BD1 00 I S 0010 - 0 Fiscal Gas Metering

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IEN DONG PETROLEUM OPERATING COMPANY —— BIEN DONG 1 PROJECT tem in pe eat DOC. NO, — ~ = ‘OFFSHORE FACILITIES Page tof 74 1-00-45-0010 SPECIFICATION GAS FISCAL METERING SYSTEM © | 17Sept70 | Approved tor Use aru | Rev wg hy eel 7 ‘rapr10_ | ~ Approved or Design (AFD) | RPK 8 @_| Feb 0 | Rerewved for Approval REA) | APY |W ca CL Tiana | sawed foranproval Fay | RY | WS ca Bi | T3Nevoe | sued forReview (FR) | APY | WS 7 [a tanec Teed for mv) ws 1 ev | _ Date Description 1ecka_| WP Appa | BD POCAne'a 4 Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: B1-00+-5-0010 7-Sept-2010, ITRODUCTION 11 Project Description 1.2 Purpoce 1.3 Acronyms ae Asbreviations 44 Definitions 15 Order of Precedence [APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANOARDS 2.1 Project Documents and Speciiatons 2.2. International Codes and Standards 2.3. Applicable Vetnam Standareés 2.4 Wieiamese Laws and Repuations (GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.4 VENDOR Scope and Responsibly 3.2 vENOORHAZOP 3.2 VENDOR Technical Asstance 34 VENDOR'S Exceptions 35 Operation and Design Lite 3.6 Location and Environmental Conditions 3.7 Hazardous rea Classification 3.8 Environmental Protection 3.9 Welt Contr 30. Transportation 3.11 COMPANY Supplies 2.12 Unite of Neaurements ‘TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 44 General 42 Project Speci Requrement 43 FS Skid Instrumentation 44 Fiscal Metering Panet Date Page 20174 Rev 10 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS “Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Date 7-Sept-2010, Page orm Rev Document No: 100--5-0010 10. " 2 45 Buy Back as 48 Mechanical-Pping 47 Strcturat 48° electrical INSPECTION AND TESTING 51 Inspection 5.2 Quality Asurance: 5.3. Caliveaion, Testing and VT 54 Certificate of Acceptance PROTECTIVE COATING AND INSULATION MARKING TA Sea Nameplate 7.2 Equipment Nameplate SPECIAL TOOLS 2:1 ntllaton and Cmmisioning 82 VT Teo Panes PACKING AND SHIPPING 10.1. Preparation for Shipment 10.2. import Permits WARRANTY DOCUMENTATION AND TRAINING 2.1 Docamentation and ravings 12.2 Training and Operation ATTACHNENT 1 - Gas Export Operating Criteria and Specification ATTACHMENT 2 - Gas Fiscal Metering System Heat & Material Blance ATTACHNENT 3 - Associated Gas Fiscal Metering Stern Typical Drawings “Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System ‘Document No: 801-00-45-0010 ate 7-Sept-2010 Paae oma Rev INTRODUCTION. 1.4 Project Description Bion Dong Petroleum Operating Company is the operator of Blocks 05.2 and 05.3 approximately “Mok southeast of Vang Ta, off the coast of Vietnam. “This spectcation applies to all facies and projects in these Blocks 1.2 Purpose “This Speciation covers the minimum requirements forthe design, engineering, procurement, manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, Integration, configuration, Inspection, testing, commissioning, traning and delivery of a gas fiscal metering system (FMS) consisting of 3 ‘complete FUS skid (HT-SK-2800) and a FHS panel (HT-FNC-2800) tobe installed on Production & (@aarter Platform in Hat Thach(PQP HT) Vendor shall provide the Gas FS that have a history of at least vee fled installed systems hich have been used in similar services for fv years or longer. Vendor shall ensure that all equpment and services sipped meet the requirements of this specification, the codes and stander and all other associated documents nominated herein, sinether the equipment or services are supplied by the Vendor diecty or by his Sub Vendor. AL deviations frm this specification or the documents referred to herein shall be stated In ‘writing. In the absence of sch statement, i willbe assimed thatthe requirements ofthe specication are followed without exception. Any deficlencies in ths respect that ae identified ‘uring or subsequent to fabrication shal be ecified at the Vendors cast. 1.3. Acronyms and Abbreviations ron seerican Gas Association Asc ‘Automatic Gain Contr at American Petroleum insite ase ‘American Society of Mechanical Engincers ast American Sctety of Testing and Materials arex ‘Aamospheres Explosives ans -merican Welding Society a. Barret con Candition Based Monitoring cer Central Conert Roam ea Electro Magnetic interference rar Factory Acceptance Testing Title: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: B01-00-15-0010 Date r7Sept-2010 Page Sof 74 Rev Fas Fire & Gas Systm rus scl Metering System consisting of Ska and Panels), cc Ges chromatograph rsa as Purchase and Sales Agreement He Hydrocarbon Henc He Chi in Cty a Human Hache Interface ar Hel Tach uv Independent Atr Vertcation Tests Ics Integrated Control & Safety System tec International Electrotechnical Commission eee Insitute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers 50 International Organization fr Standards ® Ingress Protection 5 ineascally Safe 8 neton Box ta ving Quarters ov otor Operated valve ews anual of Petroleum Measurement Standards ut Moc Tinh nes Nam Gon Son Ppetine om International Organization