmed life and
you don't have any illness at all, then you will likely never learn. And we have
to learn. That's one of the main purposes of being on this earth is to learn and
grow. And if an illness brings you to your knees—and I've experienced that
myself—all the better. You learn faster. The goals are greater. The desire to
move faster is bigger and more looming.

Dr. Zielinski: So, folks, with that, Joette really has a deep well of knowledge,
understanding, wisdom because of what she experienced and what she
suffered. So that's just a little preface for this because we're going to jump
right into it.

So, Joette, tell me a little bit about homeopathy and how it relates to
gastrointestinal issues.

Joette: All right. So for those who don't know, I'll try to give a quick summary.
Homeopathic medicine is a 200+ year old medical science. It's actually a whole
school of thought. But you will not find a doctor around the corner that knows
anything about it in the U.S. That fell away in the 1940s. Few would probably
know that there were approximately as many homeopathic MDs here in the
United States as were conventional allopathic doctors up until the late 1940s.

In the world, however, it's a different story. Homeopathy is the fastest-growing

medical paradigm. And here, too. But it's also throughout the world. And the
global market is growing at the rate of 25% annually, with France as the
largest contributor to the market. In most of these countries, though,
homeopathy is included in their government health programs. That’s
Germany, Switzerland, Italy, England. In up to as many as 40% of the doctors

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in South America, India, and all of free Europe, homeopathy is alive and well.

But for those listening, perhaps that doesn't matter in the least. You know,
who cares about that if you're sick? You're just trying to find some answers to
your gut problems. What does matter however is that homeopathy can be
mastered and used at home by using a method I've coined as practical

This is what has turned me on the most. It's enabled me to use it for my
family, long before I went to homeopathy school, later with my clients and
students and one-on-one, as well as being able to teach many of my
techniques to many families so they can do the same as I did. It’s mom and
grandma friendly, and has a reputation for being the most inexpensive and
curative method and system of medicine known to mankind for over 230

Unfortunately, the word has fooled us. “Homeopathy,” people think it means
home remedies. It absolutely does not. It's not supportive. It's not like a
supplement or vitamin that builds the immune system. It is not like an
auxiliary group, but rather takes on the chief role in a medical condition.

That's because it is medicine and it is used to uproot or correct the illness, not
used just in case. And I have a lot of people who think, "Well, I'll use a little of
allopathic medicine, and I'll use some homeopathy." I say, "You're going to be
disappointed because homeopathy is corrective and curative and allopathic
medicine is suppressive, generally speaking."

So it's an entire medical system. And it's regulated. I also want to mention it’s
regulated by the FDA because homeopathic medicines are considered
medicine, as I said, and not supplements. And the reason I say this is because
a lot of people think, “Well, homeopathy must be kind of a gray area." No, no,
no. The FDA was actually started in the 1940s. One of the founders was a
homeopathic doctor who made sure that the FDA was started. Now, of course,

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we’re not as pleased with the FDA, as it actually was intended to create some
quality medicine in our country. But now, of course, it's gotten a little out of

But, at any rate, and also asked me, Eric, how that would deal with the gut
problems. And if you don't mind, if we could get into that a little bit further
because I want to be real specific about that as we converse along today.

Dr. Zielinski: Oh, that's perfect. The flow is really going to transgress to the
point where we need to realize what this is. And I'm glad you shared that
because really before I met you last year, I was kind of clueless to what
homeopathy was. I remember going to Whole Foods and seeing their little
homeopathy section with a bunch of little vials and little pills. I’m like, “What
is this stuff?” And I never gave thought to it because I do my own thing. I've
been using essential oils.

So, folks, I will have to say one thing. It is very cost effective. And most every
health food store, Whole Foods, natural place you could go to, they'll carry a
lot of this stuff.

Joette: Even Walmart, Eric. Even those kinds of stores and Walgreens and
Wegmans if you're in that part of the country, most of the grocery stores now
carry them.

Dr. Zielinski: And that's really fascinating to me because at first I will be

honest—I will be very up front with most folks—when I see something at
Walmart, I automatically think it's not healthy. I'm just that way. I'm like if it's
at Walmart, it can't be good. That's just me. So I have to get over my own
stereotypes. But the reality is God will strategically put the right things in the
right places so people can get it.

Now, all this is interesting. And it’s fascinating. Yet one thing I think a lot of
folks are really going to get a lot out of is your story about how you told me in

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the past that you've raised your children without ever, ever resorting to an
antibiotic, a Tylenol, a steroid, antihistamine. In fact, you told me that you
literally skipped the pediatric appointments and used only homeopathy.

Joette: I did. I did. It was a bold gesture. But the reason I believe I was able to
do this is because this movement from going from using a pill for every ill in
the conventional medical lifestyle takes time to get out of.

I believed in modern medicine. I have a lot of cousins. I come from a big Italian
family. I have a lot of cousins who are doctors. I was married to a doctor in my
20s, a neurosurgeon. And I believe that the whole paradigm until I got sick,
chronically ill. And I couldn't get past it with the drugs they were giving me
and of the procedures. In fact, I was getting worse.

