Energy Calculation October 2020 1-1 (Unit-01)

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230 KV Switching Station, Sirajganj

Circuit Name: Sirajganj 225 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Unit-1 (NWPGCL)
Total Generation kWh by Fuel NG
Time Period
Meter Description 01/10/2020 01/10/2020 Difference (Wh) M.F. Correction Active Energy Reactive Energy
00:00 Hrs 24:00 Hrs Factor Calculated (kWh) Calculated
Import (Wh) 2236781.24 2238388.51 1607.27 3360655.45
Main Meter Export (Wh) 2283.41 2283.41 0.00 0.00
2090909.0909 1.0000
Sl.No:216566641 Import (VARh) 622497.00 623169.92 672.92 1407014.545
Export (VARh) 4052.78 4052.78 0.00 0.000
Net Calculated Energy: 3,360,655.45 kWh and 1,407,014.55 kVARh

Time Period
Meter Description 01/10/2020 01/10/2020 Difference (kWh) M.F. Correction Active Energy Reactive Energy
00:00 Hrs 24:00 Hrs Factor Calculated (kWh) Calculated
Import (KWh) 4375.468575 4377.079200 1.610625 3367670.45
Back-Up Meter Export (KWh) 236.789250 236.789250 0.000000 0.00
2090909.0909 1.0000
Sl.No: 11441782 Import (KVARh) 1204.704125 1205.377275 0.673150 1407495.45
Export (KVARh) 49.535475 49.535475 0.000000 0.00
Net Calculated Energy: 3,367,670.45 kWh and 1,407,495.45 kVARh

(A.F.M Mazed Kamal Khan) ( Md. Jahid Hasan) (Md. Moniruzzaman)

Sub-Divisional Engineer Executive Engineer (EMD, Addl. Charge) Executive Engineer
Sirajganj 230KV Switching Station Sirajganj 225MW CCPP (Unit-01) Energy Auditing Unit Division
GMD, PGCB, Bogura NWPGCL, Soydabad, Sirajganj BPDB, Bogura
Cell: 01714099361 Cell: 01755630028

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