of Legal Metrology es Process Cntrl System Pop Production & Quarters Platform POPHT Hal Thach Production & Quarters Patfoem Rr Radio frequency interference sar Site Acceptance Test si Site integration Test 0s Shutdown system src Stream Flow Computer sw Signal to Noise Rolo sos Speed Of Sound s Stailes Steet “Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: B01-00:45-0010 ate 17-Sep-2010 Pose, of74 Rev supe Supervisory Computer consisting of controller and workstation/HM unm trasonc Flow Meter us Uninterruptible Power Supply vos Velocity of Sound wae Wattnead Platform WP-HTY Hal Thach 1 Wellhead Platform WHP-ATI Moc Tinh 1 Welthend Platform we WorleyParsons LTD 4.4. Definitions ‘conpany Bien Dong Joint Operating Company CONSULTANT | WorleyParsons, Kuala Lumpur contractor | TR person group, or organization responsible for the construction of platform ‘The person, group, or argnlzation who places purchase order on the purcuaser | The be ‘Independent 3. Party Certifying Authority appointed by VENDOR ‘rapa parry | approved bythe COMPANY for ceretying specie equlpment/equpment pactages fabricated at VENDOR stop. ‘Compan /PURCHASER appointed person, group organization acting in INSPECTOR behalf ofthe Company/Purchaser responsible for inspection and witness testing of equipment equipment packages at Vendors shop ‘an independant agency contacted by the COMPANY to provide Clasfication/Certieation services to Bien Dong! Field Development CERTIFYING | Project's facts from design review to construction & commnisioning ALTHORTY | tarp in accordance with CA Res & Rito, apple Coes Standards & Vietnamese Reiser (VR) Regulations. “Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System ‘Document No: 8D1-00:45-0010, ate 1 17Sept-2010 Pose. 27074 Rev 20 The person, group, or organization responsible for the desan, o manufacture, testing, and load-out shiping at the Equpment. “The person, group, or organization who may be employed by VENDOR to provide. services for the design, manufacture, testing, and load Sub-vendor | out/shipping of the equipment, or, to. provide materials, sub omponents, and subassemblies fr incorporation within. VENOOR's Scope ot sappy. A schedule of lspection and test activites Identifying the stages at Inspection and | which VENDOR, COMPANT, third parties, oF Independent inspectors are Test Plan (TP) | involved and acatonaliy ientying the Involved. specifications, acceptance eritara, and instructions that are relevant. ray Division of an installation into hazardous areas and no-hazardou areas Classification | andthe subdivision of hazardous ones Three-dimensional space in which a flammable atmosphere may be Hezardous area | expected to be present at such frequneses as to requte specs, recautlons forthe contra of potential fgnition sources ‘rea in wich an explosive gas atmosphere f not expected tobe present Nonazardous | in quantities such as to requ spela precautions fr the construction, aren instalation and use of electrical apparatus and equipment in “normal operation” May Indieates posible couse of action, ‘Sha Indicates mandatory requirement. Should Indicates preferred couse of action. wa Indicates an intention of action Independent Auditor Verification Tests (IAVT) carved out at intervals ‘agreed inthe GPSA, ver the operating period ofthe patform to wr ‘oni thatthe FHS configuration, performance, callration, total Uncertainty ete are in accordance with the GPSA. (The AVT shal be ‘ried out by an independent argalzationaporoved by the Vietnamese Standards and aaurement Dot. AS Supervisory computer consisting of PLC based or microprocessor based redundant controler, PC-based worstation and HM The dedicated ty UPM connected to dedicated duty SFC, reports Duty Meter vihich ae used for nvacig purposes. “Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System ‘Document No: 801-00:45-0010 ate + 17-Sep-2010 Page of74 Rev 10 “The dedicated Reference UFM connected toa dedicated Reference FC, Reference reports which are used for as reference curing series check of the uty Meter meter. This meter sal be used as standby meter nthe event that the ‘uty frat avaiable, 15 ‘Order of Precedence ‘he project data sheets complete with the project drawings and thls specification are considered asthe overall governing documents determining VENDOR's scope of werk and supp). Inthe event that thee are conflicts with items ef information contained within these ‘documents, the following order of precedence shall be used when interpreting the information of PURCHASER provided decurentation and references rst: Purchase Order SECOND: This specification “To: Acsociated Datasets and Drawings FOURTH: Project Decuments and Specifications Fen Referenced ces and standards ‘ay lscrepancies or conifticts arpng the documents Usted above shal be called tothe attention (of PURCHASER fr resolution with COMPANY prior to purchase, design or Fabrication. Statutory requirements of Vietnamese regulations and the Gas Purchase and Sales Agreement {GPSA) sal take precedence over the above. “Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: 801-00--8-0010 ate Page Rev APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS. 2.4. Project Documents and Specifications How ‘Psa 0%-00--F-0002 Fiscal Gas Metering Sytem Prilosophy eo.00-£5.017 Specification fr Power, lnstrument, Contra & “Telecommunicaton Cables po.00-65.0020 Specification fr Electrical Requirement for Package Equipment. 