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People say that money is not important for happiness, but I believe money can buy you things

like trips abroad and other things that will make you happy. Also, those who say that money is
not important are in fact consoling themselves for their inability to earn more. Concepts such as
job satisfaction are pointless, because if you earn enough doing something that you don’t like to
do, you can retire early and enjoy your post-retirement life with that money. Therefore, money is
very important for happiness in life.

a. What is/are the main arguments made by the author?

b. Do you agree with those arguments? Justify your opinions.

The youth today do not go for high paying jobs and instead opt to become entrepreneurs. Discuss
what is different in them, why they do so and what can we learn from them.

Social media has helped in making our world more democratic. It helps politicians reach out to
the people. Even people looking to gain traction in politics can share their views and build up
popularity helping them enter the political circle. Social media also helps to reach out to people
to gather funds. Forums like Facebook and WhatsApp helps people communicate between
themselves. Hence, social media can only lead to a harmonious future.

a. What are the claims made here?

b. What is the reasoning provided here?
c. Is the reasoning strong or weak? Give reasons.

Students Autonomy: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Student-centered vs. Teacher-centered Approach.

Discuss the pros and cons of E-learning with facts and examples.

Discuss ways to establish a balance between life and work.

In a company A, a woman is facing some problem as she is the only working member in her
home. She takes frequent leaves and is quite insincere in her work. She is not able to deliver
quality in her work. Her husband is idle and does not support her and asks her to continue her
job. She does kitchen work, takes care of her kids and also works in the office. You are the
manager of this company, so how will you solve her problem. 

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