And so all of that happened in my discovery, my journey. I don't mean to

make it sound esoteric. But my pathway to get to this point was littered with
lots and lots of drugs and disappointments. And so I finally realized I might as
well just stop all these drugs because there's nothing else that's going to do it.
I was as sick with the drugs as I was without them, only I was paying for the

And I knew I was going to get more diseases from the drugs because that's
what side effects are; it's a new disease. And sometimes they never leave you.
Just because you stop the drug doesn't mean it's over with. You may have
created a disease that could last for decades.

So by the time I had my children in my mid-30s, I already had been through

the mill. And I decided when I remarried, my present husband, before we had
children, I decided I will not put them through what I went through.

And so you can't just say, "I'm not going to do it." That's just not going to
work. What you have to do is say, "I'm not going to give my kids antibiotics or
Tylenol, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But I have to replace it with something."

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You can't just say, "Oh, well. Let's just hope for the best." You really have to
have something in place or else you will be a slave to the pediatric office.

And once you step onto the conveyor belt, you're done. You can't get off. It
takes a real gumption to get off. And so I decided I would never step onto it. So
I simply didn't take my kids to the pediatrician. It just wasn't going to happen.
And so when my kids got chickenpox, I let them have it. In fact, I celebrated. I
think chickenpox is an important disease that children should have. And
unfortunately they never got measles. I wish they had gotten measles.

Dr. Zielinski: Unfortunately. [chuckles]

Joette: Yeah! We need those childhood diseases in order to build our

immunity. That's part of their education. Education is not just in schools. In
fact, the best education is outside of schools, in many instances. So we have
to educate that immune system and allow them to get sick. Obviously, we
don't want them to get serious leukemia or something. We’re talking about
normal childhood diseases.

So I was happy when they got the colds and they got really good high fevers. I
treated it homeopathically. I had my books. I studied. I took it seriously. And,
as you and I spoke earlier, Eric, I saw it as my duty, just like making the
meals for my kids, just like making the beds in the morning, just like cleaning
the house. This was my duty as a mother. I was supposed to take care of
them. I just took it a further step because I stopped trusting modern medicine.

Dr. Zielinski: And, Joette, you've told me that GI conditions was something
that you had overcome and it was something that a few of your family
members had suffered from. Yet you never used a doctor to help you. And
there are very few mothers who would do this, I would think, today who would
not go to the doctor, who would try this holistically, naturally. So how did you
do this? And do you think other moms can do this, too?

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Joette: Well, that me just say this that there is a doctor William Osler, who
was one of the founders of Johns Hopkins. He said, “The person who takes
medicines must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the
medicine.” That's profound. If you hold that thought… This was a guy who
really understood medicine. He started one of the largest allopathic
organizations in the country.

And if you hold that thought in mind, then there is no pulling you towards
giving your child an antibiotic or a Tylenol when there's a fever because you'll
say to yourself, “Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. A fever, is a fever
dangerous? No. A fever is not dangerous.”

A fever is curative. We want fevers. If the child has a headache, that's just
something to tell you that you need to do something, that to change what's
going on in that child's system. You don't give a pain reliever. You're just
covering it up. You’re withdrawing from your savings account, so to speak,
from your health savings account.

But, yes, I believe anybody can do this. If I can do it, anyone can do it. You
just have to have guts, spunk, and moxie. That's the way I see it. You've got to
have some guts. And no one ever said being a mother or a parent was easy.
And if you're not up for it, maybe find a career or something because it really
does take a lot of guts. And you’d better be like a mother lioness in protecting
them. And it's not just from television and computers, although that's
important, too. We really have to protect them from drugs.

So, listen, I'm in my 60s. I don't know how long I'll be practicing homeopathy.
But before my time is up, I want to get homeopathy into the hands of families
where healing truly belongs. The pharmaceutical industry has no interest in
this method because it's not a moneymaker, this homeopathy. You can't
patent a homeopathic medicine. I think people ought to know that.

But if I teach this on a grassroots level, if I teach it to women, because women

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talk. They share. Men do, too. But women are known for their loquaciousness.
Excuse me, here I go talking about it! [Laughs] I can get the message out then.
And this is a fundamental part of what I believe will protect the family. And if
you protect the family, you protect society.

Dr. Zielinski: Amen.

Joette: Yeah, it's very important. You just have to have pigheaded

So I forgot your question! [Laughs]

Dr. Zielinski: No, no. That's awesome. Keep on going. Talk about moms at
grandma's here. You're going on this path. How do you get moms and
grandmas the skills to do these things?

Joette: Well, I publish this blog. It's free. I tell people, “Use it.” I've been
authoring this blog for nearly 9 years. And I've been writing every week. And
sometimes twice a week I put out podcasts, too, whenever I can. And I have a
little search bar there. So if your child has an ear infection, you just put in
“otitis media” or “ear infection.”

And I will say that you’ve got to come up with those synonyms sometimes. But
you put in ear infection, and there it is. There's all the information. It's
perfectly free. Here's the remedy. Here's where you buy it. You click on it. It
can take you to someplace on the Internet, wherever you can find it. Or, better
yet, if you've got your own homeopathy kit at home with the top most common
100 remedies, that's good to have. Or you go to Whole Foods or Walmart. And
you go pick up the remedy. And you administer it to your child.