01-00-1502 Specification Instrumentation & Contos fr Package Equipment 0.00--5-008 Spectcation for Actuated Valves 01-00--0-1000 (CSS Architecture Block Diagram .01-00--0-1001 Instrument Systm interface Block Diagrams 01-00-¢-0-1000 Telecommunication Systems Architecture Block Diagram POP ATR OTT40 RID - Export Gas Fiscal Metering (2x 1008) Woe MTT-R0-3107 RID - Export Gas Launcher (HTI-L-2910) PQPsT--0-5015| Central Contre Room Equipment Layout Pop-T-P-0-2004 Equipment Layout - Mezzanine Deck | B-00-R-r-0003 Process Walving and Isolation Philosophy ‘000-87. 0004 Process Vent and Orin Philosophy ‘000. s.0001 Piping Class Speciation ‘8000-7 s-0002 Specification Piping Fabrication, Installation, Inspection and Testing ‘80-00-0002 Manual Valves Specification with Data Sheet | sor00-P.x 0002 Pring stress Analysis Design Basis 0-00-W-R-0002 “Topeldes Material Selection Report 0-00.45-0551 Specification for Protective Coatings | mooomsone Specification for Welding for Piping & Equment Bo-00-8-5-0333, Specification for Irsulaton for Equipment and Pping Bo.00.4s.0%4 Specification fr Vendor Inspection Bo.00-8-5-0335| Specification fr Vendor Orang and Documentation Specification fr Spare Parts Requirements so-00.4s-0357 Specification fr Sk Mounted Package Equipment | ao0o.nsor2e Specification for Pressure Vessels Tile: Specification fr Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: BD1-00+-S-0010 2.2. international Codes and Standards ‘The Fiscal gas metering systems design shall comply with all relevant national and international standards and codes of practice. The standards used shal be current and shall not have Been superseded ‘As 2 mininum, all eculpment supplied as part ofthis package shal be desined, manufactured and delivered in accordance withthe relevant section of the natlonal international Codes, Standards and Regulations, sisted Below, The latest editions of codes and standards, incuding fal addenda, supplements or revisions current at time of purchase order, a8 ised by the feliowing authorities shall apply: 4+ American Gas Association (AGA) + American Petcteum Institte (491) + tnterationa Electrotechnical Commision (IEC) + lnterational Standard Organization (50) Seth Standards intttion (85) les the System VENDORS responsibity to ensure he and his sub-VENOORS fly comply with all the applicable Codes, Standards and Repuations. Paticular attention is drawn tothe following standards and codes of practice: + odes OF rate Applicable Intematfonsl Codes & Standards acne Compressibity and Super-compressility for Natura Gas and other Hyarocarbon Goes AGn9 Measurement of Gas by Muitkpath Ultrasonic Meter (2007 Eaton) AcA10 ‘Speed of Sound In Natural Gas ater related Hycrocabon Gases APINPHS Chapter Fidelity and Securty of Flow Measurement Pulsed Data - Data 55 ‘Transmision Systems {ABINPWS Chapter Section 2. Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum 52 Products (1995 Eaton) seinen cect Secon Fon Merona ng etn Meter Stems APIRP 550. Part Sections 1 & 2 - Analyzers ant Process Chromatographs 1ST 1945 Standard Test Method for Analysis by Gas Chomatographs asta oai77 Standard Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum & Petroleum Progucts rex 1008 Equipment and Protective systems in potentially explosive areas cra 261 ‘Obtaining Natural Ga Samples for Analyse by Gas Chromatography vec 60079 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres vec 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures “ile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: BD1-00+-5-0010 ate age Rev ec 60801 3 Electromagnetic Commpatibity for Industral Process Measurement and Control Equipment 1503171 Petroleum Liquids - Automatic Pipeline Sampling 505168 Measurement of fu low - Procedure forthe evaluation of Uncertainties \s05178 Measurement of Fluid Flow: Estimation of Uncertainty of Ultrasonic Flow meters (2005 ation) sos ‘Gas analysis Preparation of calibration gas mixure gravimetric method |s06974- Parts 1,3 Natural gas - Detemnination of composition wth defined uncetanty es by gas cvomatowaphy 06976 Natural gas - Calaton of Calorie Value, Density & Re. Density ‘so r0715 Natural gas - Sampling guidtines ‘so 10723 Natural gas - Performance Evaluation for On-Line AnalyticlSytens 95 21180 6327 as analy. Determination ofthe water dew pol of natural gs. 2008 Cote surface condensation hygrometers 150 7006 Assessment of uncertainty inthe calibration and use of flow ‘measurement devices - Part 2: Noninear calbratan relatensips 's0 12013 Natural Gas -Caleulaton of Compeesion Factor IsorTe 12765 Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduts - Methods Using ‘Transit Time Ultrasonic Flowmeter 150 170884 Mexsurement of Fluid Flow n Closed Conduits ~ Utrasonic meters tor gas, ‘owe