Powerful Mind

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Powerful mind

For all the times you thought it was written and you can't do anything, I can tell you that after that
another truth is hidden and you hold the key to the opening of that "port". If you haven't found the
first one, I'm giving you a helping hand: "Be careful what you think!" It can be a grain of grain or a very
large power - it depends on your perception.

Have you ever analyzed that thinking happens most of the time automatically, where thoughts go
and come without controlling, without thinking about the consequences and without evaluating them?
This has the positive side as the brain saves neurological energy by turning on our automatic thoughts
and actions, but on the other hand, what we think turns into beliefs by becoming part of our
preferences and influencing our future thoughts: what we like or no. And it happens 95% of the time.
As we expect different results from ourselves, we continue to have the same thoughts and
consequently the same behaviors, choices, and results. Under these conditions it is very unlikely to

It is time to be aware of what is going on in our minds. What do we have in hand? If we are to live
freedom we must be "liberated" from beliefs that do not serve us and that we have never challenged
by observing our thoughts.

Your mind is very powerful. It possesses a potential that knows no bounds. Once you begin to
understand the power of the mind and learn the universal laws, you can reschedule your subconscious
by eliminating boundaries and getting the most out of life.

The mind has the capacity to cure illness, to recognize no weight restriction or to remember things.
But still it is used only 10% in the case of a normal mind and it turns out that 90% is not used.
Moreover, when we put obstacles in ourselves, this% always goes down. Every person has the same
brain capacity, but not everyone uses it. A group of people put together the full power of their minds
could illuminate an entire city for at least a week. It is the beliefs we have and the choices we make
that differentiate us between different individuals. You can train and strengthen this power.

The main purpose is to know and understand the power of the human mind and make the most of it.

Thoughts tend to grow, empower and control your life.

You have to admit that the weight you give to your thoughts, the way you think and the lifestyle you
pursue will reveal things that are interesting to your mind.

The power of the mind is part of the creativity power of the Universe. This means that they work and
work together. And when you realize this connection you want to perfect that power.


I am convinced you took a hero / heroine position and the courage to be the one you dream about. But
how to do that?

Achieving a healthy mind is a consistent and very voluntary work to be done by you. Are you ready to
"open" the world of your mind and tap into its true power? Follow the steps below:

• Find a place where you are not bothered and can be alone with your thoughts. Take a deep breath
and listen to what they say. The dawn roars no more than calm. consuming with yourself time in which
to discover the positive and negative sides of yourself, to work with it besides everything is the
attainment of the power of the mind.

• First apply Rule 21. Every day, for 21 days you regularly invest 10-15 minutes of your time to self-
reflect. At first it was thought that it took 21 active days one after another to remove a negative habit
and replace it with a positive habit. This number has already changed, but start with 21 days. Work
hard to combat yourself in your vices and distance your mind from the symbiosis that lowers its level.

• Identify the challenges you face in life and set your personal goals to triumph over these challenges.
Show yourself and the world that your mind has the ability to correct you and visualize a more open
and clear horizon for you.

• Classify your thoughts. Make sure you understand if the origin of the thoughts is your own or
someone else's. Most of the time our thoughts are not ours !!! Weigh them to see if they really are
what you want to achieve in your life.

• I highly suggest keeping a gratitude journal. List the good things life gives you and be coherent with
everything that happens around your being. The more thankful you are to the Universe or anyone - the
more your mind will be rewarded. Because the mind is a grateful living organ and receives very positive
thank-you signals that you send.

• Don't miss the ideas that come to your mind. Write somewhere to save every “product” your
thinking factory brings forth and then start forming unique strong ideas that will never let you down.

• Lastly, take maximum care and protection of your psychological sphere. It's all that holds you
upright on the ground and at the same time allows you to dream high. And you cannot condition this
normal functioning of anything with anyone. Your thoughts are the vision of what you want to become.

This is why protecting your mind: knowledge and the subconscious is so important. It is the
mechanism by which your old thinking processes can be changed, so you will have new beliefs and
expectations. Knowing this power and using it usefully is what will help you take the first step toward
accomplishing your goal of getting what you want. You can make significant progress after you realize
the power of your mind, and use it for the purpose it was created to give you everything and everything
you want in life.

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