And I give the information on not only how to do it or what to use, but how to
use it: how often, what to expect, how soon. And I'm not saying you never go
to the pediatrician. I would never say that. It all depends on your guts, spunk,

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and moxie, to be honest. And what stands behind that audacity that mothers
should have should be knowledge. You've got to have some knowledge.

So my story is no different than others. As I said, I was sick for a long time.
But I started a long time ago. I was six weeks old when I was stricken with
severe eczema. And it followed a vaccine by a round of antibiotics. So I got a
vaccine when I was six weeks old. And then I got… I don't know if it was a
strep infection or an ear infection or something like that.

And my parents, of course, took me back to the pediatrician, got my first

round of antibiotics. And then I got eczema. And it lasted for 13 years, 14
years. And it was severe eczema. I didn't have little bits here and there. I was
blanketed in it. It was from head to foot. And what I ate made a difference as
to the degree of suffering I endured. So food had something to do with this on
some level.

Dr. Zielinski: And just from what we've known and what we've seen in the
research, they gut and how the gut plays in the food allergies and how the gut
plays into assimilating all the food and how it manifests, there's a lot that we
could talk about.

One thing that really intrigues me, Joette, is that you've worked with nearly
47,000 homeopathic cases. And you've talked a lot about India. So go on a
little bit about the method, the system that you are familiar with and really
how this relates to gut healthcare.

Joette: Sure. Well, some of your listeners may know about classical
homeopathy. And classical means that you do enormous amount of study,
years and years and years of study. And then you have to come up with a
remedy that is for the entire person. And it can be very effective. But it's hard
to get to that point. And it's not cost efficient.

So I knew that there was a better way. And I had done all that. I am a classical

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homeopath. I studied for many years in Toronto and New York, seven years of
homeopathic education, plus what I did at home with my children before all of
that. But I needed to find some protocols, something that was simple, really
easy and fast.

And I had kind of come up with some of my own. And some of my colleagues
shared tears when we went to classes in Toronto and New York. And I spent a
lot of time trying to gather as many of these protocols, meeting a specific
remedy for a specific condition, rather than five remedies that you have to
then decipher between in order to determine which remedy is best chosen for
this condition.

So I gathered as many as I could. But I knew—I’ve always known in my heart

of hearts—that the place to really glean as much information as possible in
homeopathy was in India. And the reason is because they have a booming
population. They have for centuries. And homeopathy has been alive and well
in that country for as long as it has in the United States, except that in United
States, it died in the 40s because of a marketing scheme that the AMA put
together to create its demise. And that never happened in India, and in
Europe, as well.

But in India, the population is so great that the doctors can't see only 10
patients in a day. They see 50, 80, 100 patients in a day. So because of the
sheer numbers, it has created a database that is stunning. It's a voluminous.
So I went to India. And I have a fellowship there was some doctors there who
have been practicing for their entire lives. They're all MDs. And their father
and grandfather and great, great uncle has followed this legacy. So they all
were seeing 100 patients per day over the last 150 years.

Well, that kind of data is irrefutable. So when I go there in my fellowship, I

basically spend all my time observing and recording. And as of today, I've
recorded and observed 6,285 cases. So I add that to what I've seen. And I've
seen a lot of cases. But that was only over a period of a month and a half each

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time I've gone.

So what I do is I get this information. And they have gut problems just like we
have. They have allergies just like us, food intolerances, anxiety, the same
kinds of things that present as a result of gut issues. They eat a lot of
carbohydrates. I go to Calcutta. They eat a lot of flour. And their food is
fresher than ours. They don't have the fast foods as readily available. So most
people make their food fresh on a day-to-day basis. But they still do eat a lot
of gluten.

So I've gotten the information from them and gleaned not only what they use
in India, but what I've been using for myself and family for gut issues and my
personal experience in my own health, and then my cases and clients and
students. And I've come up with what I consider pretty slam dunk protocols
that are specific for food intolerances, dairy intolerance, that presents not
necessarily in that gut.

It can present with eczema, for example, a perfect example of it. It can present
in anxiety, sleeplessness, behavioral problems in children. It can present in
joint problems in adults and children. I've had people bring me their children
who have arthritis because they're eating certain foods.

And my idea here is that I don't want people to abstain from these foods. They
may have to in the beginning, of course. But I don't want them to abstain. I
want everyone to be able to eat at McDonald's. Now, I know you think that's
crazy. I'm sure a lot of the people listening think I'm nuts. But I'm not saying
that we should eat at McDonald's. I want you to be able to eat at McDonald's.

Dr. Zielinski: Yes, amen.

Joette: So because of my nutritional concerns and interests in Western Price

Foundation, et cetera, et cetera. I've been involved in the farm-to-table
movement for 35 years. I promoted Amish farmers in my region of Western

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New York for almost that long. And I've worked with grocery stores in my area
to encourage them to bring in organic foods, but not the mixed organic stuff. I
mean the real thing: biodynamic, et cetera.

So I've been involved in this movement for a long time. So I don't say that
lightly when I say I want everyone to be able to eat at McDonald's. I want you
to be able to live a life where you can eat grains, you can eat dairy. But it may
have to be in certain circumstances slow until the homeopathic medicines
begin acting. Once they begin acting, now you can start adding in.