n137-4 Gas Meters Part 1 Apples to gas meters based on any principle, ted fo meter the quantity of gas in volume, mass or energy units ‘hat has passed Uvaugh the meter at operating cdo aan ‘Allocation Agreement Measurement Manu 2.3. plicable Vietnam Standards TCIM 6171-1996. Vietnamese Standard for Fixed Ofshoe Patorms - Regations for the Technical Supervision and Casification ‘TCYN 6767-2000 Vietnamese Standard for Fixed Ofshre Platforms Part 3 Machinery and Proces Systems 2.4. Vietnamese Laws and Regulations “The Vietnam Petroleum Law 1983, ‘The Vietnam Environmental Regations fr Ol & Gas Operations 1990 “Toe Vietnam Environmental Law 1994 ‘he Labour Law issued by National Asserbly aoe Title: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: BD1-00+-5-0010 3. at Date #17 Sept2010 Page H20f74 Rev (GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ‘VENDOR Scope and Responsibility AA Generat “This specication together with the atached appendices as well a all applicable codes, standards and regulations defines the functional requirement for the design, UFH ‘aloration, material procurement, manufacture, fabrication, supply, performance, Inspection, testing, painting, devery, shipping, handling, storage, and. stat upieommissioning/AVT assistance of a complete Gas Fical Metering System to be fretales at POP-T platform, require for BD project. ‘The VENDOR sal be stely responsible for furnishing the complete Gas Metering Skis (SK: 2800) ncudig all strumentation and canto, calibration ane sampling facies and alt accesories to ensure satisfactory operation under the service conditions described inthis speciation. Also, the VENDOR shall be solely responsible for the design and fabrication of sis. ‘Te VENOOR should draw upon his exiting, pre-engineered or proven standard designs to sstiey the funcional requirements ghven inthis specification together wlth the attached associated documents and crawing. ‘Te VENDOR shal submit fll echnical details of his metering sytem, which shall mest the requirement detailed herein. Aspects ofthe requirements, which cannot be met, shall be dentiie. Variation trom the requirement detailed herein hall be clearly explained ‘Tee VENDOR's submission shal provide suiclent data to allow the metering system to be ‘evaluated against the estimated ite-ycte cost forthe proposed metering system. In this respect, equipment captal cost, cost of spares, weight, ste, instalation, maintenance, reliability and production downtime costs shall be considered. Al required software fr the metering function, systam dlagnastis, asset management and data transmission, inlusing asociated software licenses shall be provided and all. relevant data loaded ‘VENDOR shal assume single point responsibly forall aspects ofthe work. Ths includes buts nt limited to timely completion, son withthe COMPANY or CONTRACTOR, aon with any. SUPPLIER. /sib-VENDOR of specialized items, co-ordination of the work, performance guarantee and provision of warrenty fr the system, ‘VENDOR shall supply such equipment, which has been proven to operate reliably in an ‘offshore environment. — VENDOR shall provide references along with the bid where ‘cuipment identical to that proposed here is in continuous operation in an offshore ‘environment for at east two years. No prototypes of any kind are permitted. All equipment shall be new. Reference Ust shall Mighlght the lstallations where the same model of the meters (as quoted), are use. Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering Sytem Document No: 801-00--5-0010 ‘The VENDOR shall specifically note that the final handover of the system shall be considered complete only when the SAT of the complete metering systems / skids / Instrmentation / accesories etc ae svecessuily completed and commissioned and the offehore AVT accepted ‘AL eaulpmentnstrument shall be validated and calibrated and the IAVT results as Getalied inthe IAVT procedures stall be agreed and signed by COMPANY. The sytem shall be consiered handed over after COMPANY or INSPECTOR sgn the handover cetfcate. 3.1.2 VENDOR data with big {VENDOR shall submit with his bid VENDOR data in accordance with the VORL icuding the faliowing. (Failure to comply with the requirement may result in squaifiation of the bi) (1) Propose sytem architecture and narrative (including procedure fr switching for series check, selecting standby meter and buy-back metering), (2) Caeulation procedure (block sagram and bret raratve), (3) Calealation procedure for Buy-back ss, (4) st of UP diagnostic checks and bit narrative, (8) CADrawings / dimensional deta, (6) Flow Metering Panel layout and deta, (Weigh calculations deta, (8) Meter sizing calculations using approved software, (9) Uncertainty caleuaton versus flow percentages, (10) Ust of approved soferare, (11) Reference Uist forall the items (2) Technical catalogues for instruments and all accesories incl. sample handling systems, (13) Bil of material of major components and Manufacturer, (04) Propose Sub-VENDOR tit or approval by the CONPANY, (05) Power / Instrument Air quirements, (16) Performance and Approval Certificate for UFM (type tet), (07) Functional Design Specification immediatly after contract award), (18) Detae of Catraton /Crser gs Supper (Visnam), (19) Detalis of factity (Vietnam) where Validation Toos ae calibrated, Title: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System eo) ay Details of UF Cabration Laboratory, Proposed IAVT Specialist based in Vietnam, {VENDOR shal umish wth bi, completed datasheets with deals ncuding manufacturer, model Ba3. 