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2011-2012   Young Journalist Koran Rakyat Sumbar Utara  
Subdivision : education and teenagers  
Perumahaan Permata Puri
Laguna Blok A4 No 3 2015   Assistance Lecturer Faculty of Law Sebelas Maret University  
Mekarsari, Depok, West Java.  
2015   Legal Officer Intern PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk  

+6282170370065 2016-2017   Legal Corporate PT Maxxis International

As the only legal corporate for new foreign capital company. My work includes handling and responsible for all task relating with
general corporate,permit,drafting-review-negotiation contract, legal
opinion, legal advice, labor law, Investment report to BKPM, UKL-
UPL report to BLH and legal consultant for healthy safety and
PROFILE environment.  
2017   PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk
I was born on July 1st,
1993 (24 years old). - Legal Corporate Permata Karya Jasa (PGN PERKASA)
Bachelor of law graduated from Sebelas  
- Contract Specialist Gagas Energi Indonesia (PGN GAGAS)  
Maret University Surakarta. Active internal
and external organization and in some O R G A N I Z AT I O N E X P E R I E N C E
organization successfully being a leader
and handle important task, meanwhile had 2011 - 2012   President of Majalah Kreatifitas Siswa, Senior High School 3
competed in several national law Bukittinggi  
2011 - 2012   Ambassador of Singapore Indonesia Friendship Adventure Camp,
Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia  
Final Assignment : Implication of
Constitutional Court Verdict Number 149/ 2012-2013   Member of Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM), Faculty of Law
PUU-VII/2009 on Electrification to The Sebelas Maret  
Segregation Policy (Unbundling) of PT 2012-2015    
Head of Discussion Division Kelompok Studi dan Penelitian
Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk in Principium, Faculty of Law Sebelas Maret  
Order to Achieve The Fulfillment of Social 2015-2016   Vice President/Director of Capital Market Community, Faculty of Law
Welfare. Sebelas Maret University and Indonesia Stock Exchange  
  Member of Clinic Law and Ethics Training Judicial Commission
SOCIAL MEDIA 2015-2016
Republic of Indonesia  
Assembly Consideration of Kelompok Studi dan Penelitian
Principium, Faculty of Law Sebelas Maret  
Sonia Noeravita
LAW RESEARCH AND WRITING •  Anti Corruption Education as an Effort to Reduce Criminal Corruption for
scientific writing competition, KSP Principium Competition 2011  
•  Legal Drafting of Criminal Justice of Human Rights for Legislative Drafting
Competition, Diponegoro Law Fair 2013  
•  Amendment of Constitutional Republic of Indonesia 1945 for Constitutional
Drafting Competition, Padjajaran Law Fair 2014  
•  Integrated Marketing Office (IMO) : Strategic Business for Micro , Small and
@sonianoeravita Medium Enterprise in Facing Asean Economic Community (AEC) 2015 for
scientific writing competition , Soedirman Law Fair 2014
•  Optimalization The Role of Badan Usaha Desa (BUMDES) through
“Lumbung Desa” as Food Resilience for scintific writing comeptition, Scepta
sonianoeravita Muhammadiyah Malang 2015
•  Commentary of Jurimetric on Verdic : A Manifestation of Sovereignty
Environment in Case of Illegal Logging for scientific writing competition ,
Kertas Hasanudin 2015  

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