I work with a lot of people who are on GAPS Diets. And I think GAPS Diet can
be a very good thing for many folks. And in certain circumstances, it's actually
curative. But I get the people who are not cured by GAPS. Otherwise they
wouldn't be calling me.

Dr. Zielinski: Sure.

Joette: So they contact me and say, "I've got four children. And three of them
are on GAPS. And I'm becoming neurotic,” which is, of course, understandable
because it's a very stringent diet. “And we've been on this GAPS thing for two
years. We're not off of level two, for crying out loud. What do we do?"

Well, I believe it's not just the food, although food is important. I can't
emphasize that enough. But food is often not the problem. You see, when I
was an infant, it wasn't food that caused that. It was the vaccine and the
antibiotic that caused it. It changed my factory. It changed my mechanism in
my gut, that then when I had started to drink milk and be given foods that
were on the table, I couldn't digest them properly because something had
malfunctioned as a result of—and I'll go right back to where we started in the
beginning—the drugs that pediatricians give out.

So we have to stop this, again, conveyor belt. Now, my parents had no idea
that that's what caused it. They figured, "Well, she was only six weeks old, for

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goodness sakes. It must have been inherited." And certainly inheritance does
matter. There's no doubt inheritance matters. If you look at the kids who are
having gut problems, if you look at the parents and they likely had got
problems, too. But now you give all these procedures and drugs to a child for
an ear infection, strep throat, a tonsil, a this, a that, and lo and behold you've
got a long-term chronic problems.

So I see this as twofold. Number one, you have to learn how to treat these low-
level acute diseases, such as ear infections and conjunctivitis and strep throat
on your own instead of relying on antibiotics. That will protect from the long-
term chronic gut problems. But once you already have the gut problem… And
I've got to say, this was so brilliant of you to do this summit because everyone
has a gut problem now. I don't know anyone who doesn't.

Dr. Zielinski: Yeah, it's epidemic.

Joette: It is. Now, a lot of people say, "Well, I don't have a gut problem
anymore.” And I say, "Really, that's great. So what do you eat?" And they say,
"Well, I don't eat dairy. And I don't eat wheat. And I stay away from…” Well,
that’s a gut problem. I'm sorry. You should be able to eat those foods. If you
are of European descent, they ate milk products for thousands of years. Now,
maybe I've got that number wrong. Maybe it's not thousands, but a long time.

Dr. Zielinski: Sure.

Joette: And nobody had those problems until we got to this last century, or
very rarely did we hear about those problems. So, again, I blame the
pediatricians. I hate to say it because I know that they go into this medical
profession with a good heart often. And they're just trying to make a living.
And they're intelligent. They get through medical school. I like when they can
give us a good diagnosis. That can be very useful.

Dr. Zielinski: Yep, Yep.

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Joette: But I don't like their treatments. And I think their treatments set up
our children from long-term chronic disease.

Dr. Zielinski: You know, Joette, when I first heard you say you want to be
able to help people be able to eat McDonald's, it took a little bit for me to
digest. So what I just wanted to just spend a second here just to let you folks
know the value and the absolute wisdom in that statement is priceless.

I had a conversation with a lady yesterday. My daughter was having a

Thanksgiving feast at her school. And I made a gluten-free pumpkin pie that
was with coconut milk and coconut sugar and honey crystals. And it was

Joette: You made this, Eric? You're a good dad!

Dr. Zielinski: Oh, don't get me started! Yeah, yeah! I had a lot of fun. But I
wanted to make sure my daughter had something good.

But I talked to this lady. And she was telling me how she's gluten-free. And
she started divulging her problems. And once people find out what I do and
who I am, they just basically unload their laundry on me every time. And so
there was something I noticed in her. And you use the word “neurotic." I want
to go a step further. I want to say paranoia and fear. People are absolutely

And I actually quoted you, Joette. I said, “You know, a friend of mine who is
actually a homeopathic physician, this is what she shares. You should be able
to eat…” Because here’s the thing, folks. It is inevitably impossible to continue
this life forever. If you ever go out to a restaurant, if you ever have to go to a
wedding, whatever, it makes it so inconvenient that, you know what? If you
were to have soy sauce with a little bit of gluten, you shouldn't have to break
out in hives.

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Joette: Right.

Dr. Zielinski: So the bottom line is what Joette is sharing—and I 100% believe
in—is having your body be healthy enough where we’re just not so
hypersensitive to all of these potential allergens because the reality is Jesus
ate wheat. He subsisted and subsided.

Joette: And He drank wine, absolutely.

Dr. Zielinski: And there's a reason. And it wasn't that our wheat is
necessarily different. I think Joette is hitting the nail on the head. Our gut is
different because our gut has been poisoned and damaged from birth.

Joette: That's the word. That's the word, Eric: "poisoned." A lot of times
people give me their whole timeline on what's happened in their lives and their
health. And I say, “You have antibiotic poisoning. And that's what this is."

Dr. Zielinski: Exactly. And so to kind of go back on track to what you talked
about, you, like me and most people, it sounded like your first step was to
blame the foods that you were eating with your gut issues. But you no longer
believe that today, right?