1 a4 ‘safety certification, material of construction, performance capabilites, et. \vew0oR’s Experience \VEWOOR shal have proven capabiity wth worldwide experience in supply and design of Export Gas Custody Metering System, especially In afshore application, "VENDOR shall supply such equipment, which has been proven to operate reliably in minim of 2 offshore facilites of similar design In terms of flowrate, fusd composition, temperature and pressure conditions [Al equipment and materials offered and supplied shall be reliable and fed ‘roven in the specied environmental and praces operating conditions Equipment and materials shall be VENDOR'S staidard product property selected and applied in compliance withthe specified conditions. "VENDOR shall have proven tack records in weléwide and Asia Paciic and after sales service support. ‘VENDOR shal provide organizations chart with key personne C¥s for sch similar scope of supply Sub- VENDORS In general sub-VENDOR materials and components shall comply with relevant standards referenced in the technical requisition of relevant international recognised standards. In some cases, a standard equipment package may utlise VENDOR'S standard sub-VENDORS so that substitution is impracticable, Details of these items shall be provided as a claifieation. Detals of proposed sub-VENDORS shal be provided in the proposal. Any changes ater Placement ofa purchase order shal be subject to writen appcoval by COMPANY. ans Scope of Supely VENDOR shal provide metering package a olows Export Gas ial Metering hi (Tg Number: HT-SK-2600) ‘Mon Export Gos FMS 2x 100% (Oaty Meter and StandbyReterence Meter) runs using Aosone V2. 16% ANSI Class 16008 RT, Duplex SS body / Titanium transducers using mutpathvranst tne type vlkasone ow meaeurment technique with overall uncertainty of /-0.6%4 o bet. Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: D1-00+-5-0010 Date 11750962010 Page H150f74 Rev 10 (One (1) spare Altosonie V12, 1% ANSI Class 1600 RT, Duplex SS boay/ Tran ransducrs UFM ev ow candione, os spare. + 2x 100% ABB TotaFiow NGC 8209) Gas Ctvamatographs completo with sampling system analyser and contol stalled in series on the common Inlet header to measure the gas companent as per the attached process dataset, An Analyzer Shelter (naturally ventilated shelter provided to house the Gas Chromatograph components shal be installed inthe ski (One (1) Amok (241 CE) HC Dewpoint analyze complet with ts associated components, diated sampler tko-f point and sampling ‘systom ow ioral altvation wee stalled atthe commen ft of the fiscal gas metering si, (One (1) Amtek (3060-0L¥) Moisture Dewpoint analyzer complet with is associsied components, ddiated sampler take-off point and samelirg _systom cw ogra calration it, et. installed at the common it of the ‘sea gs metering si (One (1) Welker Gas auto-samplng system atthe common head for ‘continous automatic ow & tne proportions sampling a constant pressure {95 sample fer natura as capabe of proving gas sample at process ine ressure ov dutystandby samping Botte, spare samping bots, ee Insalted ot the common inlet ofthe fscol gos metering shi (Ono (1) Yotogowa (EX) HART complnt Smar pressure varsmitor| Instled downateem of UFM fr each meter un mounted wil flanged integral double leck and bled valve a the process line tapping Bange ar rose to sid JB. ‘One (1) Yokogawa (EN) HART compliant Smart temperature element with hal P1100 RTD remot and Duplex SS tevmowels neta ‘founsirea of UFM fr each mele run and comely re-wted fo Skid JB, ~ Two 2) ABBWB! Prosswe Geuges wih gicerve filed, 150mm aa and stainless sto! case completly mounted witha flanged itegaldoubl block ‘and bleed vae atthe process ne tapping Range installed a the et and ‘ile! or ach maar un. + One (9) Duplex SS Thermowels wth DNSO x 15008 RTH flanged connection _rovded wih cover Nanged and plugged for Iseton of mercury thermometer forloealindeaton insted a toilet and out french moter rn, + One (1) Solarten-Mekray 7812) Denstometer rine type with sampling ‘kop prouded and completely mounted for each meter run ae presated fo ‘i 8, Two (2) 16", ANS! Class 15008 RT Rotork (20) Motor psrated valves completely mounted a ilt and out of each moar run aed pro-ared to slid ‘DB. Open/Close postion switches wired fo skid JB. Two (2) 16" ANSI Class 15009 RT! Manvel operated eatin vats “Title: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering Systom Document No: B1-004-5-0010 compete instaed att ond ute! of each meer run, provided wi oct postion indeatons wn 2x it sntehesforremets pan & cles indeatons and pro-wire to shi J. + Crossover tines complete