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The hypothetical proposition is a compound proposition containing three parts, first component,
connective, second component. False

2. The ten sources of knowledge include reason, insight, extra sensory perception, experience, five
senses, authority, instinct, intuition, common sense, folk beliefs. True

3. Philosophy is the lover of wisdom coming from Greek words "Philos" and "Sophia" True

4. The five major branches of Philosophy are Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Aesthetics. True

5. The five general bases for classifying Philosophy are topic, position, method, region, period. True

6. The four kinds of knowledge for Immanuel Kant are a priori, a posteriori, synthetic, analytic. True

7. "The table is wood" shows relation of ideas while "1+1 = 2" shows matter of fact according to David
Hume. True

8. The categorical proposition is a compound proposition affirming or denying the relationship between
two classes, the first class acts as subject term, the second class acts as predicate term. False

9. The five minor branches of Philosophy are Axiology, Cosmoginy, Ontology, Teleology, Theodicy. True

10. Rationalism, Empiricism, Phenomenalism, Logical Positivism are the only epistemological theories
on the sources and nature of knowledge. True

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