Joette: I don't believe that. I do believe that the quality of food is important.
Again, I'm going to stress that I buy my foods from Amish farmers, also
another farmer down the road. I buy free-range meats. I make everything from
scratch. But every Saturday night, my husband and I go out to dinner. Now,
we also happen to go to a restaurant that farm to table. And it's traditional
foods. And they’re fabulous. And it's a wonderful place.

But I go to other restaurants, too. I can go to a wedding now. There was a

time, Eric, when I had seven foods that I could eat. That's how serious my gut
problem became. I called it my sad little diet. So I understand the neurosis
that can come from living that kind of lifestyle. It's horrible. I don't know how

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my husband put up with it, to be honest. But apparently we had no choice at

that time.

And what turned me around with homeopathy. Finally, finally I found the
answer. I had been taking vitamins and herbs and supplements. I had been to
naturopaths. You name it. And this was a long time ago. And, as I said, I'm in
my 60s. This started when I was six weeks old, maybe eight weeks. That's
what my parents said.

Dr. Zielinski: So let's talk a little bit about how homeopathy helped you get
out of that prison. Because ultimately you’re in an emotional and mental and
physical prison with only eating seven foods here. So let's get into the nitty-
gritty here.

Joette: Okay. If you don't mind, Eric, I want to give one example. Here's an
example so that people understand what I'm talking about, that let's say a
child gets a urinary tract infection. And that's a very scary infection. We don't
want that to go to the kidneys, obviously. So I teach this specific protocol in
my class. I actually have a class that is ongoing right now, to use a remedy
called—and get your pen and paper out—cantharis 30 and metarhynum 200
instead of an antibiotic.

And not only has a stellar history uprooting urinary tract infection, it actually
leaves the person in a better state of health than they were before the problem
arose. So I'm using this as an example that this can be done for…Not the
same remedies; this is a different set of remedies for strep throat,
conjunctivitis, otitis media, hives. No matter what it is, you don't have to
resort to allopathic drugs.

So the remedy again is cantharis 30 and metarhynum 200. And I use them
twice a day. If the urinary tract infection is even more severe than that, then
we might use it three or four times, especially the cantharis, we might use
three times in a day. Metarhynum we stay with twice a day.

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So this is what I teach in my courses. And I want people to understand that

I'm not just saying that you can do this and then leaving you with nothing. I
wanted to leave that example. Now, let's get to what you were talking about
and how we can address it from a real specific gut point of view.

So there are etiologies where we know that there's a cause. And we want to
always get to the cause of the condition. So for a urinary tract infection, we
know what the cause is. Generally speaking it's because there’s some bacteria.
And a lot of time we get these tests back from the doctor. And it says it's strep.
"My child has strep urinary tract infection!” And it sounds so horrible. But it’s
still urinary tract infection, regardless of what the bacteria is called.

So one of the ways that I like to teach this is that we go to the depth and
breadth of the problem. And I often open a case with a remedy called
camphora, which is camphor. But it's homeopathic. And so we use it in a
200c, camphor or camphora 200c. We use one dose one day.

Now, I learned this protocol, using the specific remedy at the opening of every
case, from the Doctors Banerji in India. So what it does is it clears the slate
somewhat. So if a person has had antibiotics and they have some antibiotic
poisoning as a result of it, camphora 200—one dose, one day—often clears the
slate. And a lot of times people report to me from just taking that remedy
alone, they feel better. Their energy comes back because they’ve been so
bogged down with the medications that it kind of lilts their life a little bit.

So I teach this course. I have a Good Gut, Bad Gut course. And I’ll give some
information on that later, if you'd like. But it's a course in which I offer all of
this information on how to deal with the gut, how to treat the gut as the
etiology, as the cause of the disease, whether it's foggy brain or ADD or
whatever it might be. You have to get to the bottom of it.

So I want to give another remedy. After the camphora is used for one dose one
day you stop. Just stop. You don't keep taking that remedy. It’s one dose, one

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day. The following day, we lose another remedy. For example, aethusa 200.
And that is a very specific remedy when we know someone has an intolerance
to dairy, all dairy, any dairy. And it could be that the person has not had dairy
in five years. It matters not. They still have the intolerance or they wouldn't be
abstaining from it.

And even if they don't abstain completely—they have dairy from time to time—
it causes a sniffly nose or it causes a little bloating or constipation. Or let's get
out of the gut area. It causes some eczema. It causes urinary tract infection to
present. It causes ADD or foggy brain. Aethusa is often the remedy. It's not

Actually, I'll tell you how often it is. Generally speaking, when we use these
remedies, they work on 80% to 85% of the population. How do we know that?
Well, because of the data I referred to earlier in our discussion that has been
gleaned and has been gathered for the last 150 years from these wonderful
doctors that I have my fellowship with. They can show that in 80% to 85% of
the population, this remedy acts. It's amazing.

Now, let's say you happen to fall into that 15% to 20% of the population. No
problem. There's a secondary protocol that can be used. Now, I'm not going to
go into the secondaries because although most people think they fall into the
weird, strange percentages, they actually usually don't because 80% to 85% is
actually a very, very high number.