with 216%, ANS! Class 15008RT2 Rotrk (120) MOVs, 1x check valve and pipework orientated horizontally and in same lane as the stream meters. | Restriction orifice patos preinstalled on vet lnes of ki litt are lowdown header ‘kid mount Junction Boxes (sparat for 1 and Now signals) reared or exch of signals, with ts osecate sutabe glen, earthing, and et pre-mounted and pre-wired inside the sid eorng skit eabies itorconnecte or presred rom inserts lo ‘coresponding Junction Boxes, compete wit abl trays and supports etrng eka tubing and Swagook fing pre-connectod fm process conection fo insruments, ubing tray and supers. + Metering skid complete wth al pipework, ts associated spools ings mating Manges, ans, vent, sample points and insulation ee including profi fr each moter un = Vents and rains complete wth manually operated isolation valves. Motring skid complete wit al stucturs works, ts assole requ fnsrumont, stanchions, syparts and at Rack mounted duty and standby carer gus bottles for GCHI cw switching rmanifota ack mounted duty and stand calibration gas bots for GC#Y c/w switching manifold. Rack mounted duty and standby carrier sa bottles for GCA c/w stcing moniels. + Rock mounted duty and standby calbrtion gos Bottles for GIR. ctw switching manifold. UM Transducer “Offline” Retractor Too IAYT / Voidotion tots, os required ineluding Test equipments fr PT TT 16C. HC Dewpoint Analyzer! H20 Dewpoint Anelyzer !Densitometer and Sofivare package a-bock Gos Meter 110096 fly asombied buy-back mater rn using rane Now meesuremort tecnique wih veal uncertainty of! 0.8% ar bets “Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: BO1-00:-8-0010 ate + W7Sept2010 Page 7 of 74 Rev ~ Ono (1) Optisnic V6, 4” ANSY Cass 16004 RT, Duplex SS boy Tau \vansaveers Utvasone Gas flow mer using multpath wana time ype flow rmassurement techni (One (1) Optisanie V6, 4, ANS! Claes 100% RT Duplex SS body / Tan transducers Uasone Gas flow moter, as spare (Option) ‘One (1) Yokogawa (EH) HART compat Smart pressure tansmiter| instated dewnstoam of UFM wih a forged nepal double block ad be Valve at te process ine tapping Mange and pre-wire o skid JB + no (1) Yokogawa (EX) HART compliant Smart tomperatireoloment wth lal Pr 100 RTD 4-te inet and Duplex SS thermowellsinstated Adounstrear of EM and completely pre-wired to std JB. Two (2) ABEHIGR Pressure Gauges with glycerine filed. 160m dial and stainless steal case completely mounted witha aged integral double lock and bed valve at tho process ie taping Range installed a te tant utet of buy-back meter can ‘Duplex SS Thermowel with DNSO x 15008 RT Hanged connection proves ‘ah cover flanged ar plugged fr nsorton of mercury thermometer fr foe Inca, ‘DN100 x 15008 RTL Completely mounted, povided wth ocal postion Indications with 2x nt sites for mote open & ose ielications or pre- vied to hid JB ‘Sample take-off robe and sampling ln fo the buy-back sample gas. + Buyback meter un fv al pipework, ts associated spools, fings, mating Manges, dans, vents. sample points and insulation ee Vent and dein complete with manualy operated soation valves = Buynsck meter ew al souctural works, te assecaed requted instrument, stanchions, supports and ot. 2, FNS Panel (Tag Number: HT-FHS-2800) Flow Metering Panel (800mm W x BOC Dx 2100 H) completely assembled ‘nd pre-wired panel Inclusng; 2. On0(1) Alon Brady PLC wih 2 CPU madles, 2 Powor Supply meds, 2 Communication madues. One (t) HP OL 360 Supervisory HM One (1) spare HP DL 360 Supervisory HM 4. 2x Sunmie 8800 stream Flow Computers (FC) for min meter runs. 1 Summit 2800 Stream Flow Computers ($C) for buybck meter run. One (1) spare Summit 8800 Stream Flow Computer. “Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: BD1-00+-5-0010 Date 7-Sept-2010, Page $18 0f74 Rev 10 |% Online validation software, integrated withthe Hl software, 2x ABD TotalFlow GC Conrliers Mechanical non-ezettable Sta Vol totalser counters 2 Mechanical non-resetabl St Mas totaliser counters 2 Mechanical non-rsetable St Enery totale counters 2 Mechanical non-revetable BTU counters fr totalsr Std Vol mm. 3.xMochanial non esetable buyback Std Vol + mass + BTU totalser ‘counters 1 Volition Repo printer 0. 1x Sereen/ Alarm printer LT FMS Report Printer 4 Allsofeware packages and software licenses ofthe fiscal meterog systems 3.6 Scope of Work ‘The sal gas metering system VENDOR Selected for this projec shal provide project engineering and project management services, especie, fnclucng provision of require test facies, test equipment, experienced engineers and technicians ‘The VENDOR scope of work shal include but ot inited to the folowing ‘+ Mecering package design and documentation, “+ Project management and coordination with ub-Contractors, COMPANY and Fabrication yard Contractor ‘+ Configuration and engineering of all system and 1/0 hardware inetating HMI/YDU ‘operating systems necessary to meet the functional and desig requirements detailed inthis speciation and referenced documents, “+ Assembly ad testing ofthe FNS pane complete with power suples and Stand imperil Units = Temperature = Une density = standard