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The most valuable thing in life is friendship. Do you agree? Discuss.

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350 words.

It is true that no ‘man is an island’ which means that no one in this world can live alone
without friendship. Friendship is necessary as most relationship in our life, such as best friend
and couple, are all begin with a simple friendship. Friendship is a feeling of love, sharing and
caring which makes you feel comfort and secure in this society. Without this valuable thing in
our lives, we will hardly survive in this challenging world. Although there are certain things which
money cannot buy such as friendship, family, love, and health, but which is the most valuable
thing in our life? In my opinion, friendship is the most valuable thing in life as friends are the
good listeners, give support to us whenever we are in need and share happiness and life
experiences with us.

First and foremost, friendship is the most valuable thing in life as friends are always
good listeners to us. It cannot be denied that people tend to share their difficulties in life with
friends than their own family because they will scared that parents might started to scold them
once they told the hardships they faced. With friends, you can pour out all your feelings whole-
heartedly to them as you know they can understand your situation better and they will never
spread the miserable or embarrassing stories you faced to the others. They are always ready to
lend you a ear and use their experience to give some advices for you to move forward. In fact,
they can see the pain that you have even without you mentioning about the problem and they
will always be there for you throughout the difficult times. Therefore, friendship is the most
valuable thing as they are the good listeners who understand all the hardships you faced.

Secondly, friendship is the most valuable thing in life as they always give support to you
whenever you are in need. Sometimes, we will be doubtful with our abilities and the decisions
made, but friends will never doubt us. They will always by our side and encourage us to move
forward in life. No matter how difficult a task is to be achieved, they will push us to overcome all
the obstacles and accomplish the task. Not only that, in the academic field, friends are also be
supportive. When it comes to sharing knowledge, they are generous to share the knowledge
that he or she has. They are always ever-ready to help you when you face difficulties in certain
subjects. For instance, a friend who is good in academic can easily guide you towards
understanding of the subject matter by giving explanation and showing you the correct way to
solve the problems. Hence, we should value friendship more than other things in life as friends
always give support to you whenever you are in need.
Thirdly, we should value friendship because friends share happiness and life
experiences with us. It is true that friends who share similar interest will stay together as the
saying goes the feather flock together. With friends, we can have fun together as you share the
same interest and can have more common topics to talk with do the things you like together. For
instance, we can go vacation with our friends and the joyful moments staying together are so
precious that money cannot buy. We can also share our experiences with them, even if it is an
embarrassing experience because true friends are always loyal to us and they do not judge us.
Hence, friendship does not only offer good companions and share the happiness with us, but
they are also the one who accept us for who we are without any reason, just because of love.

In conclusion, I strongly agree that friendship is the most valuable thing in our life as
friends are a good listener, always give support when we are in the difficulties and share the
happiness with us which cannot be replaced by any other thing. Friends are important so that
we will not feel lonely. Hence, we should not take friendship for granted as every person exists
in your life with a purpose, that is bringing love, sharing and caring to you to make the world a
better one.


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