So remember aethusa for dairy intolerance, regardless of the age. People often
say, "Well, what about if it's a baby? What about if it's a 90-year-old? What if
I'm pregnant?" It matters not. Aethusa 200, that's the remedy. And it works.
But you have to give it months to act. It's not going to do it overnight.
Remember, this is medicine to correct a long-standing problem. So it's going to
take quite a while. It's going to take many months.

And what I tell people to do—and this is what I teach in this Good Gut, Bad

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Gut course—is you have to look at three criteria. I called them actually three
markers, three magic markers. The first marker is after taking aethusa, for
example, for two months, we want to see that there's less intense symptoms,
regardless of what symptom it is that we are measuring. All the symptoms, we
want to know that there's less intensity.

So I always offer a numerical number. Start from the beginning. How serious
is this milk intolerance? How sick are you on a scale of 1 to 10? And they say,
"Well, I'm about an 8.” Okay. Now we compare that months from now. “Now
tell me what it feels like. How intense is the symptom?" “Well, it's a six." Whoa,
we've just to gain 20% in wellness.

Okay, now, the second marker is how long does it last when you get that
symptom? How long does it last? Is it all day long that you have this bloating
and foggy brain? “Yeah, it was all day long. Now it lasts from the time I get up
to in the morning till just after lunch." Whoa. Great. We’re making headway.

And the third magic marker is a larger space between each episode of its
occurrence. So what used to happen daily, now we want to see it happening
perhaps every other day, twice a week, now not at all for the last two weeks. If
we can see that there is a shift in any one of those markers, two of those
markers, and better yet all three of those markers, aethusa was the correct
remedy. And we move on. And the person continues taking it until it is
completely uprooted. It could take six months. It could take a year. Who
cares? Better to be better in a year than to be the same in a year.

Dr. Zielinski: Wow, that's brilliant. And, folks, a key takeaway I what you to
get from this is it is very easy to forget. And one thing I have found, especially
working with chiropractic patients, is they come in. They can't move their
neck. They’re a 10 out of 10 pain. They’re about to go to the hospital. You take
care of them.

And after a few weeks, they're down to a 2 out of 10 pain, 10 being the worst

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pain imaginable, 0 being no pain. And then they’re like, “Okay, I'm better now.
I'm never going to come back." And then I say, "Well, don't remember three
weeks ago when you could barely…? Let's continue care here. Let's continue
working on this." It's so easy to forget.

So I like what Joette is sharing here. And I'm going to encourage you all to
consider doing a health diary, so to speak. We need to track. And this is
something that really will help people take their health into their own hands
better because that's what doctors do. Doctors have a chart. And like Joette is
sharing, to be the mama healer of your home, start monitoring. And, if not, I
would even encourage you to have your own health chart for you and your
family. And why not?

Joette: I agree. I totally agree. When I teach these courses, I talk to a lot of
moms who say, "Well, I got a book for my child.” No, no, no. Don't get a book
because when you're in a motel room on vacation and your child gets that
bloating and gut issue, you don't have the book with you. Or it happens at a
time when you're too busy.

No, no, no. Write it down on a sheet of paper. Write down what happened, the
date, and the degree, those three magic markers. Write them down and give a
numerical value to it. Now when you go home if you use the homeopathic
medicine, you write down the remedy that you used. And now you throw it in
a file.

Your boys get blue files. Your girls get pink files. Your husband gets a green
file. You get a pink and green file. And then you can grab it out of your file.
Books do not do it. It's not the same. And you have to have the date and what
you did about it and the degree to the suffering.

Then when your child, your husband, your sister-in-law feels better, whoever
it is you’re working with, then you go back to that sheet of paper, whether it’s
written on a napkin from a restaurant or whatever it is, you're just going to

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throw it inside. But you write what you did that acted so that the next time it
happens for that person, you open up their blue file, and there it is right

“Wow, honey, you had this two years ago. Remember when we were in thus
and so? We were in Vermont skiing. Here it is. We used lyco ars, and it was
over with. Look at that. And it's all done." And so now you can use the same
remedy again. And usually when it comes back again—and sometimes these
things can come back again—it’s usually at a much lesser degree instead of an
allopathic medicine, it's at a worse degree.

Dr. Zielinski: And that would help encourage you, folks, too, because if you
recognize that it does come back but it's only, let's say, a 2 out of 10 versus
the initial time when it was 8 out of 10, you could look and say, "You know
what? This is an improvement.” So you don't lose hope. And that's one thing
I've noticed time and time again when people have recurring issues is that,
"Oh, I'm sick again." And then they fall into depression.

And these are things we don't talk a lot, about what that can do to get health
and what that can do to overall systemic health. That's a key factor is we need
to maintain. Let's put our faith in hope here. We oftentimes put our faith in
fear. Then we put our faith in depression. And we put our faith in, "Oh, woe is
me." But let's start putting our faith in, "You know what? It's going to get
better. And, look, I already have improved."

Now, Joette, I want to thank you for something. I want to thank you for
putting together this super easy info graphic with all of these protocols that
everyone listening can get. Now, how can they get it, this info graphic?

Joette: Well, all they have to do is go to my website

Even if you misspell my name, it'll take you right there. And it'll be right there
on the front page. You just click on it. And you can download it. And it's a
little info graphic so that some of the remedies that I mentioned now and if we

©2016 Axe Wellness, LLC. All rights reserved. 22


still have time, I'll mention a few more.