density = Gross Heating Value ev pont temperature (water and HC for es) as compton (ot) “The supervsory computer shal ncude at lest two independent registers for storing the quantities fr each meter ran. I hal not be possible to delete or “change the registers by operator encroachment, power fire ee “Te supervisory computer shall automatically record and store for at least 90 days the metering data including the following {At intervals of si hous: cumulative quantities, ferential pressure and average ‘values of pressure, temperature and density. At intervals of 6 hours: cumulative ‘quantities. ‘The fue of the supervttory computer shal nt affect the inteyry and funetons ofthe flow computers. ‘uputs to Report Printer Report Pinter shal print the following: Metering reports from SUPC, Metering reports rom SFC, (Other reports as conigured in SUPC and SFC e.g. alarm reports, series, check ests, AVT results, download of screen dat, trend data, buy-back Tile: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: BD1-00+-5-0010 Date 2 7-Sept2010 Page (of 74 Rev 10 metering report. hy Beater Fnerons Print metering reports Provide alarm loging and alam report printing. Prin he IAVT reports Print parameter fle (constants, default values, etc.) from flow ‘computers, both fied and changesble data, screen cues. 4) Data islays Requirements Display permanently sal be provided forthe following, as minimums Stations as total Station Volume total Display, when selected, shall not be limited to the fllowing information, in cogineering units to five sgiicant figures = station mas lowrate ae total for al steams station volumetric flowrate and total for al streams = keyboard entered lar Kimi keyboard entered constants Individual meter run station play enstometer periodic time 5) Metering Reports Separate reports are required forte following + Export concsP Y + Export conese2 + Buyback Gos + Blowdown (Colculted) + Plzform Repressurization Vendor shall proposed types of metering reports eg. Neterng Invoice Reports, Metering System Status Reports and UVT Reports in the Functional Design Spectiaton fr review and approval. information Included Inthe reports shall ‘clade following The: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering Sytem Document No: BD1-00-15-0010 Date = 7Sept 2010 Page 70f 74 Rev 10 “Time and date + Total mas pase in 24h in metic tons (ln terms of components C1 to (+ and total) “otal standard volume passed in 24 hrs in m3 & Sf. + Average flow over 24 sin thousands of Sms & Sf3. + aximum flow over 24 hrs in thousands ofS & Sf. + Winimum flow over 24 sn thousands af Sn & Sf. -verage density in g/m. + Alarm summary reports. + Parameter of file contents + "Shap shot” operating values report. In adetion an alarm message stall be printed each ime any of the computers 80 oftine a5 4 result of ether a failure or manwallyintited actions such as Callraton/IAVE activities et -meterg reports shall be generate at preset ines oon demand vi the UPC as follows: Curent Report (instantaneous) Hoary Reports ‘Allocation Report = Daily Reports Honthy Report (OnDemand Report Invoice Reports and Satu Reports sal include following as & minim; Ccmuative & istantaneos Volume Camuttive & instantaneous Mass + Gamuative& instantaneous Energy Temperature + Pree Live denity Standard density {Gros Heating Value (Gas), ew paint temperature (mater and/or hydrocarbon for Gas) Tile: Specification fr Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: BD1-004-5-0010 Date = 17-Sept2010 Page of 74 Rev 10 + Gas composition (not 8) Interface with Pcs ‘Th PCS sal trface withthe SUPC via al redundant Modis TCP/IP serial tink as shown in ISS Architecture Diagram (Orang no BDI-004-D-1000) and Instrument ‘Sytem Interface Block Digrams (Drawing no BD1-004-0-100%), Vendor shall be responsible to provide all necessary hardware / software support to meet this requrement. CS shall interface withthe UPC to synctvonize time with te GPS based Network Time Server. ‘The PES shall interface withthe SUPC to retrieve data and depay instantaneous Alowrates and comusative tat onthe PCS Hl. Retrieved data sal include also alas and events. ‘The PCS sha erface withthe SUPC, to retrieve Metering Status Reports with contents a listed in above section for ranszson to Onshore Dinh Co Terminal via the platform VSAT link and leased land tne as depicted in Telecormmuniations Block Diagram (rawing no 8D1-00-C-0-100), 45 Stream Flow Computers (SFC) Execution Funetions ‘The stream flow computers shall execute te following tasks, as minum + nput signal processing = Neasure and tnearze process signals + Determine status of signals and create alarms. Compute instantaneous and totlised volume le, mass flow and energy Automatic fallback “last good valve” oof manual Keyed default value or ‘aeulated value (AGA 8 for density) upon loss of presse, density of temperature inputs Use tachup operating gas density calculated from computer determines AGA 8 (PTZ method). ‘Communicate with dedicated SUPC. + Check valicty of input signals rom eld transmitters. + Diagrostics checks including VOS measurement