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Rosiellie G.

BSEd- Filipino

Topic: Feedbacks
1. In Grade 4 English Class, students are tasked to write an essay, one pupil did not provide
an indention in the first line of the composition. What will be the feedback you will
My Feedback as a Teacher: “Hello (name of the pupil), Honestly, you are good in
writing and I appreciate the organization of the contents that you wrote in your composition.
On the other hand, I noticed that you did not provide a proper indention but it is okay, we can
redirect that because as your teacher, I am here guide you in order for you to improve your
skills in writing. Next time, (I will smile to him/her), whenever you are writing a formal
composition, you must always provide your indentions in every paragraph. Additionally,
since this is your first attempt I will consider you but I am expecting that for our next
composition, I will observe the proper indention in your output. Always do your best!

2. In Grade 7 Class, presentation must be conducted on the topic: Characteristics of Metals,

one of the students was asked to give 3 characteristics instead of answering the question,
he was just standing for nothing in 3 minutes.
My Feedback as a Teacher: I believe you know the answers but you just
experienced mentally block. And It is a good idea if you call a friend that will surely help
you to recall the characteristics of metals. After that, you will repeat the answers of your
friend. I know you can do it! ”

3. The student in Grade 5 Filipino Class were asked to write a letter to their classmates’
behavior. In this activity, one of the students complained for a reason that one of her
particular classmate wrote a letter that include bad words that hurts her feelings. “
My Feedback as a Teacher: “It really saddens me what you feel right now but I am
always here as your teacher to be a way to settle things and turn this dark situation into
peaceful one. I am always here to be your guide. I think this is a perfect time to make an
apology to those who hurt someone. I know that this activity is intended for your freedom of
expressing your own opinion, but degrading and saying hurtful words is not an opinion, it is
considered discrimination and an insult. Hopefully, this will become a lesson to all of us. We
must think countless times before giving hurtful feedbacks to others. We must learn how to
choose appropriate words, we must accept our mistakes, and learn to love our co-classmates.

4. Each student in Grade 7 Music class are asked to play a song number with piano. Sadly,
one of the student did not reach the high note required in the song.

My Feedback as a Teacher: “ All of you, you deserve a big round of applause for
giving you very best showcasing your talents. You really do a great job, there is always a
room for improvements and I believe that you will become a better version of yourselves
someday. Claim it!”

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