And it tells you what they are, what potencies they are, and what they relate
to, what conditions of the body. You just download it. And stick it up on your
refrigerator. It’s not all of the remedies. I gave just a little smattering so that
you can get a taste of it, so to speak. And then you move on. If you decide you
want to go further, should you be interested, then you get more involved. But
at least it's a good place to start.

Dr. Zielinski: That’s awesome. So we've already talked about aethusa. To

wrap up, if you could just share the next two or three most important ones for
gut health.

Joette: Okay. All right. I'll try to get through it really quickly because I know
we've really gone on and on about theory and our ideas. So when there's
bloating, when there's gastrointestinal bloating, regardless of the cause,
whether it's from food intolerance or just from eating in general, the remedy is
lycopodium 200 mixed with arsenicum album 3.

This is a Banerji protocol that I got from the wonderful doctors. They mix them
together. Lycopodium, it's actually on the chart. If you decide to go to that, it
will be written right there. Lycopodium mixed with arsenicum 3. And this is
one of the best protocols I've never found for bloating. It's not, again, hundred
percent. But it's really a fabulous one.

And let me give you another one. When there is acidity and indigestion, my
first choice—and I have a couple others, too, that I love, as well—but my first
choice is nat phos 6x or 3x. And my father for years used to buy Tums by the
big gallon container. I don't know if you've ever seen those things. He used to
live on them until I learned homeopathy some 28 years ago.

And I said, "Dad, start using nat phos.” So in place of that, he kept a nat phos
6x in his pocket. And these you can find at Walmart, by the way. And he kept

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it in his pocket. And he started using them. And then he started not needing
them at all. It just simply corrected it.

Now, there's another remedy that I love. It's my second choice for indigestion
when it's a little bit more severe. And it's iris ver 30. And that's, too, will
correct it. If it is the correct remedy for this situation—because I don't know
what everybody's situation is—but generally speaking, for indigestion it does
great work.

And then there's my favorite. You got me thinking about when you brought
the pumpkin dessert to school for your daughter, at schools, for some reason
a lot of them feel as though they have to give candy out with Halloween and
Thanksgiving and Christmas and then New Year's. And then there's Easter.
And then there's always all the birthday parties. Everybody's bringing
cupcakes with orange sprinkles.

And I, at one time, counted how many times. I had one child who went to
grammar school for a while we ended up homeschooling later on in life. But I
counted how many times he got a dessert. And it was every day. By the time to
counted up all of the special events and the cast party and the birthdays and
then, of course, the half birthdays because then they had the kids in the

Dr. Zielinski: Seriously, I know!

Joette: And you put that all together, they had candy or desserts every single
day that he was in school. So it drove me nuts. And my son did not suffer
from it thankfully. But I know a lot of kids who did.

So the first thing that I use as a homeopathic medicine for when your child
has overindulged, like having spent the night at a friends house or a
Halloween party or too much cake at a birthday party or pop or those kinds of
things, is nux vomica 30.

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Now, this is not just for children who have overindulged and have
stomachaches or are irritable the next day or can't sleep that night. It's great
for adults after New Year's Eve, overindulgence in alcohol. So overindulgence
in anything that we shouldn't have an awful lot of. So it's also for someone
who’s just had surgery and their vomiting from all the anesthetics and all the
drugs that have been given and the pain relievers and the this and the that.
And they’re vomiting or they’re nauseous or they feel queasy. Nux vomica 30.

These remedies are amazing. And you'll see, if you start using them—and
those who are listening—that you'll get hooked on it because you can't get
hooked on it. You get hooked on the idea, but certainly not on the medicines.
So I love that one. And you and I talked before about how it drives you crazy,
your kids being given stuff that you really are not very happy about. And
there’s a remedy: nux vomica 30. It's a beauty.

Dr. Zielinski: Now, for these approaches, is there a limit that someone can
take? Is there overdosing? Can you get too much? Is there resistance?

Joette: Yeah, good question. Very good question. When it comes to something
like an acute, such as your child getting an awful lot of desserts and stuff, you
take it until the child is better. And usually it's within a couple of doses,
sometimes only one dose, two doses perhaps. You use it every three or six
hours, depending on the severity of it. If it's not so severe, then maybe only
twice a day.

By the second day, the person is much better. The irritability, which I see all
the time and kids when they've had too many sweets, that nux vomica can
often bring that down several notches. And then you stop. Don't give it just
because. As I said earlier, these are not supplements. They're not vitamins.
This is medicine. And if it's not needed because the action has been corrected
by the remedy, you stop.

Because if you take homeopathic medicine and it's unnecessary, you can

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cause with the medicine what intended to alleviate. So, in other words, if you
have two children, one of them went to a Halloween party and ate a ton of
stuff and the other one stayed at home, and you inadvertently gave them both
the same remedy, the one who was at the party and is irritable and
stomachaches and constipation and sleeplessness, you give him nux vomica,
and you'll see a nice change in that child.

But if you give the child who was at home and didn't have any of that nux
vomica, you can cause that to happen if you’ve given it enough times. It's not
going to happen on one dose or two doses. But certainly if you consist on
giving it does after dose a few days in a row. It's an interesting concept.