and check against calculated data, sit analyss. “Tile: sSpecifcation for Gas Fiscal Metering Sytem Document No: BD1-00-45-0010 » 4 ate 1 17Sept2010 Poge 249 0°74 Rev 10 Alans events and status. Defauit data, lst good values when used shall be marked or denied to dtfereniate I rom normal data ‘The flow computers shal hve no other fanetions other than tote fvaived nthe metering. ‘The SEC shall contain self checking/dlgnostc features and any fare fn the ‘computer shall be indicated both on the on S&C dplay, the SUPC HM and leansmitted as an alarm to the PCS via the SUPC, The SFC shall monitor ‘calculation procedures and programme loops which are executed at preset Intervals by means af a watchdog function, In addition, the SFC shall splay the UFM meter dlagnostc check esse, VOS td Gain levels rom each set of UF transducers and swt canton at each meter run for monitoring and performance anayss purposes. Input Functions Input sgnals fom each meter run (ota 2 ras) ‘One ultrasonic Nawmeter- R485 Modbus RTU serial ink (ne pressure transmiter- analog 420 mA analogue sera (One temperature element - Avice RT input (One density transmitter - frequency signal Hold) Signals (eg. GC data and operation modes) from SUPC via system data bus Input Creu Precision Requirements Precislon of ADC conversion of analog 420 mA sanals sal be 16 its or better, Precision of periodc time measurement shall be better than +/-5 nanoseconds for eros times of approx 200-300 microseconds ‘The A/D conversion shall not contribute systematic eros tothe measurement “otal inaccuracy inthe analog to digital conversion including resolution, det Uinearty, repeatabity end other random erors shal be less than 40.0258 of fl scale rending Were a single A/D conversion sued, a backup converter required For general system calculation, the algorithm which is to be wsed for the computation of al quantities required for contractual or regulator purposes shall be sch that errors these quantities de to rounding or truncation are ess than 30.0018 ofthe true valve, ‘Output Functions ‘The: Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System ‘Document No: BD1-00:45-0010, ° Signals tothe dedicated supervsory computer shal nude: = Volume tow rate and totals = Mass aw rate and totals Energy flow ate and totals ‘Operating ad standard density ‘Operating temperature Operating pressure Alarm, events and status SFC Keumnd Entered sanals ‘An operator interface, vin key-pad shal be provided to permit operator entry of ‘data required forthe low measurements icing te flowing: Constants Default values. Values, in kp, ofthe upstream pressure equivalent to 4 and 20 mA. Values, in degC, ofthe downstream temperature equivalent to resitance change (RTO element) + Equation constants for densitometer. Mean diameter of meter run at upstream tapping plane at caltation temperature Note: VENDOR to provide temperature at which D (am) was mmossured Low and High flow / pressure / temperate alarm ints. + Low and High measured density alarm Units 4 inits~ LL, LH & Facilities shall be provided to prevent access to computer by unauthorized personne. This facility shall enabled by authorized persons e.. for AVT purposes. Lav Software LUVT software shall be provided for verfication tests of the entire FMS. The software shall be based onthe CONPANY appcoved LAV procedure, It shall enable the ess to be carried ut ina semi-automatic manner by means of menu driven guidelines. t shall ‘nee the flowing tas Inspection 2. Series check ofthe UFNs and analyse of ess Function test of MOVs. Specification for Gas Fiscal Metering System Document No: BD1-0045-0010 Date 17Sept-2010 Page stot 74 Rev 10 4. Calibration check of flld instruments inciuding GC, PT, TT, OT and analysis of results, 5. input sgnals check 16 Constants check 7. Flow caledation checks. ‘The IAVT / calibration software with the fllowig features shalt be considered, 1. User editing of computer and eld equipment deta 2. Selecting, vewing and piting of fda calibration tet sheets 3. Select, slay and accep deicated fed injected test values either as one single point check or cress the span ofthe instrument under IAVT. Where required, computation based on the operate-entered (keypad) values and comparison withthe expected flowrate / integration /summation. ‘On completion ofthe procedure an output report shall be printed giving all details of "as found values and as let” and deviation percent for each instrument. In cases where adjustment and changes to instrument reports done, remark column shal be provide. ‘ere there is oo acjtment, the as fone shal be the same asthe 35 lef” (option). ‘Tha 2 lef column then shall havea remark saying Refer to as found ‘The report shal Include the current date and five () signature boxes for witness Names of witnesses shall be entered vis keyboard “The IAVT software shall allow part of the IAVT steps to be aborted inthe event that readings ae reaistered prior tothe condition being stabilize. Reporting of operations values ofthe meter run to be validated shall automatically be

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