Dr. Zielinski: It is. I've never heard that before. I've never heard of that. So,
Joette, as we wrap up, you have a really brilliant approach, what you call your
four aphorisms, that can really help folks. If you can end with that, I think
that would be a great way in parting.

Joette: Sure, yeah. So before even considering taking or giving a job, look up
its side effects online. Very, very important. And I don't mean of the official
drug company’s sites. I mean the chat rooms. And don't look up side effects of
that drug. You can do that, certainly. But look of the side effect or the disease
that seems to have come around that time or might come around that time of
having given that drug or you've seen it happen in the past.

So you might say, “hives from penicillin.” Just look it up that way. And you
will find that more often than not, the side effects of the drug have caused the
new disease or could potentially cause a new disease.

The second aphorism is put together a timeline or a history of your or your

family's illness, your child or your husband or whomever, your dog, whomever
you take care of, but most importantly what the treatment was for that illness
because this will give you the great information as to what has happened.

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Sometimes we need to be convinced in order to hold to our convictions in the

future. If you can say, "My goodness, ever since she was six weeks old, she's
had eczema. And what happened at six weeks? Well, she got a vaccine and an
antibiotic. She didn't have that up until that time. That pediatric appointment
was what stimulated the disease." That's very important information.

And then the third aphorism is remember that they gut is a delicate balance of
microorganisms. We have a hundred trillion plus microorganisms in the
human body. And only 10% are human. So that means that if all the rest are
foreign microorganisms—yeasts and bacteria and viruses, etcetera, etcetera—
and you use a drug to kill those, you're changing the entire architecture of the
gut, of the whole human. So it’s because it has to be protected, especially from
antibiotics and other invasive drugs. And I might add such as steroids and
birth control pills.

And the fourth aphorism is stay away from drugs if at all possible. And the
way to do this is to have your strategy in place before your family gets sick.
And the only way to do this is to have another medicine in place you can fall
back on. And I believe that’s homeopathy. It doesn't mean we can't use
essential oils. It doesn't mean we can't use herbs.

And certainly everyone, by the way, not just because you're a chiropractor,
Eric, everyone needs a chiropractor because they touch, they palpate, they
pick up on things and nuances. Instead of falling back on test after test after
test, they really get what the human body is supposed to be doing.

So this is important prep work. Otherwise you'll be tempted to just get the
drug because you didn't know what else to do. I said earlier, this is the main
reason I hear from folks. So let me also say that fever, again, is very important
in children. So we need to leave it alone and just make sure the child is

And the fifth, I forgot I had a fifth one…

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Dr. Zielinski: Oh, cool. An extra bonus.

Joette: Yeah, keep your food choices pure. And know that not every illnesses
cured by high-quality diets. Many of them can be. But that's not often what I
see. I see the people who suffer in spite of their perfect diet. And many ills
must be treated with the medicine you won't hope you would have been
getting in the first place. And, again, I believe that's homeopathy.

Dr. Zielinski: Joette, I love you. I really appreciate you. I love your work. I love
your passion. I love the fact that I don't ever see you retiring. You're not
someone that's just going to stop at whatever age and just go on into the
sunset. You’re burdened with a purpose to help people. And I can even see it's
not really work for you. It's your calling.

Joette: Oh, I love it. It's my passion. That's right. You're absolutely right.

Dr. Zielinski: You do what you love. You love what you do. And so I love how
you end a lot of your interviews. And I just wanted to ask you if you could give
anyone any parting words, parting words of hope or encouragement, or just a
challenge, a punch in the arm maybe. What have you got for us?

Joette: Okay. I have one word. My parting word is "no." Just say no. It's the
most powerful word in a woman's or a person's vocabulary. You can always
say yes later. But start out with no first.

I grew up as a Roman Catholic. And my parents taught me always say no first,

especially when I was getting to adolescence. No! But in this case, “No thanks,
Doc. I need to give this some thought." Then you go home and look up the side
effects to establish your resolve, followed by the homeopathic medicine to
uproot the problem without the drug.

“No, not today, talk. I need to discuss this with my husband." When it comes
to behavior and dealing with the help of my family, my general rule is don't be

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a good girl. Be a good mother. Be prepared to fight to the finish for your
family. And don't be a compliant patient. Be a force. Don't accept mediocre
food. Don’t accept a mediocre life. Don't accept mediocre medicine. Step
outside of the box. In fact, don’t just step out of that box. Gain enough
knowledge so that you can kick that box away.

Dr. Zielinski: That's awesome. Amen and amen.

Joette: Amen to you, too, Eric. It's great getting to know you and being a part
of your sessions. I'm loving it.

Dr. Zielinski: Well, thanks again, Joette, for your time. And we have to
definitely schedule a part two for something else and just continue this

And, folks, thank you again for attending the Heal Your Gut Summit. As we
have seen through research, literally 70% to 80% of our immune system exists
in the gut. And utilizing natural remedies like homeopathy is absolutely
critical to living healthy, strong, and preventing disease.

So take this information home with you by clicking on the banner beside or
below. Share it with your loved ones. And don’t forget, visit Joette at her
website at As always, this is your host, Dr. Eric
Zielinski. And I hope and pray that you and your family live the abundant life.
Bye bye.

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